Personal Leadership And Management Development: Importance And Requirements
Impact of Organizational Values, Objectives and Culture on the Management and Leadership Role
Discuss about the Personal Leadership and Management Development.
The assignment focuses on the concept of leadership and management aspect in order to highlight its significance on the organizational structure. The assignment includes different tasks that focus on to describing the importance of organizational values, objectives and its impact on the management and leadership. However, many studies have highlighted that management and leadership skill development is extremely important for the organization for achieving sustainable growth in the market. Furthermore, personal leadership and management skill also helps individual to fulfill all the career goals and objectives in an appropriate manner. However, effective leadership development requires utilization of different plans and procedures that organizations have to provide to develop healthy environment at the workplace. Now, personal leadership and management develop plan requires systematic utilization of different factors. In this assignment, the focus will be on the evaluation of all the factors effectively so that it can able to provide desired outcomes of the organization. The assignment will also try to highlight the kind of difficulties that an individual will face in order to fulfill all the objectives of the personal development plan.
As per the article by Barto, Lambert and Brott (2015), leadership is regarded as one of the most significant factors that drives businesses towards the fulfillment of all the objectives. It also helps to identify the effective and efficient way for the organizations so that it can able to achieve all the objectives of the organization in an appropriate way. As highlighted by Beausaert et al. (2013) leadership and management are interrelated with each other. Therefore, it is very important to identify the significant difference between the two concepts before focusing on the development of the personal plans. A visionary leader has the potential to drive an entire team towards achieving organizational objectives and goals. Furthermore, it also can provide proper guidance to an individual for the effective development of the career. As per the article by Eisele et al. (2013), organizational values and objectives can create massive impact on the effectiveness of the implemented management style. It also highlighted that every managers within a particular organization have to focus on the five functions including planning, organizing, staffing, controlling and directing in order to fulfill all the requirements of the organization effectively. Thus, it is reflected the fact that managers will have to focus on the evaluation of the organizational objectives at the time of utilizing the mentioned functions in an appropriate manner.
Required Leadership and Management Skills for Fulfilling Organizational Objectives
Organizational values depend heavily on the present culture of the organization. In can be also mentioned that organization must have to utilize management in such a way so that employees can able to adjust with the organizational culture in an appropriate manner. Therefore, management is responsible for identifying and recruiting individuals who has the capability of adjust with the culture of the organization effectively (McGrath 2014). On the other hand, organizational culture is also heavily related with the leadership style of the organization. Organizations often utilize different types of leadership style concerning the business type, values and culture of the organizations so that it can able to create maximum amount of impact on fulfilling all the objectives in an appropriate manner.
Many studies have highlighted different types of management and leadership skills that can support for achieving organizational objectives. Thus, management needs to have these skills in order to direct all the employees towards the fulfillment of the organizational goals. As per the article by Davies, Edgar and Debenham (2016) there are several skills including personal skills and professional skills, which is required by the organizational management. The author is presently working as a marketing manager in VPS Healthcare Abu Dhabi. Therefore, it is necessary for the author to develop necessary skills in order to fulfill all the responsibilities in an effective manner. Now, marketing strategies for a healthcare institute is comparatively different from other firms. Therefore, the author will have to develop skills in such a way so that organization can able to fulfill all its objectives. In order to develop professional skills, managers will have to focus on the informational skills, interpersonal skills and decision-making skills in order to create maximum amount of impact on the effectiveness of the operational process of the organization. Furthermore, the mentioned professional skills are also very important to motivate employees in an effective manner. On the other hand, Bogam et al. (2016) have highlighted observational skills, listening skills, self-development skills, communication skills as the major personal skills, which is required to become an effective manager within an organizational structure. Leadership skill within an organizational structure also includes managing people, knowledge and strategies, etc. It is very important for the leaders to understand the organizational objectives first and then have the knowledge to executive effectively. Proper understanding skills of organizational objectives are required to direct the employees in the right direction. In the present competitive business environment, leaders will have to face many difficulties in order to fulfill all the objectives of the organization. Thus, problem solving is another important skill that leaders will have to acquire in an appropriate manner (Moran 2013). It is also important that leaders have the required amount of control over the employees so that they can able to direct them according to the culture of the organization. Maintenance of culture is extremely important to utilize all the human capital of the organization in an appropriate manner.
