Political Social Networking And Democratic Consequences

Case studies on argumentative presentation of social networking

Discuss about the Political Social Networking and Democratic Consequences.

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Social media networking sites which basically termed as virtual world has gained very good popularity and growth in a very short time so has given task to the researchers worldwide for the attention seek towards this online sites to conduct a proper research and take the ideas of why is it so attracting. Here we would be discussing some case studies for which the author has been researching and found the argumentative skills of either companions and result them (Aldrich, 2012). With the time the image for the usage of these sites has been increasing and was attracting the adults and teenagers. The impact of this obsessiveness is given the path for the arguments on these cases which have been drawn from the conclusions of various research studies, although it has been said that there are both positive and negative impacts (Bode et al., 2014).

The social networking being the hot topic at the present day has many issues as well as awareness of the topics but should be used in a correct manner. There are some case studies for which the detailed argumentative presentation is reported regarding various issues by researching them by the authors (Campbell, 2013).

Any organization while hiring an employee would collect the details from all aspects including the privacy concerns of the employees. This formality is done in every organization so that their personal information could be of any official use when required. But the privacy information of the employee should be securely maintained by the organization otherwise it would lead to major consequences and would ruin the reputation of the organization. From the analysis carried on the major consequences that is faced by the employees and the employer is their subjection to the privacy laws (Cheston, Flickinger & Chisolm, 2013). There are many privacy legislation laws applied to the personal information of the employee. In any federal government institutions the privacy issue of the employee is kept under the privacy Act. Employees are always responsible for making the collective arguments very often to note the practices done in privacy issue.

For maintaining the business environment friendly the privacy of the employee should be respected and secured by law. Privacy is expected by the employees even if the resources of the company are used by them at the office premises. But the organization says that you are a part of the organization so a part of privacy should be given up. The basic information of the employee is needed for the employers for accounting their pay and other benefits which in turn gives them that the work efficiency is to the mark and is at safe zone. When the employee opposes it then the arguments starts saying if you are so much concern about your privacy then there is something that you are hiding.  It has been found that that the possibilities of interfering in the employees private details are increasing compared to previous so the employee is concerned.

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Privacy concerns of employees

At the same time the organization says that they know the limit of the information needed about the employee and would face the consequence under the right of privacy act if misused them. They even make sure and provide assurance that the personal information of the employee is not disclosed anywhere but except used for the purposes which are appropriate too (Campbell, 2013). Any personal information of the employee should be guaranteed by the employer that balance would be maintained and they should give reasonable answers if not it would lead to arguments of the situation. When preferred to collect the information from the employee they should be told with requirements of the information collection otherwise they argue saying why is it required? What company has to do with my privacy concerns?

The other details of the arguments from the research studies include only necessary personal information should be taken by the employer by respecting to the lawful means or else they would argue why is it needed?. Employee should be aware that his personal information is being collected and would not be disclosed or used in any offensive manner. If consent is not collected then they can argue (DiMaggio & Garip, 2012). If employee is misleading the privacy concerns of the organization and diverting the mind of other employees at work place then there would be harm to his position as his is ruining the privacy. If they agreed to work under such conditions then there would be a place of argument.

The most privacy concerns by the organization regarding the employee were the health and safety of the person. Most of the researches conducted reveal the studies of this category in the workplace which has been found in an increasing concern. In research the employers and the higher officials were made to participate for the study though they were not willing to do so. The main objective of this issue is the maintenance of the privacy data securely by making it confidential is the part of the research (Fuchs, 2012). The consequences that are faced for breaching the privacy of the employees by the organization would lead to lawsuits. But the employees would be risking at various stages such as benefits would be affected, preserving of job would be difficult or any growth in the career might be at default. It would ultimately lead to the financial crisis of the employee. This would take place generally if the health condition of the employee is exposed which is a very private data (Fuchs, 2012).

Usage of social media at the workplace

At the end the employee has all the rights to claim for the destruction of their private data at the legal law. So the employers area supposed to follow the practices mentioned about to get away from the consequences that leads to the reputation loss of the organization.  In case of collective arguments the employees have the rights to legally argue with the employer for the consented information between them (Jurgenson, 2012). Maintaining privacy which is good is not avoiding the complaints of the employees; lawsuits etc. even if privacy is maintained under law or not the company should give importance to the privacy act at workplace and respect their trust which is a sign of good business organization.

Social media, whatever the place might be it is given a lot of importance for getting updated each and every minute. It rather used for sharing information between people regarding the situations happening on moment. So the usage of social media sites in the organization is not usually entertained by the employers. The reason is that it might distract the employees from their work and the confidential information of the organization is on breach. In some companies the social media sites are blocked not giving access to those sites at the work place. Few employers are very much concern regarding this criterion of the organization and express disagree to such idea. Employers take such decision for the reputation of the company and to maintain the privacy of the data (Jurgenson, 2012). Employers involving this sites for the clearing of their doubts or discussing their personal information, about their jobs, and other benefits in the company at the work pace is not really appreciated by the organization.

The company invests so much amount of money for their production that leads to the growth of the company as said by the researcher. He continues saying, wasting the productivity time during the office hours would affect the company’s statistics and in turn the privacy concerns of the organization should be given importance by not revealing them on the social networking sites. The employers are not on the agreeing side of the usage of social media sites in the workplace though it would be the discussion of any topic (Jurgenson, 2012). With the advancement of technology many changes at the workplace has been taken place. It is affecting the employer’s revenue in a good and a bay way. According to the researcher Rosemary Haefner is giving the opportunity to the employees to share their achievements with their friend’s right from the work place. Utilizing the productivity time in such a way is denied by the organization.

