ICT Services And Project Management Components: An Analysis
Describe about the ICT Services and Project Management Components.
The report covers an analysis and study on various components of ICT services and project management components and brings forward the exploration that is done on 10 different areas. Every area or the task that is completed comprises of two different resources along with a summary and reference attached with each of the resource. The summary explains the points that describe the reason behind the selection of a particular resource, details of the resource and the viewpoints that are covered in the resource. The topics that are covered in the report vary from one another such as there are topics present that include details on embedded operating systems, ransomware attacks, database vendors and seven more.
Week 1 |
Resource 1 |
The Implications for Publishing of Electronic Document Storage and Delivery Line, M. (2013). The Implications for Publishing of Electronic Document Storage and Delivery. [online] purdue.edu. Available at: https://docs.lib.purdue.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1220&context=iatul [Accessed 27 Sep. 2016]. |
Summary: This page has information on different mass storage technologies used earlier by companies worldwide. They have also discussed various aspects of all of these storage technologies in this paper. Mass storage technologies covered in this paper include Optical Drives, Hark Disk, Digital Paper, CD-ROM etc. Apart from old mass storage technologies they have also explored a few modern mass storage technologies like online storage over cloud, reference storage, backup storage etc. With the development in cloud technologies online storage has evolved to become most commonly most used storage media in recent times. The paper can be used to under the evolution of technology in storage media over the time. Certain trends, that were introduced in 90s but have evolved to become popular since, are also discussed in this paper. Some of these are Virtual Disks, RAID, multi-function drives, Direct Access Storage devices, removable media, bubble memory, virtual disks, High-Capacity Drives, Magnetic Tape Cartridge and digital Audio Tape etc. (Arnold, 1991). |
Resource 2 |
B ri n g i n g C l a ri t y t o H a r d Disk Drive Choices for Enterprise Storage Systems Rydning, J. (2016). Bringing Clarity to Hard Disk Drive Choices for Enterprise Storage Systems. 1st ed. [ebook] USA. Available at: https://h18000.www1.hp.com/products/servers/proliantstorage/drives-enclosures/docs/216652_IDC_Paper_2009FEB20.pdf [Accessed 27 Sep. 2016]. |
Summary: This is a white paper published by Hewllet Packard. This paper has explored requirements and concepts of HDD (Hard disk drives). HDD was introduced to the market in early 50s. Hard disk drives have since gone through great evolutions. New age hard disk drives are very sleek and light which was not the case with early models. Its early models didn’t use to have high storage capacity and were of huge size. For example the first hard disk drive had a storage capacity of 3.75 MB and as for its size; it had fifty 24 inch platters. In sharp contrast, modern day hard disk drives are of size of a few inches and many tera-bytes of data can be stored in them. Technology behind hard disk drives is the base used in the storage requirements for the modern interfaces used by organisations and individuals alike. This resource was selected for its in-depth explanation of the concepts and technology behind hard disk drives. |
Week 2 |
Resource 1 |
TinyOS – An Operating System for Tiny Embedded Networked Sensors Raman, S. (2002). TinyOS – An Operating System for Tiny Embedded Networked Sensors. 1st ed. [ebook] USA. Available at: https://crystal.uta.edu/~kumar/cse6306/papers/TinyOS_paper.pdf [Accessed 27 Sep. 2016]. |
Summary: This is a published paper that traces the emergence of networked sensors used in used in TinyOS. It also explores their characteristics in this regards. TinyOS is basically an open source development environment that operates with the help of embedded networked sensors. TinyOS operates on the model that is – Active message communication. Advantage of this is that it gives high networking capabilities with the help of Multihop ad hoc routing. There are a few issues like limitations in connection capabilities, high processing time, limitations in size etc. with networked sensors. Their working is based on primitive interfaces which lacks the advanced capabilities that normal OS possesses. These sensors are designed for specific applications and not for general uses. As earlier embedded operations systems were not able to the meet the requirements of such sensors, TinyOS was designed and developed. This paper explains different components of TinyOS. It also describes in details how they operate together. It also explains communication challenges like low power listening, crossing layers etc. (Raman, 2002) |
A Look Back On Symbian On The Eve Of Its Demise Lomas, N. (2016). A Look Back On Symbian On The Eve Of Its Demise. [online] TechCrunch. Available at: https://techcrunch.com/2013/06/13/rip-symbian [Accessed 27 Sep. 2016]. |
