Globalization And Nation-State: Positive Impacts On Trade And Technology
Globalization and its impact on the nation-state
Describe about the Globalization and Nation-State for Globalization Combinations.
The term globalization is one of the disputative topics in areas and disciplines of social sciences. Globalization is impelled by combinations of socio-cultural, technological, economic, biological, and political factors that integrates into the government policies, as well as, financial markets worldwide via exchange of ideas and trade. There are various factors that have fuelled the speed of globalization, especially in terms of technology, communications, free trade, transportation, economic policies’ deregulation, as well as, liberalization, change in the awareness of the consumers, and emerging markets especially in the developing countries (Alasuutari, 2000). A continual and ongoing transitional process has been influencing the world as a large number of people, organizations, institutions, and societies of varying backgrounds and interests throughout the globe contribute towards this expansion. Due to globalization, the social, economic, cultural, and political systems throughout the nations and states have become increasingly complex and interdependent (Bresser-Pereira, 2008). Hence, in this essay, the main topic of discussion is the globalization and its positive impact on the nation-states. Further, the essay will cover the positive aspects of globalization on the trade, as well as, the technology of the nation-state.
Globalization can be defined as the process or procedure of intensification of social, political, cultural, and economic relations throughout the international boundaries. The main aim and objective of globalization are transcendental homogenization of both the socio-economic and political theories throughout the globe. The process of globalization deals with the rapid and growing integration of the markets in the world. Hence, globalization can be viewed as an evolution that is restructuring various interactive phases systematically amongst nations through the breakdown of the barriers in the field and areas of technology, communication, commerce, culture, and various other parts (Carrington, 2001). Globalization is not the new concept but has been seen and progressing since the 1940’s. However, it has become the most advanced concept in the past few years and has adapted the appealing phase for the past few decades. The disintegration existed between the Soviet Union, as well as, the East Asian economies emergence are considered to be the essential parameters in this progressive and latest accelerated attention towards the concept of globalization. Globalization has been observed to impact each and every corner of the world and has spread its influence and effects on the Nation-State and its economic, political, cultural, and social sectors (Goldring, 2006).
Positive impacts of globalization on the nation-state
The nation-state can be defined as a type of political organization, as well as, territorial union having political axioms and supreme authority of autonomy and independence. The nation-state has been observed to prevail as the dominant and main political unit in having international relations. A nation-state can also be described as a form or type of political organization and union under which the homogeneous people relatively inhabits the sovereign state, more prominently the state that consists of one as different to several other nationalities (Lee and Park, 2004). In more specific terms, the nation-state is the one which is constituted and established by the government on the assumption of the moral and legal right of exercising sole jurisdiction, which is supported by various forces over the specific territory, as well as, its citizens. Hence, it includes institutions for the management of foreign and domestic affairs. The nation-state can also be defined as a modern state where the government possesses sovereign power and authority within the specific described territorial area, as well as, the mass of its population or citizens (Louckx, 2016).
With the increasing globalization worldwide, the relationship amongst the globalization and the nation-state is not untouched and has attracted the attention of various scholars. The globalization has been observed to influence the nation-state in a broad range, whether it is in economic aspects, political aspects, or socio-cultural aspects. There are several positive impacts of globalization on the nation-state. Globalization is observed to change the world progressively and step by step. The nation-state has also the profound influence of globalization on it through main three parameters or aspects, which are economical, political, and socio-cultural (Magrath, 2000).
Globalization can be regarded as both challenges and chances to the nation-state. Economic globalization has brought several chances to the nation-state and its economy. For instance, in a national market, more benefits is provided to the nation-state by the multinational companies because of the international trade. Moreover, it gives opportunities to their national company for increasing and enhancing their competitive advantages in the market. More chances and opportunities can be provided to trade with various other international organizations. As a result, due to the increasing multinational companies, there can be a reduction in the rate of the unemployment of the nation-state as multinational companies have various foreign labors. Hence, more job vacancies are created to the labor market of the nation-state (Maguire, 2008). Globalization in the present times is seen as the process of connecting the cultures, as well as, communities present in one corner of the globe to the development that occurs in another country.
Economic impacts of globalization on the nation-state
If talking about the political influences of the globalization on the nation-states, it has been observed that the globalization has influenced various nation-states and had a large number of positive impacts on the developing nations. For example, globalization had played an important role in determining the ability of few countries of achieving independence. Like in the case of Ghana, the Second World War end was very important for gaining independence of Ghana and it was a turning point when talking about the Gold Coast’s history. The situations that occur in a country, which is thousands of miles away can affect the social, economic, and political situations in another country. For instance, the increase of capitalism in the US and communism or socialism the Soviet republics turned out to be benefits to the Ghana as they assisted the country in attaining their independence. More similar cases for Rwanda, Nigeria, and several other developing nations were seen where occurring events in the world were found to be positively influencing their abilities for achieving the self-rulership (Shcheglova, 2016).
