Management And Leadership Skills Development: Objectives, Values, And Culture Analysis

Analysis of the impact of organizational objectives, values, and culture on the leadership and management role

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Management positions are critical for organisations and therefore they need a high level of experience and knowledge in order to achieve the organisation’s objectives. Managers must also possess leadership skills that can enable them to manage the organisation better. This is because there are various resources that need to be allocated to maximize efficiency. Besides, the human resource also requires that managers have people management and leadership skills for them to perform effectively.

Analysis of the impact of organisational objectives, values and culture on the leadership and management role

These factors influence how management of an organisation should be done. This is because they are the factors that give the organisation direction on how different functions can be carried out and how employees should behave in order to achieve the organisational goals.

The organization of which objectives will be discussed is Hilti UAE. The organisation’s objectives include:

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To maintain profitability-this means that the organisations revenues should be more than the costs they incur. Profitability is one of the main objectives of business organisations and it influences the management and leadership styles applied in the organisation.

To maintain productivity-employees are provided with all the required resources that will enable them to improve on their productivity for the business to continue.

To provide exemplary customer service-this is a customer-based objective. It is also an important objective since without the customers, there can be no business. Customers are part of the organisation and they must be considered and be given the services they need in order to have repeat business with the organisation.

To support the society-the society has an important role in business and the organisation should be geared towards improving the society. This is through having various corporate social responsibility (CSR) activities in the society.

These objectives are important in determining how the organisation is supposed to be led. Since the objectives require resources, it is important for the manager to have analytical skills in order to ascertain what resources are required by the organisation in order to achieve the objectives. For instance, maintaining profitability requires that a balance between revenues and costs is achieved. This means that the manager has to have cost management skills and sales and marketing skills in order to allocate resources economically and maximize revenues through sales and marketing strategies (West, et al., 2016).

Core values are important in an organisation because they provide a guideline on how the organisation members are supposed to behave in order to maintain the organisation’s reputation. Some of the core values include: accountability, balance, integrity, diversity, empowerment, commitment, innovation and safety.


The core values are also important in determining what the organisation stands for. For an organisation to achieve its goals and objectives effectively, they need to have core values. The managers have to understand what the values mean and how to attain their requirements (Wahab, et al., 2014). Integrity is one of the values that a manager should have and embrace. A manager should avoid subjectivity at all costs because subjective thinking and reasoning may compromise integrity.

Accountability is the other value that a manager should uphold. A manager should be ready to account for all the resources that he is entrusted with in the organisation. When a manager is accountable, he/she can be trusted with the organisation’s resources since they believe that objectives will be met because of the accountability levels of the manager. When managers are accountable, the employees also tend to be accountable because they understand that the manager is the one who is responsible for all the resources that they utilize in their business (Bickmore & Dowell, 2015).

Innovativeness is also an important value since it is meant to improve the organisational performance by increasing efficiency. Also innovativeness encourages change whereby the organisationis ready to embrace changes that improve the work environment. This can be combined with commitment, diversity and empowerment. All these requires a manager who can handle challenges that this values may pose to them and other employees (Dameron, 2016).

The organisation has a strong culture and that is what keeps the employees united. Culture plays an important role in an organisation. This is an important factor that has to be considered by a manager in order to effectively manage an organisation. Employees can easily reject a manager who does not embrace the organisational culture and therefore it may be difficult to run an organisation (Magada & Govender, 2016).

Organisational culture entails shared beliefs, values and perceptions. These values have an impact on how an organisation operates. Communication is essential and there should be effective communication channels in an organisation for it to work effectively. Culture is socially developed and transmitted by members within the organisation (Calvin, 2015).The culture provides rules for behavior within the organisation. Core values are the ones that develop the organisational culture. These core values begin with the organisation’s leadership. When a strong unified behavior has developed in an organisation, a strong organisational culture emerges (Valentine, 2011). Leaders have to embrace their role in maintain the organisation culture and in turn ensure a consistent culture which reduces conflicts, and create a healthy working environment for the employees.