Summary: This online resource is an article Which explains in details Symbian Operating System. It tracks its development over the years and also chronicles its downfall and the issues contributing to the same. I selected Symbian for this study as it was the primary and at time the only portable OS. It had an effective life and fair share of contribution in the business sector. That is till Android came around and assumed control. Symbian operating system is an embedded and portable OS. It has its foundations the PDA world. This OS was mostly used by the Nokia brand for all its hand held devises. This was a framework working on shut source versatile. It was mostly intended to be used for the cell phones. There was a rebooted rendition of this OS which was again developed keeping in mind its same end goal i.e. for mobile phones but with the changing landscape of mobile phones with the touch screens slowly making the physical keyboards obsolete. Most of the software to be used on phones were also being developed to suite the touch screen mobiles. I choose this online paper as it clearly explains and tracks the improvement in Symbian OS and its life cycle. |
Week 3 |
Resource 1 |
Wireless Sensor Networks: Yinbiao, S, Internet of Things: Wireless Sensor Networks. in , IEC, 2014, <https://www.iec.ch/whitepaper/pdf/iecWP-internetofthings-LR-en.pdf> [accessed 24 September 2016]. |
Summary: IOT connects technologies and information with physical infrastructures with the help of sensors. Selected research work is a published paper that explores the WAS (wireless sensor network) technology. It is a network of a vast number of sensors which can detect and recognise physical events like heat, light, pressure etc. This paper deliberates their evolution. It also reviews and explores some WSN applications such as smart homes smart grids, smart water networks, Smart girds, intelligent transportation etc. It optimizes and integrates renewable energy sources to electric vehicles and generators into the network which then delivers optimized power with more efficiency and reliability. Modern smart water systems are equipped with monitoring systems for water’s base line quality and also helps trace the sources of contaminants. WSN can also be used for smart transportation on the vehicles. This can be used as a part of traffic infrastructure. Floating sensor network can also be utilized for sensing applications to the mobile vehicles. Apart from these very effective smart homes can also be built with the help of the strategies to maximize the building’s performance by optimizing services, energy consumption and by saving energy for better tomorrow and for reduced energy costs. (Yinbiao, 2014). |
Resource 2 |
5 Great Internet of Things Startup Ideas Mehta, Y. (2016). 5 Great Internet of Things Startup Ideas – DZone IoT. [online] dzone.com. Available at: https://dzone.com/articles/internet-of-things-iot-startup-ideas [Accessed 2 Sep. 2016]. |
Summary: |
Week 4 |
NETWORK PROTOCOLS HANDBOOK : Network protocols handbook. in , Saratoga, Calif., Javvin Technologies, Inc., 2007. |
Summary: As this task requires an exploration of various text based application layer protocols, this book is being selected as it explain one such protocol which is very popularly used by most email connections and it is called Real Time Streaming Protocol (RTSP). It was designed for managing streaming data used or entertainment and communications. The protocol establishes as well as controls the sessions that occur between two end points such as management of play and pause functions. The protocol has its own methods just like HTTP and these include OPTIONS, SETUP, PLAY, DESCRIBE, TEARDOWN and PAUSE. RSTP is also usd for Android devices and its implementation that runs on the mobile OS is called libstreaming. This book describes the protocol in one chapter that includes the discussions on structure, description and explains how the protocol majorly differs from called HTTP such as in terms of methods, states, requests, compatibility and so on. |
Test Suite for Session Initiation Protocol (TSIP): Wipro Technologies, Test Suite for Session Initiation Protocol (TSIP). in , Wipro, 2005, <https://www.wipro.com/documents/resource-center/library/TSIP.pdf> [accessed 28 September 2016]. |
Summary: As this task requires an exploration of various application layer protocols, this resource is chosen as it describes one popular application layer protocol called Test Suit for Session Initiation Protocol (TSIP) which consists of the text cases that are scripted using XML call flows. The paper discusses how the test suit protocol works and highlights its features, benefits, standards and components that it is used for testing. The paper suggests that major use of TSIP is testing of technologies on their abilities to fulfil needs of network equipments and service providers. The paper revealed that TSIP provides a graphical user interface for editing, selecting and executing test cases. The results achieved can be pass, fail or non-conclusive. If the results are not conclusive then messages and timestamps from logs are used for validation and decision making. The cases are not always mandatory but can be optional or just recommended to be tested. |
