Business Intercultural Communication For Marketing Field – Importance & Strategies
Article 1: Ethical Communication and Paralanguage
Describe about the Business Intercultural Communication for Marketing Field.
The skill, art or activity which helps us convey messages, learning and lessons across other people is what communication is all about. Communication is used since the oldest era of time in various ways for making sense of something. Learning how to communicate involves reading, studying how to express one’s views to others, to observe how others express themselves and adapt all these learning to the present work. Whether it is texting a friend for a lunch date or making an office presentation or creating a business report, everywhere communication is needed. Effective communication is the key determinant of the success of any business and needs practice, preparation and persistence to develop it (, 2012).
Being in the marketing field makes me realize the role of effective business communication in promotion of products and services. There are many forms of business communication. Using these forms organizations communicate in between their employees and managers in an internal environment and develop strategies for business operations and marketing. On the external frontier once again business communication tools are used to make consumers aware about the benefits of the products and services offered. For every business the most important activity is marketing. The role of business communication is vast in the marketing activities of the economic marketplace (Vitez, 2013).
The role of business communication is vast in the marketing activities of the economic marketplace (Vitez, 2013).
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Definition: Principles which helps us making a judgement about whether a thing is right or wrong is considered to be ethics. Ethical communication is the practice where people are treated in a fair manner, honest communication is made and any kind of unethical or immoral behavior is avoided. Paralanguage are the non phonemic parts present in a speech which communicates unsaid things. These are the tempo, pitch and contours made intentionally in our verbal expressions while communicating.
The following two communication techniques are used by me in my marketing communications:-
Non-verbal communication – It is believed that when a communication occurs hearing out what is not being said is actually the most crucial element of communication (Drucker, 2011). Another author A.Barbour who has written a book named “Louder than Words: Nonverbal Communication” explains that any important message is made up of three crucial elements. An ideal communication constitutes of 7% of verbal words, 38% of vocal pitch, rhythm and tone and 55% of facial expressions and body gestures (Mujezinovic, 2011).
Communication competence – Communicative competence is the practice, knowledge or the ability for using communicative skills efficiently. This is technically termed as communication competence. There are four parts to it. These are linguistic, discourse, sociolinguistic and strategic. Linguistic form of communicative competence is the knowledge of how to use syntax, grammar and vocabulary in the language spoken so that communication happens effectively. Sociolinguistic competence is the skill of understanding how to use and transport or respond words spoken and how using language one can appropriately convey messages in a given topic or setting. Discourse competence is interpretation of communicative languages in a broader concept and how one can construct language in longer stretches thus making a meaning of the entire coherent whole. Strategic competence of communication is realizing and repair breakdowns in communication to fill gaps in between communication, language spoken or used and understanding.(Nordquist, 2016)
Analyse and Explain: In my current job as the marketing manager of a lifestyle cosmetic product for men the above concepts are used in real time. It helps me improve my ability to understand communications which is subtle.
Application: Such genres of communication is used while we pitch product ideas and campaigns to our customers. Not only does effective communication help communicate with the subordinates but also with the management and consumers (GMAT, 2016).
Definition: The second article is about how with effective presentations sales can b e generated effectively in an organization. Presentation skills are of extremely important in an organization. Especially when pitching a new idea, product or a service. However, the quality of such a presentation will make or break an offer or a buying decision of the customer. Hence, this article really helped me be aware of the need of presentation skills. As a method to win more business following two presentation methodologies and communicational apprehensions are used by firms:
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Communication Apprehension – The anxiety or fear related emotions associated with a real communication or a perceived communication in between people, team or an individual is termed as communication apprehension. Basically it is a psychological interpretation or assumption of an evaluation made during a communication. It happens within a fraction of a second. For the mind such an instant apprehension is a threat. An overdrive situation is experienced by the circulatory system of the body and the adrenal system. It is a situation of “fight” or “flight” in such cases and in most cases people stand and start talking. Communication apprehension is deep installed in our minds. It helps us respond better to stress and develop a smart mechanism for the body.
(McCroskey, 2011)
Types of organizational presentations – In the world of business presentations form a crucial part. These are sales presentations, motivational, informational, interviews, first encounters, status reports, briefings, training sessions and a lot more. Every presentation has a purpose associated with it. These are informing a message, persuading and building up of goodwill (Businesstown, 2016). Organizational presentations, Importance and Types – The skill and practice of showcasing or explaining a particular content or a subject to the learner or an audience are what are known as presentation. A good well structured presentation is an absolute must in the internal and external communications in an organization. A presentation if it is made well it becomes very easy for the listener to listen it and perceive it. Presentation skills can be improved in any organization if the know-how of presentation is learnt or taught. A great focus if given nowadays in my company to presentation skills.
Analyse and Explain:
As a marketing manager of my company which deals in online clothing line for men, women and kids, I go through a lot of meetings and product pitching. However, such elaborate meetings cannot be just verbal. Presenting the minutes of the meeting in the form of a well designed and interesting presentation becomes absolutely necessary. The entire presentation and documentation is logical in nature. And hence it is in absolute details. Thus it helps the person being addressed have the entire meeting summarized into few slides.