Personal Leadership Skill Development is Required for Fulfilling Organizational Objectives
As per the article by Burnham (2015), personal leadership skill development is necessary for utilizing all the available resources of the organization effectively. Specifically, in the present competitive business environment, every organization has focused on to utilize complex business processes in order to achieve success in the market. Therefore, it has increased the amount of difficulties that management has to face in the present business structure. Thus, it actually highlights the importance of developing personal leadership skill to gain competitive advantage in the market. Now, marketing managers’ roles in the organizational structure is to foresee whether each employee can able to meet their targets or not. Fulfillment of the target requires each employees approach their responsibilities in an appropriate manner (Huang et al. 2016). Thus, development of decision-making skill is necessary for the author in order to fulfill all the responsibilities of the marketing manager in an appropriate manner. Furthermore, as a marketing manager, it is necessary to have effective problem solving skills, communication skills, strategic planning skills, decision-making skills, relationship building skills, quick learning skills and negotiation skills.
The prime focus of the marketing manager will be on capturing more potential customers towards the business. Thus, personal development skill will have to focus on the development of extremely effective communication technique so that it can able to create positive impact on the relationship with the customers. Furthermore, maintaining good relation with existing customers also help organization to retain them for a long period of time (Patton and McMahon 2014). It has been assessed that leaders who have all these skills are often able to influence subordinates to give their best at the workplace that will help organization to achieve all its objectives. Apart from that, skills of marketing managers can also educate the subordinates for becoming an effective leader in future as well. It also has been assessed that majority of the successful marketing managers tries to provided consistence support for the subordinates so that they can able to work in the pressure situation effectively.
It is necessary to develop the management and leadership skills to perform beyond expectation in the career as a marketing manager. However, there is no unique way for development skill in an appropriate way (Swanson 2013). For instance, leadership and management skills can be developed through the training and development, through outsiders and friends and by observing. At the same time, it is important to utilize reading of several books regarding the personal skill development so that it can able to create positive impact on the overall knowledge of the people. There are several theories regarding the leadership style like democratic, autocratic and laissez faire that an individual can utilize for enhancing the present level of skills in an appropriate manner. Autocratic leadership describes an individual who takes decisions and works accordingly (Isriyani, Paramita and Gagah 2016). Thus, this leadership style does not focus on the utilization of the fellow employees at the time of taking any decision for the fulfillment of the organizational objectives. On the other hand, democratic leadership style describes an individual is flexible enough to consider different perspectives of the employees at the time of implementing any decision at the workplace. It is also regarded as the most popular form of leadership style that majority of the organization utilize to gain competitive advantage in the market.
Opportunities for Developing Management and Leadership Skills
In the present business environment, many organizations provide training to their employees so that they can able to develop leadership skills in an appropriate way. However, developing knowledge regarding the different perspectives of leaders is not the only important factors. Individuals will also have to focus on the factor like political connectivity, technical knowledge and environmental impact, as it can create impact on the effectiveness of the implemented leadership style. It is also important to evaluate the gap in the personal development process in order to identify the exact areas in the where more emphasize has to be made. As per the article by Hirsh (2014), it is necessary to have in-depth knowledge to have effective negotiation skills. Thus, it highlighted the fact that many leadership skills are associated with each other. Therefore, individual will have to go through day-to-day observations, activities, experience, knowledge sharing and studying, etc. to become more effective as a leader in an organizational environment.
As highlighted by Janssen et al. (2013) it is important to have clear aims and objectives for utilizing personal development plan effectively. In order to become an effective marketing manager, personal development plan is described as follows:
Objectives |
Time |
To enhance the democratic leadership skills |
1 year |
To improve communication skills with the potential customers |
1 year |
To acquire effective negotiation and relationship development skills |
1 year |
To improve skills of working under extreme pressure |
1 year |
To increase skill for motivating others |
1 year |
Table 1: Personal development plan
(Source: As created by the author)
It highlighted the fact that personal development plan is continues process. Therefore, an individual will have to provide sufficient time to acquire all the necessary skills regarding different perspectives of leadership. Otherwise, it will be very difficult to fulfill all the objectives of personal development plan effectively. The personal development plan has been developed in such a way so that it can able to fulfill the organizational objectives of providing superior quality of services for all the customers.
