Management Perspectives In Context Of Apple: A Case Study Analysis
The report brings about the discussion on the aspects of management and the perspective towards the dynamic environment in the contemporary organisations. The assignment on the management perspectives involves the case study analysis of the company, ‘Apple’ and the implications of the management concepts into the company. It has been a known fact that the success of an organisation is dependent on number of factors such as availability of resources, managerial capability to utilise resources, effective and efficient work force, and the strong organisational policies. Thus, the report in the later part brings an assessment of managers role, and the critical implementation of the ethical practices, which determines the success of company. In addition, it will conclude with the discussion of the influence of political and social environmental factors on the working and performance of the company.
Apple Inc. is a UK based, multinational company located in California specializes in designing, developing, and trading of consumer electronics, computer software, and the online services. The online services that company provides include, iTunes Stores, the iOS app store, Mac App store, and Apple Music, and iCloud. Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak, and Ronald Wayne founded the company in the year 1976, in the month of April. In addition, to the online services the merchandising business of the company includes hardware products such as iPhone smartphone, iPad tablet computer, the Mac personal computer, iPod portable media player, the Apple Watch smartphone, and the Apple’s software. It has been a known fact that the company has shifted focus from desktop computing to mobile devices, iPad, and iPhone becoming a part of the mainstream. The success factors of the company mainly include competitive edge over other telecommunication companies, and the policy of the product compatibility. The advent of technology and the innovation has been vital to the success of the company over years (Rowland, 2018).
Research methodology is defined as the specific procedure or technique of collecting data or information with respect to a particular topic from different sources. Research can be of different types, such as descriptive vs. analytical, applied vs. fundamental, qualitative vs. quantitative, conceptual vs. empirical and others. The objective behind conducting the research on the company Apple is to identify the brand-equity, and gaining an understanding of the customer loyalty of their brand or products. In addition, the research facilitates in acquiring information about the perceived quality of the products, effectiveness of the services, awareness, and association of the company. Thus, Qualitative and conceptual research methodologies has been used to understand the practices adopted by the company leading to higher success (Heding, Knudtzen & Bjerre, 2015).
Research Methodology
The research strategies, which can be utilised appropriately in context to the company Apple, included ‘Qualitative method, as they consist of obtaining data or information from high quality surveys. It also consists of taking information from the published and qualified sources. As the data collected in the qualitative research method is obtained from developing a conceptual framework. Thus, various methods are used for collecting and assessing the information of Apple, such as observations, textual books, visual analysis and others. Qualitative research is used to know about the trends, opinion, and analyse the prevailing problems and success of the company, Apple. Therefore, it is clear that the rationale behind using the qualitative research was to obtain in-depth information, about the company (Sekaran & Bougie, 2016).
Organisational theory includes the methods or approaches to analyse the information in context to any organisation. It also means to discuss the rational perspectives of any organisation, and the policies and practices adopted by the organisation. Organisational theory states that the company has a strong and effective organisational structure, and follows ethical and cultural values. Apple Inc. has a hierarchical organisational structure with notable characteristics of divisional and weak function organisational matrix. The company believed in reducing bureaucratic practices, red tapism, and follows a flat chain of command. The corporate structure of the organisation is the combination of a number of factors such as workforce groups, resources, and interconnection among these groups and resources in the business. Thus, the company achieves goals through creativity, innovation and the practices of employee appreciation, which are critical to the success of the technology and online services of Apple (Alvesson & Sveningsson, 2015).
As organisational theory of Apple stated about the organisational structure and culture in the company, describing that the hierarchical structure requires following orders and chain of command in the organisation. The alternative theory used for the comparison in context to the company, Apple is the organisational behaviour theory. The organisational behaviour theory states that the company follows a democratic style of leadership which ensures employees have a participation in the decision-making of the organisation. In addition, the theory describes about the delegation of authority as it is large organisation with the complex task and the activities to be performed. Thus, the above discussion states the comparison of Apple’s organisational theory with the theory of organisational behaviour
Ethics refer to an individual’s moral judgements or the principles, values and beliefs, defining about acceptable or unacceptable, and what is right & what is wrong. Ethical behaviour and the role of corporate social responsibility influence the organisational culture and can bring significant benefits to the business organisations. Business ethics includes the code of conduct, professional codes, and contractual obligations and the law and industry standards & policies. Therefore, every organisation must engage themselves in ethical practices that determine the ways being consistent with what the society or individuals consider good, stating what is acceptable or unacceptable in the society (David, David & David, 2016).
Organisational Theory
Apple seeks forward to cut on their labour and operational costs like other multinationals; outsources their production of the computer and their phone products to China. Thus, it is clear that Apple would like their suppliers to engage in ethical business activities, which further defines about the supplier code of conduct introduced by the company. The supplier code of conduct established by Apple, describes that the suppliers not only includes the Asian countries but several other suppliers around the globe (Cox, 2015). Apple detailed some ethical standards for their suppliers, or contractors for or with the use of Apple products, which defines their compliance with the code.
- Labour and human Rights- The Company believes and ensures that all the workers, in their supply chain receive fair treatment, in the ethical workplace. The company states in the code that the respect and dignity of the workers must be given due importance.
- Anti-discrimination – Suppliers in the organisation must not practice discriminatory practices against any worker based on the grounds of colour, age, gender, religion, disability, political affiliation, national origin, marital status, and others, for hiring and employment in the organisation. Suppliers must not ask for the pregnancy or medical tests of the employees, except for the cases where it is mandatory by any law or it is prudent for the organisational safety and performance (Jensen, 2017).