Company meetings now a day’s do not bind itself to conference rooms only. For me, we undergo many meetings over the web and use communication tools like Skype. When reaching out to the world audience we often use advertisements, events, and video presentations. In all these organizational presentation plays a big role. These techniques are taught to the entire team even to the junior levels (Swathi, 2015). That way one gains a lot of confidence and competence when presenting an idea.
I will be able to use the ideas in the following manner. Ideas backed up with powerful presentation helps understanding occur fast and precise. Some of the ideas include, architectural framework of presentations which include chronological aspect i.e. everything should be in perfect order, sequential aspect, spatial aspect, climactic aspect, problem-solution attitude, compare-contrast attitude, cause-effect aspect and advantage-disadvantage aspects (Duarte, 2016).
The third article discusses the effectiveness of team meetings on the effective performance of teams in organizations. I can myself sync with this idea as in my organization as a marketing manager I am aware of the effectiveness of team meetings.Interpersonal and assertive communications are the two most ignored but crucial communication strategies of all times:-
Journal Article for Article 2: Organizational presentations, Importance, and Types
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Interpersonal Communication
When information is send in between two or more than two people it is interpersonal communication. In a workplace it can be communication happening over events, situations, projects etc in between a superior and a subordinate. Basically it is exchanging information related to the benefit of the organization. Here there is a sender who sends the message, the message itself, channels using which the message is send and a receiver to such messages. (Study, 2016)
Assertive communication- Being assertive in the style of communication means conveying of the message firmly and clearly but yet in a respectful manner. Sometimes assertive communication is confused with aggressive form of communication. Aggressive way of communications are rudeness, hostility, threatening, sarcastic or demanding style and is totally different from assertive, Assertive way of communication is to take a stand on one’s viewpoint. It has no way any trespassing actions involved or disrespect involved for others. It is just being clear about your own opinion about something (RMIT, 2013).
Analyse and Explain: Team meetings help discuss team goals, discuss doubts, problems and track progress. It is an open platform welcoming new ideas and concerns of team members. It helps achieving organizational goals better (Kauffeld & Lehmann-Willenbrock, 2011).
Application: I will be use these concepts in the internal team meetings and while undergoing meeting with sponsors and investors.
The fourth article deals in the effectiveness of interpersonal communication in the achievement of organizational goals. Research and studies made in this article helped me understand that there are some factors associated with internal communication. These are employee commitment, thoughtful work, dedication, discretionary work efforts and all means of employee engagement. Such means of effective communication system helps combine channels inside the organization better and bring out extraordinary results (Hayase, 2016). These are as follows:-
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Internal Organizational Communication: An internal form of communication aids in the transmission of messages, data and information in between various members or divisions in an organization. It can take place in varied levels of an organization as well. For an instance in every organization a broad range of strategies are employed for the purpose of communication. Such interpersonal communication strategies can be vertical, horizontal, informal and formal means of communication (Study, 2016).
Communication Environment-Under communication environment there are two parts – environment and communication. Communication is when there is an exchange of ideas, views, messages, news and information. Now, communication environment signifies that all the elements which are surrounding us and their influence over communication. Such environmental communication can be formal as well as informal. It can be business related or non business related. (Environment, 2016)
Article 3: Interpersonal and Assertive communication
Analyse and Explain: It is true that for work to happen one have to understand the team and vice versa. This article is highly interesting as it points out the primary factors using which one can develop strong inter personal skills in their day to day works. This area is a highly unexplored region.
Application: Internal communication helps me on a daily basis to communicate with members of my team. The better we make our internal communication the faster is work done.
The role of technology in our daily lives is different these days. The article gave me a deep insight in the various technologies available today with which network between employees can be maintained and made better.
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Understand the differences between groups and teams- In business and marketing it is important to understand the differences in between teams and groups. Every team consists of groups of individuals. However all groups cannot be considered as teams. Members of teams who work together and have the same objectives and goals and work for achieving same responsibilities can be known as a team. A group can have multiple individuals who have same internet and characteristics. They range in size and scope (Boundless, 2016).
Differentiate amongst the different stages of groups development- A business team undergoes primary five stages of development. These are Forming, Storming, Norming, Performing and Adjourning.
a) Forming Stage – In the Forming stage, the team meets with each other and the introduction session takes place. Here basic information is shared and one learns about the project they will be working on. Project goals are discussed and individual roles are discussed and finalised.
b) Storming Stage – As the stage progress there is the Storming stage. This stage is mandatory for every team who is working for the first time or is evolving as a team first time. Here members accept each other ideas. Here members also compete with the status of each other. All the differences are discussed, argued and sorted out at this stage itself.
c) Norming –In the norming stage the team is working effectively in overall goals and not on individual goals. Team rules have been agreed upon here and work begins.
d) Performing – This stage is where work is being done by the team with full effect. The main objective is to reach the end result as soon as possible. Decisions are taken and problems are solved in this stage fast.