Core Values

In order to achieve the organisational objectives, a manager should have a balance of managerial and leadership skills. This is because there are many factors that are involved in the process of meeting the needs of the customers since they are the ones who the business is concerned about. The resources include people who put together other resources in order to come up with the end products (Wolf, 2006).

The following are the most vital management skills for the organisation

Planning skills-These skills are important in the organisation because through planning strategies can be developed to deliver in an economical and efficient manner. The organisation’s manager should possess high planning skills because they are essential in making sure that resources are allocated effectively for effectiveness (Ohiri, 2012). Planning is also important in team building. This is because the organisational staff requirements are easily identified in a plan. Finally, planning helps in developing a competitive advantage because of the detailed analysis of the situation and the environment in which the organisation operates (Wolfe, & Chanin, 1993).

Organizing and coordinating skills-a manager should have the ability to allocate resources efficiently. Also, these resources have to be linked to the people in the organisation in order to be productive. Therefore as a manager, organizing and coordination should be considered as important factors that the organisation needs and such skills should be developed for the better of the people and the organisation itself (Vollmer & Pastor, 2016).

Commanding-this is a necessary skill for a manager since employees need a manager who can command them in order to feel the authority. There are different ways in which commanding can be done without making the employees feel inferior or threatened. These skills are important and commanding can be done through having a chain of command integrated in the system. In doing so, employees will easily understand how different activities are conducted in the organisation through the chain of command (Murphy, 1996).

Controlling-this is the ability to review business models and offer solutions to challenges that the organisation may be facing. Controlling skills are necessary in meeting the organisation’s objectives because they give the manager an opportunity to explore all the requirements of the organisation in order to achieve the objectives and maintain the organisational culture (Vollmer & Pastor, 2016).

Charisma-this is the natural brightness of a leader that enables him or her to get followers. In the organisation, the managers have to be charismatic since they need to be followed and trusted by the employees for better management (Peters, 2005).

Organizational Culture

Assertiveness-this helps a leader to make his points clear in the organisation without any aggression. This also is an important leadership skill because the decisions that are made by the leader should be firm (Axalta, 2003).

Communication skills-these are important in building relationships both in the organisation and outside. The organisation needs to create networks which are necessary in improving business. Negotiation skills, effective speaking, active listening, and building rapport are some of the communication skills that a leader needs to develop in order to execute his or her organisational leadership role effectively (Reap & Houston Univ., 2008).

Analytical skills-a leader should be able to analyse a situation in order to develop strategies and solutions for different problems that the organisation may be facing. This is important even in the analysis of the market in order to determine ways in which profits can be maximized through the development of various products that suit the market needs (Reap & Houston Univ., 2008).

Personally, I have gained a vast experience in the field and now I understand myself better because I have gained a lot of knowledge about how to run an organisation. Besides, I have academic qualifications that indicate the theoretical understanding of what management entails.

Having engaged myself in many projects, I have developed planning skills that can be used in the improvement of the organisation. Planning requires a lot of research in order to develop an effective plan that can enable the organisation to increase productivity. Also, I have organizing and coordinating skills which are necessary in making sure that resources are allocated efficiently. In addition, I am assertive and I have high decision making abilities. This is because I possess analytical skills which are necessary in decision making. Finally, I have the communication skills necessary for communicating within and outside the organisation. Communication is one of the skills that is needed in the development of relationships. Networks are important in meeting the organisation’s objectives since it is through networks that a market is created and expert knowledge can be received through linking with other people who have knowledge in the field that can be used to improve the organisation’s products and services.

I need to develop sales and marketing skills-these are the skills that are needed in making sales and popularizing the organisation. Through different training sessions, the skills can be developed and they will help me as the manager in analysing the different achievements that the organisation has and needs to have in the market. The marketing skills are inscribed in the communication skills but the communication skills that needs to be developed involve the public relations part of the organisation. This means that I need to know how to evaluate channels through which public relations communication needs to be done.

