Project On Binary Regression, Logistic Regression, And Matrix Multiplication Using Python
Matrix multiplication and Scatter plot
In this project to compute the binary regression, logistic regression and generate the data using python code. We are using the mnist pickle file to run the program. We are developing the matrix multiplication, multi- class classification, binary regression and logistic regression using python. It has the separated file and using python code to develop the task. The first task is to develop the matrix multiplication and display the scatter plot. The second task to develop the binary logistic regression for generates the data and it displays the scatter plot. The third task to develop the multi classification and using the mniist file to generate the recall curve. The fourth task is logistic regression and it calculates the entropy by using the formula. The fifth task is softmax and we are calculate the cross entropy related to task 4.The sixth task is batch gradient descent and it develop the muliti class classification. The seventh task is stochastic gradient descent and it displays the output to relate to the batch size.
- In the first task to create the matrix multiplication and it calculate the values. We are create the A×A matrix. The matrix begins at 0 not 1.The first element has the 7 row and 0 column. And the second element has the 0 row and 4 columns. We are using the numpy array for create the element wise multiplication. Consider the two dimensional numpy array A and B. It perform the matrix multiplication using the python code. In additionally we using the vector. The array and the vector can be executed in parallel. If A is matrix in row and v is vector for column (Allison and Allison, 2012). If A is matrix in column and v is vector in row. We adding the matrix and vector like A+V to every element. It also avoiding the iterating function.
- Finally it displays the output in scatter plot. The task includes the additional task. For binary classification problem, first generate the data and plot the two dimensional data. The array include the function and the function should return the array x and t.And the function generate the two cluster like sigma0 and sigma1.
- And the data display the scatter plot using red dots and blue dots. The red and blue dots denoted as the cluster. Red dots for points in cluster 0 and blue dots for points in cluster 1.
To generate the classifier of two cluster data. It also generates the precision recall curve. In the task first generate the data and calculate the covariance matrix for same cluster. We are using the t value to generate the data and it displays the graph for the points. The predict value has negative value, positive value, true positive value, true negative value, false negative and false positive value (Feng et al., 2016). Float point constant is 0.4f and 0.5f.The 0.4 size of a double is 4 bytes and o.5f size of a double size is 5 bytes. The 0.5 float has an exact binary representation 0.1 and 0.4 does not have an exact binary representation 0.5 is true and 0.4 is false. So we take the minimum precision value 0.5.
We are using the logistic regression and K nearest neighbour. We are import the mnist image and classify the image. The file has the xtrain, ytrain, xtest and ytest data.KNN means it identifying the data using number of clusters. In the data have the 60000 rows and 784 columns. The images ate convert to the 28×28 array and the values between the o and 255.In the mnist file has the multiple image (Gusev and Ristov, 2013). The multiple image display the single imager using python code and it arrange 6×6 grid format. It also prints the test accuracy using the training dataset. We take the k value up to 20. We find the test accuracy using the k values.
Binary logistic regression for data generation
In this task we are using the training data. We take the real vector xn and binary vector tn.We calculate the cross entropy using the vectors. We give some value to check it true or false. We give the prediction value and epsilon value to calculate the answer is correct or not. The cross entropy means the machine learning and optimization defied by the loss function. The value defined by the predict value (Huang, 2012). The predict values are negative value, positive value, true negative value, true positive value, false negative value and false positive value.
- a) The second last equation
- b) Let assume the X,T AND Y value.
T (Y – T)
Assume Xt = ,Y = and T =
Apply the value
- c) We take i=0
In this task to implement the multi class logistic regression. First implement the softmax function. To implement the softmax function using the multi class regression and it is a generalization of logistic regression (Kleinbaum and Klein, 2011).Consider the z and v.Z is a k diamensional vector and y is equal to the softmax of z.We using the k dimensional formula for implement the softmax function. Consider the two softmax function. Softmax of z and softmax1 of z.The softmax function return the value 0.5, 0.5.
