NSW Healthcare And Leadership: Evaluation Of Core Values For Effective Medical Care


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Values characterize human behaviours the way individuals communicate and make decisions. Therefore, reflecting and considering personal values such as reliability, trust, compassion, integrity and intuition enables people to gain information and underpinning of outlining the significance of an effective medical care group. The article will examine and evaluate the New South Wales Medical Cores Values which brings openness, empowerment, transparency, and collaboration. Moreover, the article will expound on how these core values impact patients’ health outcome and experiences (Kilapatrick, 2014). Furthermore, relevant examples provided from the literature will enable and enhance the understanding of how these values and variables will be of advantageous in pursuing a nursing career in the future. Therefore, Gibb’s model of reflection will be used to continue to improve knowledge for the future registered nurses that will impact on the patients’ health outcome.

Therefore, the multidisciplinary team plays a significant role to provide adequate care to individuals. Healthcare team can be defined as a set of more than two people or a group of individuals who are aiming for the same goals (Kilpatrick, 2014). The following personal values that characterize the most effective members of high-functioning teams in health care are honesty, discipline, creativity, humility, Curiosity (Kilpatrick, 2014). The following individual values distinguish every personal trait of high-functioning nurses participating in a health care group include; discipline, humility, honesty, creativity, and curiosity. On a different note, Tsai (2011) claims that among two individuals collaborating towards similar mutual objectives and goals enhance productivity (Kilapatrick, 2014). Therefore, communication and interaction between different interdisciplinary medical cares generate a powerful influence to member partnership, communication, and willingness in achieving common objectives and goals (Tsai, 2011). Moreover, the interactions improve and develop job satisfaction among healthcare teams. It should be noted that the characteristics of an effective medical care group partnership consist of the following: reliability, loyalty, trusts in the group members, tolerance in all harsh conditions for one to be successful. In other words, personal sacrifice enhances productivity and desires for all other members of the entire group. 

Values represent human characteristics which are expressed through actions and decisions. Value can be defined as an ongoing attitude or belief about an individual trait which is reflected appropriately by other people (Tsai, 2011). Therefore, values are predisposed, learned, understand, lead, and guides people to take certain positions in different situations. For that reason, they arise from social issues, environment, experience and education factors that affect the lives of people (Rassin, 2008). Therefore, my personal experience values include reliability, compassion, trust, integrity, and intuition. 


Trust can be explained as the process whereby a person’s condition can be influenced by behaviors of a different individual (Harris, 2006). Therefore, group effectiveness is based on the variety of team improvement from safer trusted environments that can be trusted by all members participating in the medical care team. Bajnok (2012) suggest that an individual will understand that having or spending time with his or her colleagues in a team can contribute and generate trust. Harris (2006) claims that knowing one another in the medical care team create strong connections that attribute to an effective production thus building mutual understanding.

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Reliability is defined as the capability to be trusted by other individuals, depending on the performing in the excellence for a given time (Oxford Online Dictionary, 2015). Therefore, understanding reliability in medical care teams can be displayed through effective communication, flexibility, and commitment, adaptability to actions, team self-corrections, and developments. Additionally, these outstanding safety measures can enhance an effective teamwork performance (Wilson, 2005). Therefore, this value endorses working and training together correctly that can be dependable in a medical care team thus enhancing safeness to all members of the team. 

Tyreman (2011) believes that integrity is the value of being having honorable principles, honest, good intentions, and behaviors. Individual integrity ought to be an exceptional value for transmission of medical care. For that reason, health, and medical care groups in conjunction with the value of integrity provides respect for their employment (Tyreman 2011). Furthermore, having various reputes from their patients, health care teams will deliver their maximum effective quality care.  

When an individual portrays kindness, caring, sympathy, and willingness to aid other individuals, then they are demonstrating compassion (Mitchell, 2012). As a result, medical healthcare teams displays observe, acknowledge. Emotional resonance acknowledges, observes, and address what their patient feels. Compassion regarding a medical healthcare group is necessary since it displays respect, thoughtfulness, caring, sympathy, advocate, consideration, do no harm and build trust for another medical healthcare team colleague those results in effectiveness (Mitchell, 2012). 

Intuiting explains the ways which health care teams make significant decisions concerning patient medical care (Robert, Tilley, and Peterson, 2014). In other words, intuiting explains the feeling that monitors and controls an individual to act on in a guaranteed manner without entirely thoughtful knowing the reason behind it. For that reason, Robert, Tilley, and Peterson (2014) assumed that intuition ought to be a very crucial thing of an effective medical healthcare. Addition, intuition helps group teams in a decision-making process that reinforces and support safe patient medical care. 


