Benchmarking Marketing Capabilities For Sustainable: A Critical Analysis

Thesis Statement

Discuss about the Benchmarking Marketing Capabilities for Sustainable.

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This research essay is helpful to perform a critical analysis of a research article, ‘the critical challenges facing New Zealand’s chief executives: implications for management skills.’ Moreover, this research essay would also beneficial to classify an applicable thesis statement or question and also recognize the strengths and weaknesses of the article that will be based on the thesis statement.

Thesis Statement

The thesis statement of the article is “to find out the major challenges that are faced by the New Zealand’s chief executives of in the executions of management skills.”

In the views of Hutchison and Boxall (2014), management capacities are fundamental for the business organization. The three central arrangements of administration aptitudes, for example, overseeing vulnerability and reestablishment, overseeing partners and accomplices, and overseeing individuals and inside assets are required for the business firms. The creators also stated said in today’s progressed mechanical and quickly changing business period, the CEOs of New Zealand confront a ton of difficulties and not able to give backing to the partners (Vigoda-Gadot, 2007). Moreover, in light of the demographic influx of person born after WW2 retirements, the CEOs confront a war for ability at national and universal level.

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On the other hand, the authors Kulkarni, Aziz, Shams and Busse, (2009) expressed that, in the private division, CEOs of New Zealand are actualizing and reframing their plans of action with a specific end goal to meet quick paced and indeterminate changes of the organizations. Moreover, in the public and not-for-profit associations, CEOs are changing their financing on which they have little control. For case, with the assistance of this, they would have the capacity to improve their subsidizing in a level of popularity and increasing costs environment. In the examination article, the scientists communicated precise finding that the present business environment has made various significant difficulties for administration that are impacting the administration their capacities contrarily (Kulkarni, Aziz, Shams and Busse, 2009).

Apart from this, according to Grant and Booth (2009), the article depicted that the issues that New Zealand’s CEOs are confronting are identified with the recharging and rebuild of the associations. In this circumstance, oversees must have better capacities so they can deal with all these deliberate issues in a viable and a suitable way. In addition to this, HR experts must concentrate on the ability advancement and legitimate preparing of the representatives; so they can manage the inward and outer difficulties altogether (Grant and Booth, 2009). In this way, this research article fully completes the thesis statement of the study in an effective and a more comprehensive manner.

Critical Assessment of the Research Article

On the premise of the defined thesis statement, there are several strengths and weaknesses of this research study. The significant quality of this article is that, the writers utilized a compelling information accumulation technique to discover a suitable conclusion for the issue (Johnson and Christensen, 2010). In this article, data collection method is utilized by the authors in order to tackle the exploration issue appropriately. Moreover, the survey method is a proper technique that assumes a noteworthy part with a specific end goal to gather present and also essential information that are identified with the issue. The survey method is also helpful to enhance the faithfulness and constancy of the study and to approve the discoveries or consequences of the exploration in a viable way. In addition to this, open-finished inquiries, quantitative investigation, and appropriate testing of the research study indicate the quality of this research article (Goddard and Melville, 2004).

Apart from this, there are various shortcomings of this research study. The key shortcoming is that the aims & objectives, research questions, and theory of the exploration are not pronounced obviously. Furthermore, the authors did not express the variables sorts in the exploration unmistakably that is also alternate shortcoming of this examination study. In addition to this,   the analysts did not say that they utilized free variables or ward variables to lead the exploration study. This sort of instability negatively affects the consistency and legitimacy of the exploration results (Wright, Brand, Dunn and Spindler, 2007). Hence, it can be said that, the research article includes numerous strengths that make this study appropriate for the readers. 

After analyzing the article, I come to know that, in this research study, the expert utilized past studies to depict the present difficulties that are confronted by the CEOs of New Zealand. Moreover, in this research study, the specialists used an immediate technique for information accumulation, for example, overview poll that enhanced my comprehension about the information gathering strategy. In addition to this, the literature review, results, information gathering and examining method of the research study are valuable to enhance my insight and abilities about the article (Hutchison and Boxall, 2014). Furthermore, the authors expressed that, in today’s progressed innovative period, the CEOs of New Zealand are confronting various business challenges. Additionally, the authors included present and past information to represent every one of the issues confronted by the CEOs in an exact way.

