Analysis Of The Iraq War: Aim, Sources, Impact, Successes, Challenges And Failures

Aim and Sources of the Iraq War

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The war of Iraq was a conflict that was raised due to the invasion of Iraq by United States. The invasion of Iraq had been started from March 20 to May 1st in the year 2003, which in further situation led the foundation of Iraq War. The regime of the invasion process was being toppled by Saddam Hussein government. This war was continued up to almost next decade where there was estimation of killing of 151,000 to 600.000 Iraqis in between the time period of three to four years. In the primary condition of the war the coalition forces of United States started the war with the explosions (Ager & Ager, 2015). The process of invasion began on March 20, 2003, where there has been coalition in between United States and United Kingdom carrying out the bombing campaign. The entry of the US forces in Iraq created overwhelming situation in Iraq, where the Baathist government was collapsed leading Saddam to get captured. This process was being executed by a part of military court. In this process there came a situation of power vacuum with the demise of Saddam leading to the process of mismanagement of occupying forces that led to the emergence and widespread of sectarian violence in between the Shias and Sunnis. The emergence of the violence created a lengthy insurgency against coalition forces and United States. In later conditions, United States gave the response to this insurgency with its troop surge in 2007 for having the reduction in violence in Iraq. Again these troops had been withdrawn by US in 2007-08 year (Bouchard, 2016). In further situation United States had withdrawn its involvement in Iraq by the year 2011 under the presidency of Barrack Obama. It was under Bush administration when there has been a rationale for war due to the assertion possessed by Iraq for the mass destruction of the weapons by Saddam government.

The Iraq War was basically carried out for the process of invasion which was consisted of 21 days of major operations performed with a combined troop of forces from the United Kingdom, United States, Australia and Poland. These coalesced forces invaded Iraq by demolishing the Baathist government of Saddam Hussein. The invasion process of war primarily fought conventionally which included the capturing of Baghdad by the coalition forces of US. In the process of capturing of Baghdad, the forces of America got the assistance from the forces of United Kingdom along with Australia and Poland. It was depicted that the key actors behind the war were the U.S. President George W. Bush and UK Prime Minister Tony Blair who created the mission behind this war (Carr, Furnham & MacLachlan, 2012). Their main aim is to disarm Iraq. They had sound information regarding the issue that Iraq is producing the weapons which they found harmful for the society. Therefore they collaboratively aimed towards the mass destruction of the weapons that has been created by Iraq. They also aimed towards ending the threat of the terrorism as they suspected Saddam Hussein of supporting terrorism and to make the Iraqi people free from terrorism (Eghdamian, 2016). Other important criteria for Iraq war was the maximization of the Gulf oil. That is the reason it can be said that the Iraq invasion was due to the oil. The process of maximization of the gulf oil has been planned because of averting the potential global crisis of energy which basically worked as motivation for the planners of the Iraq War.

Successes Attained From Iraq War

In the year 2011, the coalition troops were withdrawn from Iraq under the presidency of Barrack Obama. After that the President of United States made the mark that led to the end of the war where he had said that there had been a great success during the conflict of Iraq. As the Iraq War had been started under the presidency of George Bush, which in later conditions he revealed that the situation from the year 2009-11 was a disaster. Bush had claimed his outrage and explained the attacks of 2009-11 war to be transnational without the action of any of the single polity.  Basically during the presidency of Bush, there had been the identification of 60 countries that are having their connection to the Osama Bin Laden’s al-Qaeda. Due to this he had decided to focus on something instead of getting retaliated against the dozens of nations that are harboring jihadists. He had planned to flush out al-Qaeda and also had a decision of gaining foothold in the Middle East where usually the terrorism was flourished (Larsen, 2016). That is the reason he had chosen Iraq as in Iraq there was the government of Saddam Hussein who had been a danger to the neighboring regions by keeping the oil supply across the globe under his control. The regime of Saddam Hussein was being a terror to its own people that kills thousands of the citizens a year. Prior to that Saddam was also planning to destroy Israel by invading Kuwait through the launching of the SCUD rockets indiscriminately (Liberty, Pellerin & Jacobs, 2014). Again other strong sources also came to the conclusion that Saddam had the presence of nuclear weapon with him that he was denying to accept. Due to all such reason there had been a conflict raised in between the United States and Iraq in which US had been supported by other nations like UK, Australia and Poland (Liberty, Pellerin & Jacobs, 2014). These coalition forces made the war more efficient and fought very bravely. After the process of withdrawn Obama stated that they had left Iraq in a better situation than they found it. He also said that the forces made Iraq more sovereign, self reliant and stable with having the government that has been elected by its people. Therefore the success has been achieved in the case of terrorism with the mass destruction of the weapons. The most important success was freeing the people of Iraq from the Baathist government of Saddam Hussein and making it a stable, self reliant and sovereign nation.

