MBA402 Governance, Ethics, And Sustainability – Case Study

Risk Assessment and Workforce Management is a company in Australia with offices in Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane, and Adelaide which offers share investment courses and continuous mentoring services to the ordinary citizens in the country. The company believes in the philosophy that anybody can automatically become a successful share investor if they have the right mindset, support, and education.

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The mode of operations of the company requires an urgent risk assessment by the management. This is because the company is expanding its operations without hiring the new employees (Albert et al., 2016). The company is also increasing its services without the induction of the existing employees which shall have adverse effects to the normal operations of the company if a thorough risk analysis is not done by the management (Samosamo, Marais and Joubert, 2014)

The staff of has been recommended by the management to be responsible for the strong financial performance of the enterprise little does the administration know that this might decline with time due to the insufficient workforce (Kowalkowski et al., 2015). The increased growth of the company in the provision of services does not have any impact on the regional managers who are supposed to determine the possible risks that may be associated with organizational growth and development.

Employees should be very comfortable in the workplace for the proper achievement of set goals and objectives. They should not be put under pressure to perform because this might lead to stress which may hinder with their effective performance (Jacobs, Johnson and Hassell, 2018).

The company has set an aggressive sales target for the consultants to earn a given amount of commission without involving them in the decision leading to the final sales target (Lovan, Murray, and Shaffer, 2017). This results in overstraining of the consults but thanks to the management for setting a basic annual salary for the consultants. Payment on commission posed a financial pressure to the consultants. The company rewards the highest performing consultants to motivate them to continue with the same trend (Ristic, Selakovic and Qureshi, 2017). This results in competition to the point of ruthlessness among the consultants in the process of signing of the customers for the courses. This might have a negative impact on the organizational performance in the long run.    Lack of corporate strategy for the regional managers is another issue that needs to be addressed because failure to plan is planning to fail (Hill, 2017). The company does not have clear communication channels which is a very significant aspect for any successful organization (Jiang and Men, 2017).

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Corporate Strategy and Customer Satisfaction

There is no cooperation between the regional managers and the consultants during shortcomings that may be experienced in the course of performance due to the complexity of the language used in the consultation process (?i? and Žižek, 2017). This has to be addressed by the management with immediate effect to avoid escalations that may arise. The regional managers have limited access to the performance data of the consultants which are not efficient for the desired growth of the enterprise. Regional managers waste a right amount of time in resolving unanticipated emergencies rather than focusing on factors that enhance the excellent performance of the organization.

For each organization, a performance appraisal is an important aspect of measuring the employee performance against the set goals and objectives (Rosen et al., 2017). This is usually effective in the organization when employees submit their monthly performance reports to the senior management. This enables the administration to establish the performance gaps that need to be addressed in the present workforce after a thorough review of the report. For, the regional managers tend to submit their performance reports to the senior management late, or they don’t offer at all who need to be addressed due to the risks involved.

The senior managers do not work as a team during the development of new courses and this results to the increased trend in the failure of the new classes due to diversified thinking by various individuals (Abuzid and Abbas, 2017). Customers are the critical determinants for the success or failure of the organization hence they should be given the priority by the company. Their complaints should be addressed with immediate to enhance the excellent image of the company. lose interest in their customers after doing everything to ensure that they sign for the course and after that their calls are not even responded to which is unethical behavior by the company. rewarded their best performing consultants which motivated them to work harder. The consultants were given targets which also enhanced their performance, and this resulted in ruthless competition among them which leads to a refusal to share some relevant information amongst them. Organizational growth increases the internal pressure among the employees as they fear the failure from achieving the set targets since failing to meet the performance expectations shall risk their job status (Petrou, Demerouti and Schaufeli, 2018). Organizational growth comes with an increase for the demand for labor to meet the new targets; the organization might not be in a position to cater for the additional employees as it struggles to reduce the production cost to maximize the profits. Failure to hire additional employees may result in the actual risk where the organization may fail to achieve the set objectives.

Employee Performance Appraisal and Organizational Growth

In the process of development of operations, careful allocation of resources should be done in all the sectors in the organization to avoid limiting other areas because this may result in quality risks with service. should ensure that it employs new employees after the extension of its services to provide efficient performance in all the departments within the organization without straining the few existing workers.

According to Ocasio (2017), there has been an increased need for consultants due to the expansion of operations by the company hence the company has decided to lower their standards that have to be met by all the employees during the time of recruitment to hire people with little to no previous experience in sales. This has a negative impact on the organizational performance hence the need for risk assessment by the management. This results in increased customer complaints due to reduced services and also the commitment of too many mistakes resulting in market risk.