Journal Article for Article 3: Interpersonal and Assertive communication
e) Adjourning – Adjourning is the stage where all the goals are achieved and the project reaches completion. Teams move onto other projects.(Abudi, 2010)
The article has an interesting idea about various employee work performances. It showed me ways of various online and offline networks used at workplace for better work communications and performance.
Application: To know the customer’s, team and sponsors better such type of effective communication skills are used. It helps develop better interpersonal relationships in the team.
The sixth one aroused internet in me in making complete meaning out of it so I can make use of it in the real life. It deals in the cultural general competence or working in between multiple cultures. There are basically many advantages of this and many ways to do this. When work occurs in between different cultures a lot of factors are taken into account. One has to check out the management culture, work ethics, authority differences, etiquette, delegation and other distinctive factors of the new culture. For example in the culture of one country there is the liberty to call managers by their names while in some culture it is not. The awareness and knowledge about the differences in these cultures is important so employees can maintain the usual norms (Lambert, 2016). For teams working in various cultures knowledge of the following is needed for the good performance:-
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Understand the Importance of Intercultural Communication – This type of communication is fast becoming popular as globalization is raising high in the multicultural work ambience. Such intercultural communication helps business with foreign countries is possible effectively. For employees trying to break into foreign industries such communication skills can be highly beneficial (Ability, 2013).
Many times we are required to do translations. While translating content of our website or creating presentations for reaching out to people of other countries we have to use our skills of intercultural communications. Carefully we design content interpreting messages signs, introductions or controversial documents (Kurbalija, 2002). Transmission of messages has become more effective. We prioritize the cultural background of the people to whom our products cater.
Whether the team is working on academicals documents, business, management, and team or for the consumer it is important to know and implement techniques aiding understanding of such forms of communication. This aids to economic globalization as well.
a) Be aware – Self awareness is the first skill one needs for learning inter cultural knows how. So for communicating others one must know their very own culture first. So, before stepping ahead to communicate in an intercultural environment, steps a bit bats. And first realize how you will communicate in your own culture. Hence, by developing an ideal communication style one can respect other cultures.
b)Learn—There is nothing better than learning. Our team constantly researches and learns about new cultures.
c)Be curious-Without curiosity one cannot be good in intercultural communication. It is important specially when dealing with different cultures.
d)Observe and listen-Our team observes the countries and their people and their preferences. Only if one can listen and observe one can learn how well one can communicate.
e) Regular experience – The best way to keep learning is to regularly experience this. Catering to people of various countries is not easy, It needs a lot of know how about different cultures (Services, 2016).
f) Become interculturally competent-Every business today strives to work on the global environment. For this one has to learn the importance of intercultural communication and be intercultural competent as the second habit. By culture it is meant about the entire way of a life, beliefs, values, languages and preferences. Every culture has some in built implicit or explicit nature of rules present. The ability using which one can develop a skill set for effective interactions in between different cultures are known as intercultural competence (McKinnon, 2006). There are five stages undergoing which one can develop intercultural competence:-
a) Denial stage – The characteristics of this stage is a lack of interest and awareness for other cultures. Hence the name denial stage. Here one does not have a care for other cultures existing around them.
b) Polarization Stage – This stage has two parts – defense and reversal stages. Both showcase cultural differences. People when they begin interacting with others belonging to different other cultures they often judge the mental status of other cultures to be of a lesser value than themselves. It can be said to be a defensive state of mind and understanding. There occurs another situation when people consider their own culture as inferior to others. This is known as reversal stage or thought process.
c) Minimization – Here in this stage differences in between different cultures are leveled out. By respecting the fact that we all are human beings and work and efforts have the same significance to all people, irrespective of their cultural backgrounds the intercultural competence is developed. Minimization is distinctive in nature from polarization as here people begin to think beyond judgments.
d) Acceptance stage – In the acceptance stage people know about their own cultural identity and accept it. They even embrace the fact that other also has their own cultural identities and no one is less or more in value. Mental models can be different but confrontational thoughts are useless.
e) Adaptation stage – The last stage is the adaptation stage. It is here one becomes totally intercultural competence favored. Here people understand and adapt values they consider as necessary irrespective of the culture it originates from (Gevrey, 2013).
Application: Working with a product which has market overseas, such type of communication skills gives a deep understanding of how to communicate with the foreign members of the organisation and external individuals as well.
Any business today’s needs to communicate. The user base and the stakeholders genre are varied in today’s world. New technologies are needed for effective business communication to happen. With the global scenario in place, today traditional means of communication are overpowered by new innovative simplified methods and technologies. If communication is ineffective then it is bound to fetch poor results for an organization. It can be the breeding arena for mistrust, conflict, misunderstandings and chaos. Hence, for speeding up decision making, building great business relationship and enhancing productivity and customer satisfaction effective business communication is a must.
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