Strategic Human Resource Practices In Food Channel Business
Importance of Strategic Human Resource Recruitment
Discuss about the Strategic Human Resource Practices.
Shifting demography and improvement in living standards has created an upsurge in the food channel businesses. The growing market trends have led to opening of new restaurants in a very short time period.
The case study is related to the challenges which are faced while entering into the restaurant operations. It takes lot of exercise before jumping into any business. Here Ms. Vivienne is planning to open a new restaurant serving exquisite Chinese dishes, sea food, and Hong Kong delicacies with an amicable environment. Their vision is to run a restaurant keeping in mind the tastes and preferences of every generation. Opening a new venture requires lot focus on every phase from place, to finance, to legal formalities lastly recruiting the best people.
The people of the organization are its biggest asset as they are the reason behind its successes or failure. It is necessary to make the recruitment process more stringent to employ the best people. A restaurant is known by the quality of food available in it. So, there is a necessity to focus on the recruitment choices before filling the job places. There is a requirement to focus on the HR planning to fill the places with the desired choices. Strategic human resource recruitment should be the prime focus for overall growth of the organization (Armstrong, 2006). Most of the scholars realize the importance of best human resource practice accelerate the growth in the organization. Ms. Vivienne need to focus on recruiting the chefs who has ample of experience in Chinese cuisine. Moreover a best practice involves recruitment of the staff which has capacity to promote the interest of the organization basically those who work in good faith. It is essential to develop a road map before recruiting the employees in the organization. The importance related to the cost of the employees should be given priority while making the employments plans. The hiring of new staff plays a crucial role in development of the organization which need to be carried with due care (Stredwick, 2005)
Hiring of new workforce requires lot of strategic decisions. One has to plan the overall hiring structure in a way so that it benefits the organization. Staffing of right people at the right place is a necessity in every organization. For a new restaurant it is necessary to recruit as per the layout of the restaurant. A target oriented approach is necessary for achieving the appropriate results. Ms. Vivienne should focus on recruiting either through advertisements, or management consultancy, or through some acquaintances etc. For a new restaurant she must recruit a head chef who has an experience in Chinese recipes. As she is completely new to the concept of hospitality management it is recommended if she seek consultancy from someone who has experience in hospitality. The senior staff needs to be having experience in this field. She can hire newly graduate students from the hospitality industry as it will cost her less than other. She should inculcate a short training process into her human resource development plan to brief the staff with her requirements. Opening of a restaurant requires lot of innovation, creativity and lot of hard work (Wilton, 2010).
Hiring New Workforce for Restaurant Industry
Starting a new food business is very interesting however it requires lot of compliance and legal activities. There are several steps attached before initiating the food business. The government has made strict compliances to focus on the health of the consumers. It is compulsory for every business organization to focus on the legal framework before jumping into the food market. It is necessary to buy a license from a local council. Every local body has their own rules and regulation which are made mandatory by the government. The company needs to notify the food which it is selling to the public. There is mandatory licensing process which needs to be followed before operating the live business. The Australian government has made it mandatory to provide food safety training to its employees. The company must focus on following the strict policies which are made compulsory by the government. The hotel needs to follow the food safety regulations which are established by the Food Safety Authority Australia and New Zealand.
An organization strategy is based on the human resource management. HR planning is largely based on various internal and external factors. Profit earning and continuous growth is the main aim of any business. The human resource strategy should match the requirements of the organization. A new restaurant needs lot of efforts in matching the requirements with the available resources. People of the organization are held responsible for its growth. If the organization don’t have proper workforce it will hamper the long term growth (Regis, 2008).
A company must focus on achieving the strategic business objectives where attention needs to be given on every aspect of the business. It is necessary to divide the job of each individual according to the size of the company. Human resource includes various strategies which are essential to be adopted while filing the jobs. The number and the type of the employees depend on the size of the company. The size of the employees depends on the type of business plan. There is a need of regular availability of employees to meet the goals of the organization. Ms.Vivienne needs to make an in-depth research into the hotel industry before making any decision about the jobs. Before delegating the job to the employees it is necessary to brief them about their duty. A H.R needs to describe the job to the employees which involves creating an authority with responsibility. It is critical to create an elaborate job description in order to achieve the required task. Strategic human resource planning sets responsibility of each person to guarantee growth (Mello, 2014).
Legal Formalities for Starting a Food Business
An organization is new to its people which can only operate well if the employees are satisfied with the organization they are working on. There is a need to create role of each individual working with the organization. This creates a sense of belongingness to the organization. Setting the role of each individual decreases the chances of disputes in future. They should adopt competency based recruitment system in order to see a significant change in the organizational structure. The management should focus on adopting the competency based recruitment process which will help in adhering to the requirements.
Human resource is a pervasive job. It affects almost every operation of the organization. All the activities in an organization are inter-related with each other. The human resource is an important asset of an organization. There is a necessity of recruiting the employees who has an experience in hotel industry. Prior experience is an added advantage to an organization (Gary, 2010.
The key issues are in choosing the right employee and employing him at a right place. Opening a new restaurant involves lot of capital which makes human resourcing a difficult task. The cost of recruiting the high skilled chefs can put a burden on the newly established restaurant.
Initial cost cutting is essential to achieve a stable growth for a long run process. The company has to focus on the overall strategies to achieve the stable growth through the human resource practice. The special desires and requirements need to be specified to achieve the results (O’Fallon and Rutherford, 2011).
Special focus needs to be given on the structure of the organization as it affects the overall growth. Before making a choice about the employees it is necessary to focus on the individual skill and to delegate the job according to the required conditions. The legal compliance is a mandatory issue while dealing with the restaurant operations. The government has made mandatory rules to train the staff about the food safety measures which can create a disturbance in an initial stage. Providing food safety training to new employees is a difficult process to inculcating the training process that helps in developing the issues which are essential for the growth of the restaurant. Recruiting the right employee is a crucial decision which decides the future of the restaurant. A restaurant quality depends upon the services and the food quality. One cannot compromise with the cost of the employees because it will directly affect the quality of the restaurant. Quality assurance is a necessity Ms. Vivienne needs to focus on every department equally before making any decision. A strategic human resource decision requires specialized skills. She should focus all her efforts in making the best choice for her restaurant through recruitment process (Lucas, 2004).
The human resource practices are essential for an organization to incorporate the wellbeing of an organization. Restaurant needs to focus on the strategies which are important for the well being of the organization. The HRM practices of the company should be diversified in adopting the different atmosphere. It is necessary to focus on the overall benefit keeping in mind the structure. As the case study reflects that the size of the restaurant is necessary to decide the overall productivity. As they are new to the market there is a necessity to understand the role of human resource practices& recruit without compromising on quality.
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