Impact of Iraq War

Iraq War has been planned for some reasons that are disturbing the harmony between the nations across the globe. With these implications the War had started which created its impacts on other areas that resulted into serious issues starting from death to destruction. Though it is clear that there was conflict but it was not big to have a war. It was also true that Saddam Hussein was a terror to the whole nation still it was not the situation to take it up to the war. This war created an impact on the economic status along with the destruction of the cultural heritage. In another instance Iraq war landed with the regional instability that also affected the world economy.  It is evident that Saddam Hussein had the loads of weapons which he was planning to do the mass destruction (Schneiker, 2016).  But he had done the mass destruction or did not set fire on the oil fields or did not attack Israel which Bush has suspected and planned for war to eradicate the terrorism. But apart from that no doubt the war lowered down the terrorism and made Iraq a sovereign nation but also it had destructed the Iraq making it regionally instable with lowering affecting the economy if the nation along with that weakening the economical status of the world. The war had been started in having a mission of reduction of terrorism and reducing Saddam’s terror but it waved its path and got deviated towards the destruction of the cultural heritage and lowering of the economy (Schneiker, 2016).

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The war of Iraq was no doubt a war if invasion where Iraq had continuously flaunted regarding the hostility in front of America which also had an allegation of having the connection with the terrorist allies that are arming to threaten down the peace of the world. This situation led the emergence of conflict which resulted into the war. Though there has been the achievement of a united, stable and free country by Iraqis but still there were having many challenges that were faced during the war conditions. The geographic conditions of Iraq were the major drawback for the war to continue (Schneiker, 2016). The country was encompassed with the diverse terrain with the deserts which was supposed to be the campaign of the military forces. This situation in some instances had led to posing challenges to the military forces leading to coalition. As discussed above the emergence of Iraq War was a strong step to follow the eradication of the terrorism from the world (Pottie, 2015). The important criteria to choose Iraq as the centre for the war were the connection of Saddam Hussein with the terrorist allies. It was also evident from the sources that Saddam Hussein was allegedly trying to have its hold upon the oil supply across the globe which could eventually result into the energy crisis all over the world. Therefore though there are 60 countries suspected to have connection with al-Qaeda still due to these reason Iraq was only chosen for the place of war to eradicate the terrorism and the supremacy of Baathist government.

Challenges and Failures of Iraq War

The major challenges in due course of war were the communal scenario and the geographical scenario of Iraq which was supposed to be of diverse terrain having the deserts all over the area. This place of diverse terrain was the campaigning place of the military forces that were fighting against the Iraq. During the course of time no doubt there was much technological advancement, but this situation posed many challenges in attaining the goals. In later condition the challenges that were being faced by the military forces resulted into the coalition of the forces which also resulted into the increase in the strength of the forces.  Further it was also evident that there was conflict between the communities Shias and Sunnis which created a greater hindrance in the war condition. Therefore it became very difficult to bring the communities together resulting I the issues of the revenues of the nation (Liberty, Pellerin & Jacobs, 2014). Though there was no failure in achieving the goals due to the challenges but it created a difficult scenario for the military forces to further with these conditions. Still the coalition of the forces solved the challenges came into the way.

After withdrawing the forces from Iraq, president Barrack Obama declared the Iraq war as a success. In that situation it was also mentioned that there was success in between many challenges that had been faced by the military forces. The important factor that must be taken care of is taking of enough troops to the war field. It is always very much wise to have enough military forces during the war that will make the situation easier handling the political situation. Therefore staffing the issue of military issues during the war will help in solving the chaos of the war (Eghdamian, 2016). It is also important to maintain good dealing between the communities in the place as failing which will increase the chaos and there will have the deviation in the completing the mission of the project. As in case of Iraq war, there were communal issues between the communities of Carr, Furnham & MacLachlan which further increased more after the collapsing of the government. Another thing that must be replicated in the future projects are the making of the inclusive agreement that will be helpful in establishing more gain in the widespread support for the new order in the war place (Carr, Furnham & MacLachlan, 2012). In the case of transformation of Iraq into a nation having sovereignty, stability and self reliance the placing of the agreement of new order with the government being elected by the people made it a peaceful place with strengthened democratic bodies.

Overcoming the Challenges of Iraq War

It is discussed in the article that there are having many challenges to the Iraq War along with the consequences. Therefore these consequences led the establishment of some lessons that are to be avoided in such type of situations. The important part to get avoided is not to tear down the state due to the war condition which was done the military forces in the Iraq War. The war in further situation led to the emergence of the conflict between the Shias and Sunnis that had encouraged the insurgency in Iraq up to next decade (Borodin et al., 2016). Another thing that has to be avoided is the community war and the knocking down of the doors of the Iraq. These situations always create issues for the local inhabitants of the place. Also this war made the division of the oil issues and its revenues (Ager & Ager, 2015). The government situation also to be considered during the situation of war as its collapse makes the situation worse by the emergence of communal violence with the collapse of government.


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