For intensive performance in providing an effective medical healthcare, Leadership traits are very crucial for the formation of proper patient care (Curtis, Vries and Sheeran, 2011). Additionally, the important of leadership is to operate an establishment and creation of medical healthcare services that are self- evident. Nevertheless, nursing leadership motivates, inspire, and innovative participants through demonstrating an encouraging affiliation with healthy working environment, patient safety outcomes, positive outcomes and lower turnover rates for medical care workers. Curtis, Vries and Sheeran (2011) claimed that leaders have an urge to use their individual values and abilities, such like; integrity, initiative, courage, honesty, and purpose to think critically through the setting of objectives, communication competently, in achieving these objectives and goals (Cummings, 2008). Moreover, leaders should implement essential actions by meeting medical healthcare group organization intentions. Frequently, Leaders are associated to prepare and organize various strategies, being committed, and effective planning, have the potential to handle stress (Mahoney, 2011). Nevertheless, leaders are also devoted to addressing medical healthcare facilities and teams by motivating them in achieving their future goals. Effective leaders in the medical services groups need to use certain values like; energetic, passionate,  and seeking inspiration to influence and maintain problem-solving strategies (Cummings, 2008). A successful and respectable leader will strive for development through other colleagues within the medical care team during their leadership (Mahoney, 2011). Therefore, nursing leaders should deliver leadership traits that would assist positive conclusions through providing guidance within an effective nursing centre. 

Medical values are strategically constructed upon confidence, trust, integrity, responsibility, and service. All these values ought to be associated and accompanied by different means through which medical healthcare group participants are devoted to them (New South Wales Government, 2015). Therefore, the New South Wales CORE values are; openness, collaboration, empowerment, and respect. Collaboration can be explained as an active practice through which people collectively operate in achieving similar common objectives. The New South Wales Health collaboration values are systematized thus creating confidence among both nurses and patients (New South Wales Government, 2015).Equal treatment of people despite their gender creates collaboration hence this core value can encourage and link ideas through opening up of communication between individuals of different stages. Therefore, these values can freely increase good working conditions among different health care groups through providing excellent and exquisite levels of patient medical care. 

Openness is defined as an authentic value of conversing, working, behaving, and a tendency in receiving approaches, new ideas, procedures, and changes (MacMillan Online Dictionary, 2015)). Openness encourages all individuals to freely air out their concerns. Consequently, openness raises communication, confidence, and cooperation in dealing with patients. In other words, openness accepts and welcomes by providing giving and receiving feedback that performs improvement in patient care facilities (New South Wales Government, 2015).


Respect can be explained as a core value for the state of being admired and a sense of worth through their either achievements or capabilities avoid treating and harm individuals in a polite way (Oxford Online Dictionary, 2015). Medical health care groups use respect through welcoming and listening to new ideas or concerns towards patients care. Therefore, values are committed to providing patient healthcare which recognizes and respects the outlooks, feelings, desires, requirements, and fairness rights of the patient health (New South Wales Government, 2015).

Conveying the value of empowerment can ensure patients by making well-informed decisions about their care, treatment, and management (Montani, 2015). Therefore, medical healthcare members should understand patients in many different ways. Different members of the health care group should view the patient as an individual, not a medical condition it thus creating a sense of connectedness, trust, and patient-focused care. Increase rates of empowerment among medical healthcare colleagues insignificant to ensure their efficiency as a group (Montani, 2015). Therefore, empowerment utilizes different resources in meeting and achieving the patient’s potentials, health care, involvements, and outcomes. 

Reflection is defined as an implementation of learning through essential abilities in modern nursing (MacMillan Online Dictionary, 2015). Hence, reflective ideal supports personal traits through seeing the situation of another person from a different perspective rather than focusing on their reactions. Additionally, understanding how reflection operates without a model of opportunity that can be either reflection or restricted (Ashby, 2006). Therefore, an individual need to evaluate and ought to understand Gibbs Reflective Cycle exemplary to enhance understanding. The Gibbs strategy involves six different stages that can be used to examine personal traits in details (Gibbs, 1988). For that reason, nurses would enhance their performing clinical training after graduation by developing of appropriate abilities and appreciating their future occupation. The Gibbs cycle promotes reflection on health care practice (Gibbs, 1988). Therefore, some the mentioned six stages, are; examination of feelings, explanation of the situation, assessment of the experience, investigation of what was learned, a conclusive action plan in exploring new situations (Ashby, 2006). 

Through understanding the various situation, then this essay evaluates depends on the real life experiences that have troubled and distressed many nursing experts in their entire nursing degree experience.  Based on the information provided above, many nurses are luckily associated in different kinds of troubles some which are reflected in this essay. As a result, this article, explains by giving real life illustration the reason why many nurses ought to practice personal values like; reliability, compassion, trust, integrity and intuition.


