Roles And Responsibilities Of Managers In Saud Bahwan Group
Literature Review
Discuss about the Management, Organisation and Employment Strategy.
The definition of a manager implies an individual, who is in charge of several tasks, which will help a particular organisation to achieve its desired goal within the established period. According to Pedleret al.(2013), the managers of an organisation are responsible for directing and planning the tasks among the group members and monitor their works. The managers are very much important as they can determine the ultimate success of an organisation with employing effective strategies. Richmond et al.(2012) have mentioned that managers are important for business as they play an essential role in the recruitment, selection, retaining and inspiring the employees in perfect manner. This discourse will discuss the roles and responsibilities of the managers in Saud Bahwan Group. The importance of managers in the organisational design involves various functions, such as organising, planning, directing, motoring and staffing. Managers are the responsible for achieving the organisational goals.
The mangers of an organisation share knowledge with the employees in order to help them to perform their allocated tasks in efficient manner. Watson (2013) has suggested that managers are responsible for the ultimate success of an organisation as they make the relevant decisions regarding tasks, strategies and meeting. The roles and responsibilities of the manager involve a potential management of the entire workforce. There are seven types of manager in the most of the enterprises, such as problem solving manager, pitchfork manager, pontificating manager, perfect manager, presumptuous manager, proactive manager and passive manager (Bredin and Söderlund 2013). The problem-solving manager is solely focussed and task driven for achieving the targeted goals, whereas the pitchfork manager performs their tasks with demanding progress, controlling power and forcing accountability. On the other hand, the pontificating manager does not follow some specific strategy in order to deal with the employees (Jehanzeb et al. 2013). According to Kunze et al.(2013), presumptuous managers concentrate on themselves than the employees and they put their own objectives and goals in the priority list. The perfect managers possess excellent qualities, such as the supporter of innovation, creativity and change for both the personal and professional growth of the employees and the success of the organisation. The passive mangers maintain a good relationship with the team members and colleagues, whereas, the proactive manger always provide confidence to the employees for their career progression (Simons 2013).
As opined by Rummler and Brache (2012), the managers even possess the power to recruit, promote and terminate the employees. The managers recommend effective actions for ultimate success of the organisation, they fix meetings with the business executives and marketers, and after that, they execute effective strategies with the help of strategic experts and ask permission from the higher authority to employ the strategy within the company. Alfes et al.(2013) have referred that in today’s competitive business world, the managers are the major drover of the success of an organisation.
Brief Introduction about Saud Bahwan Group
Saud Bahwan Group of Oman plays a significant role for enhancing the economic condition of the nation with its allied and automotive business, construction equipment, heavy vehicles, turnkey projects, municipal and civic services, special equipment, travel and tourism and property and real estate business ( 2016). It is noteworthy to mention here that all of these business help to build the nation as Saud Bahwan Group holds minimum 34% market share.
After conducting an effective interview with Mr. Mohammed Saud Bahwan, the Chairman of Saud Bahwan Group, it can be understood that this group continues its business in various sectors, therefore, it is required to implement relevant strategies employed by the managers. Mr. Saud has depicted that this particular business group is committed to maintain corporate social responsibility, corporate governance and controlling the pollutions in order to provide a safe environment in Oman. Even Mr. Saud has explained the responsibilities of the managers for the constant success of Saud Bahwan Group.
The job and responsibilities of the managers of Saud Bahwan Group involves the leading capability as this particular business group maintain various kinds of business operations in different industry. According to Harris and McCaffer (2013), manger should be proficient in every area as this specific individual can motivate the employees in adequate manner. The managers of Saud Bahwan Group measure monitor and evaluate the success of every sector of business and searches for whether there are any drawbacks or loopholes in the entire business operations. It is important to mention here that there are different managers for controlling the different business sectors. The opinions of these managers vary with their performing functions for ensuring a long-term success in the organisation. The managers of Saud Bahwan Group are capable to administer and oversee the business operations on regular basis. Even the managers are very much friendly that the associates discuss any issues regarding their performance within the company and the adopted strategies in order to mitigate certain challenges.
