Marketing Communication For Australian Cosmetics Company
Target Market
Discuss about the Marketing Communication for Harvard Business School.
People these days are paying more attention towards the appearance so cosmetics are the new trends that are becoming popular these days. This has attracted more customers while it were compared with last year, so cosmetics are now an increasing trend that needs to be considered as the market has an excellent opportunity to build globally. The Australian Cosmetics company is located in Australia with its wide range if products in cosmetic company that has natural materials which are located in Australia (Varadarajan, 2010). The ingredients are used for Australian product such as organic material or natural oils that reflects the Australian market. The company aims while helping people to look beautiful and extravagant. The company has a large list of products that even include the bath care and body wash with high level of quality.
The company has mainly developed its market in the green cosmetic that helps to improve the blood vessels, blood circulation and helps to eliminate accumulation that causes pigment. The products are good as it regains the skin cell, affects the metabolism, which directly is observed in the beauty treatments. The products are conducive to water proof with the tranquilizer role and a beauty role. This is replenished with the most top grade company in Australia. The classic cosmetology is inherited with the special essence, that blends in the organic essence with the latest technology applied in the biotechnology. There are products that are applied to the theory that helps to equalize and have a concept of Chinese unique products medicines (Zott, 2003). The high tech process is being used with herbal essence where the product gives an inner peace, mental, body spirit, achieves harmony and natural glow.
Target market is the target customers that are the ultimate source with the power and the conceptual design that have a special design and a process which is consumer oriented. Target customers are mainly organic integrated and have an interest in herbal products, they have a structured and scientific conceptual design. The design of the products may be realized with the customer satisfaction, so these aims and objectives are quickly having a concept with the customer satisfaction. The developmental cycle is being thereby shortening, which may be a clear idea that improves the quality of the product. Customer needs are being clearly defined in the marketing and communication (Rego, Billett, and Morgan, 2009). The needs of customers have some characteristics with the level of customer and the variability with constant and improved economy in the development of the society. Cyclical needs of the customers may go through some cycle, which is not actually a simple return as the demand with quantitative and qualitative changes.
Positioning Strategy
There was original research with the Australian Cosmetics Company that was conducted and investigated where new customers were the respondents. Investment analysis has been followed with some aspects of consumer motivation as a target market. The customers think that the investment in the product should be actually valuable. The society and the economy have a great impact over the preferred customers and this is the analysis that has a dynamic impact over the motivation that has to be given to the customers. With the non monopolistic market, the competition is high and the customers have a selected scope that emphasizes the space that has been taken with the replacement of some products (Vorhies, et, at., 2009). When customers have alternatives, it is better to promote the products and target the market as per the demand and supply balance. There are efforts that are being made for the age group and the gender when it comes to cosmetic products. With this aim, the company advertises its products on a large scale by achieving product loyalty because of the herbal products and essence in the market.
The age group of the customers is targeted to 18 to 60 years where all the beauty products are available with the cost effective when the price is concerned in the marketing mix of the company. The research states the customer preferences that have a consumption analysis with the buying of the products. There are numerous products that are complex and they are in several types with each group that consist of the relevant customer group (Reinartz, et, al., 2004). This analyses that the category of each consumption needs to be analyzed with the number of customers and the groups that are involved in the marketing phase.
The positioning strategy of the product must equally be set by the different group of customers that are varied. While considering the gender perspective, there are gender roles and the product differ from the gender point of view (Olson, et, at., 2005). Even in the cosmetics industry, men are interested and focus mainly with the personal care product in the growing market that has been analyzed equivalently. With the increase in the men’s choice, the skin care products are sold at a pick in the market. Whereas, the situation for some years have proved to be the counter where men and women have been observed in shopping centers with a quick goal that occupies a certain open market. There are men who quietly occupy the market with some certain counter of cosmetics, therefore the sales are observed and picking up in the latest market of the Australian Cosmetic Company. The increase in the emphasize that is noticed while analyzing the gender based technology is stated that men do have a special market. The annual increase of the sales has increased by some 30 percent with the last year. So with the research, analysis and the positioning of the product strategy, it has been noticed that the treatment is quietly being focused on the skin care, whether it is men or women (Ramaswami, Srivastava and Bhargava, 2009).
