Project Management For Beyond Earned Value Management

Part One

Describe about the Project Management for Beyond Earned Value Management.

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Team Name

Team PMS

Project Manager

John Wilson

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Other Team members

Sami Ryan

Contact no:

Danny Fluke

Contact no:

Kristen Churchill

Contact no:

Date of Status Report

7th October, 2016

Name of project

Riverina Agriculture and Lifestyle Show

Project Overview

The project covers the implementation of the computer based record keeping system at Globex corp. The system would be designed for keeping records of the volunteers that are employed for their showcase held every year.

Project Description

The project has been implied for Globex Corp and it requires designing a system for record keeping. The system used by Globex Corp is manual and they require a computerized system for record keeping. The volunteers for the yearly showcase held in November would require the involvement of number of volunteers for smooth operations. The operations include live shows, demonstration, show stands, volunteering, and catering. The computerized system would keep track of the volunteers at RALS.

Skills and Knowledge

Team Members

Skills and Knowledge

John Wilson (Project Manager)

Leadership, Management Skills, Motivator

Sami Ryan (Core Designer)

Designing, Creativity, And Drawing Ability

Danny Fluke (Coder and Tester)

Coding Knowledge, Programming Experience, and Critical Analyst

Kristen Churchill (Budgeter)

Accounting Knowledge, Knowing Principles of Costing and Market Analyst

Roles and Responsibilities

Project Manager

The project manger has to manage the project operations, take necessary decisions, and he is responsible for completion of the project.

Core Designer

He would be responsible for designing the software system and graphical user interface or GUI. The designer would be responsible for maintenance of the software designs and its interface.

Coder and Tester

The coder would be responsible for making the coding of the complete software. The application programs would be coded and programmed by him. The application is tested by him before delivering it to the client and making sure that the software meet all the requirements of the client.


The budgeter is responsible for keeping the project costing within estimated value. The financial analyst or budgeter would have to make sure that the expense should not increase from the quoted cost of the project. She would have to do market research for keeping the amount of money expended on the software project for gaining maximum profit without compromising the quality of the project.

Team Communications

Meeting Times and Location


Team Name: PMS

Date: 12th October, 2016                                Time: 1100 hrs                     Place: Central Hall

Meeting Purpose:

“Discussion about the work division of the Project”


Person Responsible


1. Introduction of meeting

Host of the meeting

5 mins

2. Planning process in the project

Project Manager

15 mins

3. Discussion of roles of team members

All Team Members

12 mins

4. Setting Objectives of the project

Project Manager

10 mins

5. Assigning task to each of the team member with estimated time of completion

Project manager

10 mins

6. Asking the members if they have any doubts or if they want to say something

All team members

15 mins

7. Synopsis of the meeting

Host of the meeting

7 mins

Communication Channel and

Information Sharing

There are number of communication channels for the members of the project group and they can be classified into the following sub headings.

Intranet or web portal

The intranet of web portal made for the project can act as a mean of communication. The technological development has made it easy to communicate with each other. Internet resource is very helpful in sharing one’s idea and it can be utilized to convey the messages from one person to other about the project progress or any queries related to it.

Face to face meetings

Occasional meeting of the project members for discussing the progress of the project can be utilized for communication with the project group members. These meetings would also act as the channel of communication and exchange of ideas.


A formal yet an effective way for communication are emails. It is useful for sharing ideas to other members of the project group. The communication could be greatly effective as the range of email is over the internet and its operations are very fast.

Team Rules and Expectations

1. The previous experiences while working in a group project are:

Positive Effects

Negative Effects

The work has been divided and hence the work load was less on each individual

When one person was late, it affected the work progress of all the people in the project

Brainstorming helped in critical analysis of the topic and it resulted in being able to understand all aspects of the topic

Difference of opinions gave rise to some conflicts and arguments which was needed to be resolved

Each person had got the part of task he or she could do brilliantly. It had helped in bringing out the best from the team member

Some of the people were not be able for getting acquainted or understanding with most parts of the project

The group work had resulted in making the team members socially accustomed to each other in the group

They had ended up chatting and talking more rather than concentrating on the work.

