Conflict Of Values In Malaysian Society – Causes, Effects, And Solutions
Conflict of Values in Social Science
Discuss about the Conflict of Values in Malaysian Society.
The occurrence of conflicts regarding different values is prevailing throughout the entire Malaysian culture. It becomes significant for the people to understand the causes of these conflicts as it will help in reducing the conflicts and will increase the effectiveness throughout the Malaysian society (Atran, 2016). This research paper reflects the causes of conflicts of values and the ways of reducing it. Moreover, the paper evaluates the fact that people from different religion enforce people coming from other religion to follow their own sets of values and culture. The biased decisions taken by many of the people without understanding the concerned matter needs to be stopped as its affects the culture of the society in various ways. People needs to respect the values and beliefs of the other religion as it will help in reducing the conflicts and will hell in strengthening the power of the entire Malaysian community.
The conflict of values is mainly defined as the difference between the opinions which are created due to the different beliefs and views. This type of conflict is not resolved easily because the differences are based on the individual beliefs not based on the fact. For changing an individual’s opinion convincing and logical arguments are needed but at the time of changing the values this convincing and logical arguments are not so effective. From the ancient days, the conflict of values always throw the challenge and create obstacles against the traditional procedures or methods to resolve the conflict which arises due to the differences between the values of an individual and nation (Bercovitch, 2016). There is also an effective way or method to resolve such type of conflicts. The values which are mostly agreed and accepted by the individuals are implemented as newly accepted value in the society. Due to globalization and cultural diversity, day by day the level of conflicts is increased among the individuals due to the differences in their core values along with their various socio-cultural personalities and individuality. The conflict of values can create tension within the individuals and among the groups internally at various step of development of the society. The citizens or people of any democratic society are free to make choices about their political leaders who can drive the nation towards development and are able to achieve the societal goals. However, some of the time the citizens face some difficulties at the time of making a political choice because the citizens involve and bring in some conflicting values or principles. The conflict of values is actually an expression of the political attitudes which is common and significant. In the recent day’s social values is only an important term which is related to an individual’s social point of reference. The value conflict theories are the perceptions or a point of view about the social and political inequalities within a social group. The basic part of social science is Value Conflict. The Malaysian people are generally affected by many kinds of biases (Carla J, 2016). Such type of biases is a biased escalation, biased perception and biased fairness. Sometimes these biases hamper the values of the society. At that time a clash or conflict arise related to the values among the people of Malaysia. These biases created some social issues which are related to self interest. In the recent days there is a new trend of modernization, urbanization, secularism and liberalization which affects the society or the nations tremendously (Vijay K. Verma, 2016). Each and every society tries to follow this modernization for the growth and development of their society. At the time of making these changes resistance is a common reaction (Coy, 2013). Though, this new trend is beneficial for every society. It increases the growth rate of any society. For this reason development of the nation is also confirmed. However, afterward the clash or conflicts which are arising between the liberty and morality of the Malaysian people has increased. When any group has different ideas about quality of life at that time they obviously lead to a conflict (Dora, 2016). The morals or values are the set of meanings by the help of which any individual or nation can judge any decisions about which one is most important and valuable and which one is not. Generally, the people from same group or same culture in Malaysia have near about same types of mindsets and realities.
Discussion of the Conflict Values Which Occurred and Developed a Contention Throughout the Malaysian Society
The values, morals, procedures and assumptions all became a common sense for that particular group. The conflicts of values are generally occurred when the disputants are belonging to various social groups from throughout the world (Wan Hus, 2016). Basically these conflict of values happened due to many reasons such as misunderstandings, mistrust, negative stereotyping activity, and non-negotiable attitude (Elliott, 2016). The conflicts of values also have some harmful effects. The impacts of conflicts of values influence the society negatively. Some of the times, due to this conflict of value, the main issues about the topic become inappropriate and irrelevant and generate a new issue for conflict.
It has been sent that evolution somehow give rise to both cooperation and competition. Moreover, in a particular environment having the limited amount of resources, the fittest persons are found to survive the desired competition of the resources. On the other hand, the different conflict values throughout the Malaysian society have given rise to the argument regarding the development of the conflict values. It becomes very important to understand the desired reasons for the occurrence of the conflicts between the different groups as it will help in reducing these conflicts increasing the effectiveness of the entire society concerned. Different people residing throughout the different areas have their own opinions and views which sometimes give rise to several conflicts (Gainous, 2016). Some of the other causes for the occurrence of the conflicts between the different groups of people are seen because diverse people have various views regarding the ways of organizing the society in a defined way. Therefore, it becomes very crucial to understand the different views of the people regarding the development of the entire society and moreover, people need to respect the views of the other people without arguing with them. There are different groups of the people throughout the society which give rise to different sets of moral values of the people and his becomes one of the major causes for the development of the conflicts between them. Furthermore, different people have own perception regarding the judging and deciding what is wrong and right and what sets of values needs to be developed in order to increase the effectiveness of the entire society (Haneef, 2016). It has been seen that the people of the diverse group of the people throughout the country helps in monitoring the implementation of these sets of the moral values for the development and growth of the entire Malaysian Society. The difference between the perceptions of the people regarding the identification of the moral values needs to be understood in an effective way as this helps in reducing the conflicts between them. The major point is that the conflicts occur when one of the groups enforces their particular moral decision or views on the other people. Different perceptions of help people as well as the moral values sometimes give rise to the occurrence of the conflicts which finally affects the execution of the work processes throughout the society concerned. There are several examples revealing the causes of conflicts throughout Malaysia such as the clash between the Malays and the Chinese people, urban Chinese giving rise to the Malaysian conflicts, religious tolerance throughout Malaysia and values conflicts regarding the satisfaction of the job throughout Malaysia.
