Impact Of Branding On Sales And Organizational Development: A Study On McDonald’s Australia

Problem Statement

Discuss about the Impact of Branding in Sales or Organizational Development.

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Branding is a very important aspect for any organization to achieve a high significance and stability in the market. The organizations which are established as a reputed and well known brand are widely preferred and trusted by the customers. The organization envisioned here for the study of the branding and its impacts o the sales and organizational development is McDonalds Australia. McDonald’s is the largest chain of restaurants serving hamburgers serving numerous customers around the world. Started in The United States, this food chain has significantly grown in various countries and now has a well developed image and is known as a highly reputed brand. This is due to the innovative strategy development and adaptation of amazing branding strategies (Antr`as et al , 2013). The marketing campaigns of the company are immensely impactful and have led the company to great success. The study identifies the effectiveness of branding on McDonalds and the problems it faced in Australia. 

The company is facing a huge decline and dropped sales in Australia and there are several reasons acting on the company’s progress. The sales of McDonald’s have been falling in Australia since last few years and the company is facing a huge slow down in the sales. It has been witnessed that the company has been changing its products and menus in order to gain more customer focus but the strategy did not work as it was considered that McDonald’s was moving from its core offerings (Broda et al, 2006). McDonald’s has started losing it stability in Australia and requires improvement in many areas. Marketing and brand awareness are two very important and significant pillars of any well known and reputed organization. Marketing provides identity and value to the products while the brand awareness makes the people aware about the company and its products. If any organization is established as a brand, then it must focus on increasing its brand awareness among various areas along with marketing its products. Though marketing has been a key aspect which McDonald’s has used for getting immense awareness, the company is now facing a need of the renewed and strategic marketing and brand awareness. Compared to America, the brand awareness of McDonald’s in Australia is very low even after numerous efforts of the company (Bijoor, 2011).

Also due to a lot of changes in the menu and offerings, the company lost its originality and people were not ready to pay raised amounts for the new offerings. In this situation, for regaining its significant market position, the company needs to develop a fresh and new brand image by adopting brand awareness and marketing techniques. This would help in gaining its lost market share and decreased revenues. Brand awareness is the extent to which the customers know and identify the brand and associates it with the product the company specializes in.  Brand awareness is the primary goal and target set while marketing and advertising. Brand awareness is the company’s product image and impression in the customer’s memories. This can be ignited by incorporating brand recognition and brand performance (Cunningham, 2008).  Thus if the company wants to battle the barriers which are hindering the company’s progress in Australia, the company requires to recreate its brand image by following brand awareness and marketing and rigorously focus on these two aspects for getting its reputation and position back in the Australian market. 

Objectives and Research Questions

The research has to be conducted with the participation of the employees and the customers to fulfill the objectives and goals. The research is to be conducted regarding the research objectives and its impacts. After the identification of the problem statement, the objectives are developed to regain the success and significance of the company. Brand awareness and marketing are the two objectives which can be fulfilled under the participation of the customers and the employees of the company. For achieving the aim and goals settled in the study, the following research questions are to be addressed (Defever et al , 2013).

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  • To identify various factors of marketing and brand awareness which can contribute in regaining the market share and market position?
  • To identify the effects and impacts of rebranding the product by rigorous marketing.
  • To study the effects of marketing and brand awareness on the development of the brand and increasing the sales of the organization.
  • To identify how can brand awareness and marketing can develop a strong position in the market and can increase the sales and contribute in the development of the organization.
  • To identify the issues which can prevail while promoting brand awareness and marketing strategies in McDonalds Australia.
  • To provide certain recommendations regarding the strategies which can be useful to fight the current branding issues in McDonalds.

The research can be conducted to identify the impacts of these research objectives and its impacts. The prime idea and objective is to identify the possibilities proposed by marketing and brand awareness which can develop impactful results on the sales and development of the company. The companies modify their marketing strategies to redevelop or regain its revenues and to promote the organizational growth (Prete et al, 2015). The aim here is to set the objectives for McDonalds, which can help improve its brand image in Australia and provide a sustainable and effective market share in the Australian food industry.

The research questions which can be addressed for this project are as follows:

  • What change would the marketing and brand awareness bring in the current situation of the company?
  • Would brand awareness and marketing improve the current sales ratio and revenues of the company?
  • What issues concerning branding and marketing is McDonald’s facing?
  • How can marketing and brand awareness solve the issues which the company is facing?
  • What kind of strategies can McDonald’s use to improve its marketing and brand awareness?

These research questions would be addressed in the research and various methods and strategies would be developed to incorporate brand awareness and marketing in McDonalds and regaining its position and brand image.

The main aim of the study is to identify the impact of brand awareness and marketing strategies on McDonalds. The objective also identifies how incorporating these two strategies would improve the brand image and sales of the company. The methodologies would apply these strategies to overcome the issues faced by the company and to regain its position and significance (Antr`as, 2015). For any business to sustain in the market for a longer period, it is necessary to keep experimenting with its marketing strategies and increasing and improving its brand awareness. The more people are aware about the brand and its quality services, the more people would prefer the brand. Through effective marketing strategies, the company can reach to numerous people and the potential customers and can provide a glimpse of the services it provides. As the company has been witnessed losing its originality over the products it serves, marketing and brand awareness with new offerings and quality services would help the company regain its position and brand image. Marketing and brand awareness has always helped the companies to gain fame and awareness among the customers in each and every industry (Alfaro et al, 2014). Thus, the adaptation of this methodology would help McDonald’s in regaining its brand image and to increase its sales and revenues.

