Project Management Methodologies For Crosby Water Treatment

Back Wash Motors

Discuss about the Project Management Methodologies for Crosby Water Treatment.

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Mt Crosby west water treatment plant is the principal back up of Mt Crosby east water treatment plant. This paper seeks to provide a blueprint and plan that will continually position the plant to serve its core mandates as well as her secondary objectives. The argument of this paper is on the technical aspects of the plant and how these aspects when followed to the expected standards will continue to improve the services of the company and meeting the needs of the clients to the best levels possible.

These technical aspects that need to be addressed are; supply and installation of four Back wash motors within the filter plant of the water treatment plant, supply and installation of thirty eight Actuators and thirty six Butterfly valves within the filter plant and six Actuators within the pure water dry well. These aspects of the plant are fundamental given that the plant is about treatment of water before being released to the environment or being used for domestic/industrial purposes.

The Back Wash Motor is a machine that uses electricity to pump water in reverse manner through a series of filters during the water treatment process. The four back wash motors that will be replaced will have laser alignment to corresponding water pumps. This will ensure the pump and the motor are in sync thus improving efficiency of the two coupled machines. Laser alignment is accurate and has no substantial error thus the combined machines will work as a unit as possible. The Motors will be fitted with the thermistor controls. Thermistor controls helps to check on over-heating of the motor because the motor itself has no 100% efficiency thus the electric current it absorbs isn’t all converted into mechanical energy of rotation, the excess energy is lost through heat dissipation. The thermistors in this case will regulate the temperature of the motors within the range the motors can perform within acceptable level. The Electrical and Mechanical drawings, Electrical specification design and justification report, operation and maintenances manual should be handed in to the Electrical department manager. These reports and manuals are crucial during routine maintenances of the machines as well us during repairs and are to be submitted immediately after the installation is complete and commissioned. These replacements should be done after every 3 years of operation. This part of the plan is cost intensive and will be funded by the company and actual amount will depend on the lowest bid from suppliers who meets conditions as stated in request for quotation. However the amount should vary reasonably within the current retail prices of USD 650 of the motor of the same specifications. (Baker and Newland, 2008) The bearing vibration test report should be hand in to the Electrical manager immediately after installation and thereafter three months in service. The electrical department manger will be in charge of the work progress and will communicate the improvement of the machines upon installation through the internal memo of the company and also will monitor the progress of the installation and provide graphical representation of the progress being made.  The process of replacing these motors is capital intensive. The resources will be acquired from management and it will depend on the least quotation provided by the suppliers. Below is the goal statement for this objective. (Buzzi, 1992)

Action Step

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Supply, installation commissioning of 4-back wash motors and laser alignments.

Against request for quotations (RFQ) specifications. 

Electrical department manager

Replacements will take a month after every 3 years.

Within USD 400 adjusted according to inflation in 3 years

(Mark appropriately

Supply and installation of thermistor controls.

Against (RFQ)

Electrical department manager

One month after every 3 years

Within USD 200 with regard to inflation within 3 years

(Mark appropriately

Supply of records – laser alignments, drawings, manuals, design specification, inspection & tests and bearing vibration. 

Against (RFQ)

Electrical department manager

One month after every 3 years


(Mark appropriately

Filter Inlet Penstock Valve Electric Actuators

Electric Actuators, valves spindles, drive nuts and valve lower seals are auxiliary components of the motor – pump system that helps it to function properly. The sixteen pieces of these auxiliaries are to be placed in the floodgate or a penstock to control flow of water. The objective of this part of the repairs is to minimize water leakages and by extension ensure that purified or treated water does not mix with the untreated water. The replacement of these auxiliaries to the main treatment system should be done after every 5-6 months of operation. The hand held electric set up tool for the actuator will be supplied together with the sixteen auxiliaries. The operation and maintenances manual, the electrical and mechanical drawings as well as the design specification and justification report should be handed in to the Electrical department manager immediately after installation and commissioning of these components. The Electrical department manager shall also be responsible for these components once they are operational and handed over to the electrical department. Improvement communication and monitoring of the progress will be under the Electrical manager who will communicate through the internal memo on weekly basis to report on any improvement as a result of the installation of the new components as well us keeping truck of the progress to ensure timelines are adhered to. (Costa and Sepehri, n.d.)