The members had worked more hard for contributing more for the project completion and getting recognition

It became harder for managing big group of people. Even managing the schedules of meetings became a problem. As everyone could be put together easily

Team values

Importance of team values

Statement of team values

Commitment for the work

“Basing our work on the project demand”

Acceptance of all members

“Listening to each other with an open mind without interruption ”

Impartial sharing of ideas

“Sharing knowledge, information and experience with those who can benefit”

Reasoning power development

“Taking key decisions based on reasoning not rank”

Team Spirit

“Expressing concerns only to those responsible for dealing with them”

Working culture 

“A responsibility culture not a blame culture”

Development Oriented

“Striving for continuous improvement”

No dishonesty or ego

“Positively challenging dishonesty or destructive behavior without being egoistic”

Code of ethics


“We would work tirelessly for continuous development of the team and its undertaking projects for completing it on the provided time. We would keep ourselves work oriented, non egoistic, social, helpful, honest and highly motivated. The team members would be impartial and high spirited for accepting all as ‘one for all’.”

Rules and expectations

The ground rules and expectation of a project group for successful completion of project are being classified in the subheadings.

Fair sharing of Task

The task allocated to each of the group member must be shared fairly. It means all the tasks or work assigned to any member must not make him or her uncomfortable for completion. Their strengths should be utilized in the project work.

Efficient workplace

It is very important to find a workplace suitable for working on the project. A home may be comfortable for doing the work at peace however it may not have all the things necessary for completing the assigned work. The workplace should help in providing the necessary focus on the project.

Respect individual opinions

The team members must respect the opinions and thoughts of other team members. It is important for forming synchronization among the working capacity and thinking ability of the team members for successful completion of the project.



Name of the Team Member


John Wilson

John Wilson

Sami Ryan

Sami Ryan

Danny Fluke

Danny Fluke

Kristen Churchill

Kristen Churchill

Learning Cycles





Media of Communication

Status Date

Introductory Commitment

Bringing all team members on same page

Team members

Project Manager

Face to face meeting

12th October, 2016

Review external agenda

Understanding government policies

Project Coordinator

External Regulators


13th October, 2016

Weekly Evaluation

Reviewing the project progress till date

Project manager and Stakeholders

Team members

Web Portal

15th October, 2016

Design Review

Understanding the Designing requirements of the client

Chief Designer

Quality management

Face to face meeting or Email

11th October, 2016

Coding Requirement

Creating the coding language program for the design

Quality Management

Coder and tester

Data Sheet or requirements

13th October, 2016

Integration of the design and codes

The codes made and the design planned would develop the software

Quality management

Designer and coder

Practical result’s sheets

19th October, 2016

Stakeholders List

The list of stakeholders for a project includes:

Project Stakeholder


Contract Management team

Manages the contract’s terms and conditions for the project, Negotiation of the contract is also the responsibility of contract management team


Customers can be part of board or sponsor, provider of money and project requirements

External Regulators

Representatives of all the external constraint of the project, examples- government bodies providing access to required infrastructure or permits

Project Manager

Responsible for delivery and successful completion of project, time management, quality maintenance and determination of scope for the project

Project Team

The assembles members of the team who will perform all the activities for successful completion of the project, responsible for working full time or part time on the project for meeting the requirements of the client or customer

Testing and Quality Management

Have to make sure that the developed project would be able to run and provide profit in real time, assessing specialist functions for the improvement of the quality of project

Budgeter or account management

Responsible for completion of the project within the stipulated budget, keeping the expense under control, channeling the cross sell operations


Resource provider for the project, vital for successful completion of project

Audience for the communication

Transferred Message


Medium of Communication

Person Responsible

Management committee

System overview consisting of goals, implementation, objectives, scope, future strategies, software development

When required

Documents such as formal paper and reports

Project leader, software development team

Task committee

Forming strategies, budget, technology development

Monthly basis

Demos, reports, and documents

Sponsors and budgeter

Departmental administration

Objectives and goals of phases, system overview, job responsibilities

Different stages

Email, training season

Contract Management team, Project Manager

Implementation team

Strategies, issue resolutions, responsibilities

Weekly or as required by stakeholders

Email, meetings, workshops

External Regulators, Project Manager

End users

Business process, forms, access

Mid Stages of project

Through training seasons, emails

Administrator, developer

Annotated Bibliography

Article 1: “Project and Evaluation time in- The GoBifo Project Evaluation Report”

(Source: Casey, Glennerster and Miguel, 2013)

Summary: The project evaluation and time required for completion of the GoBifo project consist of a figure deciphering the stages of project development. The first part consisted of the baseline surveys, development planning, and approval reviews of the project. The second phase consisted of the project implementation processes in parts. The project was huge and it was not possible for implementation of the whole project in one attempt. The third part consisted of the voucher program and end of line survey. The whole article is about the implementation of the project management in the project of Sierra Leone. The project participants were selected from diversified communities who were able to design the causal effects of the project development. The whole project took 4 years for completion and it resulted in finding the following outcomes, impact of project, the lingering effects on the project and spillovers of the non project realms.

