Importance Of Motivation In Organizational Behaviour And Management
Motivation and rewards in the workplace
In this paper the discussion will be made on the concept of motivation. In this, two articles will be selected and also two articles will be considered from the Assessment 3. In the overall paper the discussion will be made on the four articles which will emphasize on the concept of motivation. Motivation is considered as one of the important topic that helps the employees to give their best towards the activities which are assigned to them in the workplace.
2.1 Motivation and rewards in the workplace
In assessment 3, the two articles state that workplace culture has an important role in managing the performance of the employees. It is important to focus on motivating the employees so that employees can give their best towards the activities. Also to enhance the performance of the employees, it is important to focus on giving rewards. It is important for the top management to consider the theories related to motivation like Mcclelland’s motivational theory, JCModel, Heisenberg’s duality theory which helps to enhance the employee engagement and also expectancy theory which helps to manage the overall rewards of the employees in the workplace. In the first article it can be stated that the theories will help to maintain the entire performance and also the values of the employees. It consists of disposition, inclination and also investigation of the overall requirement of the individuals (Lazaroiu, 2015). Also, the theory related to Locke and Latham Goal setting theory states that to perceive the value of an individual is considered as the emotional trigger. Also, the theory which is related to Mcclelland’s motivational theory, JCModel, Heisenberg’s duality theory emphasizes on the task orientation and also with the emotional participation in the workplace.
The next article states that self-efficacy is considered as an important factor that can help in promoting the overall performance of the employees. Also, the focus is given on managing the overall strategy of the performance so that it can be easy to maintain the self-efficacy. Also, the rewards related to performance cognitive focuses on the motivation. Personal disposition also link with the relation of the overall performance. It also helps the individuals in maintaining the overall reward and creativity in their workplace which can help in accomplishing overall goals (Malik, Butt & Choi, 2015).
2.2 Human Motivation
Human motivation is considered as the internal feeling of the individual. It is related with the human understanding that deals with the interpersonal behavior of the individual. Motivation is related with conscious and unconscious factors related to the needs and wants of the employees. It can be stated without motivation in the workplace employees will not be able to enhance the productivity. Top management can motivate the employees by considering the theories related to Hezberg motivation theory and Maslow theory. These theories focus on the needs of the individuals that should be fulfilled so that it can be easy for the employees to maintain their efficiency towards work. In this article it has been also stated that motivation is linked with the overall performance management of the employees.
Human Motivation
Job Performance is equal to the motivation factor. Motivation is considered as one of the factor that can be improved easily. It has been seen that there are many options that should be considered by the managers or it can be the strategies that can help to motivate the employees. The strategies that should be considered by the managers are related satisfying the needs of the employees and also the base rewards related to job performance. It can be seen that employee motivation is necessary for the performance. There are various benefits that help to motivate the employees. The first benefit is related to human capital management, to achieve personal goals, enhance employee satisfaction, enhance employee efficiency, to meet the goals of the company, maintain team harmony and workforce stability.
It can also been seen that motivation is related to extrinsic and intrinsic motivation in which extrinsic motivation is related to the motivation that comes from outside the employees and intrinsic motivation is related with the internal feeling of the employees. There are also various techniques related to motivation that should be considered like job enlargement, job enrichment and job rotation. These are the techniques that can help to motivate the employees so that they can be dedicated towards their work. There are also some of the popular theories related to workplace motivation like Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs and Herzberg’s two-factor model. These theories can help to motivate the employees in the workplace (Ganta, 2014). So, it can be concluded that motivation is necessary for the employees.
2.3 Organizational culture and motivation
It can be seen that culture of the organization is related with the motivation factor of the employees. Engagement of the employees can be enhanced in the workplace if employees are motivated and also if the culture of the organization is effective. It can be stated that culture is related with the set of beliefs and values that should be shared with the people of the organization with a common experience. The culture of the organization is related with the shift from the employer to the employee. It can be seen that one of the factor is also related with the social media in which Facebook and Linkedin has boosted the transparency of the workplace. Also, it is important for the employees to learn about the culture of the organization so that they can feel motivated and happy. It has been examined that motivational style as also changed the new work requirements and also the level of employee expectations.
