Leadership For A Critical Perspective
Transformational Leadership
Discuss about the Leadership for A Critical Perspective.
Effective leadership qualities can be defined as the ways in which a person is able to make the team rely on him as well as these are the qualities which makes a man successful person. If one goes with the popular saying, that ‘Great Leaders are born, not made’ then it will prove him wrong as most of the leaders states that the circumstances and the situations makes and moulds the person into a better one (Conley, 2013). The studies show that there are different types of skills to become a good leader. Based on the skills the leadership management can be divided into three categories.
Transformational Leadership: this model deals with the leader who is able to bring about results through motivation among the team members.
Collaborative Leadership: this model not only requires the skills of the leader but also the the contribution of the team members.
Shared Leadership: this model is concerned with the skills of the individual. This kind of leadership is very effective and it minimizes the chances of communication.
To be a great leader the most needed skill must be ‘self-assessment’. The effective leadership periodically take stock of their personal strengths and as well as the shortcomings. An able leader must have ‘sharp perception’ otherwise; he or she will fail to foresee the future of the respective field. An effective leader must response to the team’s need. ‘Good communication skills’ are required to be a good leader (Uhl-Bien et al., 2014). To handle the difficult situations and to support the value of the team makes a man a good leader. The leader must know ‘the art of inspiring the team members’. People need to be inspired by the spirit of his work, and to motivate them in the right path is the responsibility of the team leader. The paper will focus on the successful leader and their skills for the better understanding of the effecting management skills (Thomas, 2015).
To evaluate the leadership qualities and to discuss the lives the first leader would be Rupert Murdoch.
Keith Rupert Murdoch is an Australia based American media personal. His father Keith Arthur Murdoch was a famous reporter and he was on the position of the senior executive of the Herald. After the death of his father, Rupert created his own private company namely the News Limited. Therefore, from the very start he had the full responsibility of his office. From the very first, he had the position of the chairperson and chief executive officer of the company. In the early 1950s and the 1960s Murdoch had a number of news papers on his own. The News Corporation was a multinational American mass media corporation. The company shifted from Australia to Adelaide in the year 2004 with the confirmation of the majority of the company’s shareholders. Afterwards, it was relocated to Delaware and was renamed as the News Corporation. Rupert Murdoch is one of the most successful and abandoned entrepreneurs in the world. Today his success is indisputable. His company, News Corporation, is the world’s second-largest entertainment company.
Collaborative Leadership
Some of the effective leadership qualities of Rupert Murdoch can be classified as:
The Indomitable Spirit:
As for most of the times, Rupert Murdoch has received mixed public opinion the description varies like, that he is passionate about his works, loves adventure, ambitious even reports says he can go to any extent to achieve his goals. In the late 90’s his company had a debt crisis, the people opined that his management is the management of the ruthless one there if one serves no work he is fired. Nevertheless, he was able to control the situation irrespective of the public opinion.
Wide Perceptiveness:
Rupert Murdoch is blessed with the ability of wide perceptiveness. When he started to giving importance to the sector of media, the others were less bothered to even consider it as a good ground of importance. Instead of of the non-supporting comments, he continued his will and at the end of the following years, he had the highest business.
Rupert’s Leadership Qualities:
Murdoch has his own image as an aggressive and a ruthless businessperson. As he, himself states that his strategy is rooted in the concept of power. Compared with other industries, journalism generally gives more flexibility to a person. The Murdoch family’s role in management may be the other factor that shapes the culture of the company (McIlroy, 2015). The highly placid members of the family, tends to increase norms of the company and the values created by the founder.
Analysis of his Success:
Rupert defined his mission in one of his interviews that his aim was to give people the most valuable information in the finest way possible. Rupert Murdoch’s leadership tarits are demonstrated as his social status, adventurous spirit and his “I can do” mentality. His style of leadership quality can be clearly defined as the charismatic leadership quality (Sergiovanni, 1992). He has very ably employed his leadership skill to the development of the company. Moreover, his skills are proved very effective in the hospitality sector. After the death of his father, he was responsible for the development of the company and keeping this into his mind, he acquired the needful transferral leadership skills. Over the years, Rupert Murdoch’s outstanding leadership skills continued to lead the ‘News Crop’ and have already created a history. His efforts, achievements and success are expanded all over the world of media. Rupert Murdoch’s skills have been already established as the successful rules of the business.
Shared Leadership
In this context, another worthy leader to mention would be James Packer.
