Review Of Literature On Internet Of Things (IOT) – Management, Issues And Challenges
How IOT is Managed
Discuss about the Review of Literature on Internet of Things (IOT).
IOT (Internet of Things) is an ideology that various stakeholders in the business world are increasingly supporting. The idea behind the concept is to connect different things/objectives using wireless and wired connections. The model also uses unique addressing schemes and creates a universal environment in which one can interact with the digital and physical worlds at any time. The IOT concept also incorporates virtual machines and objects with digital characteristics and dynamic personalities. The ideology opens a new and exciting opportunity. However, the concept has also brought in new questions in regards it the interaction of people and businesses that operate in the digital world (Abu-Elkheir, Hayajneh and Ali 2013; Patel, Naringrekar and Desai 2014). Almost all these questions relate to the governance, security and privacy elements of IOT, which cannot be separated from ethical issues (Atzori, Iera and Morabito 2010).
Considering the rate at which the IOT ideology is growing, it is necessary to ensure that there are adequate management systems in place to control the concept. Although most of the literature and research on IOT focuses on specific applications and technologies, there is a new opportunity in the management of IOT services (Suo, et al. 2012). One of the greatest barriers to the development of IOT is the lack of sufficient skills to evaluate, acquire, and integrate all the relevant parts required for the formation of an IOT department. Various sensors, systems, networks and software are required to successfully develop and manage an IOT department (Wakunuma and Stahl 2014). Therefore, the first step in the management of IOT is finding qualified IT professionals who can understand how various components of the network function. Management of IOT involves the securitization of data and maintenance of the devices used in the system. For purposes of this paper, the focus will be on the administration of data in IOT (Gubbi, et al. 2013). In most cases, the system is fitted with real-time sensors, which help identify, classify and report anomalies in the data being processed via the networks. In most instances, the IOT secure architecture subdivided into four broad levels, which makes it easy to manage the whole system (Patel, Naringrekar and Desai 2014). The figure below shows the four levels in a secure structure of the IOT model.
Figure 1: IOT Security Outline (source: Suo, et al..2012)
Overview of Issues Faced in Management of IOT
The perceptual layer commonly referred to as the recognition level is the most fundamental in the architecture. It collects all sorts of information through physical gadgets and helps identify issues within the physical world. The information gathered in this level includes data on device properties, environment conditions, and real instruments in the system. The physical tools used in this layer include RFID readers, GPS systems and other kits. The primary components of this tier are the detectors, which identify and characterize the physical realm in digital communication (Suo et al.2012).
The second most basic layer is the network level. The layer is responsible for transmitting information gathered in the perceptual layer, processing such data, classifying it, and later polymerising the information. In the segment data is transferred to several rudimentary linkages, which include mobile communication networks, the Internet, wireless networks, communication protocols, and network infrastructure (Suo et al.2012).
The support layer is the third tier in the architecture. It sets up a dependable back-up program for use in the application phase. It is also the stratum that all types of logical computing systems are organised through the network framework and cloud technology systems. The support layer plays the role of connecting the application level which is above to the lower network layer (Guha 2013).
The fourth layer in the architecture is the application layer. It is the top most and last layer in the secure architecture used to manage information in IOT. The layer provides personalised services that are based on the various needs of the users of the IOT system. Users can easily access the IOT through the users interface found in this section using various technology devices among them television, PCS or mobile communication gadgets among others (Elkhodr, Shahrestani and Cheung 2016). Security and privacy of information is of great significance in each these levels.
It is understood that privacy and data security in IT are closely linked. At times, there are overlapping requirements in the two IT management areas. There are several privacy and security issues faced by the management if data in IOT systems. As defined by Yan, Zhang and Vasilakos (2014) IOT is “a worldwide network model that links tangible and cybernetic equipment through the use of IT communication and capture abilities. The setup comprises complex internet and net advancements. The system also involves capturing if highly sensitive, autonomous, and confidential data.” The nature of the data shared through the IOT systems is the cause of the major privacy and security issues faced by IT managers tasked with the duty of ensuring such data is safe and protected from access by people other than the users of the information (Elkhodr, Shahrestani and Cheung 2016). Unfortunately, many people do not understand the need to secure their data from online intruders. With the use of IOT extending to people’s homes, millions of people across the world risk losing their privacy as a result of the IOT infrastructures.
Detailed Explanations of IOT’s Privacy and Security Management Issues
Moreover, there are five primary visions of IOT infrastructures which are listed below (Singh, Tripathi and Jara 2014).
