Accounting Theory And Current Issues For Stipulated Bookkeeping Speculations

Nature and value to society of the research being done by BSF Ltd

Discuss about the Accounting Theory and Current Issues for Stipulated Bookkeeping Speculations.

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Bookkeeping is a field which has been being developed and as of now managing different issues in light of the enhancing innovation. This paper contends on the premise of stipulated bookkeeping speculations and the rising issues (Reddy 2004). A case of contemporary issues examined inside this paper is nature, and presentation of bookkeeping standards in innovative work organizations (R&D). Bio-sustainable Feeds (BSF) is one of the organizations in the business doing research in Australia in the water sustenance creation part. Bio feasible nourishment has been recorded among organizations in the Australian stock trade market. The organization operation has been under reactions by the environmentalist who see its operations adversely. Taking into account the bookkeeping and business contentions and also hypotheses, all organizations have a patent right to their items as per the law. In this manner an organization ought to be considered responsible for they have created. Bio-sustainable industry created a plant based water society nourishment items which never yield better results according to the desires and wound up losing colossal whole of cash all the while (Porwal 2000). The extent of this paper likewise uses bookkeeping speculations in connection to the present issues like BSF Ltd. The paper misuses the present issues in connection to bookkeeping hypothesis and Bio-maintainable fish nourish organization. Figuring of equitable patent worth is another issue which has been examined inside the extent of this paper.

Nature and value to society of the research being done by BSF Ltd

The sort of examination being finished by this organization is a formative exploration. Bio Sustainable Company fills in as R&D firm performing research in the field of fish cultivation. The organization venture is an examination resolved to enhance nourishment generation in Australia through water society. The water nourish examination is a test based exploration which requires a great deal of experimentation to guarantee its prosperity. The advantages from this sort of exploration are constantly estimated to be in future. BSF LTD exploration can likewise be seen as a down to earth research in which outsiders additionally advantage. For example, in the above case the general public and the organization giving backing will have profits by the achievement of this task. Formative venture like the one being directed by bio sustainable nourishes comes toward the end of general examination. The organization had led general research and distinguished each perspective required. Advancement subsequently encourage the interest in the region of decision which is thinking of microbes water bolster creation. It incorporates dangers because of the point that it depends on trial. Advantages and benefits of improvement examination is procured toward the end of a given timeframe. Interests being developed and research are considered as costs making the financial specialists to have no case in instances of disappointment.

This improvement research task will positively affect individuals living in Australian if there should be an occurrence of its prosperity. Despite the fact that a ton of capital has been put into the exploration, the consequence of the advancement will help to decrease world appetite sooner rather than later. BSF Ltd has attempted their best attempting to give ceaseless fish supply into the business sectors lessening the rate of word hanger. BSF ltd flow examination is to the general population salvage since it includes reusing of waste items in the formation of a superior and quickly developing fish. The examination shows that the majority of the fixings required for such fish food are waste items. The organization expects to utilize microorganisms in their assembling which may not be an excess of weight to the general public. Wood chips are waste items, woodchips are less expensive to obtain, promptly accessible and has no organic consequences for the shoppers who are individuals from society. Another crude material for the creation is a reused methane gas which does not require much capital. Assembling of these water food is more secure to environment the same number of the generation materials are natural toxins. Sugar buildup, methane and wood chips are disposed of items whose assistance in the end of poisons in the encompassing. This outcomes into lessened rate of sickness compression by the general population.

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Complications with the initial research conducted by BSF Ltd.

Generation of water food as per BSF ltd in such away has a positive effect to individuals from the general public. The kind fish kept with such sort of food has its omega oil in place and develops quicker contrasted with the typical. The quicker development of fish will bring about expanded nourishment supply to the general public decreasing craving levels in Australia in future. Accomplishment of this exploration will prompt diminishment of the deviation between those who are well off and the have not in contrary to previous strategy where just the rich could bear the cost of fish. The general public values this examination since it has come about into anticipation of human quality sustenance waste. Transformation of human sustenance item into fish dinner was an incredible test to Australian culture and came about to lack of healthy sustenance and starvation as quality human nourishment was utilized to develop lavish fish which dominant part couldn’t bear. Biotechnological water sustenance innovation will prompt spreading out of water society inside the Australian culture. Rise of a few water ranches implies foundation of openings for work encouraging monetary strengthening of a given society. This sort of speculation is considerable to the group as it encourages and in addition boosting its monetary dependability.

Conversion of human food product into fish meal was a great challenge to Australian society and resulted to malnutrition and starvation as quality human food was used to grow luxurious fish which majority could not afford. Biotechnological aqua food invention will lead to spreading out of aqua culture within the Australian society. Emergence of several aqua farms means establishment of job opportunities facilitating economic empowerment of a given society. This kind of investment is substantial to the community as it facilitates its progress as well as boosting its economic stability.