The other positive effect of globalization on the nation-states is the increase in the lifestyle and standard of living. The primary objective of the globalization in terms of economy is the reduction of the poverty, and for achieving this aim there is an increased access to the foreign funding to the nation-states from the industrialized nations throughout the globe. The spending and accessibility of these funds help in the improvement of the health, education, social, as well as, transport infrastructure, which in turn improves the quality and standard of living of the citizens of the particular nation-state (Singh, 2006).
The interrelationships existing between the finance, markets, networks, as well as, goods and services that have been created and established by transnational corporations are observed to be the most significant manifestations related to the economic globalization. Though there has been an internationalism of the capitalist world-system for centuries, the degree and extent of the trade, as well as, investment, the concept of globalization has been increased tremendously in the recent decades (Martin, 2006). Moreover, the economic globalization is observed to be in the similar manner through which the movement of money was achieved by information technology. It has been commonly observed that the ability of the market to transfer money from one region of the globe to other regions through the push of a single button has influenced the rules related to the policy-making, hence, putting the decisions related to the economy much more in the market than ever before (Singh, 2006). The globalization has also influenced the socio-cultural aspects of the nation-states. For instance, the better access to the entertainment and foreign culture through movies, television broadcasts, clothing, music, etc have increased the cooperation among the governments and their abilities to work with better focus and efficiency towards achieving the common goals.
Political impacts of globalization on the nation-state
Moreover, the cultural globalization has led to the diffusion of knowledge related to cultural and technical knowledge amongst various nation states. Moreover, globalization has increased the communication amongst various other nations with each other throughout the world (Wilson, 2015). A rise in technology is observed as a result of globalization. For instance, various people throughout the world use same types of technology, like telephones, cars, and televisions. Hence, the commercial trade, as well as, communication technologies, like computer networks have led to the formation of a global culture. Cultural exchange between various nation-states can provide several benefits to all the people and different societies have the means of exchanging ideas, manufactured goods, and natural resources across the globe through the technological advancements (Bresser-Pereira, 2008).
However, there are few disadvantages also of globalization and is partial to some extent as it has been observed that the industrialized nations tend to gain more benefits from it in comparison to the developing nations. For instance, this kind of uneven impact can be well demonstrated and visualized by the rise of China and India, which indicates a high degree of uneven distribution regarding benefits of globalization between the nations. Hence, globalization results in the wealth redistribution, indicating global richness but local poverty (Bardhan, 2004). Moreover, the introduction and presentation of the western lifestyle via globalization in the developing nation-states has led to the loss of their own core values and culture, thus affecting the culture and background of the nation-state. Further, the enhancement and tremendous increase in the technological capacities throughout the world has led to the increased degree of emissions due to which the result is global warming. This advancement in the technology has a negative effect on the health of the humans, animals, and even ecology (Wolf, 2001).
As globalization is an emerging concept and no part of the world is untouched from this concept, the impact of globalization on the nation-state can be very well understood by the use of the symbolic interaction theory, conflict theory, and the functionalist theory. The symbolic interaction theory is based on the fact of the interactive relation of the human with its environment, which is beneficial to him (Turner, 2011). So is the interaction of the nation-state with the increasing globalization. According to the conflict theory interpretation, the society has to struggle for achieving power and position between groups that involved in a conflict due to limited resources (Miller, Bartos, and Wehr, 2003). Hence, the competition of the nation-states due to increasing globalization in the market can be very well understood by this theory. Every nation-state has to work hard and struggle for gaining a competitive advantage over others in the market due to increasing globalization and advanced technology. The role of the globalization and its main aim and objective can be understood or explained by the functionalist theory, as functionalist theory interprets the society to be complex and functions together for the promotion of stability and solidarity (Thompson, 2013). In a similar way, the globalization is a complex phenomenon but the main aim and focus of the globalization are to maintain stability, economy, power, and peace throughout the world.
Impact on lifestyle and standard of living
Globalization is tremendously increasing nowadays and has shown its impact all over the world. With increasing globalization, the nation-states have been positively influenced in terms of its economy, politics, and cultural aspects. Globalization has positively influenced the trade and technology of the nation-states throughout the world. With the help of globalization, the nation-states are able to expertise and trade their businesses throughout the world, thus, having the chance of gaining competitive advantage in the market for others. Moreover, globalization has also positively influenced the economy of the nation-states along with the political and socio-cultural aspect. However, as every coin has two sides, so does the globalization. Though there are so many positive influences of globalization on the trade and technology all over the world, the increased technology and globalization has some negative influences on the sovereignty and culture of the nation-state.
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