- Worldwide identification and addressing, processing, networking and sensing of data and devices.
- Communication to occur between equipment and also between objects and people/users.
- To increase the amount of information gathered and processed for individuals and the rate at which such information is processed through the system continually.
- Make information and communication within the IOT system automatic (technology-based).
- Have a wide array of objects connected to the same infrastructure, each with different functionality.
Based on the features listed above, researchers have identified significant challenges in regards to information privacy and security within the IOT system. The main assumption is that privacy and security are of major concern in any IOT system. In particular, information security refers to protecting data that is confidential in nature from being accessed by other people other than the intended users of such information. Therefore, in regards to the five visions of IOT mentioned above, the main challenges and risks in the management security and privacy are as listed below (Singh, Tripathi and Jara 2014).
- Ensuring continuity and availability of IOT based services
- Design issues in the development of IOT systems
- Context-aware and situational risks
- Unlawful processing of data and repurposing of information among others (Singh, Tripathi and Jara 2014).
It is possible to argue that in regards to information security, general information security requirements in information technology should apply; however, IOT is a special case and in most cases perceived as more of a vision than a stable and concrete technology. It is difficult to define all the requirements of a secure IOT Infrastructure as there is still more research that needs to be carried out in regards to the privacy and security management issues in IOT (Weber 2010). Nonetheless, researchers in various studies have provided a list of several privacy and security concerns, issues and risks in IOT (Balt, Kashid, and Patil 2015). These issues are discussed in details in the paragraph that follow, further; the section also reviews what various scholars of IOT have argued about the potential risks.
The first major challenge in the management of privacy and security issues within IOT systems is ensuring the continuity and availability of IOT-based services. Given that there are many serious adverse effects associated with the use of IOT systems, yet at the same time, the advantages are also numerous. It is necessary to ensure that the potential risk to the privacy and security of information transferred through IOT infrastructures does not affect the continuity it the services. The challenge is directly linked to the structural representation used in the delivery of IOT functions; it is necessary to have an airtight model that ensures maximum data protection. According to researchers, the challenge has led to the debate of centralised versus decentralised systems (Weber 2010). For instance, considering a case of smart grids or meters; it is possible for an attacker to program the meters remotely. Such an incident can cause massive blackouts, which would make it impossible to regain power supply in homes. That implies that some functions could affect the availability of the grid in future. It is also important to note that private data does not only relate to information intended for use by a certain individual. But also information available in individuals such as hospital records, tax details, and any other data that could indicate one’s personal address, phone numbers and names among other details (Sarma and Girão 2009). The fact that attackers can hack into the infrastructures and control them remotely, which would make it possible for them to get such private data in the users of such systems, threatens the very existence of IOT. In this regard, the main challenge is to protect users’ data from attackers while at the same time ensuring that the operation of such infrastructures is not interrupted.
To ensure that there is the maximum protection of data in the IOT; developers of such systems should ensure that they systematically address issues of privacy and security at the design stage. Unfortunately, in most cases, the hardware specialists do not understand certain elements of software required to run such networks. Therefore, privacy and security provisions are often added after the systems have been fully developed. Adding privacy and security features after determining the functionality of the infrastructure not only limits the effectiveness of the added elements but also is also less efficient regarding the implementation costs (Sicari, et al. 2014). Moreover, research suggests that in most cases, IOT objects lack the adequate estimation capabilities to execute all the required functionalities simultaneously. The variety of IOT tools also makes it extremely difficult to safeguard all forms of data. Likewise, the differences in IOT objects and functionality is yet another challenge that should be handled (Bandyopadhyay and Sen 2011).
Other concerns include the fact that there are many involved in the data processing, which increases the risks of unlawful processing, repurposing of data and low-traceability of perpetrators of most attacks. The increased collection of information raises questions of authentication and trust in the objects. Moreover, due to the proliferation of the kind of data transmitted through the networks, there is an existing challenge of data being used for other purposes other than the originally intended purpose (Federal Trade Commission 2015). The issues of repurposing of data and unlawful processing should be handled by law enforcement authorities and intelligence agencies. The issue of data repurposing and unlawful use does not only relate to the violation of human rights to privacy but also likely to affect the society and public in large (Weber 2010). To ensure that users of IOT infrastructures are protected from unlawful use and repurposing of data, which affects their privacy and security, developers and experts in the field need to work hand in hand with law enforcement officers to implement the pre-existing laws on data safety and privacy.
Reference List
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