Communication And Thought For Interpersonal Communication System

The Communication Skills

Discuss about the Communication and Thought for Interpersonal Communication System.

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As mentioned by San Martín (2015) in simple terms the exchange of informations that is done between two or more people is known as interpersonal communication. With the increase in the knowledge and with continuous practice, development and improvement in the communication skills is visualised. During the process of this interpersonal communication system there is sending of the message from one source and the receiving of the message at the other source. There are many ways of conducting this communication system, however, the most successful system is the one in which where the message that is sent by the sender is understood by the receiver. This study considers variety of elements and both the qualitative and the quantitative methods are used for the exploration of the interpersonal communication.

In all of the business organization, the people require to interact with each other and almost everyday use interpersonal communication system. The interpersonal communication is required in the business organizations to interact with the customers, handle complaints and feedbacks to the customers, interact within the organization with the employee and also for other needs (Brandler and Roman 2015).

The interpersonal skills are used when the means of communication that is being is the face to face communication. The different types of interpersonal communication skills are:

While communicating with the other people, listening to the other person is the most vital interpersonal skill of communication as during a conversation a person spends about 45% of the time in listening to the other person. The ability that allows the person to receive and to interpret the massage accurately is known as the listening. Without being able to listen and understand the message effectively, the communication system may breakdown. The different principles of listening are:

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  1. Stop talking: While talking continuously the person could not listen to what the other person is trying to say. So in order to listen one must first stop talking and focus on what the other person is trying to say.
  2. Comfort: Both the speaker and the listener needs to be comfortable while therefore, listener needs to show indications that the words spoken by the speaker are being conveyed to them. the speaker must not anything that would distract the speaker from speaking his words.
  3. Empathise: The listening does not only mean to listen to the words spoken by the speaker but also to understand the point of view of the other person also and understand trhe things from that sense.
  4. Patience: The listener also needs to be patience for the time period and should not interrupt while the speaker is trying to convey its message and let them continue to finish their message.
  5. Non- Verbal communication: While listening the only focus should not be only on the words but also on the eye moment, gesture and the facial expression of the speaker (Asemota 2015).

The feedback is the performance review of any person or any business organization. However, effective feedback could be defined as a feedback that is clearly heard, understood and accepted. Skill is required for giving effective feedbacks and it can transform the effectiveness of the feedback that is being offered and receptiveness of the receiver. The different principles of giving feedback in the business sector are:

  1. Effective feedback: Before giving the feedback to the desired person one should first understand the purpose of giving the feedback and the requirement. A feedback should not be harsh or offensive.
  2. Regularity: Giving of the feedback should be done on a regular basis as this is a process that requires attention. This is not a once in a year of a month event, it should be given as regular as possible so that the problems may not get out of hands.
  3. Specific: While giving out of the feedback, there should be specific and exact mention of what was wrong and on what does the receiver needs to improve or work on.
  4. Privacy: It is not that feedback would always be positive; there may also be negative and criticizing comments. Feedbacks as such should be given in private and not openly (Archer and Howie 2013).

Questioning the other person is the basics of effective communication system. Questioning effectively during an appropriate situation may change the whole range of the communication skills. The different principles of questioning are:

  1. Question strategy: Before asking a question, the first thing to consider is what to be asked. Asking of question would not make sense if the question asked is not appropriate.
  2. Questioning Styles: The type of question that is to be asked is also to be considered.
  3. Listening: After a question is asked, the answers would tell the questioner if he had the answer to what it has asked or not (Godbold and McCaffery 2015).

Benefits and Models of Communication Skills

The Interpersonal communication is the life blood of any business organization. Just like the blood transmits essential elements to the different part of our body, the interpersonal communication also carries essential informations to the different parts of an organization. The benefits of the interpersonal communication skills are:

  1. The interpersonal communication skills help to gather informations and communicate within the organization.
  2. The active and effective listening and feedback would help the employees and the customers to circulate the informations appropriately and with ease and to know the point of view of each other.
  3. The questioning skills help the person to gather information about anything from the other person and also to understand if the listening person has understood the words spoken or not (McQuail and Windahl 2015).

Berlo’s SMCR model of communication:

In the year 1960, the Sender- Message- Channel- Receiver model of communication model of Shannon Weaver was modified by David erlo. In this modified model he proposed the different components as the sender who sends the message, the message that is to be sent, the channel which is the mode of transfer and the receiver who will receive the model (Turnitsa 2013). This modified model of David Berlo is represented as:


Fig 1: Berlo’s model of communication,

(Source: Heath and Bryant 2013)

Through this model it could be specified that the listening as the third component under channel component through which the message from the source gets transferred to the receiver.

