Integration Inventory System In Grand Wines Limited

Background and environment of the project

Discuss about the Integration Inventory system in Grand Wines Limited.

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The project design as characterized is regarding the company Grand Wines Ltd. which is a major distributor of wines and liquor in the New South Wales. The company has some serious issues regarding the inventory management and this seems that the supply chain management is disturbed in an organization where the organization observes a change in the business process and the business model while initiating the demand and the supply of the product in the market. the company has all about the dealings which starts from the raw materials to prepare wine, the working progress where the semi finished goods matter for the result in the finished goods and as such the items that attract the consumer (Ali, Anbari and Money, 2008).

In this project management and the project design that is prepared to solve the issues of inventory management, there are some  analysis and findings that help to attain the project with a success. The environment if the project is discussed, the project requirements and the deliverables, tendering methodologies, the dispute resolution if it occurs in the future is also discussed (Burnes and Cooke, 2012). At the end, the information regarding the administration, negotiation, contract closure and as such the project handover is done by the project management team. There are relevant findings that are citically analyzed and there are future recommendations that may help to improve the inventory management of the company (Trepte, 2011).

The project analysis include the issues that are related towards the inventory management as such it is important to balance the demand and supply of the product in the country. The issues that the company faces are severe and this states that there is a condition which is prevelant in the company which is examined as scarcity of stocks. The delay is been observed with the current stocks and the supply of the order that the customers demand (Cummings and Worley, 2009). The environment of the company is all about the issues that starts with the products deliverables, people involved and as such the duration that can be maintained when there are special features that are added in the project design (Hassner-Nahmias and Crawford, 2008). The challenge of the company is to face the inventory management in an effective manner and this needs some strategies and the project management concerns that the company should follow with the required deliverables (World Bank, 2014).

Project requirements and deliverables

The project requirements includes the process and the tools that are important to be considered in the project while the project management team ensures the deliverables. This is actually the process of some development and the importance of the project that can be largely entailed with some identification in some components that include the requirements of the project and project deliverables (MacKay and Chia, 2013). There are mainly two types that are emphasized with the project requirements that includes the product requirements which is even called as product features and the other is process requirements that means the functions. With this instance deliverables are also measured that enhance the success of the company and this seems to be in an high level scope where the business requirements are been highly understood with the company requirement when it is observed with the two main components of deliverables and the boundaries (Rendon, 2008).

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With the project requirements, the product and the process requirements are essential for Grand Wines Ltd. To increase the product requirements, it is essential to describe the main characteristics that need to be delivered. Wines in the south Wales have become an increase in the demand so to emphasize and adopt such product features that enhance the deliverables is an important state which is the most required deliverable and it enhances the product base. The product requirement is the main ingredients that are needed by the company to enhance its product efficiency (Lundy and Morin, 2013). The raw materials and the semi finished goods at this end would help the company to gain an importance over the product requirement (Public Procurement Regulatory Authority, 2009).

Process requirement includes the functions that the company adopts while increasing the inventory management and this states that proper functions are required wherein the product interact with other similar products and gains a moment that discusses the data which is important for business transaction from other point of view. The data gets moved and the flow of information that is needed is on the other scale, therefore it is about how well the product is in process and the output is compared. The productivity is measured when the product is already in process for some better options nad this seems to be an invoicing that has been constructed with the accounts receivables (MacKay and Chia, 2013).

Project deliverables are the tangible output which are measurable and have an auditable output with an expected and a positive result which is gained by successful accomplishments of the goals and objectives in the project (Lundy and Morin, 2013). This is to set a scope that the project deliverables have when it comes to a long way to define the meaning of project deliverables (Mshana, 2007).

Product features

The company has some issues regarding the inventory management and this states that while adopting a project management there are some project deliverables that are responsible for the success of the project and due to some reasons these deliverables are accordingly notices with the process flow and the productivity (Crawford and Hassner-Nahmias, 2010). The project deliverables are  (Mamiro, 2010).

