Information Technology For Services Virtualization And IT Infrastructure

Network Virtualization

Discuss about the Information Technology for Services Virtualization and IT Infrastructure.

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Services virtualization and IT infrastructure consolidation offer screening services, strategy, design and implementation through data center infrastructure and application environment. It helps to develop a virtualization strategy that meets your business needs and using IT systems and HP converged infrastructure solutions, in conjunction with years of experience to create a customized solution (Crosby, Garcia, & Williams, 2007)

IT managers say that consolidation and virtualization are your priorities as major efficiency initiatives. But they worry that will impact projects large-scale consolidation and virtualization in general business organization. Therefore they focus their efforts and are set in areas that get more benefits of virtualization and consolidation: these are storage and network servers.

With this in mind, IT managers should create a comprehensive plan that takes all variables into account. This can improve the control exercised over a complex IT environment. We can help you achieve the benefits you need and to fulfill the promises you have made to the company.

Virtual networks offer the same functions and guarantees a physical network, along with the operational advantages and independence of own hardware virtualization. Turning to the field of virtualization, the online encyclopedia of the famous magazine PC News, defines virtualization as: a variety of technologies for the management of computing resources, providing a translation layer of software known as “abstraction layer” between software and physical hardware. Now, the idea of ??virtualization, associated with the virtual word, suggests that virtual virtualization is not real and that it is only an appearance; for nothing more distant than the latter view, since virtualization in the field of information technology and communications, it refers to a different way of perceiving reality.

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Brief Explanation of the Topic

Large volumes of data and real-time applications are taking storage requirements to new levels. Through storage virtualization, disks and flash drives on separate servers, they are combined to form deposits of high-performance storage and are supplied as software. The software-defined storage (SDS, Software-Defined Storage) is a new storage strategy that provides a fundamentally more efficient operating model.

Virtualization can increase the scalability, flexibility and agility, while generating significant cost savings. Workloads are implemented faster, performance and availability increase, and operations are automated. All this makes IT management simpler and property operation and less costly. Among the additional advantages include the following:

Many organizations has a long history of delivering IT solutions that combine the best technology and project management practices. To this we add our more than 12 years of being associated with industry-leading IT organizations. This paper highlights the influence and importance of ICT in contemporary organizations. The method used was the documentary by analysis of library, media resources, and Web sites

Benefits of Virtualization

This paper highlights the influence and Importance of ICT in contemporary Organizations. The method used was the documentary by bibliographic analysis from media resources, and Web sites. The results highlighted the emergence of two layers, the Computer-structure and the Culture of computers Within the ICT and the Human Development link. As well, the Impacts on the corporate culture, ICT as part of the product, in the ITS Importance design of the organization, and their role as decision-making in supporting.

ICT virtualization is manifested mainly as follows:

  1) In hardware virtualization
  2) In network virtualization and storage
  3) In application virtualization

All this indicates that ICT has impacted the way we live and share the world increasingly globalized, opening channels for the globalization of knowledge, finance, and culture, among others, allowing for certain activities through technological means, such as:
They are communities that are fundamentally related in virtual environments via the Internet or online communities, among which discussion forums, social networks (Facebook, Twitter), emails and email groups, Groups news, Video Conferencing, and Chat, among others. Within these communities scientific communities, knowledge networks and others, formed by a group of people, united by a common interest, and maintain their relationship with time are grouped.
Also it is known as telecommuting, in which an organization, making use of ICT facilitates the employee reaches its activities in places other than the location of the organization, improving environmental impact and economic recovery in some societies, through democratization of employment, becoming a valid employment option. To overcome this gap the state has raised a number of challenges that are intended position on the Information Society to achieve national integration, widespread access to information, enhance the education sector as well as health and reducing inequalities in access to telecommunications services.
This has been proposed reforms in the regulatory framework to guide the incorporation and use of ICT, contained in the Constitution, the Organic Law of Telecommunications, the National Telecommunications Plan focuses on the development of telecommunications sector; the Organic Law on Science, Technology and Innovation and the National Plan for Information Technology whose mission is “The development of strategies, policies, plans, programs and policies in a coordinated and articulated manner between public bodies and private sector, mainly with the productive sector, allowing investment, development and consolidation of ICT in all areas of state and society “

Progression and History

Without having intended to exhaust the subject of the influence of ICT in organizations, but rather to have shown the tip of the iceberg in this topic it can be summarized generally in the following results:

Results of the Influence of ICT in Organizations

The change in the structure of the productive sectors, which rely increasingly on collaborative networks of production, management and information exchange.

ICT virtualization does not overlap the modern organization, they are an integral part thereof. Non-overlapping ICT networks are an integral part of these networks. Strategies, operational criteria and organizational formulas should think together and in an integrated strategy with the use of ICT.