In the workplace, the motivation styles are related to intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. Intrinsic factors are related to career growth and also with proper communication. It is necessary for the HR to focus on the need and also to manage the performance so that it can be easy to enhance the engagement level of the employees in the workplace. It is also important for the organizations to focus on maintaining the engagement level so that employee retention can be enhanced in the workplace. Also, in this article it can be stated that employee engagement is necessary to motivate the staff so that positive outcome can be attained.
Organizational culture and motivation
Employee motivation and employee engagement is considered as the two Way Street in which it can be seen that if improvement is made in one than it is important to improve other. So, it can be stated that engagement is related with the overall culture and also the level of motivation of the employees in the workplace (Evangeline and Ragavan, 2016).
By analyzing the 4 articles, it can be stated that motivation is one of the important aspect that should be considered by the management so that it can be easy to manage the overall performance of the employees. It can be seen that in the 1 and 2 articles which is used in assessment 3 states that motivation is necessary as it can help to manage the overall performance of the employees. This statement can be stated as true as it can be stated that motivation has a link with the entire performance of the employees. The 3 article which is used describe about the human motivation in the workplace. In which it can be stated that it is important for the management to consider the motivational theories like Maslow hierarchy of needs and Herzberg motivation theory so that it can be easy to achieve goals and also to maintain the harmony between the teams in the workplace.
The last article is related with the motivation and culture of the organization. In this article the focus is given on maintaining the culture of the company so that it can be easy to motivate the employees to give their best towards the organizational activities. Also, organizational culture will help to enhance the employee engagement level in the workplace which will help to attain positive outcome in the workplace. With this it can be easy for the company to focus on maintaining the efficiency of the employees.
By analyzing the overall factors, it can be stated that motivation is considered as one of the important aspect and also it is important for the managers to consider the same. Managers are the only one who can motivate the employees so that they can give their best towards the activities of the company. It is important for them to consider the theories of motivation like Maslow, hierarchy of needs so that it can be easy to fulfill the needs of the employees in the workplace. Motivation can also be related with the overall culture of the organization.
It is the responsibility of the managers to focus on maintaining the culture of the organization so that employees can feel motivated and happy. If culture of the organization is good then it can be simple for the managers to boost the overall confidence level of the employees in the workplace. So, it can be stated that motivation is considered as one of the important tool that can help the employees to be efficient towards the work and also it can help the organization to achieve positive outcome in the workplace. So, motivation should be considered by the managers of the organization.
In my opinion, motivation plays an essential role in enhancing the performance of the employees in the workplace. In my view, to maintain the reward system it is important for the managers to focus on the overall performance of the employees so that they can give their best. Also, culture is important for the employees as they can feel motivated and can perform their activities in a proper manner. If culture of the organization is not positive then it can impact the performance and also the motivation level of the employees towards their work. Also, I can say that motivation can change the behavior of the individual towards their work. In assessment 3, motivation can be improved by giving training to the employees so that they can earn more rewards and can finish their work with efficiency and dedication.
So, by analyzing the paper it can be concluded that motivation is one of the essential factor that should be maintained so that positive outcome can be attained by the top authorities. Culture and reward also play an important role in enhancing the overall motivation level of the employees in the workplace. So, the technique of motivation should be adopted by the management so that they can achieve goals and it can also help the employees in giving best towards the activities.
Evangeline, E.T. and Ragavan, V.G., 2016. Organisational culture and motivation as instigators for employee engagement. Indian Journal of Science and Technology, Vol.9, no. 6, p. 56.
Ganta, V.C., 2014. Motivation in the workplace to improve the employee performance. International Journal of Engineering Technology, Management and Applied Sciences, vol.2, no.6, pp.221-230.
Lazaroiu, G 2015, ‘Work motivation and organizational behavior’, Contemporary Readings in Law and Social Justice, vol. 7, no. 2, p. 66.
Malik, MA, Butt, AN & Choi, JN 2015, ‘Rewards and employee creative performance: Moderating effects of creative self?efficacy, reward importance, and locus of control,’ Journal of Organizational Behavior, vol. 36, no. 1, pp. 59-74.