Importance Of Team Management In Maintaining Organisational Behaviour In Coca Cola Company

Company Background

Describe the Importance of Team Management in Maintaining Organisational Behaviour.

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Organisational behaviour determines the justified actions and body language undertaken for interacting with people within an organisation. The structure, group discussion, and behavioural aspects of the associated employees are the major focus to maintain a skilled organisational behaviour18. It is stated that organisational behaviour is considered as an interdisciplinary field, which is associated with communication, sociology, management, and psychology. It is noted that the leaders and the managers are the major responsible people who are involved with team management process. On the other hand, it is noted that the efficient team management is formulated by the people with common preferences and attitude13. The cohesiveness between the group members is necessary in order to achieve the pre-determined goals. The efficient leaders are the major responsible people to build an efficient team in order to establish the effective organisational behaviour. It is even necessary to understand the importance of team management process that can be fruitful for maintaining the organisational behaviour.  

The study is focusing on the management of organisational behaviour in Coca Cola Company. The study will be highlighting the identified issues concerned with the team management system in the organisation. The theoretical analysis will be presented in order to clarify the underlying concept. The conceptual analysis of the subject matter will be associated to discuss the importance of team management in order to maintain the organisational behaviour.

Coca Cola is the leading brand in the food and beverage industry. The company is much renowned as the leading marketer, produces, and supplier of the non-alcoholic beverages to the customers worldwide. It is to be noted that the company deals with the exclusive brands of water, coffee, energy drinks, water, cold drinks, and juice. The company has been operating in more than 200 nations in the world5. Therefore, it has captured the significant position in the global beverage market. In order to remain competitive, the company requires maintaining the internal organisational behaviour as well. However, in this current situations, there are several issues have been found in the internal team management process undertaken by the company6. The further section of the study will be identifying the issues associated with the team management process.

In this current scenario, it is seen that Coca Cola has established the insubstantial strategic management team, which is infusing the larger problem within the company. There are several global challenges are associated in this strategic management process undertaken by the company. In order to undertake the internationalised management structure, it is required to keep the focus on the appropriate strategic management14. When the company deals with the employees from different countries, it becomes difficult to manage the diversified people. It was implied that the effective strategic management is the process of identifying the organisational objectives and proper allocation of the resources. While dealing with the employees from different cultural background, it is necessary to maintain the cohesiveness19. The team bonding is the driving force for the accomplishments of the organisational objectives. However, the major problem that the management of Coca Cola has been facing is the inefficiency of the leaders.

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Identification of the Issues

The company deals with the international employees who are different to each other. It is noted that the chief executive officers are associated with the implementation of the strategic functionalities, which can manage the larger population12. However, it becomes difficult to understand the behavioural traits of the employees who belong to diverse cultures. In Coca Cola, the strategic management process has become of the major issues due to such diverse scenario. The inefficiency of the manager to resolve conflicts is also a major concern behind such mismanagement process. The managers face the real trouble when they need to structure the environmental functionalities in order to achieve the short term and long term goals. If the company requires strengthening the organisational position in a competitive market, the management needs to pay attention towards the identified problem related to the strategic management. It is necessary to acquire the proper communication skills since the employees face trouble in communicating with the upper management11. It is noted that interaction with the people from different culture is challenging. It is to be explained that the greater efficiency of the managers determines the accomplishments of the strategic goals10. Hence, it is necessary to identify the proper theoretical analysis, which will provide the fruitful insight of the organisational behaviour. Such literature based discussion will be focusing on the importance of team management for ensuring effective organisational behaviour.

It is to be signified that the effective team management refers to the different functionalities, which gather the team members to work together for accomplishing the pre-determined goals. The team members are needed to be the biggest priority for the managers in such cases. It is to be noted that the efficient leaders are the major responsible people to build an effective team. Hence, the efficient leadership skill is necessary to build a team and set the functionalities in order to achieve the organisational objectives15. While dealing with the employees from different cultural background, the leaders need to pay attention towards the proper communication skills7. Accordingly, they deal with several situational conflicts, which may create the negative impact on the organisational scenario. Hence, it is necessary to understand the basic concept of effective leadership skills, which will represent an efficient organisational behaviour. There are some of the theories, which are defining the skilled attributes of the leaders for managing the teams. Tuckman’s teamwork theory describes the efficient team management scenario, which can bring efficiencies to the organisational performance16. The description of the theory is presented further.

Concept of Team Management in Organisational Behaviour

In order to build an efficient team, Tuckman has provided a theoretical insight to the organisational management. This theory is based on a group study, which represents several perspectives, which analyses the behaviour of the different people in a team. It was found that there are two different behavioural traits, which are common in every team5. These two traits are the interpersonal structure and the activities of the team. Based on such traits, Tuckman found four different stages, which lead towards the establishment of the efficient teams. These stages are described further.

Stage 1- Forming stage: The first phase of this theoretical description is the testing orientation, which represents the degree of conflicts. The formation phase is considered as the initial phase in which the individuals are unwilling to work as a team. In this stage, it has been observed that individual seek the personal benefits instead of working with other team members. In such stage, the individuals try to find the purpose of being gathered in a team and work for a specific reason. The leaders need to clarify the purpose of starting up a new time1. Later, the leaders need to determine the strengthened establishment of the team, which can take over another team.