Week 5 |
Task |
An increasing computer security threat is the rise of “ransomware” attacks. Collect and summarise two online resources that discuss specific examples of ransomware attacks. The resources must not be about the same incident/attack. |
Resource 1 |
Understanding Locker Ransomware Attacks Wyke, J. and Ajjan, A. (2016). The Current State of Ransomware. [online] Available at: https://www.sophos.com/en-us/medialibrary/PDFs/technical%20papers/sophos-current-state-of-ransomware.pdf [Accessed 28 Sep. 2016]. |
Summary: Ransomware assaults have ended up well known in the digital world in the late years and the asset is a white paper that displays the points of interest that are connected with this type of the security assault. The creator trusts that the real classification of the ransomware assaults is the locker assaults in which the machine or the utilization of the casualty is bolted and it gets to be outlandish for the casualty to get to the same. The client capacities are broken up in such cases and just the message requesting the instalment is shown alongside the ability to finish the instalment procedure. The asset was chosen as it aided in picking up the information that is connected with this kind of the ransomware assaults. |
Resource 2 |
Understanding Crypto Ransomware Attacks Kotov, V. and Rajpal, M. (2016). Understanding Crypto-Ransomware. [online] Available at: https://www.bromium.com/sites/default/files/rpt-bromium-crypto-ransomware-us-en.pdf [Accessed 28 Sep. 2016]. |
Summary: The second sort of the ransomware assaults are the Cryto ransomware assaults and the asset chosen for comprehension of the assault is report that is composed on this assault. The creator trusts that the strategy by which this assault works is through the encryption of the information on the machine or the application on which it is dispatched. The encryption procedure continues gradually in the first place so that the client may not become more acquainted about the action and rapidly spreads to the whole information sets. Therefore, the client gets unable to utilize or unscramble the information without paying for the same. The choice of this asset was done since it gave the required data about this type of the ransomware assault. |
Week 6 |
Task |
SLAs and network design with redundancy are two ways to reduce the risk of a loss of network connectivity. However, reports of major network outages and their impacts on organisations regularly make news headlines. Collect and summarise two online resources that provide examples of these outages and their impacts on the business and/or its customers. The resources must not be about the same outage/business. |
Resource 1 |
Integrity Attacks – Alteration of the Message and Media O’Flynn, C. (2016). Message Denial and Alteration on IEEE 802.15.4 Low-Power Radio Networks. [online] Available at: https://www.newae.com/6lowpan/MessageDenial802154.pdf [Accessed 28 Sep. 2016]. |
Summary: System blackouts are a genuine worry in the present period and the asset is a white paper that is composed on this point covering the real types of system blackouts and the measures to counteract and control them. The creator trusts that the message and media adjustments are the assaults that influence the honesty of the framework and thus result in the system blackouts. The aggressors alter the first message or media that is under the way toward being exchanged from one area to the next. There are situations when this data is re-coordinated to the location not quite the same as the first goal address which disturbs the whole procedure. The purpose behind selecting this asset was to comprehend these assaults and the countermeasures that can be received for the same. |
Resource 2 |
Disruption of Availability – Quality of Service Attacks Fowler, S., Zeadally, S. and Chilamkurti, N. (2016). Impact of Denial of Service Solutions onNetwork Quality of Service. [online] Available at: https://liu.diva-portal.org/smash/get/diva2:416487/FULLTEXT02.pdf [Accessed 28 Sep. 2016]. |
Summary: The second assault in connection with the system blackout is the Quality of Service (QoS) assault and the asset that is chosen for the clarification and comprehension of the same is a white paper that expounds the assault and its parts. The creator trusts that these assaults influence the accessibility of the specific service or application furthermore disregard the significant desire of the client from the same. The attacker downsizes the quality of the system to a degree that the client abandons utilizing the same and is left without the entrance to the system. The essential purpose for the choice of the asset was the point by point clarification of the assault that was secured in it alongside the effect that the assault has on the casualty that gets influenced by it. |
Week 7 |
Task |