Maintaining privacy and protecting the identity of the lady patient, then the essay evaluates and assesses different values between the lady and me. Nevertheless, the woman I have chosen in the discussing will be called as ‘Mrs. Peter.’ I was assigned in a hospital venue during my first medical consignment. I was demanded in neither assisting Registered Nurse (RN) who we have neither met nor work with her before. Entering to a certain room to attend patients, I saw a mature and fragile lady who was sharing the same room with three gentlemen’s. Mrs. Peter was the only lady patient around, and she was around 70 years of age while the three men were approximate of the same ages.

Progressing further in this kind of circumstances, after I presented myself as a learning Nurse, the Registered Nurse told me that she was going to remove Mrs. Peter clothes for a shower, so I took place to assist her. Mrs. Peters’ bed was some few meters away from the bathroom approximately one meter away. I become conscious that the curtains were not even closed. Mrs. Peter body was substantially exposed to the rest of other gentlemen patients in the room as we changed her clothes and being transferred her to the bathroom. Despite the three gentlemen patients being awake, curtains opened and lights were on, Mrs. Peter was able to walk naked only uncovered with her slippers to the bathroom. The other male patient looked embarrassed and distressing for a moment, but Mrs. Peter did not speak anything. Mrs. Peter did not know to speak English fluently made her not to utter even a single word in that room. Once Mrs. Peter was in the bathroom, I managed to close the door, at least to make create some privacy.

I encountered plentiful outlooks towards this situation through my learning experience. Mrs. Peter looked at me humiliated and disorganized. For the fact that, strangers have been able to see her naked body must have felt her patients’ rights being disrespected and violated. Moreover, exposing her physical body in front of three different male’s patients she shared a room with made me feel uncomfortable and guilty. For the reason that I am a female and what would happen if I was in the same position, she was encountering. Because of my inexperience, lack of self-confidence and nervousness, I was unable to do anything since I assumed my acts might either aggravate or offend the R N on duty. Though, I also recognized the failure to take action was rupturing the nurse-patient unquestioning connection and the patient’s self-respect. Thus I felt guilt.

Individual Intuits

Self-assessment an individual manner in which any would inspect oneself, commonly over time. Therefore, my perception led me to consider the Registered Nurse I was assigned to have no discrete concern about the condition on patient’s privacy. I felt a pang of conscience for not questioning the actions of the Registered Nurse’s manners thus my individual value compassion.

Wilding (2008) suggests that reflection inspires deeper attention of situations. Therefore, understanding the concepts of reflecting, I was able to learn from faults and focus our expertise and knowledge (Ashby, 2006). Expanding the Gibbs philosophical process, individuals can examine and evaluate what others have done differently when dealing with patient care involvement (Lawrence, 2008).  Throughout my individual assessments, reliability should be developed like in pursuing information from various sources. Nonetheless, this value exhibits good evidence that discusses the outstanding and adaptability safety proceedings (Levett-Jones, 2007).

I can determine and be self-confident through communicating suitably condemning what Registered Nurse was doing. The NSW Health CORE assessing empowerment ought to be developed as I must have appreciated the patient’s rights through ensuring they create knowledgeable decisions on their care. For instance, to allow Mrs. Peter practices her dignity and privacy. Ashby (2006) explained that individual perceptions are developed and extended thus one can then be rehabilitated. The final step of the Gibbs Reflection procedure entails me to reflect what I have encountered and how to use the t new knowledge from this situation (Bulman & Schutz, 2008).

Alfaro-LeFevre (2004) clearly acclaims that confident behavior incites an individual to be own their y. Tyreman (2011) claims that; integrity is the value of being honest and having honorable principles, intentions and behaviors. As an individual, I recognize that these communication and behavioral styles can occasionally become difficult and to alter them; I must establish goals that I have to be committed to achieving. So, therefore, to become an effective health care team member, I must be assertive when using my insight. As a result, creating of trusting through nurse-patient relationship enables the understanding of knowledge for nursing (Ashby, 2006).

Bearing in mind all of these values, I can increase my training by ensuring that I will be equipped before entering a patient’s room. Additionally, I will utilize the NSW Health value collaboration and empowerment through working together and creating patient-centered upkeep. Moreover, I will protect my patient’s dignity and privacy through, knock before ongoing, closing curtains, and be using a formality gown to provide personal privacy. On the other hand, I can endure to educate myself by getting new information through research, library databases, journal, and article on dignity, privacy, and change within health. 

Leadership Skills


Reflecting and defining of individual values such like; integrity, reliability, compassion, trust, and intuition enable a person to understand and respect other people moreover, an individual will appreciate and develops an understanding of outlining the significance of an effective health care team. Since the essay has consistently explained and elaborated the New South Wales Health CORE values; empowerment, openness, collaboration, and respect and how they influence of patient outcomes.


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