Stage 2- Storming Stage: In this phase, the team members gain the insights of being a part of a team. However, it has been observed that the team members face several potential challenges during this stage. Especially, when the employees are in a team, which consists of the people from different cultural background, it becomes very hard to cope with each other. Moreover, the team members are often unaware of the functionalities that they need to perform9. The leaders need to maintain the responsibilities to make them aware of the team functionalities and guide the proper way. The occurrence of conflicts and confrontations takes place in this stage. Many of the employees lose focus on the task during such stage. Hence, it is considerably the most challenging stage.

Stage 3- Normal Stage: In this stage, the team members gather together to develop the process by performing in an efficient way. The leaders make the team members aware of the rules and responsibilities to work accordingly. The team members become responsible to help each other in the team and complete the assigned tasks2. Moreover, in this stage, the employees divide the work and allocate the different parts of the task to the other members. The structured process performed through team efforts will be appreciated in this stage.

Teamwork Theory of Tuckman

Stage 4- Performing Stage: the final stage of this theory is the performing stage, which determines the performance attributes of the members associated with the team. In this stage, the team members enhance their focuses towards accomplishing the objectives. In fact, the team members provide their fruitful efforts to strengthen their relationships with the other team members4. The effectiveness of the performance parameter is necessary in this stage.

The theory is developed to make people understand the evolving nature of a new team. In fact, the theory clarifies the internal conflicts that may arise in different situation However, there is a limitation underlying in Tuckman’s theory of team management. It is observed that the theory is much sequential and linear17. In spite of being a most preferable analytical tool, it becomes tough to structure the theory as several loops are evolved involved. For example, it can be inferred that many of the organisations face difficulties in building the team. Moreover, the inefficiency of the leaders may sometimes fail to bring the employees together in order to formulate a team. It is even noted that not every team runs smoothly and requires more efforts. While bringing the employees from different cultural background together, it is required establishing a greater communication skill. Hence, it can be inferred that the theory is somewhat limited.

Unlike many other theories associated with the team management, Amabile and Kramer’s Progress theory is also suggesting several steps of establishing an effective team. This particular theory focuses on several factors, which are needed to be maintained by the leaders or the authority to establish a team13. These factors are discussed below.  

The rapid changes in this current scenario, the changes in the objectives and goals have become much prominent. Therefore, it has become necessary to clarify the pre-determined goals as well as the changes make in the existing objectives. It can be explained that when the goals and objectives are changing, it becomes tough for the employees to set their focus on a particular objective. Therefore, it is necessary to clarify the specific goals to the employees. The leaders thus need to set the SMART (Specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound) goals that are cleared to the employees. The expectation of the company from the employees is also becomes clear before formation of a team. Apart from knowing the determined objectives, the employees need to gain the ideas about the connection between activities that they need to finish.

It is true that the employees need to fulfil the expectation of the company by completing the assigned tasks. Moreover, they need to be knowledgeable enough regarding the organisational goals. However, it is important for the employees to select their preferable way of working. The management ought to provide such freedom to the employees to work in accordance with their selected process3. The new ideas and innovations of work functionalities occur if the management provide such opportunities to the employees.

If the employees do not receive the sufficient resources to perform the work, it becomes difficult for them to complete the task. Moreover, the employees cannot maintain the consistency in their working schedule. The management thus needs to pay attention towards the proper resources, which can bring efficiency to the performance management.

It is noted that the team members sometimes face the difficulties due to the time constraints. When the task is allocated to a team, a deadline is set to complete the task. In order to bring the efficiency, it is required to provide the ample time to the team members. When the team members have been receiving enough time to complete any activity, they can use more innovative skills to get the works done. Moreover, the effective performance attributes will also be identified.

The supports are the major needs for each of the employees to complete any task. In such regards, the supervisors and the leaders play the vital role. The continuous monitoring of the employees’ performance is necessary for measuring the progress of their works. Moreover, if the employees are receiving the works as per their expertise, it becomes easier to complete the task quickly. Hence, the supports and expertise factors are much necessary for building a team.

The efficient performance attributes and the maintenance of the consistency are needed to be recognised by the management. Accordingly, the team and the individuals in the team are needed to be appreciated. When the employees receive the sense of appreciation, it motivates them to perform in a better way. The reward process is thus justified as the most effective motivational process.

The recognition of these theories is ensuring that the team building is important enough for an effective organisational behaviour. The maintenance of such steps will establish a strengthen team. In addition to this the leaders are needed to be efficient enough to communicate with the employees and build a strengthened team.

The identified issue associated with the organisational behaviour in Coca Cola is suggesting that the management is unable to manage the international employees. In considering the theories associated with the team management system, it can be stated that the company needs to establish the efficient communication process. It is noted that the people from diversified cultures and different countries face difficulties in interactions. When they face such language barriers and the lack of transparency, the conflicts between the team members increase. Therefore, the executive managers of Coca Cola needs to establish the transparent communication process to interact these employees. The internationalised strategic decisions are needed to be clarified to the employees in order to provide the insights about the organisational objectives. When the employees will be able to communicate with the team members and upper management, the chances of the situational conflicts will be less. Moreover, the management will be able to resolve the conflicts in a significant manner.


The study discusses the importance of team building for maintaining the effective organisational behaviour. Coca Cola has been facing several difficulties to manage the team which is associated with the people from different cultural background. The theoretical concept is thus specifying that the company requires paying attention towards establishing the communicational transparency. The recognition of the factors is necessary. It determines the maintenance of the organisational behaviour that leads towards organisational excellence. It will be effective enough in interacting with the employees to resolve the issues. Hence, the clarification of the goals through effective communication is necessary for building a team. Therefore, it can be mentioned that the maintenance of the efficiency of the leaders would be effective enough to motivate the employees. The performance attributes will be ensuring the proper organisational behaviour.


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