Marketing And Management For Products & Exclusive Offers

All Products offered by Ecostore

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In 1983 Malcom Rand and his wife began Ecostore in their home which was placed in an eco village in New Zealand. They started organic gardening on their personal property since many years down the line and used processes to release too many toxic chemicals through their produced product as well as cleaning and body care product. In this way Ecostore took birth.

Spirit-They started their work to produce healthy product without any toxic or unnecessary chemicals and they also gave assurance that their product would be completely connected with mainstream brand.  Experts started their work to develop the product with a philosophy of ‘health first’ which is the main agenda of today’s life. They also advised that if there was any doubt about the ingredient that was not hygienic as well as environment friendly, a substitute option will be found.   

Health First. Initially their special focus was on health conscious of royal customers. From many years customers appreciated that by using Ecostore product their different types of diseases such as allergies, asthma, and eczema have improved and they were feeling comfortable with it.   For saving transportation expenditure the owner shifted his family to Auckland and set up the new business in Freemans bay. Rapidly Ecostore extended its range including different types of products like Body care, baby care and house hold cleaners etc. First Ecostore launched its new product in New Zealand around 2002 followed by Australia in 2004 and United states in 2009.

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Healthy scientific research and innovation explored Ecostore all over the world. Ecostore products have a wealth of scientific research and innovation behind them. Under Lead formulator and chemist Sir Ray Avery (2010 New Zealander of the year) each and every product have been developed after ensuring the safest health, environmental and standard are achieved (Cahan, 2003 )

Employees are proud of this company as their product is healthier, chemical free and looking to improve the way they are doing their performance (Ecostore, 2016)

1. .Laundry,

2.  Dish Washer

3.  Hand & Body Wash,

4. Skin Care ,

5. Hair ,

6.  Baby

7. Ultra sensitive Products

Sustainable consumption:-

It basically relates to the purchasing of products which are efficiently produced. It further highlights the actions of consumption which is not always sustainable itself but at same time with respect to resources present in the nature .The consumption can be very less in case of sustainability. The basic factors of sustainability are discussed in rest of paragraphs:-

Sustainable consumption

Sustainably sourced from Brazil

To reduce carbon footprint NZ company provides new Carbone CaptureTM and in place of traditional plastic company introduced sugarcane plastic as the best option. Government banned the plantation in the area of 200km of Amazon Rainforest .Thus this area is concentrated with Ninety percent of sugarcane cultivation in Brazil. Sugarcane helps on upgraded pasture land and its waste product is used to generate electric power through ethanol production process. Generally crops depend on rain and organic fertilizers where as sugarcane production is a profitable code of conduct that gives assurance for a better quality of life to the farmers.   (Floyd, & Fowler, 2009)

Using bee friendly sustainable pesticides

Gardener might know about pesticides of neonicotinoids and its effect on bees but most of the common people are unknown about these pesticides. Pesticide neonicotinoids is prepared with similar chemicals to nicotin which causes colony collapse disorder and  millions of  bees death is worldwide

 For a long time these pesticides remain in the environment and in an unexpected way it effects bees through nectar, air and dust. The European food safety authority comments that unacceptable neonicotinoids is excessive dangerous for bees and is also harmful for human body further on April 29th 2010 European food safety authority forced to ban on neonicotinoids insecticides for two years. They continued further research to make potential link to collapse disorder with bee colony. 

Despite of all this  neonicotinoids make up at least a quarter of the world’s insecticides and reliance on them continues to increase.

Most of the people spend their 90% time indoors like at resident, at school, at the office where indoor population is 2 to 5 times higher than outdoor population. Since 20 years they have provided much useful information which people followed to maintain healthy environment at home. On the ecostore blog everything can be observed that how a healthy family maintains their house so efficiently where as a lower middle class family using most ordinary cleaning product is not environment friendly. So it is very important for each and every family to live more sustainably, protect their family from germs and create a healthy environment at home. ( ICAEW, 2011)

Generally in today’s time one gives priority to plant and mineral based ingredients that are formed by natural and or renewable resources. They are biodegradable and have the lowest hazard rating in terms of health and environmental safety. Here at Eco store the company focuses on customer’s health thus it avoid using those chemicals which are harmful for human being.

Five ways of sustainability

The company provides sustainable palm oil which is considered as a healthy and safe substitute for the petrochemicals but at same time its vegetation requires relatively less land for cultivation. Generally palm oil is prepared from the flesh and kernel of fruit from the palm tree. As being part of a diet it can be contain in larger number of products including cleaning product, detergent etc. Palm trees carry bunches of fruits and each fruit can weigh up to 50 kg and contain 50% oil. As a result they need less land than other oil producing crops..


Currently sustainability is one major reforms emerging in the marketing strategy. Further this concept is representing an opportunity of growth in global market of $600B (LOHAS ‘conscious consumers’), which is further increasing at a rate of 30% p.a.

The Strategic Approach

In order to inculcate the population growth, increased completion and capitalization on the areas of significant growth Ecostore is working to inaugurate good things and re-launch the brand once again. It is also a member participant of NZTE. After introducing Design Program and 2011 re-launching brand among Australian customers; it made a good reputation in the market. Different other activities were also performed like transformation of product, accreditations investment it finally became one of the best company from green-wash brands. To overcome the barriers the Ecostore invested like undertaking the assignments which were competitive and further providing proof points for them which basically included facts related to products. These facts proved that the products of Ecostore are healthier and safer than are alternative leading brands (Green et al., 2011)..

