E-Commerce Trade Fair For Ballart Trade


Describe about the E-Commerce Trade Fair for Ballart Trade.

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As specified in the case study that the primary target of the Ballart Trade Fair Consultancy (BTFC) is to provide the suitable assistance to the clients and customers who need an appropriate assistance from the organization. BTFC also helps in providing the assistance to the organizations in the overseas trade assignments in an appropriate way.  For achieving all the goals on the international level and for innovating the new methods related to the E-Commerce, the suitable consultant is also hired who can able to provide the most suitable business details. For executing the new ventures and to introduce the developmental aspects of the organization, the business plan is specified below.

To develop the appropriate business plan or the business report, there are various aspects which are to be focused and identified. As a consultant, it is the morale duty to identify the major aspects related to E- Commerce. Apart from this, the selection of the appropriate section of E-Commerce for processing is also identified on the large scale. The different sections of the business plans are defined below.

The E- Commerce has been identified as the modern way of trading and proposing the most innovative aspects to perform the business in an appropriate manner. The E- Commerce itself is divided into various parts which can be required as per the requirement of the user and the usage of the organization. To manage the appropriate aspects related to the e-Commerce, there are various models and the network & communication infrastructure identified below which may help in defining the suitable framework for the business plan.

Generally the models defined for the E-Commerce are three in numbers, but some researches states that the model are nine in numbers. The criteria for identifying the models totally depend on the different type of research work done. The diagram for the models used in the E- Commerce is defined below in the appropriate manner.

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The B2B model is helpful in dealing when one unique or similar business exchange the suitable aspects with another business. The B2C is the model in which the business aspects are exchanged among the business and the consumers in an appropriate manner. Sometimes some business runs according to the customer to customer perspectives in which the business ideas gets exchanged among the customers in an appropriate manner (Beni, 2016). The C2B is the concept which is helpful in providing the assistance between the customer and the business. For making the business more efficient and live, the concept of G2B and B2G are also being identified in which the business aspects can be managed between the government and the business & simultaneously in the business and the government. With the help of these models, the appropriate assistance can be provided to the new ventures or the businesses. Since introducing the innovation in the BTFC model, the most appropriate models used are the B2C, C2C and B2G which are helpful in generating the most suitable aspects related to the business (Larson, 2016).

E-Commerce Business Models

Apart from these business models, there are some revenue models too, which are helpful in defining the major aspects related to the revenue. The most appropriate revenue model selected for the suitable execution is the website ad revenue model which assists in calculating the revenue related to the organization in an appropriate way. The eight perspectives related to the revenue model which are named as the accessing from the revenue, revenue for the pay per view, access, for the CPM display advertising, revenue for CPC advertising, revenue generation for the site section, affiliate revenue, accessing of the data for e- mail processing and online research aspects related to the research. By identifying all these aspects, the revenue related to the organization can be managed on the wide level (Chaffey, 2011).

In practical terminology, the network management and the arrangement of the communication protocol plays a major role in the management of the E- Commerce in the organization. The Applications are helpful in providing the suitable aspects to the business. The appropriate network and communication which are essential for the E- Commerce are those communication applications which are helpful in exchanging the contents, data, visual, text, animation and the other aspects. Some of the other major applications which are required are the hubs, routers and switches for exchanging the data, Network interface cards (NIC) and the Gateways to establish the stable connection. Apart from this, the most appropriate network access tools required for the processing are the local on ramps and the global distribution networks which are helpful in exchanging the views. The wired internet connection and the telephonic conversation device are also required to promote the business on the large scale. By considering all these patterns, the appropriate aspects can easily be identified.

After identifying the major requirements and the models related to the E- Commerce, the major issues are also being identified on the wide level. Before introducing any new venture related to the organization, it is essential that the major issues related to the E- Commerce needs to be identified. The issues can be related to the security, privacy, legal, customer services and the environmental aspects.

The major issues of security which can affect the aspects of the E- Commerce are the hacking of the information and essential data from the organization. As the organization is providing the consultancy to the other organizations, so for this, the appropriate security maintenance is the primary target of  the organization. The encryption and securing of the material & appropriate transferring of the information are considered as the most suitable aspects to manage the security (Jao, 2014).

Revenue Models

The most appropriate and the required aspect related to the E- marketing is that to sell the particular product specified in the organization, and for this to be done, the marketing strategy should be well defined and the focused approach of the promotional aspects should also be identified at the initial level. Apart from this, there are various promotional strategies and offers depicted by the consultant, by which the  growth of the organization can be possible. Also, there are various electronic equipments which are helpful in promoting the major aspects related to the organization and also supports in doing the E –marketing.

