Annotated Bibliography: HR Practices In Retail Sector

Article 1: Retaining talent by enhancing organizational prestige: An HRM strategy for employees working in the retail sector

In the respective annotated bibliography, t role of the different kinds of human resource practices will be described in the different retail organizations or in the overall retail sector effectively. Furthermore, the job design along with the procedures for recruitment and selection will be discussed in order to understand the importance of the HR planning in the entire retail sector which will be providing a specific and proper insight on the different HR related activities in an effective manner. Lastly, the main ideas of the article will be discussed along with proper identification of the purpose along with hypothesis have to be analysed efficiently which will be inclusive of research methodology.

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Article 1 Rathi, N., & Lee, K. (2015). Retaining talent by enhancing organizational prestige: An HRM strategy for employees working in the retail sector. Personnel Review, 44(4), 454-469.

Perceived external prestige, Affective commitment, Quantitative, Retention, Turnover intentions, Global workplace

The article helps in analysing along with identifying the impact of the different kind of HR practices among the different retail sector employees. Moreover, the entire study helps in aiming towards the mediating the entire effect of the effective commitment on the relationship between the turnover intentions along with external prestige which has been caused due to proper and appropriate job planning. Besides, the purpose along with the research question which have been analysed in the respective article is relating to the different adoption of the non-conventional HR strategies which has helped the retail organizations or the entire retail sector in enhancing the commitment of the employees in an efficient manner. Additionally, the respective article is relating to the methodology which is quantitative in nature and the data for the present kind of study has been collected from more than 186 employees who are working in the different retail sectors effectively. Additionally, the established scales of measures have been taken into consideration which has helped in analysing the relationship between the HR planning along with analysis of the organizational behaviour.

This entire study has been conducted for the retail sectors along with the different kinds of HR activities which are essential and plays a major role in the organizations. Besides, with the help of the retail sector, the different HR planning has been analysed in an effective manner and this has explained that there is a proper and appropriate kind of relationship between the turnover intentions along with retention of the employees in the organizations. Also, the HR planning along with the design of the job is essential in nature as this helps in improving the job structure of the retail sector effectively. The affective commitment has been observed as this helped in mediating the role of the HR planning in retail sector. Lastly, the findings are helpful in nature which has helped me in analysing the specific sector efficiently as this will help me in managing the job design and HR planning can be done effectively. Lastly, the scales of measures methodology have been taken into account which will help in gaining competitive advantage in an effective manner which will be helpful in nature.

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Article 2: HRM Practices of an International Retailer in Malaysia: Comparing the Perceptions of Subordinates and Supervisors at Six Retail Outlets

Article 2 Tay, A. (2017). HRM Practices of an International Retailer in Malaysia: Comparing the Perceptions of Subordinates and Supervisors at Six Retail Outlets. Asian Journal of Business and Accounting, 4(2).

Employee self?reports, HRM practices, Retailing, Supervisor evaluation  

The article helps in the entire analysis of the different kinds of empirical studies on the retail businesses in which the main focus has been provided on the consumer behaviour along with the marketing. Moreover, this was seen and analysed that there are different kinds of HRM practices which will help in improving the overall effectiveness of the firms in the retail sector in Malaysia. Additionally, the entire research has been conducted in the retail sector in Malaysia in which there are huge evaluation which have been conducted in which the employee surveys along with employee self-reports have been taken into account and this helps in analysing whether the implementation of the HRM practices are relevant and valid in nature or not. Besides, the survey has been conducted in which this was noticed that 292 subordinates and 106 of the supervisors of those subordinates have perceived high rate of involvement in the different HRM practices and this helps in gaining huge competitive advantage in the entire competitive market as well. Lastly, the findings have been found in which this has been resulted that there are differences in opinions of supervisors and subordinates and this affects the entire decision-making approach of the organization as well.

Furthermore, the article helps and plays a vital role in understanding the actual role of the different HR activities in various kinds of organizations. Additionally, the article discusses that there are different kinds of gap in the involvement of the different HRM related practices and this affects the overall efficiency of the firms in the entire retail market. There were no such training programs which were organized for the employees in the different retail organizations who are less motivated and this has led to huge negativity in achieving the different issues of the firms and the retail sector as well. Besides, the article has helped me in learning the different practices related to Human Resource Management which are required to be analysed in order to proper structure and plan for the job which are required to be performed by the employees. This article has helped me in learning various HR activities which will assist me in future relating to the various kinds of tasks which will be undertaken by me.

Article 3: The prevalence and focus of formalised Human Resource Management Practices in a sample of SMEs in the Marketing and Retail sector of South Africa

Article 3 Schenk, H. W. E. (2017). The prevalence and focus of formalised Human Resource Management Practices in a sample of SMEs in the Marketing and Retail sector of South Africa. The Retail and Marketing Review, 13(2), 40-54.

