Leadership Management And Social Responsibilities: The Case Of Yellow Auto Automotive Company
About the company Yellow Auto Automotive Company
Discuss about the Leadership Management and Social Responsiblities.
The present study is about a company yellow motor that is one of the well known companies. It was started in the year 1989 and occupied almost 54 marketing shares in the year 2008. In this way, the company was developed on a very fast scale and increase the value of shares in only 20 years from incorporated. The report is all about the changes and decision making of the manager with regard to change in the company.
The Yellow Auto Automotive Company adopted the changes in a very effective way and also has positive results from the same. With a brief introduction we can understand that the learners will learn about the basic information about Yellow Auto Automotive Company. Then, the study will be continued with the changes takes place in respect to the leadership, relevant decision making and responsibilities etc. At last, there will suggestions that ho this company can maintain short coming and long comings in their organization, how the changes can be easily adopted and applied in the internal and external management of the company, how they can make correct and wise decision on time, etc.
Yellow Auto Automotive Company was initiated and builds by two brothers, Caner and Can Sale in the year of 1989 as a family company. It is a dealer of famous brand Renault. As we know that is was a family company so the shareholders and stake holders are also acted by the owners and relatives. The assets were also brought up by the two brothers together. There are two stores owned by Yellow Auto Automotive Company that are in Gaziemir and Cambidi. This company is one of the most reputed and well-known car companies in the world. They aim and objective is to sell famous brands and luxurious cars in different counties (Bailey, 2016).
It is a particular type of methodology in which participation, planning and evaluation is used in the government and private sectors so that social change can be promoted n the society. The theory of changes has a long term goals and their aim is to achieve the social welfare. There is a link between the short term and long term changes that are required to be done in the organizations (Haines, 2016).
There is an innovation in the theory of changes that can be achieved through making changes between the desired outcomes and the actual outcomes, understand the need and want of the customers and bring changes in the working so that they can be satisfied, etc. many organization commence a mistake in understanding the theory of change as they think that the theory to change is due to the methodology of planning and evaluation. Instead of this, the theory of change is critical theory that means a transparent and clear distribution of power dynamics. To achieve the final solutions, there is a need of many types of perspectives and participation from all the members soft the company (Bennister, 2016).
The theory of change
Change is a basic criterion to run all threads either small, medium or large business, industries, ages, etc. as the world is changing on a fast scale, the organizations are also changing their structure. It is said that the organization who handle the changes in a positive way can have a competitive advantage. The change management is similar to all the business but the changes are dependent on how an organization is managing the changes taking place and also how the people understanding the changes. Lewin’s change management model is one of the prominent models that describe the three stages of changes that are unfreezing – change- refreezes. Lewin, who was a social scientist and physicist, had explained the organizational changes by using analogy of changing the shapes of a block of an ice (Brown, 2016).
The Kurt Lewin change management theory was initiated by Curt Lewin who was the founder of social psychology. He found his interest in human aspect of change.
Take an ice cube and melt that cube into so that it converts into water. This stage is termed as unfreeze. Then put that water into stencils of whatever shape you want and this tag is changes stage. Finally, we observe that is solidifying into new shape. This is the final stage that is now as refreeze stage (Chapparamani, 2012).
Form this study we learn, the different stages of changes. It says that make a plan for the change that are coming in our way so that they can be managed in a proper way. Blind changes generally lead to chaos and turmoil. The first stage refers to the preparations of the changes that are involved in the organization so that they can be welcomed positively. In this stage, the organization should understand the need of changes in the organization. It is the most stressful and complicated stage as the organization is not aware about any kind of change that will take place n the future (Suttle, 2016).
The second stage of change is “change” itself. This stage refers to the implementation stage of the process. The transition will takes place in this stage but this cannot be accomplished in one day. New ways and innovative ideas are implemented and used practically in the organization. In order to accept the changes in the organization, there must be contribution o each employees is required because changes are necessary (Muhammad, 2015).
Lewin’s change management model
The last stage is refreeze stage in which changes have taken place and the employees and other members are become aware about the changes. The organization has taken a new shape and employees again become use to of all the changes (Burrell, 2012).
Advantages of theory-
It provides visual summary to various factors and supports ideas of the company. It is easily applicable in the yellow auto company. It provides qualitative factors to the organizations. The evaluation of the data will expand though application of Lewin’s change theory and it also create a positive impact in the success and failures of the company decision making (Janssen, et.al, 2006).
The financial structure is very strong of yellow auto company. They have an effective team and employees that are very skilled and laborious in nature.