The $360 million AUD research speculation performed by Bio-practical Feeds (BSF) Ltd has a considerable measure of downsides to the organization itself, economy and Australian culture. The exploration was not led with the examination of human sustenance, survival instrument of different sorts of fish lastly the financial status of individual national. The movement from water feast to planted produce was excessively costly analyzed, making it impossible to microscopic organisms generation of water food. Planted fixings, for example, canola, corn, soya-bean, sunflower and other ranch items were costly contrasted with microscopic organisms generation which majors in reusing of waste items. The organization spent a considerable measure in the buys of crude materials without hypothesis of what may happen in future. Different sorts of fish wound up dead coming about into a colossal breakdown of cash. This happened due the disappointment of the organization to recognize the best nourishment for every kind of fish. BFS Ltd industry never considered the results of ranch based fish food to types of fish and to human nourishment as uncovered by Jillian Fry, chief of CLF’s Public Health and Sustainable Aquaculture Project and an employee at the Johns Hopkins. Ranch created fish secure omega 3 unsaturated fat from different items particularly angle oil. The exploration created costly little fish which were reasonable for the rich. Regardless where just a given part of a populace can manage the cost of an item, showcase gets to be restricted due diminished interest. Such situations prompts imbalanced harmony in the free market activity and additionally flimsy economy. Extra issue with the exploration is inconsideration of the significance of the crude materials. The greater part of the homestead items utilized as a part of the creation are astounding sustenance crops for human surval. This sort of fish cultivating prompted human starvation since the majority of the fundamental sustenance products were being changed over into fish dinner. In light of human sustenance the end fish items from this movement were of low quality and could prompt wellbeing issues and entanglements. The sort of fish delivered amid the primary creation indicated decreased weight instead of enhancing the weight.

Nature, accounting and comparison between general research and R&D

Accounting in R&D is the consideration of expenses and revenues over a given period of time. The cost allocated for development should match expenses and revenues. All assets purchased in development are expensed. This capitalization of assets in the development is considered as an expense since they are meant to generate income in future. Development expenditures are formed with the expectation of future profits and products of measurement. From the given case Bio sustainable company is operating as R&D. Therefore all costs of the company according to Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) shall be considered as expense (Caicedo 2012). This kind of assumption comes as a result of uncertainty concerning profits that will be generated by the research company in future. As discussed prior there must be a match between the revenues of BSF Company and the expenses. The matching principle in the R&D accounts usually applicable after a period of time mostly ten years. For example investment of large amount made by the company to acquire raw materials is considered as an expense. In cases of failure, investment made by the company will not have any revenue since all assets are treated as expenses. On the other hand the company may decide to capitalize the expenses to secure some as revenue in any cases of failure. This means that there are high possibilities that the R&D will lead to future economic benefit.  When investments are capitalized the Company accountants are therefore able to justify putting various investment transactions on their balance sheets.    

  General research is broad and requires a lot of funding which has got no sure benefit in return compared to development research. Investors enjoy tax breaks in which tax are often deductible but some are not deductible. General development research such as market research and assessment research are not subject to taxation making many investors to get into development research. Development allows more cost effective investment thus increasing the profit margin. In terms of financing R&D enjoy the benefits of funding from other parties like established companies. Such companies enjoy qualified employees since many of graduates tend to join these companies.  The above reasons makes several firms to R&D industry to enjoy the benefits and exploit the available economies of scale

Development is an application of already conducted research on a particular field. Development utilizes the research finding and outcome to come up with a specific end product as seen in the case of BSF ltd Development is a sub branch of a general research which deals with the generation of a more indispensable understanding and deigns important in manufacturing of the model (Jucker and Rouchota 1998). On the other hand research is defined as an indefinite investigation. It targets a more general field in comparison to development which is more specific. For instance if BSF Ltd was a general research facility it could have conducted a more broad research rather than plant based, fish based and bacteria based fish feed. Research works on a broad perspective while development only apply to the last part and on a specific finding. General research requires large amount of money while development is specific thus specific budget (Sierra 2002). The accountings in general research differs from that of development since only expenses are accounted. All company assets are not expenses as seen in development.