Impact of social media on the employer’s revenue

The use of social media at work place can ruin the opportunity of your position in the organization and can put you and your job at stake.  If any unofficial information is shared through these sites then strong action is taken by the organization on the employee. But employee says objecting it that it’s their personal site where company should not get involved in it when the case study took place this was the argument aroused. From the studies it is revealed that 28 percent of the employees are meant to lose their jobs for using the social networking site in the work place for the work which is not related to the office. And another 18 percent of employees have to face the path of termination for using the social media sites for posting the office related work on the sites (Rennie & Morrison, 2013). One of the employees says that to focus on the work at a stretch of 8 hours would not be possible so using the social media for relaxing is not a crime. But the organization counters it saying it is a matter of privacy for the organization and the commitment of the employee towards the production time should not be given for other purposes and the responsibilities given to the employee should be fulfilled without any delay.

Although the research also says that few companies where benefited because of the usage of social media sites by the employees. Having these breaks are being designated and offered by the company like two to three breaks for use of social media which would last for 15 minutes each. By such offers the mind will get boost up and gets refreshed so the growth in productivity was more than the normal is what the company experienced. But companies would definitely not encourage sharing of the company’s profile and the employees job profile and the private information of the employee during the work day. This might be against the law and the legal policies of the employer (Selwyn, 2012). Sharing the information through social media sites might risk the employee and the employer at some point of time. If the account is hacked and it contains come confidential data then it’s a bad part for both of them. Were in turn the employees should face consequences from the organization too. This is like inviting the risk at your own end.

 To the conclusion it is recommended by the organization from many research studies that the few breaks given by employer for using the social media sites should be used in an effective manner without giving a way for the personal discussion about the employee and the private data of the organization (Subramaniam & Nandhakumar, 2013). Since it corresponds to the productivity time of the employer and the confidential information which is supposed to be kept at the organizational level and not to be taken out of it or make any personal discussion regarding that.  From the organization view it’s not appropriate for using the social sites at work place and the employee should own the personal responsibility of it.

The organization can put fair policy for employees regarding the usage of social media sites during the work hours. If the employer looks from the employee point of view rather considering himself as the official and pointing out the employee’s situation, then a win-win situation can occur. Employer themselves would be using the social media sites though it might not be during the office hours but taking the employee situation in mind can make a good deal. A new model of work day should be planned and make the working situation flexible by the employee to the employees is what the research study says about (Zhou, Zhang & Zimmermann, 2013). By considering the important aspects that are being affected by using the social media by employees should be figured out by the company is what the employee feels. But the employer says that this is not the deal made while recruiting them their time should be purely dedicated to the productivity time later can plan other works.

But as a part of discussion they have mentioned the terms productivity which should be given by the employee to the maximum as expected and employee satisfaction by this rule is also given importance. So it was asked do you have any thoughts. Will this kind of working model sounds interesting?  Later affair decision was taken by the organization which interested the employees too and turned out to be a win-win solution. Managers has identified the potential usage of social media and found out the way by inducing the strategies of communication into it and gave some tasks to the employees (Selwyn, 2012). Employees were asked to find out the efficient solutions by using sites for the processes which are not working and find out the way to get out of the issue. Get awareness about the business by responding to the comments and the doubts posed by the customers by following them in the sites.

It’s a kind of opportunity for making the work environment happening by making them get involved with the work at the same time with the social media sites this was an outrageous plan designed by the organizations for improving the growth of the company from all aspects. They can keep group discussions with other members of the organization and think over the procedures that can improve the infrastructure of the organization and would lead to the growth is the other method of relaxation and getting away from social media sites. The relaxing time can be used in a more effective way by sharing the information and getting in touch with other branch members by creating one internal blog for the company (Jurgenson, 2012).  Employers in turn should understand the flexible practices of working and should have access for them. Whenever required accessibility to the social media sites should be given as it known that employee would make usage of it fair enough without putting the organizations fame in stake. The correct policies and the right technologies should be enabled for the flexible working environment of the employees. This would definitely lead to the productivity improvement in the organization.

The organizations has found a better option of using the social networking site by creating an internal site within the company and allowing the employees to use and get connected with the team members and the entire organization. Its main objective is to share the information between the employees, increase the usage of internal net connection and to incorporate the social behavior inside the industry (Jurgenson, 2012). Researchers made a statement that now employees are able to surf the net and have access to the network sites that too during the working hours which made them flexible for working at a stretch without any complains this was the fair deal done to win a situation  by the employer. They got an opportunity of discussing any matter but within the organization regarding their issues, either work related or so their job roles etc. (Jurgenson, 2012).

To the conclusion now it has become a fair deal between employers and the employee without any further glitches and not causing any harm to the organizations productivity time, employee work responsibilities and the privacy data.


Ideally the researcher gave a paradox statement stating that the use of social media sites would benefit the organization at the same time it is the result of depletion of the reputation. But a way has been worked out for the implementation of new working model which has given the positive results. Previously also the outcomes were conflicting that usage of social networking sites during working hours was affecting the productivity but in few companies the productivity growth was found. But with new working models both the employees and the employees are in a win-win situation without any complaints s an internal networking site ash been created for their relaxation time.


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