The first cause to return the value and second cause warning. It return the nan, 0.The third cause should return –inf,0 function . We compute the first element value and it return the 0.5 value The second task we do the transform vector z and z’.
b (i) Consider the z=exi and z’=exi-m
Hence prove the softmax (z’)=softmax(z)
b (ii) Consider the log function
Li= -log(yk)
We compute the derivation
= (Pk *(1 – Pk))
= (Pk – 1)
We compute the softmax function using the python code. We take the two vectors logy and logy. It should return the y and logy function. The y considers to the softmax of z and logy is consider to the log of softmax of x.
In the task related to task 4 and task 5.The binary logistic regression and muliti class classification using the batch gradient desent.The batch gradient descent means find the balance between the stochastic gradient descent and efficacy of the gradient descent. We are using the training dataset to implement the batch gradient descent. The compute the gradients and update the weight. We test the mnist data and it displays the scatter plot. We also define the cross entropy per data point (ZHENG and LUO, 2013). Consider the N and N means the number of data point in the sum. We are implementing the weights and find the Gaussian distribution function. We take the mean value 0 and standard deviation value 0.01.The weight values are repeated up to 5000 values. It compute the training loss, test loss mean training accuracy and test loss and accuracy.Traning loss means It build a model and find out the loss for the function. Additionally we plot the graph for 200 training loss. It uses to find out the training accuracy and training loss. It also calculates the test loss and test accuracy.
Multi-class classification and Recall curve
We take the 200 training data to implement the loos function.
We take the 2000 training data for loss function.
In this task we use the batch size. It performs the 500 training data. It computes the training accuracy and test accuracy. Stochastic gradient descent is an iterative method and it also called as the incremental gradient descent. We take the training dataset and it using to calculate the iteration function in the dataset. It is one of the machine learning problem and it solve the mathematically. But we are using python code for this function. In the python code calculates the number of iteration in the function and it solves the problem. Consider the mini batch of the training dataset and it computes the gradient on a small. It updates the weight and then move from one mini batch to another mini batch. The mini batch size is 100 and it takes 100 points for first execution. Every execution has 100 points. The mini batch has 500 batch size. It is step by step procedurte.First it compute the gradient and it update the weight. And then compute the training accurancy, traning loss and test accurancy, test loss. We plot the graph for every dataset in single graph. If the test accuracy increase then the process are decrese.We are already plot the training loss and test loss. The blue dots denote as the test loss and red dots denotes as the training loss. Finally print the all values for all graphs. The training accuracy is greater than the test accuracy and training loss is less than the test loss. The graph is depending upon the batch size. The batch size is increase the graph is also take different value.
In this project to solve the matrix mulitiplication, binary regressions and logistic regression using python. We using the training data and find the training loss, training accuracy and test loss, test accuracy. In the problem are satisfied by the python code. In the first task calculate the matrix multiplication by using python code and also implement the sigma values. In the second task is generating the regression problem. Generate the training dataset calculate the covariance matrix. The values are depending the t values. In the third task is combine the all the image and it display the single image. We are using the mnist dataset for the task. In the fourth task is calculate the cross entropy in mathematically. In the fifth task is softmax.It depending the multi class logistic regression. We using the two softmax value and generate by the python code. In the sixth task is batch gradient descent. It is based on the multi class logistic regression and gradient descent. We are using the minst dataset for the task. It also implement by the python code. We find the training accuracy dataset is greater than the test accuracy and training loss is less than the test loss. We plot the graph depend the mnist dataset. In the last task is stochastic gradient descent. It depending the batch size and plot the graph depending the batch size. It also computes the training accuracy, test accuracy and training loss, test loss.
Allison, P. and Allison, P. (2012). Logistic regression using SAS. Cary, NC: SAS Institute.
Feng, W., Sarkar, A., Lim, C. and Maiti, T. (2016). Variable selection for binary spatial regression: Penalized quasi-likelihood approach. Biometrics, 72(4), pp.1164-1172.
Gusev, M. and Ristov, S. (2013). A superlinear speedup region for matrix multiplication. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, 26(11), pp.1847-1868.
Huang, T. (2012). Neural information processing. Heidelberg: Springer.
Kleinbaum, D. and Klein, M. (2011). Logistic regression. New York: Springer.
ZHENG, X. and LUO, Y. (2013). Improved clonal selection algorithm for multi-class data classification. Journal of Computer Applications, 32(11), pp.3201-3205.