Article 2: “Project evaluation with democratic decision-making: What does cost–benefit analysis really measure?”

(Source: Nyborg, 2014)

Summary: The article is based on the evaluation of the project in terms of financial measurement. The standard cost analysis has been based on the value judgments and it is controversial. The problematic shown in the article is the demographic selection process in project operations. The similarity between cost benefit and cost impact analysis can lead to emphasis on the financial valuation of the project. The complete analysis of the project is based on the analysis of the financial development of the project. The cost analysis have different approaches in project development as cost benefit analysis projects the total or net amount that can be expended on the project. The total cost of making the project is neither more nor less than the projected value. The decision making process can be largely benefited by the employment of the cost analysis of the project.

Article 3: “A review of project evaluation methodologies to address net impacts and risks of toll road projects to the community”

(Source: Chi Bunker & Kajewski, 2016)

Summary: The article has shown the review of the project evaluation process and methods. The project evaluation is an essential requirement of the project management process. The evaluation process consists of cost measurement, risk analysis, benefit calculation, and uncertainty management. It would help in enhancing the process of the decision making in the project development. The review of the project evaluation methods and processes has shown the gap in the knowledge of the toll roads and evaluation. The project reviewed in the article is for transportation facilities. The cost benefit analysis has been suggested for further evaluation of the project in terms of costing and decision making. However, no specific methodology has been prompted for evaluating the project management of the road construction and transportation facility. The limitation of the project has been mentioned in the report such as gap in knowledge and absence of any particular methodology for project evaluation.

Project Name, Team, and Description

The project closure checklist is a long list of activities that have been done for successful completion of the project.





Assembling the team members and allocating them corresponding tasks



Obtaining and Evaluating the work from each of the project member



Developing strategies and planning for the project



Perform iterative analysis of the costing factor



Developing the software design and user interface



Completing the programming for the software



Integrating the coding and design



Testing the software before producing it to the client



Cost analysis of the software for calculating the profit gained



Updating the client’s requirements



Evaluating the service of the software with the requirements of the clients



Feedback from the client on the usage of the software



Synopsis of the project


The project can be evaluated of 4 characteristics such as relevancy, effectiveness, efficiency, and sustainability.


The project processes developed is relevant for the software development process for the RALS project as it has helped in meeting the objectives of the project


The project processes and operations are effective as the objective for developing a software system for RALS volunteer data maintenance system has been met


The cost and benefit analysis has helped in keeping the expense of the project in the expected budget


The project plan can be useful for the company for development of the software. Hence the project is sustainable


Leadership Qualities include channelizing the project towards successful completion of the project, motivating employees for task assignment completion, and controlling the project processes and operations. The experience of leadership qualities has helped in tackling the problems and the issues that may arise in the project. The other qualities of leadership skills for project management are integrity, responsibility, and trustworthiness. I had developed these qualities of good leadership skills due to my previous experience of being project manager. The project requires a skilled and effective leadership for the project completion. I had to face some scenarios that have helped in developing the leadership skills for project management.

In the first scenario I had to maintain the integrity of the team group, when there raised some situation of disagreement among the team members. They had conflicted on the topic of the meeting date and I being the manager of the project intervened for forming harmony between them. I realized the importance of keeping the team on the same page, as when the conflict raised it became really hard for decreasing the rift in between them. It took me almost an hour for coming with a solution for the problem. Another scenario came when a person unresponsively caused the loss of data. He was assigned for taking the data from a source and after taking the data he misplaced it. All the other team members held me responsible for giving the responsibility on him. I realized whatever outcome of the decision would be, the project manager would be responsible for it. Hence, I realized how much responsibility of the project manager has in the project decisions.

I have realized that the project manager for ICT professional must be acquainted with some specific skills, techniques, and methods while managing an IT project. These skills include Honesty, Delegacy, Communication, Confidence, Commitment, Positivity, Creativity, Intuitive, and Inspiring. The first and the foremost important quality of a good manager for ICT professional project is honesty. The project is a team work and until the team trusts me, I would not be able to convey the goals and objectives of the project to my team members. Hence communication is another important quality that would help in aligning the objectives of the project with the team members. The other qualities like confidence, positivity, and creativity had helped me in forming effective project completion. Intuitive and inspiring qualities had helped me taking appropriate decisions and motivating team members for performing better. I have to use these qualities for successful completion of the RALS project.

Team Charter

Hence I can evidently from my experience say that the project management is not an easy feat that can be achieved without putting effort, developing skills of leadership, forming systematic communication schemes and using prior knowledge about the technological development. I have to use some strategies for putting forward the planning of the ICT project.

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