In order to implement the personal development plan effectively, it is necessary to cover all the aspect of the plan effectively. As per the developed plan, it will take around five years to achieve all the objectives in an appropriate way. As per the objective, it is very important to evaluate the personal skill level in an appropriate way. Therefore, an individual will have to go through continues assessment of the skill level and also ability to react to a sudden situation effectively (Juntunen, Ali and Pietrantonio 2013). This will help to identify the major areas of development for an individual. However, individual will have to implement different self-evaluation techniques like performance measurement, goals achievement etc. so that it can able to improve the areas in an appropriate way. For instance, democratic leadership skill development will have to assess on way the author has able to include different perspectives of the employees in the decision-making strategies. Individual will also have to gather information regarding from different secondary and primary sources to increase the present level of knowledge effectively. Individual will have to utilize books, business magazines to evaluate the kind of impact a particular leadership style can have on the organizational structure. The communication skill development will have to be implemented in such a way so that author can able to share all the relevant information to the customers and employees in an appropriate manner. Furthermore, communication skill development also have to evaluated from the kind of effective way the author has able to utilize negotiation and relationship development strategies with the customers.
In the present competitive business environment, every organization is focusing on to recruit the best talents in the leadership position. Furthermore, it also has tried to utilize complex business structure that requires specific set of knowledge from an individual so that it can able to utilize all the resources in an appropriate manner (Pedler, Burgoyne and Boydell 2013). Furthermore, every organization is facing huge amount of challenges in maintaining its position in the market. As a result, it has increased the level of pressure for the employees working in the management position. Thus, working under extreme pressure situation is presently regarded as one of the prime skills of the leaders, as it can create major impact on achieving all the goals and objectives of the organization. However, working under extreme pressure requires time and experience, as it cannot be developed overnight. Thus, individual will have to provide enough time to acquire this effectively. Lastly, motivating subordinates or fellow employees is also regarded as one of the major skills that managers will have to perform effectively. Many studies have highlighted the fact that keeping employees motivated can help organization to improve the effectiveness of the operational process (Raque-Bogdan et al. 2015). Thus, it will eventually create positive impact on achieving all the goals and aims effectively. For that reason, it is important to include motivational level of the employees for the personal development plan.
As per the article by Lent, Brown and Hackett (2013), organizations required to enhance the sales and profit level in an appropriate manner. Therefore, it is necessary for the individuals to utilize the personal development plan in such a way so that it can able create positive impact on the fulfillment of the organizational objectives. However, the above mentioned personal development plan is been developed in such way so that it can increase the effectiveness of the operational process for the organization. For instance, enhancing skills to motivate others can actually create major impact on the effectiveness of the organization. The author will focus on the utilization of several personal meetings as well as motivational speech so that employees can able to give their best at the workplace. Furthermore, the personal development plan has focused on working effectively on the extremely pressure situation. Now, in the present competitive business environment, every individual are provided with specific target from the organizations that they have to fulfill in an appropriate manner. For that reason, many people feel extreme stress in performing all the responsibilities of the organization effectively. Thus, it can actually create adverse impact on their performance level, which also reflects on the overall team performances. In order to improve the communication skills, the author will focus on the conducting small group of meetings so that all the information can be provided to the employees in a detailed way. Furthermore, relationship development and negotiation skill will have to be evaluated by the author in continuous manner so that it can able to provide expected amount of result. It is also very important for a leader to handle the pressure situation effectively, as any misconduct can create huge amount of adverse impact on the over performance level of the organization (Sung, Turner and Kaewchinda 2013). The personal development plan has also included self-assessment as it can help individual to grow as a leader at a rapid rate. The self-assessment has to focus on the factors like communication skills, relationship-building skills, negotiation skills, decision-making skills, etc. so that it can actually increase the sales revenue and profit level of the organization in an appropriate way.