Human Resources Management, Marketing and Retail sector, SMEs and South Africa

The respective article helps in the entire analysis of the different kinds of HRM practices which are being used in the different kinds of retail sectors or companies in South Africa. Additionally, the HRM practices are being ascertained for the purpose of the different retail SMEs in South Africa along with analysis of the marketing and other related activities are being identified in an effective manner. In the South African retail sector, this has been seen that the human resource management is the internal contextual factor in the SMEs performance along with the growth in the various retail industry sectors. The methodology which have been used in the respective article is relating to the different kinds of practices for enhancing the performance of the different employees in the organization. These kind of HR practices will help in enhancing the performance of the organization in which the quantitative dimension is being followed which helps in managing the qualitative HR practices in the different retail sectors in the entire South Africa. HR tool selection will be used in order to analyse the different kinds of functional areas in the organization which are essential in nature in analysing the critical HR practices and the adoption of the HR practices help the retail companies in recruiting and selecting the candidates effectively without much issues and the job planning is helpful and essential in nature as well.

Moreover, the critical analysis of the respective article is relating to the importance of the HR in different kinds of organizations along with analysis of the different HR practices which are required to be adopted in making the activities more effective in nature. From the respective article, this has been defined that the HRM is the coherent set of practices which are required to be adopted by the different organizations as this helps in improving the overall internal activities of the organizations effectively. The different kinds of HR practices help in implementing the new employees’ orientation programs which help in managing the different tasks effectively along with it I have learnt the different types of practices which are essential to be adopted as the job planning helps and assists in managing the different policies of the HR which are required to be adopted in the organizations effectively. Lastly, I have learnt from the entire article that the different kinds of Hr practices help in showing commitment towards their success and this is essential in gaining competitive advantage.

Article 4:

Article 4 Khatri, P., & Gupta, P. (2015). Correlates of HRM practices and organisational commitment of retail employees in Delhi-NCR. Asia-Pacific Journal of Management Research and Innovation, 11(2), 95-107.

HRM, HRM practices, retail sector, commitment, employee perceptions

From the respective article, this can be analysed and identified that there are different kinds of challenges which are being faced by the Indian retail organizations as there is huge gap in the demand and supply of the excellent professionals in the companies. This has been analysed and identified that in the respective article deals with the relevant HR practices such as hiring and selection of the candidates along with analysing the development plans have to be analysed and adopted by retail organizations as in the retail organizations, the HR practices play a major role in the organizations to improve the overall efficiency of the organization in an efficient manner. This can be analysed that the different kinds of HR practices help in managing the different functions and maintain cordial relationship with the different employees in the organization effectively as well. The research methodology which have been used in the respective article is relating to the HRM practices in Indian retail markets in which survey was conducted and the data was collected from more than 100 respondents who are working in retail organizations. The self-structured questionnaire was prepared by the company including the demographics which helps in analysing and identifying the grievances faced by the individuals effectively. Additionally, the findings have been found in which this was analysed that empirical research was helpful in nature for the analysing the different perceptions of the employees working in retail organizations. The main focus in the analysis were the junior level employees and entry level employees and this will be helpful in identifying the different kinds of risks which are associated in working as junior staffs.  

The findings along with the methodology has helped me in identifying the importance of the recruitment and selection procedures in the different organizations. Furthermore, this has been seen that in the retail sectors the different kinds of HRM practices is essential in nature which will help me in understanding the importance of the same. This respective article is relating to the grievance handling procedures along with the commitment level of the employees in the retail sector have been analysed in an appropriate manner. From the respective article, this has helped me in understanding the importance of commitment in the tasks which are being performed by the employees in the organizations as this will help in managing tasks in an efficient manner.

Article 5:

Article 5 Evans, S. (2015). Juggling on the line: Front line managers and their management of human resources in the retail industry. Employee Relations, 37(4), 459-474.

Employee relations, Line managers, Human resource management, Retail, Front line managers

The respective article helps in the analysis of the examination of the interplay between the role of the different front line managers who play an essential role in the different retail organizations. Furthermore, the main purpose of the article is relating to the different kinds of examination of the different HR practices along with the employee relations which is essential in nature in the organizations. In the retail organizations, this can be analysed that the front-line managers and the line managers play a vital role in managing the different tasks in the organization in an efficient manner. Managing the human resource activities in the organization is essential in nature as this will improve the relationship between the different employees and this will help in gaining competitive advantage in the economy. The methodology which have been used in the respective article is relating to the analysis of the employee relation and the different HR practices by conducting semi structured interviews with the different kinds of managers in the retail sector across two UK companies and this helped in managing the different kinds of tasks in an efficient manner. The findings which have been generated form the respective article is relating to the importance of the people management in the organizations along with gap between the actual and intended employees in the organizations along with analysis of the employee relations along with HRM. The research in the article helps in analysing the modifications which are required to be done in order to improve the efficiency level of the organization effectively.

From the respective article, this can be analysed that the employee relationships play a major role in the different kinds of organizations which help in managing the different grievances of the employees. Besides, this can be seen that people management in the different kinds of organizations play a major role in the organizations or the retail sector which helps in analysing the different kinds of tasks in an efficient manner. From the respective article, this can be analysed that there are different kinds of human resource management practices which is required to be adopted by the companies in managing the different kinds of activities effectively. I learnt that the different HR practices help in analysing the different kinds of activities which is essential as this will improve the overall efficiency of the organizations.

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