Justification of the Potential Output of the Project

 Marketing and brand awareness would provide effective results and outcomes. Developing effective marketing strategies which showcases the redevelopment of the brand and the quality services would help the company reach its potential customers. Also through brand awareness the customers would be able to know about the changes in the brand and the offerings they provide (Farrell, 2007). These strategies would help the company stand out from the other companies and would be able to fight the barriers effecting the sales and development of the company. Marketing and brand awareness are likely to have a very positive impact on the current position of the company while providing a strong and stable brand image to the company (Aaker, 2004).

The conceptual framework that includes the importance of branding shall be discussed with an impact of marketing communications and the effects on branding. With effective marketing communication, there are marketing strategies and marketing plans which need to be modified and applied in Mac Donald Australia. These marketing strategies and marketing plans may help to change the brand value and increase the efficiency of the company (Lovelock,Wirtz and Chatterjee, 2010).

While adopting the branding, marketing strategies, the increase in brand value can be considered which affects the sales and the organizational development of the company. The main objective of the company is to achieve the organizational development with an increase in the brand value (Jacquelline and Kline, 2007). Sustainability is again a concern, it occurs when there is tough competition in the market and there are rivals with effective strategies adopted by the company.   

There are quantitative and qualitative research methodology that can be adopted by the researchers to make a comprehensive study regarding the importance of branding and its affects on the sales or organizational development. The research methodology as such qualitative research is used with regards to gain understanding that required in the marketing communication which holds the branding strategies that helps to analyze the role and the improvement in marketing strategy used by the company (Ann, Love, and McMillian, 2004). With the number of customers and the brand value created by the company, the qualitative research method allows and analyzes the marketing effect and an impact on the sales volume.

There are less number of errors when the researcher tries to collect the information while using primary and secondary data collection. The method requires a certain sample which is selected randomly by the company. The respondents include customers and employees of the company, 50 and 20 respectively. The small sample size is required by the company, rather than large samples which is difficult to manage and analyze appropriately. The primary data is the information that is collected from the respondents with an interview that has been conducted with the research question. This encourages the impact of branding that has been created by the company and its effects on the volume of sales. The secondary data is the information that is already collected by the author or researchers in a previous research and are examined accordingly with the help of journals and articles (Hamilton and Webster, 2009). There are in depth interviews that are used in the primary data collection method which comprise of the interviews and the open ended questions which reveal the real reason and the current demand of the product while keeping in mind the impact of branding.

Conceptual Framework

For conducting an interview, there are questions that are developed which includes both open ended questions and close ended questions. The respondents are asked these questions at interview takes place with a proper feedback in response to the quick data gathering by the researcher. The study impacts positively because it is not time consuming and the data gathered is valid and clear due to the corresponding questions that are asked face to face to consumers and employees (Nations, 2011). The impact of branding for Mac Donald in Australia is a major question and the effects of sales while branding plays a significant role in improving the revenues and the information that is extracted from different sources. 

There is an action plan that is been created effectively and this is undertaken in the study. There are some activities that will help to improve the efficiency of the report, as such the topic selection, drafting of the proposal and the methods to be selected, data collection and proof reading are must while making an action plan (Riley, 2006).

Population sampling and size

There are 70 respondents for the research participation and these are targeted to encompass the survey that is conducted with the interview. With the current practices of branding and its effects, 50 customers and 20 employees are interviewed as a finding and result of the research report (Hatch and Schultz, 2003).

The organization study includes the five chapters such as Introduction of the report, Literatrue Review, methodolgy, Data Analysis and Conclusion and findings (Nigam, 2009).

In the introduction part, the research topic is specified with the research question that is very importantly considered in the research aims and objectives. It mainly addresses the question and the introduces the report with some brief ideas that are covered.

Literature review consists of the literature regarding the topic with the secondary data gathered by the authors and the peer reviewed articles.

The Research methodology chapter consists of the methods that can be applied in the research such as quantitative and qualitative research that brings an impact of branding when it affects the sales of the company (Jekanowski, Binkley and Eales, 2001). Mac Donald Australia has a positive impact of the marketing mix and the branding strategy that is implemented with the benefits achieved.

Data analysis is the discussion of the primary and secondary data that has been collected by the company with the respondents who have been interviewed in the study.


The chapter concludes with the impact of branding on sales and organizational development, whereas the recommendations for branding strategies used in the marketing communication are suggested as one of the strategies by Mac Donald Australia.

Gantt Chart

The time period of 10 weeks is required for the research, whereas there is a periodic breakdown with the work structure which is given in detail

Action Plan











Topic selection

Research aims and objectives

Research methodology

Secondary research with information

Preparing the questionnaire

Findings and conclusions

Proof reading and final submission

The Project Budget is around 2000 dollars because there is a deep study that is needed to implement the branding strategies and the marketing strategies to enhance the sales volume of Mac Donald Australia.

The Gantt Chart represents the indicated approach that has a study proposal and focuses on the crucial area of branding. The study findings relate to the future that has enabled and determined the companies that need an increase in the brand value effectively. Mac Donald has made efforts to create an awareness of their products and keenly determine the branding strategies that helps the customers and employees to use the products in the competitive market (Guo, Shang 2011). There are social responsibilities that can be fulfilled and these may help to attract the customers as such social responsibility towards the stakeholders is an important tool to branding and in return there are benefits that comprise of the branding process which directly affects the sales of the company. 


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