Organisations are increasingly using social networking to engage with their customer base. Collect and summarise two online resources that provide examples of organisations using social networking successfully to expand or improve their business. The resources must not be about the same organisation. |
Resource 1 |
Ford Brown, E. (2010). How implementing social media strategies (the right way) attracts customer loyalty. [online] Available at: https://www.american.edu/soc/communication/upload/Ellie-Brown.pdf [Accessed 28 Sep. 2016]. |
Summary: The selected asset is an article that illuminates the once-over of the pervasive firms that have made their position more grounded through the aide of social groups on web. Ford Motor Company is an instance of one such affiliation that is to an incredible degree standard on web organizing and has utilized the phase to an extraordinary degree well through its person to person communication advancing system. The creator incorporates the means that Ford has utilized as a part of connection with the known and floating web organizing stages for the headway of their things and put forth the best of their photographs and segments to attract more customers. I picked this one as it gives a brief illumination of the strategy that has been utilized by the relationship to propel their name and things on the internet organizing stage. |
Resource 2 |
Netflix Zoey, (2015). Netflix Gets Social. [online] Social Media Marketing. Available at: https://www.postcontrolmarketing.com/453/2015/06/03/netflix-gets-social/ [Accessed 28 Sep. 2016]. |
Summary: The resource is an article that introduces an once-over of affiliations that have adroitly utilized the internet organizing stage for propelling their things and augmentation their customer base. Netflix is an affiliation that scores to an awesome degree well in such way. The creator trusts that Netflix has developed a strong hold tight the web organizing by accepting an imaginative and intriguing method. Netflix continues trying to keep the customer engagement dynamic by exhibiting distinctive systems and techniques on their records. I picked this advantage as it packs the information associated with ten one of a kind affiliations and their procedure for web organizing advancing in a to a great degree brief way which is definitely not hard to scrutinize besides simple to understand as well. |
Week 8 |
Task |
There are a multitude of paid and open source DBMS solutions available on the market. Collect and summarise two online resources that discuss examples of the more commercially popular DBMS vendors and that describe who use their products. The resources must not be about the same vendor. |
Resource 1 |
Database Vendor – Oracle Oracle, (2015). Oracle Database 12c. [online] Available at: https://www.oracle.com/technetwork/database/oracle-database-editions-wp-12c-1896124.pdf [Accessed 28 Sep. 2016]. |
Summary: Oracle is the most well known database merchant that offers various database administrations and answers for the client and the asset that is chosen to clarify the same is a white paper that rundowns the majority of the items that have been created by Oracle. 12c discharge is the most recent adaptation of the product that is created and is made economically accessible by the merchant and it accompanies numerous propelled highlights as far as the capacity handle the Big information and the operations that are connected with Big information, for example, examination, warehousing and business insight. The asset was chosen as it secured every one of the items that have been discharged by the merchant alongside a brief portrayal of every item too. |
Resource 2 |
Database vendor – Microsoft Cdlib, (2016). Technical Requirements for Licensed Resources. [online] Available at: https://www.cdlib.org/gateways/vendors/docs/cdl_technical_requirements_document_2015.pdf [Accessed 28 Sep. 2016]. |
Summary: Microsoft has dependably been a pro runner in the field of IT and has secured the field of database items too and the asset is a white paper that presents the database items that have been created and offered by Microsoft. The creator trusts that the SQL Server is the most famous database item that is given by the merchant till date out of the considerable number of items that it has created. In the mid 2016 Microsoft discharged the most recent form of SQL Server that incorporates the most recent elements regarding fundamental database operations and the propelled highlights. The purpose for the determination of this asset was the nitty gritty posting of items that was done in this paper alongside the arrangement of components and their utility that has been secured. |
Week 9 |
Task |
Outsourcing all or part of an organisation’s IT function has had mixed outcomes but for some organisations it has been a wise decision. Collect and summarise two online resources that relate to two specific outsourcing success stories (i.e. two organisations where outsourcing has worked out well). The resources and your summary should explain why the outsourcing was a success. The resources must not be about the same organisation. |
Resource 1 |