Management and Leadership Skills Required To Support the Achievement of the Objectives

Also, I need to develop controlling skills. This is because resources and people need to be controlled effectively in the organisation in order for them to be fully productive. This is an important skill because it is essential in the reduction of costs that the organisation incurs in production. When efficient controlling skills are attained, it becomes easy for the organisation to manage the resources that are put into the process in order to achieve production economically (Reiley, et al., 2011). These are the two main skills that I believe I need to develop through training and networking in order to be perfect in executing the different functions of the organisation and increase efficiency and productivity.

Having a skill gap in management and leadership, there are many opportunities that can be utilised to develop these skills and be a better manager in executing the managerial functions better in the organisation.

Foremost, coaching is one of the opportunities that is available for a leader to improve his/her skills. In leadership coaching, a relationship is created between a leader and a coach. Leadership coaching is a partnership in which both partners work towards achieving a common goal. The main aim of coaching is to change the entire behaviour and transform the leader’s working and personal life. Leadership coaching is neither technical support nor career guidance. It is the process of imparting better leadership skills in a leader to enhance effectiveness.

Secondly, there are professional bodies that offer training on how various organisations should be led and managed. These bodies are vital in enhancing leadership skills because they are necessary in managing such organisations. These bodies have different experts who have a wide knowledge through education and experience. Their expertise is necessary in helping leaders develop the skills that they do not have or the skills that they need to enhance for them to manage organisations better and more efficiently.

Thirdly, double loop learning is another opportunity that a leader can use in developing skills that are necessary in running an organisation. This is a learning process that utilises past experiences in developing strategies to counter problems that an organisation has. This method is more dynamic because it opens up the leader to different ways in which they can solve problems in an organisation. It focuses on the historical events of the organisation and how they were handled. This makes it easy for the leader to develop strategies that can be used in problem solving in the organisation.

Management Skills

Finally, the use of feedback is important in developing leadership skills. This is achieved through reviews that the leader receives through those he or she leads. Feedbacks help a leader to know which areas need improvement or need a change of tactic. Therefore, they can be used by the leader in developing a plan on how the lacking skills can be developed to improve their performance in the organisation.

For effective leadership and management skills development planning, there needs to be an analysis of the kind of skills needed in the organisation. This is because there are financial resources that are involved in the development of these skills. Therefore, there is a need to analyse what the organisation needs are in order to develop an effective skills development plan (Reiley, et al., 2011).

The organisation needs a leader who has networking skills that will enable them to connect to people and other organisations that will generate business and offer expert services to the organisation.

Resource management skills also need to be developed in the organisation because different resources are used in the development of different products which makes the organisation at risk of incurring excessive costs if the resources are not utilized efficiently.



Skill level

Opportunity to improve

To improve the sales through marketing strategies

Sales and marketing

Bachelor’s degree older in business management

·         Leadership coaching programs

·         Double loop learning

·         Professional bodies

·         Utilizing Feedbacks

To improve the control of resources

Controlling skills

Bachelor’s degree older in business management

·         Leadership coaching programs

·         Double loop learning

·         Professional bodies

·         Formal education (Masters’ degree program)

Leadership coaching programs should commence in the first year. A suitable leadership coach will be approached in order to assist me develop the skills that I am lacking in order to improve my performance and the organisational performance. This process will be beneficial because it will also help me in developing skills that I can transfer to others so that they can also develop leadership skills in their levels of management.

Within the same year, I will be attending leadership seminars that are conducted by professional bodies in order to acquire the skills that these bodies offer to leaders. These skills will help in understanding the requirements of different organisations for their success.

Lastly I will resume formal education in management and gain insights about management and leadership in organisations through theoretical frameworks and research. This will be important in increasing my knowledge in management of organisations and leading teams towards a common objective.

Personal development will be assessed through review that will be conducted by my superiors in the organisation to ascertain whether the skills development plan is effective or not. Key performance indicators will be developed and they will be used to evaluate my performance. This will be important because the skills are supposed to reflect on the organisation’s objectives. For instance, the sales and marketing techniques are important in increasing the organisation’s revenue through increased sales. This will indicate that the communication skills relating to public relations, networking and sales have been improved.