In the year, the famous theorist of communication, Mr. Harold D. Lasswell developed the Lasswell model of communication. The lasswell model of communication is also known as the linear model or the action model. This one way model of communication is one of the most influential model of communication and was developed by Lasswell to analyze the mass communication (Sapienza et al. 2015). This modal can be represented as:

Fig 1: Lasswell’s model of communication,

(Source: Heath and Bryant 2013) 

In the above model of Lasswell’s communication model the different components of the communication could be identified. The components of this model are the:

  1. WHO: This refers to the person who is the sender of the message.
  2. SAYS WHAT: This refers to the message that has been sent by the sender.
  3. CHANNEL: This refers to the medium through which the sender sends the message to the receiver.
  4. TO WHOM: This refers to the person to whom the sender has sent the message to.
  5. WITH WHAT EFFECT: This refers to the effectiveness of the message that the message of the sender has sent to the receiver. The reaction of the receiver to the message is considered as the effect of the message on the receiver.

At times the brain remains busy with the processing of other instances as a result for which the speech is not registered or the already present activities become too loud that completely overpowers the new speech conveyed. A cultural gap may play a pivotal role because cultural differences might have different ways of reciprocation, which not match between two individuals. As a result of this, the listening result may be altered (Fletcher 2016).

Language barriers are the main challenges faced in questioning. Moreover, one should have enough courage to proceed and ask a question to superiors or others which are often not done thinking that they might make a fool of himself. Self -respect and ego may act as barriers often in questioning a doubt during a communication (Stevens and Levi 2013).

Potential Challenges While Incorporation of the Communication

Feedback in a two ways communication does not have barriers as such. However, in a one way communication, there is often no scope for feedback. Such communications may include passing of ideas, information and instructions from higher authority, which does not allow the system of feedback. The lack of this provision always creates dissatisfaction and communication thus disrupting a proper feedback provision acting as a barrier (Scott 2016).

The employees and managers of the business should be patient while listening to the complaints or any queries from the clients and the customers. Similarly, the company should carefully focus on implementing the changes as necessary.

A system of receiving complaints and suggestions should be initiated so that the customers have a scope of showing their complaints and concerns. This would make the customers feel important and accepted. A client’s remark is necessary for developing the product’s quality of the product.

Product research should be conducted so that manufacturers can understand the prospective of the customers on a particular product. The employees should ask questions to customers about their products.


Innumerable kinds of challenges often cause disruption of a proper communication in work fields. In business organizations, communication is the only process that is needed for effective results. The main mode of functioning however gets challenged due to various barriers such as noise, language and many others mentioned above which effects the tools such as feedback, questioning and listening. Different models of researchers further strengthen the discussion. All of these are done to state that with the help of the communication skills a smooth communication would exists between the stakeholders for further success in future.


Archer, E. and Howie, S., 2013. Optimising a feedback system for monitoring learner performance in primary schools.

Asemota, H.E., 2015. Nature, Importace and Practice pf Listening Skill. British Journal of Education, 3(7), pp.27-33.

Brandler, S. and Roman, C.P., 2015. Group work: Skills and strategies for effective interventions. Routledge.

Fletcher, J.G., 2016. Exploring the Listening Phenomenon: The Effects of Receiver Apprehension and Communication Competence on Listening Style(Doctoral dissertation, University of Colorado Colorado Springs. Kraemer Family Library).

Godbold, N. and McCaffery, K., 2015. Improving care by listening: care communication and shared decision-making. Communicating Quality and Safety in Health Care, p.164.

Heath, R.L. and Bryant, J., 2013. Human communication theory and research: Concepts, contexts, and challenges. Routledge.

McQuail, D. and Windahl, S., 2015. Communication models for the study of mass communications. Routledge.

San Martín, C., Montero, I., Navarro, M.I. and Biglia, B., 2014. The development of referential communication: Improving message accuracy by coordinating private speech with peer questioning. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 29(1), pp.76-84.

Sapienza, Z.S., Iyer, N. and Veenstra, A.S., 2015. Reading Lasswell’s Model of Communication Backward: Three Scholarly Misconceptions. Mass Communication and Society, 18(5), pp.599-622.

Scott, L., 2016. Effective Communication Requires Caring, Explaining, Listening, and Living the Role.

Stevens, D.D. and Levi, A.J., 2013. Introduction to rubrics: An assessment tool to save grading time, convey effective feedback, and promote student learning. Stylus Publishing, LLC

Turnitsa, C., 2013. Communication model elements for societal behavior representation using agent based models. In Proceedings, 2013 Fall Simulation Interoperability Workshop.

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