Report For Ensuring Sustainable Tourism And Improvement Of Transportation

Sustainability issues in tourism

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Tourism first experienced a huge amount of increase after the improvement of transportation means as well as road networks across the globe. In the earlier days the form of travel were ranged from conquests, education, pilgrimages as well as trade. In the later part of 18th century, the individuals were noted to make numerous bathing places as well as seaside trips. The industrialization effectively increased the income rate of the population, which effectively hiked the tourism demand around the world. The wider phenomenon of development in sustainable perspective originated the sustainable concept (McGehee, 2014). However, it can be identified from the study of tourism that the sustainable tourism concept rooted back in thousands of years in the form of town, agricultural as well as town planning. The major milestones in sustainable tourism approach that have been identified are Industrialization in England, the Second World War as well as green tourism argument rising in 1960. The mass tourism demand as well as development project made the associated environmental as well as social issues more apparent. This clear visual extensively helped the world to undertake the sustainable tourism approach under a more serious consideration. The current paper extensively focuses on explaining the sustainability issues in the tourism context from an economic, social and environmental point of view. It also focuses on identifying the process to achieve the sustainable outcomes.

Tourism refers to the set of activities associated with the travelling as well as staying outside the usual environment of any individual. This staying should not be related with any kind of business as well as leisure purpose. Unlike popular notion, the tourism is greatly different from travelling due to the presence of displacement. In order to conduct a tourism activity an individual must travel by using any form of transportation. After obtaining a clear visual of various environmental as well as social issues associated with the tourism and the development made the tourist industry conscious of necessity of sustainable tourism (Weaver, 2013). The sustainable tourism refers to the activities conducted by the tourism industry aiming to reduce the impact on local culture as well as environment. It provides a sense to that the sustainable tourism can be considered as positive experience for tourists, tourist companies as well as local people.

The continuous development in the tourism sector along with a huge demand of tourism service creates a major concern for the preservation of the environment. In order to make the sustainable tourism the industry must focus on stable economic support as well as environmental preservation. These dual variables of sustainable tourism effectively create a major impasse, which creates several major dilemmas. The climate change has posed the most crucial issue for the sustainable tourism management approach (Hall, Scott & Gössling, 2013). In this context, it has been identified that climate change will effectively destroy better part of tourism facilities around the world. The major catastrophic impacts of climate change on the tourism are reduction of snow cover, rising of sea level as well as bushfires. These particular phenomenons will effectively damage the tourism business around the entire world. The tourism management has attempted to prevent these disastrous events by the environment approach. However, this approach has faced several major dilemmas, as the development rate of the tourism will be damaged due to this approach (Fodness, 2016). The contemporary tourism is highly depended on the growing rate of air traffic that emits a significant amount of green house gas and thereby put in the progression of climate change.

Environmental issues

In order to avoid the cataclysmic events of climate change the tourism need to use renewable energy source so that greenhouse gas emission can be controlled. However, in this context, it has been identified that the renewable source of energy cannot support the extensive size of tourism industry properly. It is unable to substitute the conventional energy sources for a various reason. The major problems are huge cost of the installation as well as maintenance of the renewable source technology (Bramwell & Lane, 2012). Low energy density of the renewable sources as well as lack of awareness of the renewable source of technology eventually limits the growth of the renewable approach. This particular problem creates major problem for sustainable development of tourism. 

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In addition to that, tourism industry also suffers from the issue of water preservation. The sustainable approach of tourism demands that the industry focus on various natural open grounds. Moreover, the tourism industries also emphasizes on golf courses, spas as well as swimming pools to attract a number of customers (Ruhanen, 2013). However, it is quite difficult to maintain, as it will need a huge amount of water. The countries where water is scarce it can pose a huge threat for the environment. Another major issue is waste, which can be catalyst for degradation of the environmental condition. The tourists tend to produce huge amount of waste, i.e. 1.5 kg per day. This particular problem has a very crucial effect on the environment and hinders the sustainable tourism approach.

As the tourism is integration of individual parties in different environment, the process will include an interaction of two parties from different background. There are huge number tourists exposed to different cultural environment in the tourism destination. It creates a clash between the tourists’ social as well as cultural practice and the local societal practices (Salazar, 2012). This particular phenomenon immensely hinders the local culture and societal exercises. Therefore, the tourism setting faces a crucial necessity to administer sustainable approach in social context. However, there are several major problems that hinder the sustainable practice of the tourism industries.  The first problem that has been identified is lack of awareness of the tourists regarding the sustainable approach of tourism.