The budgetary implication of these parts of the plan will be medium. The finances will be obtained from the company and the total cost of these components will depend on the least quotation received from the bidders. The amount will vary reasonably with USD 1600 which is the combined retail cost of the components currently.  (Jurgen, 1998) Below is the goal statement for this objective.

Action Step









Supply, Installation and commissioning of 16 electric actuators, valve spindles, valve lower seals and drive nuts.

Against (RFQ) specifications.

Electrical department manager

Replacements will take a month after every 3 years.

Within USD 1300

(Mark appropriately

Supply and installation of actuator hand held electronic set up tool.

Against (RFQ)

Electrical department manager

One month after every 3 years

Within USD 200 with regard to inflation within 3 years

(Mark appropriately

Supply of records – laser alignments, drawings, manuals, design specification, inspection & tests and bearing vibration. 

Against (RFQ)

Electrical department manager

One month after every 3 years


(Mark appropriately)

The pneumatic Actuators and back wash inlet valves are a set of equipments containing a motor that is operated or controlled by water or gas under pressure and gates that allow water to flow in a desired manner during the water treatment process. These set of equipments are to be replaced after every 3 years of service and take work should take a maximum of one month. The rational for this replacement is that new pneumatic actuators and valves will have higher efficiency and thus the company will reduce the cost of operation. This will help the course towards meeting the company objective of maintain high efficiency within her systems of operation.  Thirty six pneumatic actuators and valves will be installed and commissioned. All the reports and manuals that are the design specification and justification, Electrical and Mechanical drawings, operation and maintenance manual, valve pressure test certification and sign off inspection should be handed over to the electrical department manager upon completion of the work as stated in the request for quotation. The manager will be responsible for this work with regard to monitoring and plan progress, communicating improvements noted as a result of the installation to higher the management and sustaining the improvement efforts based on continuous mentoring of the performance of these items according to the company objectives and expected output levels. This will be capital intensive project and it will require a budget within the range of USD 3600 in three years time with reasonable factor of inflation. Below is the goal statement for this objective. (Kosenko et al., 2016)

Action Step









Supply, Installation and commissioning of 36 pneumatic actuators and valves.

Against (RFQ) specifications.

Electrical department manager

Replacements will take a month after every 3 years.

Within USD 3600 with reasonable variance based on inflation in 3 years

(Mark appropriately)

Supply of records – laser alignments, drawings, manuals, design specification, inspection & tests and bearing vibration. 

Against (RFQ)

Electrical department manager

One month after every 3 years


(Mark appropriately

Back wash Inlet Valves and Pneumatic Actuators


The air scour valve pneumatic actuators are set of components comprised of motor driven by fluid that increases the efficiency of the filter in the backwash system. The rationale for this is that it will result to lower production cost in line with the company objective. This work includes supply, installation and commissioning of ten pneumatic actuators and handing over of the necessary documentation relating to the new equipments installed after every 3 years and the work itself takes a maximum of one month to complete. The electrical department manager will oversight the whole process including communication of improvements noted, monitoring plan progress, sustaining improvement efforts by documenting the performance of these machines. The budgetary allocation of this objective is medium and it will cost amount in the range of USD 500 subject to inflation rates in three years time. (Rubio et al., 2011)Below is the goal statement for this objective.

Action Step









Supply, Installation and commissioning of 10 pneumatic actuators and valves.

Against (RFQ) specifications.

Electrical department manager

Replacements will take a month after every 3 years.

Within USD 500 with reasonable variance based on inflation in 3 years

(Mark appropriately)

Supply of records – laser alignments, drawings, manuals, design specification, inspection & tests and bearing vibration. 