As per the article by Au et al. (2016), it is necessary to evaluate the personal development plan in an appropriate way. For that reason, organization will have to implement several methods and techniques so that all the objectives of the personal development can be achieved effectively. In order to evaluate the democratic leadership skill, an individual can focus on collecting information from the fellow colleagues regarding what they feel about the implemented leadership style. Individual will also have to evaluate the kind of impact the implemented strategies is having on enhancing the effectiveness of the organization. Thus, it will help individual increase the effectiveness of the management skill in an appropriate manner. As per the article by Leong (2014), it is necessary for the organization to provide enough time for the development of cohesiveness among the different individuals of the team. Otherwise, it will very difficult for any individual to direct the entire team towards the fulfillment of the organizational aims and objectives. Now, the mentioned skills in the personal development plan are the prime criteria for becoming an effective marketing leader. Therefore, the author will have to improve continuously in order to fulfill all the organizational objectives. The present competitive business structure also evolving in continues manner. Therefore, it is necessary for any marketing manager to fulfill make necessary adjustments with the skill sets in order to fulfill all the objectives of the organization. Furthermore, proper utilization of decision-making strategies depends on several factors like nature of the businesses, present position in the market, number of competitors, etc. Thus, it is important for consider these factors before the focusing on the utilization of these strategies. Effectiveness of leadership develop skills also have to focus on the kind of impact it has able to made on the motivational level of the employees.
As highlighted by ASSEMBLY (2014) employee motivational level can be measured through the anxiousness of the employees for performing the responsibilities provided by the organization in an appropriate manner. It can be assessed that motivated employee will be more eager to perform all the responsibilities compared to any other employees. On the other hand, effectiveness of leadership skill development also has to focus on the proper utilization of relationship building skills so that it can increase the total amount of businesses for the organization. It can be measured easily though the evaluation of the number of new clients has purchases products from the organization. In addition, it is also have to analyze the number of customers retained by the organization. In order to evaluate the negotiation skill, it is necessary to analyze the amount of negotiation has been done by the individual and out of which out many negotiation are ended up as successful. It has to be measured based on the months so that it can able to indicate the improve rate in a much more effective way. The effectiveness of personal development plan will have to be evaluated through the fulfillment of organizational objectives. The assessment will have to be made regarding how personal development plan has helped the VPS Healthcare to achieve all the objectives in an appropriate manner.
As highlighted by Magee and Webb (2015) it is important for any personal development plan to identify the future development areas so that individuals can continue to grow as an effective leader. Future development area for the personal development plan refers to the weak areas or problem that has to been utilized in an effective way. Furthermore, it has identified that many people has unable to fulfill all the objectives of the personal development plan. Therefore, it is necessary to evaluate whether it the decided objectives is attainable or not.
Objectives |
Time |
To include different perspectives of the employees in an effective way |
3 months |
To utilize training program for the further development of communication skills |
3 months |
To utilize relationship development in such way so that customers remain with the organization in an appropriate way |
3 months |
To increase the effectiveness of the work even further in extreme pressure situation |
3 months |
To include more innovative techniques for influencing employees to beyond the provide organizational target |
3 months |
Table 2: Updated plan
(Source: As created by the author)
As opined by Arguelles and Bay (2014) every individual will have develop continuously in order to fulfill all the responsibilities of the organization effectively. Utilization of training and development also help individuals to develop interest on several perspectives of leadership style. For instance, it can highlight the significance of team development skills for becoming an effective leader within the organizational structure. It is also necessary to evaluate decision-making percentage of all the team members. Future development of leadership skills also have to focus on the development of negotiation skills in an appropriate manner. For that reason, individuals have to go through negotiation skills development training sessions on an appropriate manner. Individual also have to visit different organizations to evaluate the kind of leadership strategies implemented by that particular organization. Utilization of communication skill is also very important to gain competitive advantage in the market. Thus, leadership development skill will have to focus on learning different languages so that they can able to communicate with people from different economies in an appropriate manner.
The above analysis highlighted the significance of leadership and management development plan for fulfilling all the personal and organizational objectives in an appropriate manner. The assignment highlighted the required skills that are necessary for fulfilling all the objectives of the organization in an effective manner. The assignment also has provided a detailed analysis of personal development plan that managers will have to focus in order to improve the present level of skills. The assignment also highlighted the fact that personal development plan has to be developed in such a way so that it can able to fulfill all the aims and objectives of the organization in a proper way.
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