Techniques Of Value Analysis And Engineering For IT Risk Analysis

Literature analysis

Risk management from a business perspective needs serious consideration regarding diligence and compliance. Value analysis, on the other hand, in an organized approach to recognizing unnecessary expenses related to products, parts, components, service of systems. This is done by analysis of functions and eliminating them efficiently. This is done impairing quality functional reliability or capacity to assist.

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In this study, a need for risk and value analysis of IT is done. For this, a literature review is conducted. Then the current practices are analysed. At last, a comparison is made to the literature analysis and those present practices.

IT risk analysis is a vital part of the job of the IT department. This is because it helps in identifying and managing effective potentials that affect the infrastructure of IT. For performing any IT risk analysis, professionals should e determining potential threats to the organisation. Then they must estimate a likelihood that has been occurring.

Aven (2015) explains that to achieve any, IT risk analysis as a part of IT risk analysis, identification of threats, estimation of risks and finding how to control them are needed to be done. The first phase includes identifying threats.  There have been various kinds of threats affecting IT infrastructure. As far as risk analysis is considered, Hulett (2016) examines that one requires listing every possible type of threats. Here, this has been including technical threats such as disruption caused by technological failures and advances. Then there are structural threats that include things related to creating the house of IT infrastructure caused to be harmed. Then there are financial threats as the business loses funding or experiences additional notable economic changes as shown by Haimes (2015). Then there are human threats. This includes human errors or loss of vital individuals. This also includes natural threats including natural and weather disasters like floods, tornadoes and earthquakes.

Accoridng to Cox (2018) then there are estimating of risks. This includes calculating of a likelihood of risks listed that might occur. One can perform that by using risk probability chart or effects or estimation of possibility of an event to happen. This is done by using an equation to measure risk value.

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Risk value= Probability of events * Cost of Events.

Then there are managing risks. Modarres (2016) mentions that as one has estimated how likely one can list the risks occurring, one can start to consider procedures of management. There have been four kinds of management processes for consideration by determined risks. Then there are protective ensure that decreases scopes that are listed in the risks occurring. Then there are recovery activities that restore systems and infrastructure that affects organisations that return to normal business operations. Then there are contingency plans. This reveals what to perform as the disaster or disruptive event happens.

Performing an IT Risk Analysis

Value analysis, on the other hand, is a latest scientific aid for managerial decision making as per Modarres, Kaminskiy and Krivtsov (2016). This is composed of various techniques aimed at systematic identification of unneeded costs in service and products and eradicating them instead of impairing efficiency and quality. This is also defined as evaluation and systematic assessment of functions and techniques in different concerning areas. This is to be done intending to exploring performance improvement channels such that the value attached to specific service or product gets improved as written by Miles (2015). It needs a comprehensive organisational system, active developments of different departments in a combination of initiative, creative approach and many more. To get cooperation from every people within an organisation, value analysis must be inviting suggestions for performance developments and eradicate unneeded expenses that are to be considered duly. Any smart value analysis highly develops grade and degree to purchase tasks and effective execution of particular works. This is done through highly developing degree and quantity of value analysis accomplishments. Here, Goerlandt and Montewka (2015) mentions that value analysis ideas have been describing methodical approaches for sharpening effectiveness and efficiency of any process. Here, the idea has reviewed the capabilities and strengths of value analysis and supplied detailed accounts regarding how to deploy that in the company.

Further, value analysis has been concerned with current IT products as shown by Goerlandt and Montewka (2015). This has included present products that are being evaluated and analysed by teams, to decrease costs and develop products or functions. Moreover, it has exercising plans that are step-by-step. It has methodically assessing outcomes in various ranges of sectors. It has involved alternative elements, features, costs and designing aspects like the ease of assembly and manufacturing.  Besides, Cox (2018) there has been a vital section of virtual analysis known as functional assessments. Here, the functions have been identifying and defining every product assembly. Here, the costs have been assigning every people. It has been found to be assisted through viewing and designing products as modules. Here, value assessment can be considered as a group actively involved in brainstorming developments and different alternative to developing product values, especially to customers.

The above literature review has shown objectives and scopes influencing the style of analysis and kinds of different kinds of deliverables based on enterprise security risk analysis. Here, the idea of enterprise risk analysis has been covering connections towards internal network with the Internet, security protection for computers and particular departmental usage of IT infrastructure of IT security of the whole organisation. In this way similar aims must recognise every essential security perquisites like security while connecting to the Internet, determining high-risk areas on computer rooms and analysing overall data security level of the department.  Here, security risks must be from business needs that are driven typically from senior management for identifying an intended level of security protections.

Managing risks

Thus they have been providing additional payments where premiums can be charged. It must be understood that value analysis has aimed at simplifying processes and products. This is done through increasing effectively to manage projects, solve problems, encourage innovation and develop communication around companies.

It helps in reducing the cost of various regulatory compliances having a comprehensive approach to managing changing and multiple requirements. For this is analysed. It helps in rising efficiency risk management through various automated controls and different risks originating from real-time monitoring. It develops the ability of the company to prevent, determine and compromise important risk issue with integrated processes and systems ( 2018).