The choice of payment can vary as per the requirement of the clients and the rules mentioned by the organization. In case of the organization, the online payment and payment through confidential medium can be considered of the highest priority. Apart from this, the mode of payment can be distributed on the different level as per the requirement of the customers.

To manage the privacy and the confidentiality of the data, it is essential that the suitable steps should be taken in a positive direction. By this, the privacy and the confidentiality of the data can be managed easily and the equilibrium among the provided services can also be identified easily. For managing the privacy, there are various methods that can be identified. These methods are installation of the suitable software, suitable alarming system or the identification of the issues and the encryption of the existing system. By the help of this, the privacy can be managed  on the easy level.

Apart from this, the organization may also face issues related to the legal, social and the environmental aspects like providing the consultancy on the global level and the other aspects. For this, the suitable assistance should also be provided, so that the major issues can be solved easily and the appropriate results can be obtained (Xu, 2014).

After identifying all such issues, it is included in the moral duty of the consultant that the appropriate strategic approach will be provided to the customers, so that the appropriate results can be generated in the easiest manner.

To manage the customer data and to identify the major issues related to the customers, it is essential to form the suitable frame for the specification of the customers. As a consultant, I personally believe that some of the aspects related to the customer service can be solved by following these below perspectives: –

  • By providing the credential rights to the third party.
  • By installing the SSL
  • By implementing the suitable security layers
  • By educating the customers and installation of the suitable softwares for the implementation.


 By the help of this, the customer service issues can be solved easily and with a rapid rate (Ackerman, 2016).

The suitable analytics and the measurement criteria will be helpful in providing the suitable feedback and process to the E- Commerce users. As the organization wants to implement the appropriate process of the E- Commerce in the organization, so it is essential to manage the major perspectives related to analyses in the organization in a well- defined manner.

The design and the aspects related to the business totally depends upon the structure of the E- Commerce defined. The suitable structure of the E- Commerce will be helpful in providing the most promising result to the customers and the employees. The functionality of the E- Commerce  also depends upon the stability aspects related to the measurements as well. There are some tools and equipments identified to measure the functionality, but the most appropriate aspect and the matrix still have to be selected appropriately (Stengel, 2013). The measurement aspects are the identification of the suitable goals, conduction of the research, identification of the suitable strength and weakness, measuring through the customer retention plans and the other aspects assisting in measuring the success of the existing proposals. The suitable marketing will be helpful in providing the increment in the share market, distribution methods and the other improvement aspects. The identification through the turnover, management, technology research & development and the management are helpful in defining the major aspects related to the organization. By all these measurements, the appropriate aspects related to the organization can easily be determined and the smooth functionality related to the organization can also execute in an appropriate manner.


By observing the major aspects related to the E- Commerce and the implementation related to it, some negative and positive aspects are identified on the wide level. To manage the major aspect related to the organization, the consultant has to define the various perspectives by which the business can smoothly accept the new ventures related to the E- Commerce. Apart from this, the suitable information and the guidelines should also be specified for the organization and the consumers, so that they can identify the best use of the existing E- Commerce scenario.

By using this business plan, the stability of the business can expand up to a wide level.


Ackerman, M. (2016). SocialWorlds Research group. SocialWorlds Research group. Retrieved from https://www.socialworldsresearch.org/eecs/ackerm

Beni. (2016). What are the ecommerce business models. What are the ecommerce business models. Retrieved from https://myndset.com/2012/03/what-are-the-ecommerce-business-models/

Chaffey, D. (2011, January 10). 8 Online revenue model options for Internet businesses. 8 Online revenue model options for Internet businesses. Retrieved from https://www.smartinsights.com/digital-marketing-strategy/online-business-revenue-models/online-revenue-model-options-internet-business/

Jao, J. (2014, April 04). 7 Ways to Protect Ecommerce Customer Data. 7 Ways to Protect Ecommerce Customer Data. Retrieved from https://www.practicalecommerce.com/articles/66386-7-Ways-to-Protect-Ecommerce-Customer-Data

Larson, S. (2016, May 25). 3 Types of Ecommerce Business Models. 3 Types of Ecommerce Business Models. Retrieved from https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/272162

Stengel, G. (2013). Ten Tips for Measuring & Improving Performance. Ten Tips for Measuring & Improving Performance. Retrieved from https://www.stengelsolutions.com/tips14.htm

Xu, A. J. (2014, January 08). 7 E-commerce Trends Small Businesses Need to Know in 2014. 7 E-commerce Trends Small Businesses Need to Know in 2014. Retrieved from https://www.huffingtonpost.in/entry/7-ecommerce-trends-small-_1_b_4557164

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