Religion is another factor which helps in providing a strongest bond between the groups of the people concerned. The development of the moral values comes from different religion of the people and therefore it becomes more important to understand the desired sets of moral values in a better way as to reduce he conflicts enhance the effectiveness of the entire Malaysian society. Religion supposed to polarized and serve both the desired source of the moral division and the moral unity as to strengthen the power of the entire Malaysian community concerned. It is evident to know that there are some of the people prevailing throughout the different parts of the society who affect the people by their own values and beliefs and this needs to be reduced and they should work as per the requirement of the entire society as to maintain an effective culture throughout the society (Hatta, 2016). Furthermore, people also believes that they are the right in following the correct sets of values and beliefs but the fact is that they needs to come across the values and the belief of other people and should respect the people as to reduce the desired conflicts (Hisham, 2016). Therefore, the above discussion signifies that the people are the one who gave rise to the several conflicts because of their own perception, values and beliefs. The diverse group of people should pay respect to other people coming from different religion. Humanity needs to be considered to be more important as no religion signifies to harm any of the people concerned. The desired sets of values of different religion is merely o enhance the living standard of the people irrespective of the conflicts (Kinnander, 2016). One of the serious issues seen throughout the Malaysian culture is that people coming from different religion try to enforce their values and beliefs over the other group of the people from different religion. It has been noticed that the bias decision throughout the Malaysian culture affects the living standards of the people and therefore it needs to be understood that there needs to be development of the un-biased decisions.
It has been evaluated throughout the study of the Malaysian culture that Malaysia is suffering from many clashes in daily lives. Certain laws and rules have been observed to stop these conflicts among the people of Malaysia (Kohlrieser, 2016). First, comes, the principle of ‘Peacemaking’, which means exposure to the hidden goals and beliefs and determining the facts, which are essential to resolve the conflict throughout Malaysia. Secondly, the principle of ‘Peacekeeping’, and last comes the principle of “Peace developing”. Being sensitive towards the other’s position and perspective, somewhat emphasizing with one another, avoiding miscommunication and misperception among the people. The conflicts of national as well as international conflicts are to be reduced. For example, it often happens that, many people were killed due to violent armed conflicts in Malaysia, by the terrorist’s attack (Hayes, 2008). The easy way to avoid the conflicts of Malaysia is to know the causes of the conflicts first, and, it also required of complex strategies. To solve the economic crisis of Malaysia, consumer goods are to be increased in higher costs. Certain arguments among the society of Malaysian people arise, regarding decision-making processes of various kinds of rules and ideas. The conflict related to power, organizational demands, various theories like – traditional theories, and modern theories. The conflict situations often arise due to the arguments of changing new ideas based on generation (Krista, 2016). People must compete, collaborate, compromise, avoid and accommodate. Competing has high concern for personal goals and low concern for the citizens. Collaborating is the search for a mutually satisfactory solution, which is involved in high cooperation and low disagreement. In order to avoid the conflicts in mind, the conflict situation will solve the problem itself. Accommodating is involved with cooperation and low confrontation which acts as a common search ground. The goal incompatibility, goals to achievement competition for using the limited amount of resources, interpersonal difference, project priorities, the other causes related to research activities are the causes of conflicts, which if controlled, then the conflicts will never arise. People of Malaysia have a typical conflict about religious values that is of enforcing one’s certain religious cultures into others. There are certain political issues which leads to the conflicts between the people in Malaysia, as well as throughout the world, which if ignored, it would be better. The bias decisions need to be overcome, people should understand, regarding the right and wrong decisions (Rahim, 2016). Moreover, identification of the entire matter related to any conflicts is very important and it needs to be done in an effective manner. There are three types of biases such as- biased fairness, biased escalation, and bias of perception which needs to be evaluated as to enhance the effectiveness throughout Malaysian culture, it becomes imperative for people to respect the desire sets of values and culture, of people coming from various religions.
In general opinion, it becomes crucial for the Malaysian people to develop a common goal by which every Malaysian can contribute towards the development of a happy, united and a peaceful society. The development of an intellectual and creative society will help in providing several opportunities for bringing best creative talents in order to lead meaningful as well as positive lives. Reducing the conflicts that arise because of several reasons, it supposed to be vital for the expansion and growth of a peaceful society (Ron Fisher, 2016). One of the most significant causes of conflicts is of believing on different sets of values from own personal view. The development of a common goal including positive experiences of the society will help in increasing the effectiveness throughout the Malaysian cultures (Sida, 2016). Instead of believing on one particular set of values, people needs to understand the importance and development of a moral culture throughout Malaysia (Turkalj, and Fosi?, 2016). For example, most of the Buddhists have a view about hell as a metaphor, a journey into the evil inside the self, whereas the descriptions of torturing monsters and levels of hell are sometimes explicit. In the same way, Muslims and Christians see it as area place, full of fire and the suffering of the people who does not have a faith in this.
Generally, a value conflict occurs when a specific value is accepted by a society but not granted by a particular group which is present within that society. This type of conflict is not resolve easily because the differences are based on the individual beliefs not based on the fact. For changing an individual’s opinion convincing and logical arguments are needed but at the time of changing the values this convincing and logical arguments are not so effective. According to this research paper, it can be concluded that by resolving the issues which are related to the conflicts of values in the Malaysian society the individual can lead a better life and also help their society and nation to develop rapidly. Every society should follow the trend of modernization for the growth and development of their society.
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