James Packer is an Australian businessperson, as well as an investor and a philanthropist. James Packer inherited the family company Consolidated Press Holdings limited. Packer had his early learning from Cranbrook School in Sydney. Packer is the chairperson of the Crown Limited, one of Australia’s largest entertainment and integrated resort groups. According to the Forbes magazine, James Packer is ranked the 41st among the world’s richest businessperson (Oreg & Berson, 2015). He had the every ability to contribute to the company’s development. Packer acquired the stakes of the online-classified sites.
Some of his leadership styles can be described as the following:
Strong Administrative management:
Packer single headedly brought his company among the top companies of Australia by the implication of his strong administrative power. According to the general people of the town, he is man of iron will.
Effective rules:
Packer has implicated many helpful rules that are useful for the company’s benefit. A good company requires the effective rules to improve the quality of the work. By analysing the situation of and the state of the employees, the authority must employ the rules. Packer, to make his company a great one has incorporated many rules according to the need.
Sharp Goals:
As an effective leader, Packer was always able to set sharp goals. The leaders must be very specific about their goals. The achievement of the goals makes the company a good one. In the words of James Packer, he states that through thorough self-analysis a leader reaches toward his goals. The goals that the leader set must not be very far reaching. They should be compact and concerned with the company’s situation. Packer’s leadership style can be traced in accordance with the Transformational leadership skill (Van Knippenberg & Sitkin, 2013). His style of leadership includes the changes of the rules with the collective decisions of the company worker. The company’s vital decisions are always taken by including the other company heads. This type of leadership style allows a number changes in the company rules.
Good Listening Skills:
The effective leader must have the good listening skills. If he is enough efficient to listen he will be able to perform well.
His motivational skills are marvellous according to his workers. He is able to motivate his employees in appositive way so that they can contribute in the development of the company. Furthermore, these skills help the worker to relate themselves to the supreme head of the company.
Effective Leadership Qualities
The Risk Factor:
James Packer was able to take the risk for the company from the very early age. It is the sign of a good leader who is able to take risk and avoid the chance of failure from the fortune of the company. Packer had taken many high risks for the development of the company and the risks were proved helpful for the growth of the company.
Good Negotiation Skill:
To run a company successfully the leader must be a good negotiator. The negotiations must be beneficiary for the company. Packer had made much helpful negotiation for his company. The business professionals know that in order to achieve success they must commit to lifelong skill building. Effective leaders knows the agreed upon strategies to achieve the company’s goals.
The thorough knowledge of the institution:
The leader must know his company very well. To help this process Packer used to pay visits to the company offices twice a month. It helped his knowledge about the needs of the company. As well as these visits helped him to learn more about the workers. to maintain a good relation with the worker of the company is another good skill that an effective leader can have (Johansen, 2012). The workers are the main support of the company and their satisfaction and needs must be fulfilled.
Another leader who has successfully performed his duty and who is enough worthy to have a mention in the context is Malcolm Bligh Turnbull.
Malcolm Bligh Turnbull:
Malcolm Bligh Turnbull was born on 24th of October 1954. He is the present Prime Minister of Australia and the leader of the Liberal party (Roueche et al., 2014). From 16th September 2008 to 1st December 2009, Turnbull was the leader of the Opposition and later on he became the Shadow Minister of the Communications and Broadband. Before becoming the Prime Minister of Australia, Turnbull was the Communications Minister from 18th September 2013 to September 2015. He became the 29th Prime Minister of Australia, on 15th of September 2015 and again was sworn in for the second time on 19th July 2016 (Van Knippenberg & Sitkin, 2013). After defeating Tony Abbott on 14th September 2015 in a leadership spill, Malcolm Bligh Turnbull took over the power of both of the offices. Before entering the political field, Turnbull worked as a journalist in both personal and managerial positions. He also worked as a lawyer, merchant banker, venture capitalist, chairperson of the Australian Republican Movement. He is a self-made millionaire and in the year 1994, for $500,000 he purchased a stake of interest service provider Ozemail. Since Turnbull entered the political world, he had held a number of positions including the responsibility for the water policy and as a minister for the Environment and water minister (Van Knippenberg & Sitkin, 2013). Turnbull persuaded his education from Vaucluse Public School and Sydney grammar school. He graduated from Sydney University with a BA LLB and completed his further law degree at Oxford after he was awarded with Rhodes scholarship.
Rupert Murdoch
In the Liberal Party Turnbull was generally considered as the part of the progressive minority because his views on the issues such as marriage equality, climate change, republicanism and others differed from the conservative majority. The major population of the Liberal Party members had different and conservative views on these topics than Turnbull and a few others. These differences between the point of views lead to the arousal of persistent tension within the members of Liberal Party. In 2009, the Liberal Party actually came to a split when Turnbull supported the Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme that was proposed by the Rudd Government.