  • Well trained employees
  • Increased performance
  • Improved skills

With the related issues there were project deliverables that made an emphasize with the team work and the trained employees who are involved with the company in order to maintain the management that enhances the supply chain management. the stakeholders of the company are been analyzed while they are in the list of resources. The managers, investors, board, employees and customers are the main stakeholders. To readily accept the project design there are some improvements that should be observed in the team of employees by giving them special training needs (Lundy and Morin, 2013).

The project duration is estimated as per the project management team and the formation of each step that is been carried out by the expets. It is observed that the company needs a proper management of the products and the management of inventory when it was been noticed in research approach. the effective project management team and the implementation of the project is an important key element that can be noticed with some concepts and perspectives. The reliability, value and the originality of the approach is been engaged to adopt the change and the project management approach in the company for supply chain management. the issues need to be tackled effectively and thereby the project deliverables are been analyzed for the success of the company  (MacKay and Chia, 2013).

Project tendering includes the tools that are used in the project with some area of reflection and the tools that are relatively adopted with the project team to mainly acquire the products and services. The renting and the leasing information is described here with some variances and the use of rent was as characterized with the market providers that approach and accept the change in the supply chain management. the tools and the methods were appropriate when these were adopted in the company as it is essential to form a project management to solve some issues regarding the company’s scarcity of the products (Crawford and Hassner-Nahmias, 2010). Interested contractors have a bid and these were mainly invited by the tendering process with some area that need to be given on rent or lease. This is one of the most important concept that is applied in the contract management when its on initial stage while selecting the appropriate contractor so that the project management approach can be conducted with efficient tools and methods.

Process features

In this project design, where the open tender is considered to reenhance the need of tools that are required in the project. However, the company uses open tendering with some arguments while it has a specific favor when the idea and inceptions are clear by requiresting a bid to the contractor. Although, the lease of land is an important concept for the process and the functions that need to be carried out by the company. the company sells wines and liquor which needs a method and a process, there is inadequency of the system that can be altered wherein the company approaches the need of land that can be kept for a lease so that the production of the liquor can be made easy as per the area needed (Ali, Anbari and Money, 2008).

There are open tendering approaches that are considered so that the private companies get benefit with the services and the utilities that enhace the other production process and are a procurement with certain directives which are likely to threshold the business process with some exceptions. The area of the production matters while the product need to get a specific tool and method for supply chain management. The raw materials, semi finished goods and the finished goods are separately been kept in order to get the space and tools that engage the process in an effective manner (Choi, 2011). Thereby, the company should specifically allocate the resources and the areas to increase the productivity and thereby increase the production of wine and liquor in a duration of time. This helps in lowering the scarcity of the product and helps to achieve the project management goals.

Contract development is the distribution and handling of the design processes.  The contracts are between the clients and the developers regarding the development of the project. This includes the discussions regarding the project development. From the initial documentation from the idea of the project till the delivery of the project, each and every aspect is mentioned I the contract where both the parties prepare an agreement (Coad, 2009). This contract is developed by the agreement and commitment of both the parties. The contract management includes all the phases and aspects regarding the project objectives. The system engineering aspect can be used for the best services and for quality products and services. Contracts serve as a very important discipline which has to be clearly defined between both the parties and the requirements and outcomes must be discussed and decided on a very proper manner (Yang & Lynn, 2009).

Project Deliverables

The contract must clarify the requirement and specification of Grand Wines software for inventory. The contract management includes the factors like the system requirements, the functionalities of the software, the current system and its issues, the need of the proposed system and the benefits the proposed system would provide. This contract management can be handled by the administrative department of the company which handles all the discussions and aspects of the contract (Laube, 2007).

Negotiation in contract management includes a lot of factors where negotiation can be done. The factors are the time or duration for completion of the project, the negotiation in the functionalities and requirements, the negotiation in the cost and expenditures etc.  These are the several factors where negotiation can be done. The company has set an overall budget of$1, 35,000 for the development of this project thus the negotiation can be done with the parties. The company has defined this budget and must be developed in the boundaries of the budget. There can be several negotiations regarding the project development cost (Yang & Lynn, 2009).

