Work Community For Informal And Incidental Learning In New South Wales
Challenges faced
Discuss about the Work Community for Informal and Incidental Learning.
Different types of communities together make a blissful society. However, this society will only work properly if each of the communities maintains a social harmony both with each other and among themselves. One of such an important community is the Work Community that has a very influential impact on the society and wellbeing of the generation in New south Wales. Various positive outputs from a perfect work community help in developing the economy and financial status of a country. The entire individual community member should have the attitude for participating in a friendly relationship with each other so that a proper decorum of a WORK community is maintained (Suárez 2015).
Due to various problems that arise in such a community a smooth functioning of the entire work system may get hampered. These new issues that arise are to be immediate handles with a tremendous urgency so that further delays do not take place. So as a professional who takes a keen interest in participating as a solution provider, must involve oneself to look over the issues and subsequently solve them.
A properly working community is important in the sense that it provides a financial hold of the nation in front of the world. Every working community somehow donates a portion of the success of the nation in the midst of the global market. Therefore, a peaceful working community is an urgent necessity. Moreover a good ‘work community’ makes an individual happy where his work pressure is equally shared by his colleagues and excellent communication provides him confidence and the zeal to conduct his work (Massaro 2015).
A new set of issues are currently reported everday in the working community of New South Wales. People there face serious issues when they tend are not being able to communicate with their co-workers within the work community. This may be due to lack of common interest or might be because of unhealthy thinking of someone else’s success, which might affect self-respect and confidence (Smith 2014). This kind of thinking might result in a claustrophobic condition where one might go through a period of depression and lethargy at work.
Another issue often faced at work fields in New South Wales are the grudges that one might have against their superiors and bosses. This may include the boss’s unreasonable demands at the work place. This might result in growing dislikes against the boss. This will give rise to a feeling of hopelessness against a job, and he may not be able to perform well. This, in turn, will create pressure on him, and the work community may become a nightmare for him (Marsick and Watkins 2015).
Handling issues
One more issue that people in a work community might face is the issue of burning out where the individual loses the interest in his work. This might include a kind of situation where the individual feels that he is not being able to utilize his skills properly or the job is not right up to the mark of his expectation. He might have a better opportunity elsewhere where he can move on but could not do so because of liabilities. Lack of promotional offers from the organization also might result in a depression to an individual in working community.
In the case of defensive co-workers, the work community will be at peace only when the handling of such people is done in a matured way. This might include giving or taking suggestions to them in a much respectful way so that they feel safe on the thought that they are not attacked. This might include providing fewer suggestions and more admiration for their work. In the working communities of New South Wales it is seen that bossy workers who are constantly on a spree to dictate and suggest ideas which are not at all required, there should be a direct message that their suggestions are not welcomed, and one is not interested either (Perminiene, Kern and Perminas 2016.). Needy workers also should be said not to throw away works and to perform the task independently.
One should take the initiative to make the boss understand that throwing a pile of work on someone would result in a state where the work quality would be compromised. This should be done only in a direct and assertive tone so that the boss can understand and would try himself to change his way (Einarsen and Nielsen 2015).
In a case of job burnout in various offices and organizations in New South Wales, one might try to find the cause and the root of the burnout. If it is due to boredom or due to loss of interests one might find ways to solve the issues by consulting with a professional who manages a work community. He can also involve himself into some fun workshops or similar such programs. He might speak with his managers to discuss the issues so that his work can be altered and conducted in a different way (Schaufeli and Salanova 2014).
A particular person of a particular rank should be informed of the tasks he has to perform during the appointment. Any extra irrelevant talk should be avoided on the office floor to avoid further controversies and tension. No requests and commands should be entertained from colleagues unless ordered from management.
Desirable outcomes and goal settings
Some very bitter experiences resulted in the necessity of altering certain forms and regularities. A certain person may face having to face bossy, defensive or needy colleagues who may become a source of tension every day. Hence, the above goal can be achieved to stop nagging and bossy colleagues.
In community mapping of New South Wales, an individual follows this, he may save his back from unnecessary talks thereby saving his time and may cut out on colleagues who constantly ask for help. .He also can avoid any irrelevant conversation with colleagues of bossy attitudes (, 2016).
Second goal:
The second goal in community mapping would be achieved through maintaining a proper relation as well as a gap between the superior or the boss with the worker. Proper declaration of the worker at a proper time is very necessary (D’Arcy, Herath and Shoss 2014).
An innocent attitude of the worker is sometimes mistaken by the boss to be his necessity and dominates him until his back touches the wall. This situation arises when he handovers even his work to the worker.
A claustrophobic situation arises where the worker seems to break free but is not able to for fear of disappointing superior and losing the job. So a clear air should be present where the worker should fix up his commitments in front of his boss in such a way that either of the stakeholders is not affected. A clear ‘no’ backed up by proper reasons and a confident but sweet grin will help a lot (Holmes and Stubbe 2015).
Third goal:
The third goal to be set is to cut out the monotony of work at the workplace. Various activities like a quick chat with a colleague on common interests, a mini break for online shopping, a quick review of the planning of a weekend trip or even listening to music for a short time may help him to cut his monotony.
These would help them feel free without feeling burn out and will reduce the stress one might be facing continuously due to a heavy work pressure or lack of proper environment.
In community mapping in New South Wales, a bit of fun sessions should be arranged by the management twice a week among the office hours for about 1 to 2 hours with mini competitions that will help them cheer and participate thereby breaking the monotony at work and refreshes their mind (Baldwin, Bommer and Rubin 2012.).
During community mapping in New South Wales, an individual keen on changing the tensed situations of the communities in the following ways
The entire community should be ascertained to follow certain rules that are needed to be implemented. The first need would be to clearly allocate each individual with their own specific task. This would prevent anyone to throw his work on other colleagues or even to a junior ( Cekada 2012).
The second need would be not to entertain any misconduct or unprofessional behaviour. The breach of this would be followed by a penalty. This would prevent any bullying at work or even criticizing which will not hurt anyone’s sentiments and thereby a healthy working environment would be maintained (Perminiene, Kern and Perminas 2016.).
The third need would be to form good relationships among the workers and so assign them with various kinds of group tasks. These would result in reducing grudges and promoting unity.
The fourth need would be to arrange for some fun sessions by the management so that the workers do not feel bored and may carry their work with interests.
A fifth need is that a complaint box should be installed so that the management can handle the disappointments of their work employees and alter their attitude towards it.
All the above mentioned requirements are to be discussed entirely in a meeting with the management and the board of directors showing the positive effects that would bring to the work field. In an organization, an individual will not be able to bring a huge change. For that, everyone has to have a positive mindset of changes along with the organization heads. As an individual one would try out best to maintain a social harmony among colleagues and try best to solve issues among them without mingling in personal issues (Le, Donnellan and Conger 2014). An argument can be handled by making the participants think logically. IF that does not work, alternative processes should include counseling them individually and try to make them understand the effects it is having on the work floor. When employees would be happy, the organization will reach the peak of success and will make New South Wales a leading state in Australia.
From the above report, one can assess the various difficulties an individual may face at the working place. which is quite frequent in New South Wales. The various issues among colleagues, harassments by bosses and burnout are some of them. All the issues are to be handled gently without disappointing anyone. The management should also try to consider the problems faced by the workers and act accordingly. Various needs are to be recognized and implemented. Not only the management but each and every individual needs to be positive (Hombrados-Mendieta and Cosano-Rivas 2013). These would help every stakeholder to raise the zenith in life.
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