Against (RFQ)

Electrical department manager

One month after every 3 years


(Mark appropriately

The back wash outlet penstock valve actuators are a set of components which comprises a motor (actuator) that regulates the flow of water within various water treatment segments. Under this part 12 actuators will be replaced and fitted with hand held electronic actuator set up tools. This process will be done once after every 3 years and it will take a maximum period of one month to be completed. All the reports; specification design, operation and maintenances manual, drawings and signed off test results to be handed over to the electrical department manager immediately after completion of the exercise. The manager will be responsible for communicating any improvement as a result of the installation of the new equipments, monitoring the progress and sustaining the improvement efforts by drawing data on performance of the system vis a vis expected outcomes/performance. The budget scope will be within USD 600 subject to inflation rates at the time of implementation. (Louis, 2011) Below is the goal statement for this objective  

Action Step









Supply, Installation and commissioning of 12 actuators and valves.

Against (RFQ) specifications.

Electrical department manager

Replacements will take a month after every 3 years.

Within USD 600 with reasonable variance based on inflation in 3 years

(Mark appropriately)

Supply of records – laser alignments, drawings, manuals, design specification, inspection & tests and bearing vibration. 

Against (RFQ)

Electrical department manager

One month after every 3 years


(Mark appropriately

Pure water outlet butterfly valve electronic actuators are set of components comprising a motor fitted with a rod with plates that rotates and controls the flow of water. These plates are prone to wear and tear and should be replaced after every 3 years of service. The plates loose their edges letting in more water than intended. The work involves replacing 6 actuators fitted with hand held actuator electric set up tool and handing over of all the reports as indicated in other objectives above. The Electrical department manager will be responsible for reporting on the progress made through internal memo and sustaining improvement efforts through periodic documentation of the system with regard to its expected outcome. (Wagner and Pinheiro, 2001) Below is the goal statement for this objective. 

Action Step









Supply, Installation and commissioning of 6 actuators and valves.

Against (RFQ) specifications.

Electrical department manager

Replacements will take a month after every 3 years.

Within USD 600 with reasonable variance based on inflation in 3 years

(Mark appropriately)

Supply of records – laser alignments, drawings, manuals, design specification, inspection & tests and bearing vibration. 

Against (RFQ)

Electrical department manager

One month after every 3 years


(Mark appropriately

From the literature review the above mentioned components have a 3 years guarantee of optimal performance. This therefore provides for basis to replace them after end of the cycle. All the reports shall be signed off by the contractor in charge of the respective improvement plan. 

In conclusion the above objectives will ensure that Mt Crosby west water treatment plant will always be a reliable back up to Mt Crosby east water treatment plant and will further help the company realize its objectives without unseen hindrance.


Baker, R. and Newland, R. (2008). Continous quality improvement of perfusion practice: the role of electronic data collection and statistical control charts. Perfusion, 23(1), pp.7-16.

Buzzi, R. (1992). Chemical hazards at water and wastewater treatment plants. Boca Raton, Fla.: Lewis Publishers.

Costa, G. and Sepehri, N. (n.d.). Hydrostatic transmissions and actuators.

Jurgen, R. (1998). Actuators. Warrendale, PA: Society of Automotive Engineers.

Kosenko, S., Shurugin, A., Yudin, O. and Akimov, S. (2016). Improvement of the process maintenance of continous welded rails. Transport of the Urals, (2), pp.44-47.

Louis, J. (2011). Control of synchronous motors. London: ISTE.

Operation of wastewater treatment plants. (1976). Washington: Water Pollution Control Federation.

Rubio, P., Notario, R., de la Cruz, J. and Ruiz, P. (2011). Continous quality improvement in a pediatric acute pain service (APS): An experience of 10 years. European Journal of Anaesthesiology, 28, p.148.

Uchino, K. (1997). Piezoelectric actuators and ultrasonic motors. Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers.

Upgrading and retrofitting water and wastewater treatment plants. (2005). New York: McGraw-Hill.

Wagner, E. and Pinheiro, R. (2001). Upgrading water treatment plants. London: Spon Press.

Water treatment plant design. (1990). New York: McGraw-Hill.

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