ICT virtualization should be an integral part of the networks and modern organizations are interlinked networks, so the production chain owns value of an organization ceases to be a linear representation to adopt network structure. The influence of ICT has made the organization becomes a series of nodes, closely attached to the client, grouped network(Davies, 2008).


Having regard to the influence that ICT virtualization has made organizational, social, political and economic level to infer the importance of ICT in the organizational field. In principle, ICTs offer greater facilities, overcoming the barriers of distance and time, in most cases. In addition, they offer accuracy, reduced risks and lower costs.

IT Issues and Growth

Companies are heavily investing in rapidly emerging technology of virtualization.  This topic fits into the top It issues in the following ways.  Virtualization is important for the chief information officer because it provides the company with a set of tools which enables lowering of costs and increasing flexibility. These are things that are very crucial for every enterprise and IT organization. Virtualization provides various significant benefits to the organization hence the chief information officer should be involved in establishing pilots , expertise development and putting the virtualization technology to work (Information technology, 2005).

Virtualization essentially is important in every the growth of IT for the company and every stage of development of IT.  As so, virtualization increases flexibility in the organization by decoupling the operating system and the applications that are supported by the system from a physical hardware platform.  There can be significant innovation boost when organizations are looking to innovate and create new systems and services without additional hardware installation(Laudon & Laudon, 2000).  Virtualization excels at supporting innovation by using virtual environment for learning and training. A case example is when learners can establish unique soft wares without exclusively using hardware resources. A student may work with a known system environment that is known. Innovations can therefore be accelerated and facilitated with minimum investment. Companies with virtualization experience that is broader may consider implementing portable virtual environments.

Virtualization for Innovation

Another important aspect of virtualization is lowering costs. This comes when servers are consolidated into a set that is smaller and more powerful hardware platforms running a virtual environment collection. The costs can be reduced also by a more improved performance that can be executed in more powerful hardware(Preston, 2001). Benefits can further be enhanced by increasing hardware capacity in a manner that is non-disruptive to dynamically migrate workloads to available resources. Introduction of virtualization significantly reduce the need to replicate hardware environments that are identical and enables testing of scenarios at a cost that is lower. Seasonal workloads and peak periods in an organization can be remedied by virtualization. For example if you have peak workloads.

Virtualization as a standard solution

Vendors of operating systems should include virtualization as a standard component, virtualization vendors should make sure that the scope of their offerings are expanded and also the hardware vendors should build virtual capabilities in their platforms. Although substantial benefits are available from existing virtualization services, it can yield more benefits in both availability and manageability by building new applications with an integrated virtualization strategy.


Traditionally the IT capacity plan is considered a proper process  of IT (Information Technology), whose purpose was to study the volume of information that could manage the IT infrastructure. It has also been considered as a proper process of organizations with a large volume of resources(Schwalbe, 2006). But both perceptions are changing with the advent of the IT services offered from the cloud as infrastructure, platform or software as a service. This is the strategy that the CIO should implement.

They have also contributed to this change, technologies such as virtualization, enabling consolidation of IT resources or new ways of procurement of services such as “pay per use”. All these factors have succeeded in changing the idea that companies have the IT capacity plan as a passive element, to turn it into an enabling component of strategy. For any organization, whether large or small, is essential to maintain its business strategy aligned with market demand, any possible deviations may result in losses(Muller, 2005). For a small organization, such as a startup, with a small number of business processes, which are also relatively simple to implement and whose IT infrastructure is not too big, build a plan IT capacity is relatively simple and does not require too much effort. There is a set of recommendations or best practices that we can continue to develop a plan IT capacity. 

The server virtualization vendors such as VMware, storage identified as one of the key factors in the adoption of this technology. Since these providers have extracted hypervisor CPU and memory resources for better control and greater use, it makes use of control storage. But the concept of moving functionality of the storage controller to the host server in what is called “storage hypervisor” produces some potential problems. This is to manage storage services such as snapshots, clones and thin provisioning, which are important in virtual server and virtual desktop, you can significantly reduce the performance of the host server. 


Crosby, S., Garcia, J., & Williams, D. (2007). Virtualization with Xen. Burlington, Mass.:   Syngress.

Davies, P. (2008). Information technology. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Dittner, R. & Rule, D. (2007). Best damn server virtualization book period. Burlington, MA:         Syngress.

Information technology. (2005). Geneva.

Innovation in information technology. (2003). Washington, D.C.

Laudon, K. & Laudon, J. (2000). Management information systems. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Prentice Hall.

Muller, A. (2005). Virtualization with VMware ESX Server. Rockland, MA: Syngress.

Preston, P. (2001). Reshaping communications. London: SAGE.

Schwalbe, K. (2006). Information technology project management. Boston, Mass.: Thomson         Course Technology.

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