- Prevention of voluntary labour and human trafficking- Suppliers must not engage in any activity of labour trafficking, or use of slave forced, bonded, indentured, or prison labour through any means. It means it states that the transportation, transfer, recruit, or the receipt of the persons through the means of threat, force, coercion, or any fraudulent activity. Therefore, Apple ensures that their workers treated equally, as they are free to leave or terminate their employment contract with a reasonable notice.
- Under-age labour- Apple ensures that no child is engaged or the people with the minimum age of 15 years or above are able to involve in the contract of employment. As it is the minimum legal age requirements, for the work, because children or people in age lesser than 15 must receive necessary educational facilities. Suppliers provide legitimate workplace apprenticeship programs, which provide educational benefits to them (Morschett, Schramm-Klein & Zentes, 2015).
- Juvenile Worker protections- The company is ethical in ensuring that the suppliers must not provide employment to juveniles, older than the minimum legal age requirements for employment; but lesser than 18 years. It provides that they do not perform the work, which put at risk their health, safety, and the morals in consideration with the ILO minimum Age convention no. 138.
- Working hours and wages & benefits – The employees must be restricted a work-week to 60hours inclusive of overtime, and one day must be off every seven days, exception is the situation of any emergencies, or unusual situations. The suppliers must comply with the laws and regulations for working hours, delays, week-off, and the days of rest. Workers must be provided minimum legal pay, for their contribution and work towards organisation required by the law or contract. Thus, the pay structure and pay periods must be communicated well by the suppliers to the workers in the organisation (Crane & Matten, 2016).
- Protection of Intellectual property- Intellectual property rights and protecting or safeguarding the consumer’s private information is one of the important ethical practices adopted by the Apple (Pulakos, Hanson, Arad & Moye, 2015).
- Third-party agencies employment- Suppliers in the company must consider that the third-party agencies for the recruitment follow the code of conduct and law, or ethics.
In addition, Apple has committed in contributing towards preventing the disastrous environmental concerns that ranges, from removal of toxic material in their products to the recycling, and the greenhouse gas emission (McLaughlin & Bridgman, 2018).
Apple, has been successful over the time, and fulfils their responsibilities towards their stakeholders. As the company has been consistent with the ethical rules, and practices, and the social and cultural responsibilities, thus the company has gained validity in the business environment. Management function refers to the functions or roles performed by the managers to plan, organise, staff or recruit, direct and control the activities or people in the organisation. Thus, the major management functions in context to the company include planning, staffing, directing, and controlling (Chen, 2018).
Managers at Apple, perform numerous responsibilities to fulfil their duties, and attain organisational goals and objectives. Initiating and introducing change in the organisation, and integrating and coordinating efforts of the employees amongst each other. Planning in Apple states that the company ensures to invest their finance or money into developing unique and advanced products, compatible with the high-end users in the modern era of technology. The management team ensures effective planning directed towards attaining maximum profits along with customer satisfaction, and superior brand image. The HR plays an effective role in the environment, through effective changes and nurturing the creativity and innovation into business practices (Doz, 2016).
The function of organising and allocating resources effectively is found in the organisation, to meet the objectives. Apple has efficiently managed human resources and technology to tap a strong position in the market. Effective and judicious utilisation of technologies, knowledge, human contribution, and the other resources, required at their place.
To consider recruitment and selection in the company, it has been analysed that the company’s HR manager focuses on hiring the right person for the right job at the right time. Apple has been successful in terms of hiring and recruiting people, as they believe in hiring and retaining diversified workforce in their organisation. The company assures paying them an excellent amount as per their skills, abilities, and capabilities. The compensation and benefits offered to the employees of Apple are very competitive, which in turn leads to increased productivity and higher efficiency of the employees (Deresky, 2017).
Comparison with Organisational Behaviour Theory
The function of directing and controlling in Apple, has discussed the effective role of the managers in monitoring the performance of the operations performed by other supervisors, in respect to the products and services towards their customers. Directing goes along with controlling function of management, as it is the duty of managers to direct and lead the employees for achieving a common goal (Laudon & Laudon, 2015).
Management functions at Apple have gained legitimacy, as they fulfil roles and responsibilities towards various stakeholders in the community. The company has acquired control over the technological environment amongst other companies in the industry. However, there were some issues identified in the company which included in their products, affecting their usage and excellent performance. The major challenges or issues identified in terms of technology and the competitor companies in the market (Freire, Cavalheiro, Ely & Jungles, 2016).
The company, Apple operates in the society or social environment, which includes the influence of political and social environment. Apple is heavily dependent on the lower-cost manufacturing in China, makes the company vulnerable to the political unrest in the country. The company is targeted as it may become face the issue of growing nationalism and anti-Americanism in China. The social factors such as the demand and preference of the customers in few parts of the world, i.e. Japan and Europe have observed as unfavourable towards the products of Apple, due to the reason they are expensive. Ethical concerns of the brand in the market of China, may limit their products preference to the customers (Epstein, 2018).
As the company has achieved higher profits and success past few years, but there has been some loopholes, or challenges which needs to be encountered and assessed to improve the performance. The company must aim to improve their services to their customers, and aim to fulfil and resolve the technical issues and problems of their workers in the organisation. In addition, the management team must focus on introducing and improvising policies, which ensures attracting their products sales and maximum customer satisfaction and profits.
To conclude the above discussion it has been analysed that the company has achieved greater acceptance in the market amongst other competitors, and attained huge success. Apple provides variety of sources in the market for their customers to use for solving problems with any products and services of the company. Apple has recognised well the importance of management and effective decision-making to attain goals. Hence, the report above mentioned and discussed all the relevant aspects, and the practices adopted defining the effective role of managers, and effective planning and recruitment policies of the employees, led to the success, and long-term sustainability of Apple Inc. in the future years.
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