Can sale has an in-depth knowledge and experience of automotive industry. He is an effective manager who is charismatic and intelligent enough to handle such organization.
The reputation of the company in the automobile markets of Izmir is very high. It is enjoying a good status and giving competition to big firms of Izmir (Feng, 2012).
As we know that the Lewin’s theory is very much rational, Plan and goals oriented. Yellow Auto Company is very flexible and changes are required but not suddenly. Changes are good but they do not considered human feelings and experiences. They have negative impact too. In this way, this theory may prove negative for yellow auto company (Goodall, 2008).
There was confusion about the allocation of authority and responsibility in the organization as employees are not aware and clear about the structure followed by the company. There was a mixture of formal and informal communication between them. There were no proper distribution of authority and responsibility between them.
The facilities were insufficient and the premises age is also very old. There was a need to restructure the infrastructure of the company.
There was lack in the spirit of team members and group members as there was a lack of effective and positive leadership in yellow auto company. The manager is also an autocratic leader who does not welcome the ideas of employees.
There were no management regards to the conflicts so the rate of conflicts in the employees was too high (Shane, & Ulrich, 2004).
It was observed that the organization’s main focus is on the authority and the power and not on the relationship of employees, system and pose. The main values of yellow auto company were on the competition, power, achievements and assertiveness. There were many critical problems faced by the company like distribution and mansgment of authority and responsibility and lack of clarity in the job allocation (Stippler, 2011).
Stages of changes
The other problem that the company was facing related to the customers complaints as the employees were not having sufficient knowledge and information regarding their complaints. They do not know that there must be an effective team who is valuable for the handling of clients it results in the value of market share. There were gap between the expectations and the satisfactions of the employees. The actual output was not matched with the desired one (Townsend, 2011).
It was observed that the leadership style of Casa Sale was an autocratic style as he did not give much importance to his employees ideas but he is an charismatic leader though his own ideas and skills. Every decision of the company was taken place with the orders of Casa Sale. He has the power o manage everything on his own. He has the capability to make happy and also to let down the morale of an employee within seconds.
Yes, there will be significant change in the attitude of employees, there are not only change stakes place in the attitude of employees but also in the job satisfaction of employees, culture of the organization, styles of the leaders, etc. if the changes take place, may or may not the employment policies will also changes. Sometimes, changes bring new hopes that are considered as a part of motivation.
The significant change in the attitude of employees can be related to the performance of their working.
In the year 2001, the managers and the head of the company realized that Yellow Auto Company have the capability to capture 50% of the market of automobile sector in that country so they determined this as the aim. They also realized that to achieve such big goal, the company has to bring changes that are effective and radical in nature. The changes will also address and help to manage the issues, problems and challenges face by the company. These problems are also related to the physical infrastructure and culture of the company. Before, the company made decision on the basis of their own thinking without the involvement of any employee and directors of the company. However, the top management knew that changes are very risky in nature and it is possible that they might create more problems in the orgnaistaion if changes are not well planned and the n well managed.
In this way, the Yellow Auto Company realized the need of change in their company and then they conduct an analysis and research on the company’s management. They conduct a conference and SWOT analysis to analyze the company’s change management.
Evaluation of theory on the basis of strengths and weakness
The critical and most important part of the project is the change management in the yellow auto company. In the first part, we have discussed about the entire case study provided and sum up that case study through summary. The second part of the study depicts about the theory of change management. The Kurt Lewis theory is discussed with its origin and steps. In the next part of the study, the discussion about the strength and weakness of Kurt Lewis theory is discussed. The impact of strength and weakness on Yellow Auto Company is also mentioned. The three stages of Kurt Lewis theory that are unfreeze-change-refreeze are also mentioned above. The third part depicts the degree of changes and its impact on the job satisfaction, organizational structure, and leadership style and employee attitudes.
There is a need to solve the problems related to the communication and coordination of the company’s employees and other members. There were many rules and regulations in the company that are not suited to the employees. The employees were not personally attached to the company as the relations between the employees and the managers were not good. There was no autonomy to the employees. They are not even allowed to take minor decisions by their own. Such situations lead to immoral and dissatisfaction. Employees were start feeling neglected and hence their ability to do work declined.
At last we can conclude that the effective change management is very important in not only individual’s life but also in the organizations. A change leads to up gradation that will directly influence the status of the same. The companies need to understand the relevancy of change with the success of the organization. Successful adaptation of changes leads to crucial increment in the overall growth of the companies. The changing condition may bring complications but for a long period of time they are beneficial and give long term profits for the organizations. The changes will also address and help to manage the issues, problems and challenges face by the company.
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