The brand reinvigoration was based on a three pronged approach:

To reposition the company’s position by concentrating on the main uniqueness related to health as their products are formulated in such a manner that they are very much safer for health of the people. Health is something which sets the company different from others and it is one of the best factors which can influence the public to buy the products (Helfat, & Martin, 2014)

Leveraging and restoring the products enriched the brand.

Within the range in communication the company deals with excellence in products.

 Expertise and Experience

This is the major factor where the company is in mainstream and eco science, investing significantly in R&D so that people does not have to compromise with the quality and performance. All the products are tested individually and further they are proven to be best among other brand alternative (Metcalfe,2002)

Marketing Strategy

.Budget constraint

To make a huge impact on humanly the company made a total expenditure budget of $80,000 to introduce a required challenging concept..

The Big Idea….

They created a list of products which were made from nasty chemicals and further those chemicals were not used so that it can be used preach their customers about their quality factors.

The Creative Execution

Basically the execution related to creativity was related generosity of the brand. Due to this the company organized a mass campaign regarding personalization. This whole story was discussed in the media, social networking sites and other newspaper in a creative and innovative manner. Further Ecostore gave mothers a wonderful opportunity to create their August issue on iconic parenting magazine “Little Treasures” to broadcast their babies on cover page. This were some of the creative branding strategies of the company to attract the customers (Purdue University, 2016)

Basically this strategy revolves around the activities of business and selling the right product at right location as well as in right time. Four P’s of marketing are as follows -: (Jones, 2001)





Ecostore produces various organic and eco friendly products in order to influence the customers. Apart from that the company’s target is to capture the market by some of its proven research so that they can get the maximum profit.. Their main motive is not only to attract the upper class customers but also  to provide best quality products for the other segments of people in Australia and New Zealand both..For this particular purpose the products were introduced in lower prices all over the countries. ( Beard, R. 2014) .

Ecostore started working on different promotional strategies like promoting their products through web based promotion and further doing sampling promotion.. In this particular technique the company tries to maintain the database of the consumers interested in purchasing their products. Further in sampling promotional strategy they usually visit the parties, official gathering and functions etc in order to distribute some of the free samples of the newly launched product which will thereby create a positive information in minds of the people. (Carter & Rogers, 2008)

It’s very important for  the company to decide the price according to financial level of customer of a particular nation (Lislie,  2011)This will further enable the customers to buy the products in all the scenarios and environment; even at times of recession. Thus it is very crucial for the company to follow all the rules related to taxation policies of that particular nation and also implement the rules and regulation stated by the government.

The Strategic Approach

 To increase their sales and stable their profitable condition company should apply the following steps :-

The MRP price should be decided keeping in mind the middle class people.

Further the packing and branding of the product shows that the company sales and promotes the products in a unique way.

The product quality should not degrade at any cost..

Company is using various modern technologies to make their products unique as compared to the other brands.

 It is one of the important factors which any company targets in order to market its product. This factor have a huge impact on the sale of the products and usually the final decision is taken after lot of research; to choose the the location as it have a major impact as discussed earlier.. After this company started selling its products in malls, hyper market, general shops, grocery stores and super markets where people mostly visit. As a result increasing sells, outstanding profit help Eco store to become one of the best company in the world (Lislie,  2011)


·          The company basically focuses on the health and it always tries to maintain the same agenda while developing any new product.Customers are quite satisfied as their disease are being cure after using those products. Good search engine rankings drive free traffic. If the company has to maintain the same profit and market reputation it has continue giving its customer same quality and quantity in the same price.



·         The product pricing is quite is quite higher due to use of hygienic components which are costlier than other products. Although the company is very good in providing better quality price due to which most of the customers are not able to purchase them in one go.


·         Usage of modern technologies for formulation of eco friendly products which are healthy and hygienic by all means for the customers and this process could also increase conversions. They can also advertise their product in newly launched social networking apps like instagram. Further organic and eco friendly product is also the latest trend.




·         Several competitors are currently undercutting the prices in order to sale their products. Thus it is the need of an hour for Eco store to maintain the same quality .Website is difficult to use on a mobile device even though mobile traffic is increasing

·         A strong dollar could drive down international sales

Conclusion & Recommendations:-

Consumers are considered the backbone of any random business and the main concern of every company is that the product developed at their end will be meeting the requirements of customer or not. Generally a whole process chain is followed for this accomplishment .Whenever any company manufactures its product then it should always try to keep in mind the demands of the customers apart from that Ecostore is a company which abide by its promise of providing high quality products. The company is very particular about the health of the people and considers it a key objective to market its products. The company since its establishment has focused on the health related factors which commonly attracted its customers as in today’s time everybody is concerned of his or her health issue. The health issue is also helping it further to keep its reputation in the entire market as well as compete with its competitors.

From past few years emotional branding is one of best branding techniques and is laying a huge impact on the customers itself. Brand emotion is playing an important role to attract the customers and further it helps in creating a deep positive impression in consumers mind. The report focuses on the marketing strategy of Ecostore and discusses various strategies which led the company achieve its reputation in the market. A through research is been conducted on the products and  services delivered by the company .The company promises to deliver sustainable product which would prevent the customers from any side effect of nasty chemicals.


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