On the other hand, the issue articulation of the article is elegantly composed and accordingly. In the research study, the analysts included appropriate writing survey and information accumulation strategies to discover wanted results or conclusion. Apart from this, I come to know that, the main frail purpose of this exploration study is that, the analysts did not present the examination goals, points, inquiries and speculation legitimately. Be that as it may, writing audit, information gathering strategy, information examination with diagram/graph, survey reaction, and results of this exploration study are valuable to enhance my discerning, aptitudes and capacities in a fitting way (Lindon, Holmes and Nicholson, 2006). For this reason, this research study is valuable for the perusers in order to enhance their abilities, understandings and information effectively.

After deeply examining the research article, I do concur with the thesis statement of the research article. There are various explanations for this. For case, the postulation explanation concentrates on the difficulties that are confronted by the CEOs of New Zealand in the executions of administration abilities. Similarly, the examination study clears the same thing in its decision. It demonstrates that the postulation explanation is precise and in perspective of that (Luo and Bhattacharya, 2006). I am concur on account of beyond any doubt in today’s quickly changing and innovative time, business firms confront a considerable measure of difficulties to do organizations. In this circumstance, they are required to reframe and change their operational and business exercises to get by in the commercial center.

In addition to this, I am additionally concur with the postulation articulation as a result of the article speaks to and clarifies the difficulties that are confronted by the CEOs of private, open, and not-revenue driven associations in an unmistakable and sound way. Notwithstanding this, the finding of the article; that the CEOs need to create three essential administration aptitudes to oversee instability, partners and constrained assets is likewise sane and in light of reasons (Vorhies and Morgan, 2005). As a result, I am fully concurring with the thesis statement of this research article or study.


The critical evaluation of the article represents that, the CEOs of New Zealand are confronting a considerable measure of business difficulties that are affecting the accomplishment of the business associations. Moreover, the characterized theory articulation is identified with the theme of the article supports the key purposes of exploration finding in an effective and an accurate manner. This research article fulfills its research goals with the help of appropriate data and information. For that reason, this research article is beneficial for the readers and researchers to perform their further researches in an accurate way. 


Goddard, W. and Melville, S. (2004). Research Methodology: An Introduction. USA: Juta and Company Ltd.

Grant, M. J., and Booth, A. (2009). A typology of reviews: an analysis of 14 review types and associated methodologies. Health Information & Libraries Journal, 26(2), pp. 91-108.

Hutchison, A., and Boxall, P. (2014). The critical challenges facing New Zealand’s chief executives: implications for management skills. Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources, 52(1), pp. 23-41.

Johnson, B. and Christensen, L. (2010). Educational Research: Quantitative, Qualitative, and Mixed Approaches. USA: SAGE.

Kulkarni, A. V., Aziz, B., Shams, I., and Busse, J. W. (2009). Comparisons of citations in Web of Science, Scopus, and Google Scholar for articles published in general medical journals. Jama, 302(10), pp. 1092-1096.

Lindon, J. C., Holmes, E., and Nicholson, J. K. (2006). Metabonomics techniques and applications to pharmaceutical research & development. Pharmaceutical research, 23(6), pp. 1075-1088.

Luo, X. and Bhattacharya, C.B. (2006). Corporate Social Responsibility, Customer Satisfaction, and Market Value. Journal of Marketing, 70(4), pp. 1-18.

Vigoda-Gadot, E. (2007). Leadership style, organizational politics, and employees’ performance. Personnel Review, 36(5), pp. 661-683.

Vorhies, D.W. and Morgan, N.A. (2005). Benchmarking Marketing Capabilities for Sustainable Competitive Advantage. Journal of Marketing, 69, pp. 80–94.

Wright, R. W., Brand, R. A., Dunn, W., and Spindler, K. P. (2007). How to write a systematic review. Clinical orthopaedics and related research, 455, pp. 23-29.

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