Advanced Organisational Behaviour For Productive Business: Case Study Of Synergis And Abacus Merging

The Containment Plan of Abacus

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1: As per the given case study, the manager of synergis had announced of a merger between Synergis and Abacus. By the merging activity of the company the transaction-taking place, the ownership of the companies and the operating units are transferred or combined with the other company. The merger is a part of the strategic management that allows the companies to expand, alter or bring out innovation in the nature of the business and enhance the competitive position of the companies.

Elliot West, the owner of Abacus decided to create an alliance with the productive firm for which it found Synergies appropriate. However, Elliot being an uneducated entrepreneur depended on the management team for the decision-making and other activities in the organisation. With the decision of merging, Elliot seemed to face certain problems regarding the effect on the employees. As Synergis was not enough centralised and the employees of Abacus had given abundant power to its employees, the company was in the risk of facing problems related to gaining control on the merged entity. In order to deal with the problem, the management team of Abacus developed a containment plan that they planned to implement after the accomplishing of the merging (McLennan, 2013). The containment plan development is the process that Abacus tries to follow in order to identify the internal and external problems faced by the company.

In the meeting with Alan and Bill, when Elliot knew about the false information that Nick had been providing to him, he decided to plan another alternative containment plan. Elliot remained silent about the secret containment plan from Nick and on the other hand, he kept planning about implementing the containment plan with Nick. At the correct moment, Elliot used the strategy to disclose to Nick that the new CEO of the company would be Allan. Thus with the effective strategy, Elliot was able to take up an appropriate step towards freeing himself and the company from the influence of Nick.

2: In the case study, Abacus seemed to use more tactics and strategies than Synergies before the merging of both the companies. On the very beginning, when the companies decided to merge the business with each other, Nick mentioned to Elliot that the company needs to design certain strategies that will help them to achieve successful control over the merging of the firms. Thus based on the advice of Nick, Elliot accepted to plan a containment plan that would be implemented after the merging of the business. However, on the other hand Alan and Bill were concerned about the implementation of the containment plan by Abacus. Synergis were concerned as the implementation of containment plan by the managers of Abacus would result in the decrease in the power of Bill.

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The containment plan of Abacus intended to replace the senior staff of Synergies by the middle managers of Abacus. This would benefit Abacus, as the cost of merging for the company would be reduced. Therefore, Abacus decided to implement the containment strategy plan after the merging of the companies in order to gain competitive advantage over Synergis. After hearing the implementation plan, Bill and Alan met with Elliot to enquire and discuss about the plan. In the meeting, Elliot further became aware that Nick had been planning strategies against Elliot to claim the higher position of CEO in the company. In order to save the company from the negative influence of Nick, Elliot took on foot decision to combine with the owners and managers of Synergis in order to plan an alternative containment plan (Goethals et al., 2013).

Legitimate and Illegitimate Political Behaviour in the Corporate World

From the detailed study of the case, it can be opined that the strategy used by Elliot had been more successful. He had been able to achieve the appropriate outcome for the merging of the companies. Keeping the alternative plan secret from Nick minimised the risk, as Nick was incapable of planning other strategy to reach his objectives.

3: The company uses both legitimate and illegitimate political behaviour within the workplace. By legitimate political behaviour in the organisation, it refers to the daily politics that takes place within the company. On the other hand, the illegitimate political behaviour is the power and leadership within the organisation. In case of this situation both, the legitimate and illegitimate political behaviour has been simultaneously used in the companies.

In Abacus there has been presence of legitimate political behaviour as Nick, the managing manager of had been providing false information to Elliot, the owner of the company. Since, Elliot was not well educated, he completely relied on Nick. Taking the opportunity, Nick tried to carry out politics that could help him to achieve the higher position in the organisation. Although, Nick recommended Elliot to develop a containment plan for the time after the merging so that the an effective control can be achieved, he was successful in convincing the staffs of Abacus that he has been the driving force of the company and had more importance than Elliot (Lasswell, 2013). Thus, this can be considered as one of the legitimate political behaviour in the organisation. The leaders of Synergis of cooperative with each other they try to consult each other before making any organisational decisions (Frohlich & Oppenheimer, 2015). As per the case study, Bill tried to understand the issues faced by Alan because of the merging decision with Abacus.