Development based research companies like BFS ltd have patent for their products (Tavares and Barretta 2006). Calculation of the patent value according to GAAP involves appropriate assumptions to come up with the fair values (W. In the case of Bio-sustainable, the company received a lot of grants from Australian government research sector (Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO) the company agrees to spend the money in two years and the addition ten years. The assumptions during the calculations of fair market patent value under the combination of discounted cash flow and real option method. The method assumes that a sole biotechnology firm has ten years. Since BSF ltd is among the biotech industry the sum of total year applies and addition two years of agreement. Fair market patent is probably the most recognized standard of patent calculation (Pulgarí and Cano 2001). Calculation of patent is recognized by bio sustainable food company as the most standard appropriate method to cover their patent rights within the market. In order to arrive to the fair market value, several approaches can be used. These approaches have been put in place by GAAP other framework organizations to help in identifying the nature of the company patent right (Humphrey and Miller 2012).  The company in this case operates under the grants of $500 million from the government therefore the nature of patent is calculated based on the royalty determination methods. Income based approaches methods are based on the future cash flows from the royalty grants. The discounted cash flow (DFC) is the basic tool appropriate in the determination of fair market patent. Patent valuation technique is applicable in this situation since probability adjustment can be determined. Identifying fair market patent depends on the creation of intellectual property (Zuppiroli 2012). Applying the approach to BSF research and development of fish food made from bacteria as a raw material and other recycled raw materials such as methane. The company is determined to find the most suitable fish food production to facilitate aqua culture.

 Therefore in these case ‘fair market value’ (FMV) would be equal to cost of new replacement (CRN) less physical depreciation (PD), functional obsolescence (FO) and economic obsolescence (EO) (Kosfeld and Titze 2015).
FMV = CRN – PD – FO – EO (Gaffikin 2006). To arrive to fair market value the (DCF) method is integrated with other patent calculation methods resulting to fair market patent indication. (10yers +2yrs= 12 years). The DCF market value* (1+factor %) = patent fair value indication. The value lies two methods as shown.  The NVP = $ 700000000 *(1+8.0) = $630000000. Therefore fair patent value =Preliminary DCF value × (1 + factor %) = Patent fair market value indication. Methods integrated during fair market value calculation includes competitive advantage valuation which most of the time contradicts other methods (Holl 2016). The competitive advantage contribution of an intellectual property asset is defined as the asset’s advantages or disadvantages in comparison to an average substitute intellectual property asset. The major premise of the CAV method is that the value of an intellectual property asset derives entirely from the value of the product, process or service that utilizes the intellectual property asset. The petty principle of the CAV method is that the value of an intellectual property asset can best be identified by the competitive advantage that it contributes to a product, process or service (Riahi 2005).

BSF journal entries for BSF LTD.

Bio sustainable aqua culture food operates as an R&D therefore the kind of transactions made between the period ended 2013 and 2016 can be presented in the books of account. The nature of accounts in research and development R&D is different from other normal business transactions. Therefore the company operations is considered as long term assets (Veugelers 2012).

 Bio sustainable aqua feed Journal Entries for Purchase of long lived assets from 2013 to 2016

Balance brought forward from the previous business operation


Debit ($)

Credit ($)

Balance brought forward


$ 34000000




Research and development costs are an expense; therefore, those costs incurred by the company cannot be amortized. Will only be decreased for any impairment to its market value. Goodwill will never be increased in value due to an increase in its market value.


BSF Ltd. received a $500 million AUD grant from the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO, Federal Government of Australia


Debit ($)

Credit ($)

CSIRO, Federal Government of Australia

$ 500000000


$ 500000000

Research and development cost are to be treated not as an intangible asset but only as an expense.








Cost involve in transporting








In consideration of $500 million AUD grant from the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO, Federal Government of Australia) the right place is the credit since the company is to refund back the money (Evans 2003). All the liabilities such the grant is debited since it is the companies’ responsibility to refund back the money to the owners after the purpose is achieved. In the research and development a third party such as the agencies are beneficiaries thus any funding from them is a liability to the research company such as BSF Ltd.

 The above calculation of the fair market patent value enable company to proceed with their operation. The assertion is true and allows the company to continue with operation based on the decision of going concern. One of the accounting theories is the issue of going concern as seen in this case where the company is proceeding with the business (Belderbos et al. 2014). For the company to procedure with their line of production, it must have a patent right. Bio-sustainable Feed has got the patent right to access the bacteria since they had operated a food company prior to the current development. The company aquaculture food production for the last period before venturing into the new technology where bacteria is used as a raw material for production (Henderson et al. 1992). The assertion is true since the patent rights allow R&D companies to utilize complementary resources to bring their final idea into the market. Therefore BSF ltd is permitted to access bacteria from the previous company. The issue of going concern has been put into practice to facilitate the investment.


The above discussion indicates the relevance of accounting theory and its application to research and development (R&D). It is clear from above that the nature of accounting used in development is quite different from other business entities. Recording transactions in R&D Company requires a deeper understanding since cots and assets used are all considered expense. Another important issue is the calculation of fair market patent value which also takes a different dimension. The calculation of patent value assists a company to determine their level of operation. The issue of going concern is another factor that is under theories of accounting and determines ability of a company to remain operational. 


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