The managers of Saud Bhawan group are:
- Monitor
- Spokesperson
- Disturbance handler
- Figurehead
- To reduce operation costs
- To make plans for optimum utilisation of the existing resources
- To promote efficient economical productions
- To establish equilibrium
After the completion of the interview with Mr. Saud, it is clear that the level managers of Saud Bahwan Group involve CEO, directors, and the head managers of the every business sector.
- There are different level managers for construction equipment, travel and tourism, property and real estate and heavy constructions and every level manager plays crucial role for bringing out the best performances of every sectors and determines the ultimate success of the organisation.
- Saud Bahwan Group has become a successful company in Oman not in one day and its success relies on the effective decision making and incorporating potential strategies by the level managers.
- Even the level mangers motivate and inspire the employees for completing the allocated tasks in proper manner and the standard and quality of the services of this particular group is excellent, which helps to retain its loyal customers.
- The level managers support the motivated and talented workforce, which helps to overcome every encountered challenge in the workplace with employing roper commitment and passion in order to deliver excellence.
- The level managers are efficient enough in order to make critical tasks easier by the avoidance of wastage of the scarce resources for ultimate enhancement of the profit level.
As the managers of Saud Bahwan Group are efficient, therefore, the business is greatly benefitted from the managers. The company holds minimum 34% market share in Oman and it is only possible because of the efficient and potential managers.
- The managers of Saud Bahwan Group helps in the recruitment and selection process in order to select only the efficient and desired candidates as an employee of this group.
- Even the managers have arranged proper and essential trainings for the newly recruited employees in Saud Bahwan Group. There are training sessions available for the existing employees also for their further professional and personal development and career progression.
- Saud Bahwan Group is benefitted because of its manager’s great and excellent communication skill and style. According to Slaikeu and Hasson (2012), there are no such issues, which cannot be resolved with employing proper interactions.
- Communications of the managers maintains the workplace running in effective manner and always help the employees to know the mission vision and goals of the business operations. Even with proper communication style, the managers discuss what kinds of outcomes are expected from the employees.
Figure 1: Organisational chart
(Source: 2016)
From this above organisational chart, it has been revealed that in Saud Bahwan Groupthe importance of the managers is impeccable, as they have decided appropriate strategies for the ultimate success of the organisation. The activities of the managers of this business group have been endeavoured in the company’s award winning achievement.
- The responsibility an importance of the managers of this group implies the ultimate success of the enterprise. They always suggest suitable and potential strategies for the business growth.
- Saud Bahwan Group hire potential and efficient managers in order to run the business functions on regular basis train the newly recruited employees and maintain standard and quality of the performances for retaining the goodwill and the brand image of this company.
- The managers also play an important role for making budgetary, production and financial goals for Saud Bahwan Group. Even if the organisation fails short to fulfil its desired goals, the managers have made essential and required adjustments in order to get back the company on the desired track. The managers of Saud Bahwan Group truly lead to the success of the organisation in efficient manner. The level managers enable Saud Bahwan Group in potential manner for surviving in the changing environment of the organisation and maintain largest business of construction, automotive, travel and tourisms.
From this discourse, it has been revealed that the roles and responsibilities of the managers of an organisation is necessary in order to hold the best and desired position in the industry and to enjoy a suitable market share. In this study, the managers of Saud Bahwan Group participates in every aspects and performance of the organisation and communicates with every level of employees and associates for solving any critical issues related to the organisational and employees performance, protocols, policies, rules and regulations. The major importance of the manager of this group involves the development of the performance management process, which is a valuable tool in order to support the employee improvement and development. Even the managers have scheduled an effective conversation for the regular performance of the employees for the betterment of the enterprise. The mangers of Saud Bahwan Group control every operation in coordinated and smooth manner for establishing a sound organisational structure. They arrange various factors of production and assemble it for organising the resources and integrating resources for achieving goals.
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