The tourism concept is quite vast as well as highly complex as it includes a number of actors providing a great range of service to the tourists. Therefore, it is immensely difficult to for the tourists as well as service providers to adopt the sustainable approach. It has been identified that tourists as well as service providers are unaware of the exact exercises needed for the sustainable practice of tourism (Bramwell & Lane, 2013). This has eventually created a major gap within the sustainable practice. In order to resolve this particular issue the tourism industry must focus on generating awareness among the tourism service providers. In addition to that, the industry needs to promote the tourism educational content so that the tourists get attracted towards the sustainable practice of tourism. It will eventually help the service providers to initiate numerous sustainable practices with a greater ease.

Social issues

Another major identified issue in tourism context is low participation of the local community. The sustainable tourism concept is immensely related with the local values as well as exercises. The practices associated with the sustainable tourism will need a great deal of support from the local communities. The lack of awareness greatly contributes in the hindrance of the local community participation to the tourism practice. In addition to that, the local community is not interested in lots of sustainable practices such as waste management as it will create a extra effort of responsibilities from their end. Moreover, they also are not inclined to share any opinion regarding the arrangement of sustainable tourism practice (Waligo, Clarke & Hawkins, 2013). This particular phenomenon critically creates a barrier for the sustainable practice of tourism. In this context, the tourism settings need to promote the benefit of the sustainable practice, which will effectively enhance the interest of the local community. The tourism industry also needs to establish several practices that will enhance the preservation of the cultural as well as social practice. The major practices that have been identified in this context are establishing respect to the cultural practice along with preservation of the heritage settings. This way they can earn the loyalty of the local community so that they would be interested to share their opinion and active support.

In the contemporary competitive market, all of the developing countries are focused on industrialization of the rural as well as urban areas. Focus on the industrialization effectively allocated a significant amount of fund to the development projects in the rural as well as urban development projects. This situation has significantly created a situation where the tourism approach cannot get the benefit of sufficient investment (Jamal & Camargo, 2014). Henceforth, the tourism cannot create necessary infrastructural advance in order to undertake the sustainable approach. In order to solve the issue the tourism industry must involve the regulatory stakeholders so that they can perceive the importance of the sustainable tourism. The stakeholders will be able to contribute actively in the growth of the sustainable approach. In addition to that, the development project is likely to consume lots of free land as well as tourism attraction in a rapid speed. In this context, the tourism industry will effectively focus on creating a standard that will restrict the urbanization to progress in the potential tourist destination. It will create a balance between the industrialization and the tourism activities. This harmony will be highly significant for the growth of the sustainable approach of the tourism.

Economic issues

Another major issue with respect to economic characteristics of the sustainable tourism is its expensive nature. The sustainable management entails several major tools, which are highly costly with regard to the tourism practice. First of all the tourism management will need to renovate the entire infrastructure of the tourism so that they can adopt the sustainable approach more smoothly (Buckley, 2012). This infrastructure transformation will demand great amount of investment. Another major problem faced by the sustainable tourism management is the growing necessity of the renewable energy development. The renewable energy technology entails a great amount of installation cost as each of the tools associated with the renewable technology is highly expensive. In addition to that, this particular technology needs a constant maintenance and support by most experienced as well as efficient experts. This particular demand of human resource will effectively increase the cost of the sustainable tourism at a whole. The sustainable tourism is unable to initiate this large amount of investment at a first go and thereby hinders the sustainable tourism implementation.

Above-described article extensively focused on the explanation of the sustainability issues in the tourism context from an economic, social and environmental point of view. It has also focused on the identification of the process to achieve the sustainable outcomes. It reflected that the implication of the tourism has been started for a long time. It also clarified the difference between tourism as well as mere travelling. The article has successfully discussed the environmental, social as well as economic issues with regard to the sustainable tourism. The article has been able to discuss every critical aspect as well as their impacts on the sustainable tourism. It effectively established that these issues are highly imperative for developing essential barriers of sustainable tourism. It also discussed several major solution of these issues that will help to pave the pathway of sustainable tourism.

Reference List:

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