Further, this also reduces the burden of business operations by helping to coordinate current risk management activities and decrease redundancies. This also helps in developing risk quality information through initiating or taking part in organisation-wide efforts in standardising risk management language and principles. This also helps in improving strategic flexibilities to mitigate risks for the current resources and developing threats to grant forward (ZDNet 2018). They have been providing a comfort level on the board including c-suite and various stakeholders having a full range of it related risks to understand, monitor and manage intelligently. They have been helping to transform culture into one considering every decision from the viewpoint that is risk-based. They have been initiating processes in documenting every risks decision and related trade-offs. They have been beginning an initiative to maintain, integrate and documents and sustain different IT risks needs in one repository. Here, the accomplishments have been done.

Currently, the risks analysis are integrated and coordinated moving the company towards self-analysis programs for empowering businesses. Here, the accomplishments are done under the grasp of risk intelligent CIO. They have investigated risks as the potential for loss or diminished scopes for gaining causes through factors that can have been affecting adversely to acquire the objectives of the companies ( 2018). Here, risks have been coming in many forms that have been providing scopes and perils. As managed poorly, this has been allowing security breaches that are hacked by hackers or by any disgruntled employees who have been exposing organisations towards liability and potential losses. As addressed effectively, this has been providing the system to support. It is also seen that risks have been possessing different levels of effects and distinct risks can assimilate o interact to develop greater or new threats.

Value analysis

As addressed adequately, the site has been providing a system to support. For instance, it has included teams to manage present risks or supporting central audit experiences through giving orders for aiding internal audits. These risks have been possessing levels of effects r various risks to combine or interact to create newer or more significant risks. Here, for instance, the risks have comprised of different impact levels ( 2018). Moreover, multiple threats have been communicating or combining to develop new and more significant risks. Here, for instance, in current news reports, the privacy risks like stolen customer databases has been quickly changing to reputational risks.

Litigation risks and economic risks follow this. These risks can be characterised as rewarded or unrewarded. There have been different kinds of unrewarded risks bringing benefits to any company. Here for instance risks putting effects on IT system availabilities, the integrity of financial statements and compliance with regulations and laws have been offering rewards. This happens though they are not appropriately managed (News 2018). Thus conversely, various rewarded through risk-taking can provide advantages that are substantial at many times for any organisation. Here, for instance, various well-managed risks related to new technologies, markets, products, alliances, acquisitions and business models have been originating in a rising in profitability. This also includes market capitalisations. Thus the site has shown that risk management has not been solely an issue of technology. Here, various personal problems, change management and training, routines and processes, rewards and disciplines and behaviour modifications have come into play.

Various complicating concerns like C-suite executives have never known what to expect of the IT teams as managing risks, a shift of significant components of risk management execution to IT with different instructions have been taking care of that. On the other hand, at the current practices, CIOs have been familiar with risk management. This is because they have been on security and operational risks. However, several CIOs have been segmenting various skill sets. They have been liable to run IT systems. Here, many have been still focusing over operational risks and security of data for excluding broader threats. In this case, the facing of CIOS has been calling for different radically approaches. This is because organisations have been facing risks that been unprecedented for corporate histories.

Further, the current practices have been bridging silos where risk intelligent enterprises have not only been nurturing risk expertises within their divisions, units and departments. However, they have been carefully creating bridges between risk silos in the opening line of communications. This has included sharing of data, consideration of risk scenarios and interaction of various risks, gaining a broader perspective on risk totality. There has been part of bridging processes including developments of common risk terminologies. This has included metrics such that every people in the company have spoken the similar language. Then there has been analysing of effects with current enterprises facing a seemingly infinite number of risks. This has been impractical to attempt plans for every single people. In this way, CIOs has been focusing on measurable effects resulting from myriad threats.

Literature analysis summary

Presently, business impact assessments have been helping to illuminate how companies can be affected irrespective of the reason. For instance, there has been a risk-taking for rewards. Here, risk-intelligent enterprises have been operating under philosophy encompassing risk mitigations. However, the risks have been meaning the ways of value creation. Here risks taken for the reward can assume various forms. This has been from strategic acquisitions for researching and developing to enter new markets. Previously, multiple organisations have been establishing shared service centres on reducing risks of numerous entities controlling the same processes in different ways. However, currently, they have been taking that one step more and utilising shared services centre as a platform. They have been offering third-party services to various companies. They have been changing cost centres to revenue centres in that process.


The above report is helpful to determine measure and compare the overall effects of risks for every organisation regarding organisational and financial impact. They have been identifying gaps regarding security and learning the following steps for eliminating challenges and then strengthen the security. They have anticipated and minimised the impact of harmful results originating from various adverse events. The study helps in understanding how to evaluate potential risks of projects that get balanced through its benefits for adding decision process while investigating how to move forward. In other words, it the plan response for equipment failures or technologies or loss from reverses events that are both human cases and naturally happening. Thus they have effects and prepared changes in the IT environment. This has included a likelihood of new competitors who have been entering marker towards changes to policies related to government regulation.


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