The contract formation between the company and the developers is quite a descriptive and neatly documented process. The documentation did consist of all the requirements of the company’s need for inventory software. The company had detailed information regarding the manual system which they used and the issues the company faced (McLaughlin, 2009). Through this the developers could easily understand the requirement of the company and can serve with necessary services. The contract negotiation was easily managed by the administration and the clients which can provide a win situation for both, the company and the clients. This process consisted of various phases. The contract negotiation was done by including these phases (Coad, 2009).

The detailed review and revision of the proposed contract was undertaken.  Along with this, the pricing proposals costs, conditions for the project development and the terms and conditions also were reviewed in detail (Laube, 2007). The resolutions, conditions, restrictions and disagreements were also considered. The similar contracts and the proposed contract were compared and the comparative analysis was undertaken which provided the recommendations regarding the project development. Also the best effective way was chosen which would provide benefits to both the parties. The tools like market intelligence, procurement solutions, negotiation results etc were used to identify the best methods for negotiation.

The disputes are generally resolved by bargaining and negotiating by keeping in mind the situation and the benefits for both the parties. However the contact was defined keeping in mind the benefits of both the parties thus the chances of disputes and issues got very less. The issues were less likely to prevail among the company and the clients (Harrington, 2007). The disputes can generally occur during finalizing the costs and various discussions regarding the project development. The discussions were made quite practically after detailed analysis of the requirements and the negotiations were specified before initiating the contract and thus the chances of disputes were very less (Laube, 2007).

Project tendering

However the contract terms and conditions documented by the agreement of both the parties was enough for preventing any disputes which can rise between both the parties.  The contract was successfully developed between both the parties keeping in mind the benefits and profits for both the parties. The delivery of quality services and the proper reward for those quality services were balanced and properly distributed (McLaughlin, 2009).

The contract closeout occurs when the contract has got completed under al the terms and conditions agreed by both the parties. This happens after all the administrative terms and agreements are fulfilled, there are no disputes and issues between both the parties regarding the contract and when the full and final payment is done. The contract closeout for Grand Wines has been quite successfully been completed. This process has followed some steps which made the company achieve a complete contract closeout.

There was an extreme statement proposed regarding the contract completions. This was developed by the agreement of both the parties. It was made sure that the project was successfully developed and the terms regarding the fulfillment of the requirements was completed by providing sufficient and require materials (Harrington, 2007).  The company did also issue the final patent and report of clearance and the clients did develop this report for this company standardizing the project and patenting it on the name of Grand Wines.

Also it was decided previously that there would be no changes in the project contract in the middle of the contract and this was successfully examined by the parties. The formalities and clearance report were successfully filed without and disputes and thus was satisfactorily completed. The direct cost rates were finalized and settled by the parties, the contractors and the company.  The final report regarding the contract and the completion of the contract was successfully developed.  The contract audit was conducted which was very important to be done. The closing statement was even issued with the final invoice and voucher. The legal formalities were completed easily with the agreement and incorporation of both the parties. The complete contract was submitted by the funds transfer and the legal documents (Laube, 2007).

The meetings were organized to settle the contract and complete the final contract formalities. All the completion formalities were completed in the meetings. The discussion regarding the satisfactory delivery of the product and the amount received for the services were discussed. Both the parties agreed to these terms and were no disputes raised regarding the services or costs. This meeting was a detailed discussion regarding the contract made before the initiation of the project and during the initial phase of the project discussion. This meeting was conducted by the parties which were necessary to get included in the meeting and discussion. This included the company managers, the contractor’s team and the legal authorities and witnessed which were involved in the contract between both these parties.  The meetings were the facilitation of the information regarding the completion of the projects and the terms and conditions fulfilled. The project was decided to get completed on a specific date and time (Harrington, 2007).

