The Work Culture By Fifty Shades Of Grey

Working culture of a Corporate

Describe about The Work Culture by Fifty Shades of Grey.

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Week 5

The most entertaining movie that I saw recently is Fifty Shades of Grey. It is quite romantic and intriguing kind of a movie that pictures a more than successful business tycoon who has a very simple and at the same time strange terms of relationships. He meets a girl named Anastasia and there is where the chemistry between the two beings. They both enter into a beautiful chemistry. The most important aspect that it pictures here is the submissive approach to sex. It’s overall a good movie that depicts how people from two different social statuses come together and lives as of incompatibility.

However, one of my colleagues who saw this movie hated it because of the scenes it pictures and added to that the love story between the two ends with a sad note. He generally has been a viewer of romantic movies that end with positive notes. Secondly he has newly stepped into the teenage world. So the world of complicated relationships is completely new for him. This might be the reason for not liking it.

Week 6

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When it comes to places like UK to work at, almost all corporates provide great facilities.  Still there are some other special places which are the best to work in UK.

Great Company Culture:

The working culture of a corporate where one works largely defines what is he going to be in a few years to come after working there. As is well mentioned in the book, by “the Monk who sold his Ferrari”, that, “the kind of books you read and the kind of association you have defines who you are going to be after 5 years from now.” So a great working culture on the top of all other factors that makes a place worth working at.

These companies have their core establishment in the market and stand high on the competitive edge. In a way, they are the pioneers in what they offer. Working with them brings a good reputation to your name and cultivates core expertise.

These great business giants know what the employees of the company means to them. All of these companies take utmost care of their employees and their HR policies are simply incomparable to that of any other average establishments.

Week 7 Activity

Hackman largely speaks about having a small core team and a good assertive leader for running it. In today’s corporate world, almost every company has a different environment and work culture. It makes this more relevant. The leader largely defines the success of any team. There are many situations where team feels like they should work in a particular way, even though that is not in the favour of interests of the organization.

Small Core Teams and Assertive Leaders

When work assigned to a team is well defined and narrowed down according to a particular core expertise, it becomes easier for the team to work and increases their productivity at an exponential rate.

We need to identify the team members’ key skills, individual priorities, educational and professional background.  This done, we need to fragment the entire task of marketing campaign based on skills required to perform them well. Once these segments of work are well defined, the team needs to be allocated the work as per their skills and how and on what level they would be coordinating with each other in order to accomplish the task. This structure can be the closest to the ideal situation for any task to be accomplished by a team.

Week 8 Activity

Trait theory of leadership speaks of what attributes one must have in order to be a good leader. It speaks of how good a person should be in some predefined leadership aspects.

The behavioural theory on the other hand, generally explains how a leader should be treating his fellows.

In order to select good leaders, an organization needs to assign them a task at their own individual level and analyse what form of leadership he applies doing that work.

The best strategy to develop effective leaders is to hand over the entire responsibility of the work they do to them and ask for the output, rather than always telling them what needs to be done. This strategy makes them think independently and exercise proper control over what needs to be done at their level. For example, Steve Jobs assigns responsibilities to his employees rather than assigning them task. This makes them exercise their brain and do what needs to be done at their level.

If I were Samantha Parks, when it would come to major decision making, I would involve myself in them while I would have left the other basic organizational management like taking care of the workflow, technical insights of a project for employees to cater to.

When a business hires an employee for handling a particular responsibility, an employee expects that he/she would be assigned the work that is related to his/her core expertise. Though it works towards improving the organizational understanding of the employees, most employees view the dark side of such a working model.

Executives should have the independence of making decisions within their bracket of work. The part of responsibility that is kept for them to handle, so that there is not much imbalance of managerial power and it is ensured that the important decisions to be taken on a particular matter is well guided by required technical knowledge. But he shouldn’t have the authority to decide what technical work should be done.

Traits of a Good Leader

Tasks like handling the turnover calculations, deciding who to do what type of work if at all required, choosing the core team members for a particular project are some of the important tasks a business owner takes care of.

Week 10 (Conflict & Negotiations)

Before taking up discussions on any organization related issue in a work group, one needs to analyse all the major concerns and merge them so as to sync with the overall general point of view of the work force.

When there is a conflict over a certain strategy or idea, all one needs to do in order to turn the conversation to their unfair advantage is to speak on points that are raised by the opponents and relate that subject matter to the problems that they might be facing or are already facing because of a plan or a strategy which the conflict is about, rather than raising own points and standing for their approval.

When in conflicts, silence usually means nothing other than acceptance of what the opponent speaks. From my past experience, silence works well in most cases but never in conflicts. One has to prove a point by speaking for it or defend against the opponent. Silence can signal the opponent of an acceptance of what he says and are trying to analyse how it can be worked out. This gives a mental power to the opponent and he tries to solidify his point with raised confidence.

Week 11 (Organisational Change)

Employee Management & Motivation:

The innovative skill of employee management is to customise their incentives. A perfect leader needs to see different employees as different individuals with different needs, goals and priorities.

Productivity Analysis:

Well the big question at the end of every working day is How far this day has propagated our journey towards success. It should be qualitatively accounted.


Though ignored, it’s a fact that music plays a great role in increasing productivity. A regular session of playing music is good for all.

I often heard it in many podcasts that working in networks increases productivity exponentially.

Outsourcing is something many businesses do for some services which they do not offer. But outsourcing gives out the control of defining the value of the services of a business to the outsourcing partner and when one creates the own brand, it is of course different from what has always been outsourced.

Some businesses recruit employees particularly for sales from remote locations and deploy them to work from there rather than setting up an office there. This might seem a good strategy at the first, but might pose a problem in the long run.

Running an organization smoothly is not an easy task. It is a full time commitment. One needs to seek out what an organization requires from within and cater to its needs. An organization though can be considered as a single body, it has got too many dynamic segments that need to work with each other with optimum compatibility in order to ensure smooth operations within the organization. There are employee segments, operating segments as well as the client and brand management segment. All these things need to be operated well and together on the same platform. The aspects like interpersonal skills to handle various critical employee and client situations, proper motivation to the employees in order to keep them going, and a strategic leadership approach all are vital to running an organization well with a proper work culture. Without pursuing all these traits in a well-organized manner, a business cannot sustain. Failure to pursue any of this single aspect properly can hamper any of the segments of a business. This is of course not good for the overall health of a business. 

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