Reflective Journal On Applied Marketing Research: Challenges And Solutions

Challenges and Descriptions

Discuss about the Reflective Journal in Applied Marketing Research.

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The research that I took part was the development of an in-depth understanding of the relationship between the JSUS students and the use of the educational applications. I have come to understand the different concepts in regards to the students using these applications for education and the main key determinants that had influenced on the decisions for acquiring these apps (Churchill & Iacobucci, 2006). Moreover, there was a need to find out on the various types of the applications that were available in the market for the students to purchase. Nonetheless, like any research there are some challenges that occurs, therefore in these journal I will highlight on some of these challenges I encountered and solution that can be applied to resolve them incase if they were to be present for the next research which I would undertake. In the journal have elaborated on some of the key challenges, description and solution in brief which will be explained in depth later in the report.




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The group members were not cooperative

Members were reluctant on the tasks assigned

strict monitoring of members and individuals provision of some tasks for research

Too many assignments with the similar deadline( time constraint on doing the assignment)

The other subjects were issued assignments

Coordinate and set  on the deadline to finalize on the project

Uncoordinated presentation of the results

The members should discuss on how the presentation will be done, either PowerPoint, word document.

The groups should choice on the individual to present the work in a systematic manner.

The project did not follow the correct preparation procedures or guidelines

Cumbersome process done, as formatting, following instruction not correctly done

There should be an in depth understanding of what the project entails and work in accordance to guidelines.

One of the key challenge that I faced was the group members were not cooperative in doing the project. Let first explore what a group work team means. Group work is a form of the assessment that has been recognized over the years to many educators (Goodwin & Highfield, 2012). Its use has been adjusted on various principals. It has been found that group work promotes experimental learning, deep understanding of concepts as opposed to surface as well as construction of the knowledge. These aspects are the ones that made group work and the reason for the assessment of this project( Page, 2012). Nonetheless, if these concepts are not taken into concern there is no likely of any study that will take effect. In the research we did as a group, the members were all uncooperative. This has posed a great challenge to me especially I was the only committed person. I had to do all the work as individuals some even did not keep time especially when we agreed to meet and discuss on the issues on the project and the way forward. Have come to learn if the group work can be used effectively, it can become a great asset and an efficient way to increase on the growth in the students in higher education (Plack, Driscoll, Blissett, McKenna & Plack, 2005). In my case, this was mishandled carelessly and it took a lot of time to the completion of the project. The project was diverse especially it involved issuing of questionnaire to the psychology students in Berry College, Georgia. We were to issue 100 questionnaires since it was our sample size on the research. Some group members did not turn up for this exercise so we had to give out only two members to the entire sample size (Hirsh-Pasek, Zosh, Golinkoff, Gray, Robb & Kaufman, 2015). This rely stressed me since, I thought it was supposed to be team effort with individuals who were fully committed to their work. We were supposed to work as a unit towards achieving a single objective and that was the research study. I believe to solve on this problem from occurring in the future there are some steps to undertake. One of the solution is to strictly put policies in the group to monitor on the individual who are not cooperative. Further, those found breaking on the rules could be reported to the course lecturer for disciplinary actions (Spalding & Wilson, 2002). Moreover, the work can be shared on the group members. The members can come together brainstorm on the research topic and then on some parts of the project like issuing of questionnaires, survey can be shared responsibility on the group to issue them the population sample size for the research.

Solutions to Challenges

Another key challenge that I encountered in the carrying on this assignment was there were many assignment that had the same deadline or date of submission (Watlington, 2011). This therefore posed a challenge of time constraint to do the assignment (Walker, 2011).  The concept of time have come to realize it has been associated with the ambiguities and even the contradictions. For example, time has nothing more than the occurrence of the various events in the sequence. In the course work, I was having many assignments and the deadline was close and align on this assignment of the project. This should not been an excuse as to not have done the assignment on time but I did my best as to meet on all. Moreover, I did want to undertake all at the same time because I wanted to do a good job on every assignment. This assignment was diverse in all aspect; it entailed qualitative and quantitative methodology of research in order to do a good job. This takes times especially on gathering of the data. To undertake all these aspects and to do other assignment that had the same deadline was a great challenge. This challenge can be resolved on a number of ways such as; use the concept of time management (Oishi, 2007). This entails the process of skilfully applying the time in order to finish and perfect on a given activity that is within the time constraint. I can achieve this by formulating a time schedule and allocating these assignments on my free time that could be used for other activities to do them. This can entail creation of time, to do the activities based on their preferences. After the class as a group we could come together and compile on the research each individual had done and this way time can be saved to do other things. Time management will involve taking charge, in a careful, and conscious manner from difficulties but engaging these activities (Malhotra & Birks, 2007). This usually a means to an end, in that it is linked to setting and meeting of the goals within a period. Another way to meet on the deadline is to ask for an extension. I could have asked the course lecture for an extension if possible on a given assignment. If this was to be allowed the time that would have been spent on that particular assignment, will be able to focus on the project. I could have been more flexible and approached the lecturer for more time for the project.



This assignment was a success and we got to finish on the report. Nonetheless, I have had some challenge in the event on working on it. Some of the challenges were some of the group members were not cooperative, there were too many assignment that were having the same deadline thus constraint of time to finish on them all, there was uncoordinated presentation of the proposals and report from the group members, and lastly the assignment did not follow on the correct presentations, procedure and guidelines. Moreover, I have provided on solution to undertake in case such event were to occur some of these are following the concept of time management, seeking extension especially in cases of missed deadlines, sharing of responsibilities among the group members and the formulation of strict rules to guide the team members. The experience that I have had in the course of during this assignment have made me appreciate group work, contribution made by various authors in literature review, and articulated views on various by the team members. I believe in the event of another similar project and proposal assignment will be more prepared.


Churchill, G. A., & Iacobucci, D. (2006). Marketing research: methodological foundations. New York: Dryden Press. 

Goodwin, K., & Highfield, K. (2012, March). iTouch and iLearn: An examination of “educational” apps. In Early Education and Technology for Children conference, March (pp. 14-16). 

Hirsh-Pasek, K., Zosh, J. M., Golinkoff, R. M., Gray, J. H., Robb, M. B., & Kaufman, J. (2015). Putting education in “educational” apps lessons from the science of learning. Psychological Science in the Public Interest, 16(1), 3-34. 

Malhotra, N. K., & Birks, D. F. (2007). Marketing research: An applied approach. Pearson Education.

Oishi, L. (2007). Working Together: Google Apps Goes to School. Technology & Learning, 27(9), 46. 

Page, T. (2012). Mobile Apps as Design Practice Tools in Education and Practice: Electronic Product Design. Lap Lambert Academic Publishing. 

Plack, M. M., Driscoll, M., Blissett, S., McKenna, R., & Plack, T. P. (2005). A method for assessing reflective journal writing. Journal of allied health, 34(4), 199-208. 

Spalding, E., & Wilson, A. (2002). Demystifying reflection: A study of pedagogical strategies that encourage reflective journal writing. Teachers College Record, 104(7), 1393-1421. 

Walker, H. (2011). Evaluating the effectiveness of apps for mobile devices. Journal of Special Education Technology, 26(4), 59-63. 

Watlington, D. (2011, March). Using iPod touch and ipad educational apps in the classroom. In Proceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference (pp. 3112-3114). 

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