Communication goal
While considering the other market, women are still in the market with the market focus and in different age group. There are age group when it comes to the different ages and the targeted development of the cosmetics market. There are different patterns in the consumers were in the market is continuously being noticed with different patterns of age groups from 16 to 25, 25 to 45 and above 45. The products are positioned according to the needs of the customers and this brings a development process with each product description (Mizik and Jacobson, 2008). The production of the products is according to the focus of the need of the customers for a particular group of customers, this states that the products are being targeted and positioned as per the stage group and are necessary for the choice of the product. There is enough spending power to the consumers and the consumers buy at the right place and the right product when analyzed the market of cosmetics. The consumers buy a product that is making them look beautiful and healthy while purchasing those products with a pursue of looking fit. When considered in the age group of 45 and above, the customers look for the practical products which are somewhat reasonable in price and they have a longer duration while consisting development process (Morgan and Rego, 2006). With the research, it has been observed that with the older consumers the habits should be noticed and even the psychology has the main concern when it is about the choice of the highest priority of older consumers.
The Australian Cosmetic Company targets the consumers and the positioning of the product is dependent as per the groups of the customers. The cosmetic have now been the very strong potential with the popular trends in the cosmetic industry (McAlister, Srinivasan and Kim, 2007). Consumption of the cosmetics has been the positioning strategy that has been in the focus with research and findings. The positioning of the cosmetic products has been in an attention to balance the demand and supply of the product. While, the age groups have been considered to position a particular product of the company and this enhances the highest priority.
The IMC program integrates the strategies and impacts the value of the product and the audience is aware of the products while it has addressed the comprehensibility. The marketing communication goal of the company is to reach an awareness of the products in the market and to the general public. The objective of the company is to market the product with its marketing mix strategy. The market segment and the essentials of the company’s market strategy has been analyzed accordingly. This has a common goal of communicating the usefulness of products to its consumers in a more general manner where the demand of the product is met and the supply of the products is made by the company (Aaker, 2008). With this strategy the natural market has a different approach of market segmentation. The consumers, employees and other stakeholders are been communicated about the product of the company with its product description and the target market with some of the other advertisements.
Message strategy and executional tactics
The strategy and tactics that are used by the company are eventually being successful while there are marketing strategy where the given goals are achieved. IMC that is Integrated Marketing Communication help in the development and expansion with the traditional strategies and even the modern strategies with brand stakeholders in the company that convey the benefits of the company (Ethiraj, et, al., 2005). The goals are achieved by the planning process with the help of the IMC program while engaging in the promotion strategies.
The promotional strategy that the company uses is the advertising media that has on a large basis. The successful products are being marketed with the benefits of individual demands and the supply of the product. The market is targeted and the product is positioned accordingly. There is a positive relationship when the paid form of advertisement is considered by the Australian Cosmetic company. This is a personal paid approach that is mainly communicated to the large audience with a higher success rate in the mass media (Dutta, et, al., 2003). The public relations are convincingly a better way to engage themselves with the favorable attention towards the products and their value benefits.
Another form of promotional mix is the direct mail that enhances the publicity of the product and is named within a firm. With the online marketing, the direct mail has given an important towards the database of the customers where the direct messages through mails have been sent to the potential customers and the new customers (Bingham, et, al., 2007). Both the promotional strategies work well when the response and the value of the product is higher to the price offered to the customers, because as such there are many customers who are readily available to spend lots of money on the cosmetics products with the herbal essence as they do not have a side effect in the near future.
With the conclusion of the report, the Australian Cosmetic Company has a wide market that is researched according to the habits and the preferences of the customers. At this end, it was noticed that the Japanese market even have a demand for the Australian Cosmetic company with the foriegn investment that can be done in Japan. The Company has also analyzed the target market, consumer motivation is created, product positioning strategies are adopted, promotional strategies have an impact over the choice of the customers. The products are mainly positioned with the gender and age group of the customers in this market, while the IMC program Integrated Marketing Communication program helps to achieve the goal of the company that adopts the modern and the traditional approach to marketing the products.
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