The consultants took risks by signing the people for the courses and encouraged them to invest in the company without fear. They took the chance to gamble with the reputation of the decided to go against their set standards for employment by hiring employees who had little to no experience as salespeople (Anra and Yamin, 2017). This poses the risk of lack of skilled employees which is a significant aspect if the organization has to achieve its set goals and objectives. The chances that come with the new technology is dangerous to the security of the company information where some hackers may intrude and access the most confidential data hence the company has to have an expert to take care of that.

Feedback regarding the outcome of performance is very vital for the organization to establish the performance gaps that need to be filled. For, negative feedback or bad news about the performance of the company is usually ignored by the managers due to the weak influence of their friends. rewards the best performing employees to reinforce the behavior. This causes performance pressure among the employees to be paid next time which may lead to stress at the workplace due to overworking, may lead to low self-esteem among the employees.Further, it shall result to ruthless competition among the employees which may occur to the risk of information sharing where employees may feel sharing crucial information regarding performance with another employee shall make the person better performer hence claim the reward.

Inexperience of Key Employees

The complexity of the language used in the consultation process limited performance assessment by the regional managers hence posing a risk of poor quality performance. Organizational success resulted in an increased volume and velocity of transactions occurring in an overload in the information thus less time to scrutinize them to ascertain their alignment with the organizational policies.  Rapid corporate growth also has an impact on the current information systems used within the organization. This is because corporate growth comes with new changes especially in technology hence the organization has to update their information systems. New technology in the organization begins with challenges where employees need to be trained which is costly for the organization.  As a result of increased transaction velocity concerning the process of signing up individuals for the courses, experience the pressure on having to provide the customers with regular feedback which the failure leads to the risk of market failure. A good information system has to be devised to enhance clear communication between the consultants and the clients to foster the right relationship. The consultants should also be ethical when dealing with the clients especially when it comes to matters to do with responding to their calls. do not have well- defined communication channels for the efficiency of activities which poses a risk of role conflict among the employees (Dayan, Heisig and Matos, 2017). Active communication channels would have been used to query for various issues such as the submission of performance reports by the regional managers. The use of complex language in the consultation process hinders the senior managers from understanding the hidden risks that may be associated with the whole consultation process. The limited access to performance data by the senior managers exposed the organization to the risk of incompetent services. made decisions regarding the sales target without consulting the employees’; as a result, the employees were frustrated and this might have affected their performance adversely hence decentralized decision-making process is the most effective in the organization for organizational success. This is because the consultants would not perform have an internal drive to work to their best due to limited lack of monitoring of the progress of their work by the concerned department. There should be a good communication system to ensure that the senior managers are in an excellent position to monitor the employee performance and give the necessary feedback which may improve on their some unique areas of performance

Executive Resistance to Bad News

This refers to the criteria that are used to establish the probable risks from the current operations of the enterprise to come up with risk mitigation strategies (Birmaher et al., 2018). The risk exposure calculator is divided into three significant internal pressures which are as a result of organizational growth, organizational culture and the information management system within the organization. The more successful the organization is, the higher the risk, and the risk increases with the score.

Organizational growth has resulted in to hire new employees for the efficiency of operations despite their low experience in the sales sector. This risks the performance of the organization due to poor quality services. rewarded their best performing consultants which motivated them to work harder. The consultants were given targets which also enhanced their performance, and this resulted in ruthless competition among them which leads to a refusal to share some relevant information amongst them. This scores 4.

Due to an increased rate of expansion by, the company has an urgent need for new employees hence lowering the performance standards and as a result acquiring employees with little or no experience at all which poses a performance risk to the company. This scores 5.   

This results in increased customer complaints due to reduced services and also the commitment of too many mistakes resulting in market risk. This scores 3.

The consultants took risks by signing the people for the courses and encouraged them to invest in the company without fear. They took the chance to gamble with the reputation of the company.  This scores 4.

The regional managers at were surrounded by evil men and women who had a bad influence on them encouraging them that things were better despite the situation poorly been and this posed a risk of performance since they never wanted any bad news about the company performance. This scores 5. rewarded the best performing consultants which resulted in ruthless competition among them which posed a risk of lack of sharing of significant information among them which have a negative impact on the organizational performance. This scores 5

The complexity of the language used in the consultation process limited performance assessment by the regional managers hence posing a risk of poor quality performance. Organizational success resulted in an increased volume and velocity of transactions occurring in an overload in the information, therefore, less time to scrutinize them to ascertain their alignment with the organizational policies. This scores three because it is not a constant factor.

The regional managers at did late submissions of the performance reports, or at times they failed to submit at all. The managers had limited access to performance data. This posed the performance risk hence scored 5.

The senior managers solely made the decision especially on matters about the setting of performance targets which stressed the employees are posing the risk of workplace stress which hinders performance hence scored 5.

The total score is 39- This implies the organization is at the danger zone and the organization must use the levers control, belief systems and diagnostic systems to save the company from the disaster


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