Both the companies discussed in the case study are different from each other in context of political behaviour. As in Abacus politics play a significant role that influence the outcomes of the organisation, there is legitimacy political behaviour identified in the organisation (Dowse, 2013). Synergis on the other side perform open and widespread politics. A number of factors are present in the organisation that influences the political behaviour of both the organisation. Factors such as individual factors, organisational factors add to the presence of political behaviour (Ainsworth, 2014). Thus, after the merging of the company it can be stated that that Synabis will be having both legitimate and illegitimate political behaviour in the company simultaneously.

4: Alan implements the democratic leadership style in Synergis that helps the company to achieve the organisational goals. The democratic leadership is also known as the participative leadership that allows the employees and other members of the organisation to participate in the organisational activities and the decision-making of the company (Beck & Cowan, 2014)

Alan has been able to gain popularity and respect within the organisation, as he has been a passionate believer in making clear and transparent communication with the employee and the management. Alan further implements up-front management style. This management style makes Alan easily approachable to the employees (Gold et al., 2013). The employees are satisfied with the management as they are sure that whatever the decision be, Alan would stand beside them.

Alan’s Leadership Style for Effective Decision-Making and Employee Satisfaction

Further, the leadership style used by Alan helps the employees to participate in the decision-making. Alan is therefore able to increase the effectiveness of the decision-making process with the help of the democratic leadership. The employee satisfaction level is also enhanced, as the employees are able to effectively participate in delivering high organisational performance (Chhokar, Brodbeck & House, 2013). The capabilities, skills and knowledge of the employees are utilised to the maximum level. Alan uses the leadership style to identify the individual capabilities of the employees.

Among the several leadership theories, the most effective theory that could be applied to Alan is the contingency theory. The contingency theory in the organisation claims that there is no specific best way for the company in order to lead the organisation. The effectiveness of the leaders depends upon the particular situation faced by the leaders (Daft, 2014). This gives rise to two factors such as the leadership style and situational favourableness. Moreover, two leadership styles can be outlined from the contingency theory namely task-motivated and relationship-motivated leadership. With the implementation of the contingency model in the organisation, Alan would be able to achieve a number of advantages such as choosing the appropriate and effective leaders for the organisation who will be able to guide the employees in the right direction. Alan will further be able to use the model as a tool to build up groups by altering the variables present in the organisation. A wealth of materials is present with the leader while implementing the contingency theory (Dooley, 2014). Nevertheless, if Alan uses the contingency model of leadership in the organisation, the model will allow ballpark results that are flexible in nature. The flexibility allows the leaders to achieve a wide range of effective relationship between the management and the employees. Merging of the companies require effective leadership as the leaders need to manage the perception of the employees of both the companies.  Therefore, the contingency theory is effective in helping the managers and Alan to manage the new organisation, Synabis.


Ainsworth, J. (2014). Organisational Behaviour Theories and Their Relevance to the practice of Stage Management in a Theatrical Setting, a Discussion.

Beck, D. E., & Cowan, C. (2014). Spiral dynamics: Mastering values, leadership and change. John Wiley & Sons.

Chhokar, J. S., Brodbeck, F. C., & House, R. J. (Eds.). (2013). Culture and leadership across the world: The GLOBE book of in-depth studies of 25 societies. Routledge.

Daft, R. L. (2014). The leadership experience. Cengage Learning.

Dooley, K. (2014). Organisational Behaviour: Business Models for a Profitable and Sustainable Future. Journal of Social Sciences (COES&RJ-JSS), 3(1), 247-257.

Dowse, R. E. (2013). Political Behaviour: Parties, Groups and Elections.Political Science (Routledge Library Editions: Political Science Volume 14): An Outline For The Intending Student of Government, Politics and Political Science, 14, 126.

Frohlich, N., & Oppenheimer, J. A. (2015). Political leadership and collective goods. Princeton University Press.

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McLennan, R. (2013). Cases in organisational behaviour. Routledge.

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