Leadership Skills

In the evaluation of the process of learning, feedbacks will be important in making sure that I understand what the organisation needs and I will device mechanisms of developing the skills that will satisfy such organisational needs. Feedbacks can be done through appraisals which can be conducted by the top managers in the organisation.This is also important in gauging how much I have learned through the process and the level of skills that I will have attained. This is not because my leadership skills are low but it is because there is a need to improve and develop skills that are unique in meeting the organisation’s objectives. That is why appraisals are important forms of feedback since they give a detailed analysis of an individual’s performance with regards to the attainment of the organisational objectives and goals.

After learning the skills fully, I will have to share the experience with other employees. This is because the skills need to be synchronized with the organisational culture in order to be effective. There are some changes that can come up as a result of such skills and other team members need to be aware and an effective strategy applied in making them comfortable to take up the change that might come with the increased leadership and management skills.Therefore sharing such information is vital in making other employees understand a course that the organisation may be taking (Reiley, et al., 2011).



Skill level

Opportunity to improve


Key indicators of effectiveness

To improve the sales through marketing strategies

Sales and marketing

Bachelor’s degree older in business management

·         Leadership coaching programs

·         Double loop learning

·         Professional bodies

·         Utilizing Feedbacks

·         Leadership coaching will require the engagement of an expert which will be a cost to the company

·         Some of the feedback received may be biased and therefore cannot be utilized

·         Increased sales

·         Increased PR activities

·         Development of a strong Marketing team

To improve the control of resources

Controlling skills

Bachelor’s degree older in business management

·         Leadership coaching programs

·         Double loop learning

·         Professional bodies

·         Formal education (Masters degree program)

·         Leadership coachingand the masters degree program will require the engagement of an expert which will be a cost to the company

·         More effective resource allocation

·         Reduced operational costs

Evaluation of the effectiveness of the development plan is important because the plan may concentrate on factors that are not important to fulfilling the organisational objectives. Also, the plan may focus on the skills that are already developed and ignore the important skills that were being sought in the first place (Spehar, 2007).

The original objectives of the development plan were to develop sales and marketing skills which are to enable the organisation to make more sales and increase their revenue. The personal development plan included the communication skills that need to be developed. In marketing, communication skills are essential. These skills are important in public relations and since they were included in the plan, the plan will be effective in achieving the objective effectively. This review is important in figuring out whether the skills were necessary (Charoensap-Kelly, et al., 2016). An increase in sales and revenues is a key indicator of effectiveness of the skill.

The second personal development objective was to develop the controlling skills in management. Thisskills are vital in the allocation of resources in an organisation to optimize output (KumpikaitÄ—, et al., 2016).The leadership trainings and education programs were effective in developing the controlling skills. In evaluating the effectiveness, the cost of production and employee output can be reviewed. The cost of production have reduced significantly while employee output has increased in the organisation. This shows that the plan worked out effectively in developing the controlling skills since these are the organisational resources that are used in the production of the products that are needed by the market.

The development plan has to be evaluated to determine its effectiveness in increasing a manager’s efficiency. There are different variables that can be used in the evaluation process and they can show whether the plan worked for or against the organisational skills requirements (Hara, et al., 2010).

The leadership coaching program was effective because it helped in the development of the team leadership skills that were vital in improving employee performance in the organisation. Besides, the professional bodies also gave vital experiences and skills that have been applied to improve the organisation’s general performance.In addition, the formal education program increased the knowledge that is required for better execution of leadership and managerial functions. This shows that the plan was effective in improving the organisation through improving the management and leadership skills.


Level of development

Need for improvement

Marketing skills

The Masters degree is ongoing and in the first year of completion

Six months remaining to complete

Controlling skills

Leadership coaching has already been completed

No need for improvement

Relationship skills

Has not yet been done

To be done within the next year

Despite having improved the leadership skills, there are other areas that need further development in order to increase organisational efficiency. There is a need to develop relationship skills because they are important in communication. Relationships form part of the communication skills and it is important to know how to relate to different people in order to improve communication for better performance of the organisation. Therefore, additional programs need to be developed in order to perfect this skill.

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