Unilever Mit, (2016). Strategic Outsourcing & Alliances in the Supply Chain. [online] Available at: https://web.mit.edu/supplychain/repository/MIT_Unilever_Affiliates_Day_Sept_02.pdf [Accessed 28 Sep. 2016]. |
Summary: Unilever is one of the greatest cases of the associations that could succeed with outsourcing their advantages and improvement of ERP based framework to an outsider and the asset is a report that covers the same. The organization chose to outsource the outline and advancement of the majority of its ERP Systems to other merchant that turned out to be gainful for Unilever as it carried expanded benefits and better incomes with it. The procedure was done after appropriate arranging and various gatherings inside and remotely too. The asset was chosen because of the reason of the report being clear and compact as far as the data that it secured. |
Resource 2 |
Acer Delattre, A., Hess, T. and Chieh, K. (2016). Strategic Outsourcing: Electronics Manufacturing Transformation in Changing Business Climates. [online] Available at: https://unpan1.un.org/intradoc/groups/public/documents/apcity/unpan015115.pdf [Accessed 28 Sep. 2016]. |
Summary: The second association that took the choice of outsourcing is Acer which is a major name in the equipment universe of PC frameworks and the asset is a paper that covers the system and the reasons that were available in the choice. The creator trusts that because of the diminishing pieces of the overall industry and the execution in the business sector, Acer chose to outsource each and every operation and administration that it was performing. The choice was difficult as it put everything in question with the choice of outsourcing and it ended up being one great choice for the organization as it brought about expanded pieces of the overall industry and benefits. The determination of this specific asset was done as it clarified the technique and the methodology that Acer took after amid the outsourcing procedure. |
Week 10 |
Task |
The text discusses the need to manage scope, time, cost, quality and risk in IS implementations. Of these, cost is arguably the most difficult to manage and the cause of many IS implementation project failures. Collect and summarise two online resources that describe examples of where IS implementation project costs have vastly exceeded the original budget. The resources must not be about the same organisation/project. |
Resource 1 |
Channel Tunnel Hfw, (2014). The Channel Tunnel: Have we learnt our lessons. [online] Available at: https://www.hfw.com/downloads/HFW-CN-Channel-Tunnel-Article-July-2014.pdf [Accessed 28 Sep. 2016]. |
Summary: The resource is an article that summaries the endeavours that failed in view of an extensive variety of reasons with the spending overpower as an imperative cause behind the same. Channel Tunnel was an endeavour that was arranged at an immense cost of $7 billion and it entered organization in 1994 with twofold the cost as $13 billion. The endeavour was further messed with a cost of $9.3 billion. The gathering that was associated with the errand continued genuinely gravely as a result of the overhaul in the cost. The benefit was picked as it gave specifics about the hidden and last cost that was associated with the endeavour besides secured other relevant inconspicuous components too. |
Resource 2 |
IBM – Stretch Project Widman, J. (2016). IT’s biggest project failures — and what we can learn from them. [online] Computerworld. Available at: https://www.computerworld.com/article/2533563/it-project-management/it-s-biggest-project-failures—-and-what-we-can-learn-from-them.html [Accessed 28 Sep. 2016]. |
Summary: The second case is connected with IBM and the asset is a paper that covers the events of the undertaking and the reason for the disappointment. IBM’s stretch undertaking is a basic case in the errands that turned out seriously to the extent cost and timetable. IBM expected to drop the cost of the thing to $7.8 million from the organized $13.5 million in light of genuine expense and timetable overpower. The creator trusts that the occurrence not simply influenced the endeavour bunch adversely anyway all caused huge damage on the reputation of the relationship close by an impact of the accomplices that were associated with the endeavour. The determination of this asset was done as it was composed as a contextual investigation and thus secured every one of the specifics that were connected with the undertaking and its disappointment alongside the effect too. |
The report helped in understanding of the various aspects of the ICT world by providing the ability to research and develops an understanding on 10 different topics. The topics that have been covered in the report are computer storage memory, embedded operating systems, IoT applications, text based application layer protocols, ransomware attacks, network outage attacks, social media marketing strategy, database vendors in the market, and strategic outsourcing and IT project failures due to budget overrun. All of these topics aided in acquiring more details and information about each one of them along with the detailed analysis as well.