Some of the leadership qualities of Turnbull could be categorised as follows:
Intelligence is a one of the most important criteria of the leadership qualities and Malcolm Bligh Turnbull has been with such qualities. Turnbull is a highly qualified person, who has persuaded his LLB from Sydney University, and has procured his further law degrees from Oxford. The dedication and intelligence of Turnbull could be identified from his studies when he received the Rhodes scholarship as Award for his performance in studies so that he could study in the Oxford College (Knight & Knox-Hayes, 2015).
Goal Oriented:
Turnbull is a highly goal oriented person, he does not gets demotivated by failures however, he thinks failures to be a part of success. This wording of him could be proved as in the year 2009 when Tony Abbott defeated him in the leadership spill by one vote, he did not give up and neither was he demotivated (Foti et al., 2014). He tried and challenged Tony Abbott again in the year 2015 and this time he won by 10 votes from Tony Abbott and became the 29th Prime Minister of Australia.
Man of his words:
Turnbull is a man of his words and this could be seen as in the year 2008, someone asked him if he would like to become the next Prime Minister of Australia, he commented that who would not like to be a Prime Minister. Many of the other parties and people would accept him to be the Prime Minister (Donaldson, 2001). However, since then, he completed what he said he would do even though there were people who would not like him.
Leadership Capabilities:
Whereas the former prime minister of Australia, Tony Abbott could be defined as a brand-damaging leader with his apparent austerity and royalist programs, far right hang-ups and religiousness, the present Prime Minister of Australia could be defined as the more saleable and more suaver leader. As every effective and successful leader should have, Malcolm has both good and aggressive qualities in him (DuBrin, 2015). On one hand, Turnbull is saver, clever, charity donor and urbane, on the other hand he is dominating, arrogant and capable of managing his duties well (Turnbull, 2013).
James Packer
Analysis of success:
The time when the present Prime Minister of Australia, Mr. Malcolm Turnbull took over his commission, he openly announced putting an end to the “Captain’s call” that he wanted to call in for new styles of leadership in the way that the ministers dealt with the others. It can however, be assumed that the inferior falling figure of Tony Abbott had an main impact for the fall of his demise and the rise of Turnbull’s reign (Crabb, 2016). Although Turnbull had the full authority of his power and indeed, he was capable of taking his decision on his own, yet he chose to rule through ‘Shared Leadership’ style (Wildman, 2015). This leadership style is about taking and considering the opinions of others in the decision. These leadership style lead Turnbull towards great political success during his power period
The above study focuses on the analysis of the leadership styles of different leaders and their approaches towards their work related environment. In this study, the effectiveness of the leadership styles and approaches that are used by the well-known leaders of the world are analysed critically. This study consists of the research on the three leaders namely: Keith Rupert Murdoch, the Australia based American media personal; James Douglas Packer, the famous Australian businessperson, an investor and a philanthropist and Malcolm Bligh Turnbull, the present 29th Prime Minister of Australia. The leadership qualities of these leaders are mentioned here linking them to the leadership theories. The different leaders have their own style of management and they follow different theories of leadership in their workplace. Keith Rupert Murdoch, being a journalism member, does have the authority to take sole decision in his industry. Therefore, he uses the theory of collaborative leadership; he follows the idea of his teammates and takes decision on that basis. This is effective for him as it provides him the viewpoints and the ideas of the majority. In the case of James Douglas Packer, the theory that could be said that he applies is Transformational leadership. Packer being a businessperson needs to take his business related decision on his own, as he is the only person who has the knowledge of his person. Therefore, the decisions that are taking solely by him would be more effective for him rather than the decisions that are taken by some else regarding his business. For the Prime Minister, Malcolm Bligh Turnbull it is important to listen and consider the point of views, needs and requirements of the other and then take a decision on the basis of that. Decisions when taken as such come under Shared Leadership theory. Therefore, the different leadership styles of these leaders are justified by the theories of leadership.
Analysis of Rupert Murdoch’s Success
To conclude it can be said that every individual has his own type and notion of success. The already established leadership rules help them to be more efficient. The leaders set their own skills in accordance with the specific needs of the company. As the different companies faces the different policies it is difficult to suggest that which particular rule is the most effective one (McIlroy, 2015). Becoming an effective leader is not a one-time process. It takes a lot time to become a successful leader. The essential qualities of an effective leader come with the leader’s understanding of the various situations that he faces in the course of time. The team member feels more focused and motivated when their leader is more motivated and he articulates his vision for a project for the organisation (Oreg & Berson, 2015). Rather than clinging to the false belief that the leaders tends to do the most useful thing they can do is to hire people who appreciate their skills rather than who just supplement the needs. A company can only produce good result if the workers of the company are stable and they perform the company orders.
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