The contract also was proposed to get completed on certain time which was managed by the contractors and no disputes were raised regarding the completion and duration of the contracts. The verification of the project completion was done by verifying and identifying the various requirements and the fulfillment of these contracts. The contract had the information regarding the requirements of the company and this was checked and verified before the date of completion of the contract. The contract or projects was handover phase where the contractors did complete the project in the due time. A certain deadline was provided to the contractors which they successfully obeyed and proposed and did handover the project to the company on the decided time. This agreement as fulfilled and the company achieved the project n time with all the functionalities and requirements fulfilled (Green & Weaver, 2008).

This successful completion did lead to the enhanced relationship between both, the contractors and the company. Before initiating the contract there were certain terms and conditions signed by the company and the contractors. These documents were regarding the requirement specification and the needs of the project. Each and every requirement was stated to the contractors and was agreed by the contractors. During the completion of the project, the contractors did provide enough evidences and the quality products which were desired by the company. The company, after the completion of the project did review all the products and the requirements. The requirements were documented in a detailed manner and thus each and every requirement was tested efficiently by the testers (Harrington, 2007).

The document was completely reviewed and the project was tested by the special testers of the company. After the detailed revise and verification, the company concluded that the project was complete and was as per the desired standards. The quality was maintained and the company was served with the better products. On the other side, the contractors did verify the costs and the expenditures made on the product and did conclude to a final amount which was decided by both the parties. After this the final payment was done where both the parties agreed on the payment and the cost and the payment were legally completed. The invoices and payment receipts were developed and the legal authorities did verify the entire process. This resulted into the completion of the contract and the contract was completed as desired by benefiting both the parties (Gil et al, 2009). The company was able to accept the project deliverables prepared by the contractors due to the fulfillment of the requirements and the needs regarding the product. The contractors did accept the payment as decided before the initiation of the project. Thus the contract completion was easily followed with the handover of the project and acceptance of the deliverables and payments by both the parties (Controller and Auditor General, 2012).

The complete study was regarding the project development and the deal between the contractors and the company for the development and the completion of the project. The company did identify the requirement of the company and the need to develop a new system. This need and requirement led to the need of a new inventory system for Grand Wines. The integration project needed to get developed by a specialist company or firm which was quite experienced and known for the development of such projects. The company did propose all the requirements and needs to the contractors and the contractors analyzed the compete situation and proposed to develop a system required by the company (Minahan, 2007). This initiated the contract development. Once both the parties agreed to make a deal and develop a professional relationship by getting the deal for the project development of Integrated Inventory. This initiated the contract where the company, the contractors and the legal authorities were included (Guerard &Schwartz, 2007).

There were discussions regarding the contract development and contract agreements. All the clauses were added by the company and the contractors where several aspects were included like the administration, contract formation, negotiation, dispute resolution, contract closeout and project handover (Mlinga, 2007). These processes were successfully managed and followed by both the parties. These processes were easily managed and both the parties were agreed for completing the work on the deadlines decided. The administration was strong and did manage the entire contract management process successfully. The legal authorities were included in the areas where it was required to involve them. All the processes were legalized and under certain terms and conditions. This made the contract fully legal and standardized (Frank, 2009).

The negotiation also was done by considering various aspects like the duration of the completion of the project, the cost, the specifications etc. Thus there were no disputes regarding the contract management (Ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs, United Republic of Tanzania, 2012). The contract was successfully handed over to the company and the company did accept the project after the detail verification and testing of the requirements and the specifications. After the detailed analysis the company did accept the project deliverables and did make the final payment. The invoice and the payment receipts were legally generated with the inclusion of the authorities and the contract did finally get completed. This led to the successful development and completion of the contract between both the parties by generating a win-win situation for both of them (Guerard &Schwartz, 2007).

It can be considered that for future projects even the company must include the legal transactions and actions which would provide sufficient evidences and legal terms and conditions agreed by both the parties. The legalized processes would develop more reliable and trustworthy relationships between both the parties where both of the parties get the benefits desired. The companies must develop such professional relationships and maintain them for the future projects and the future considerations (Elan, 2009).


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