Leading & Managing People For Learning And Development
The Personal Leadership Model
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A leadership style is a style of a leader that provides direction as well as how to implement a plan. Leaders help to guide as motivate their followers in the established goals that helps to clarify the requirements of the tasks. The personal leadership model that has been developed here mainly utilizes a repeatable process that the leaders can use to influence the behavior of others. The main idea is to execute a process in a simple and flexible manner. This will in turn, help to provide the leaders in the organization with the tools that is required to competently navigate the demands of an increasingly varied workforce. The primary idea is that there is no such thing as a single best of leadership. As per the requirements of an organization leadership changes and as a result, successful leaders are able to become supple (Goethals et al. 2014).
The clear vision is to monitor that where the team is going. As a result, it becomes possible to identify as well as adopt the most effectual behaviors. There are no fixed traits as the leadership style of the personal leadership is flexible. The personal leadership model that has been developed mainly tries to encourage a team in order to become more independent. In order to develop the personal leadership model it is important to include physical energy, intelligence, task capability as well as capacity to motivate individuals and determination. It is required to link bunch of personality traits to lead to success in the organization in diverse situation. If leaders are liked and appreciated, it will become easier to develop the personal leadership skill as the workers will be able to cope up well with the organization (McCleskey 2014).
Motivating employees is one of the most important traits that creates an urge for achievement and converts potential into performance. A good leader improves the faithfulness as well as commitment of employees towards the organization. This in turn will help to motivate the employees to work harder. Another most important trait of a good leadership is the building of self-esteem that is also crucial to high employee self-esteem. The building of self-esteem helps to build personality and to maintain a good human relationship. The most important skill that is required to build a personal leadership model is to inspire and motivate others. A vision about the future needs to be created that will help to develop the personal leadership style. A great leader also requires displaying honesty as well high integrity that needs to be translucent. This will in turn help to solve problems of the organization as well as to take opportunities in the marketplace. One of the important tasks of an effective leader is to envisage goal. In other words, leadership mainly deals with the setting of goals as well as motivating (Giltinane 2013).
Motivating Employees and Building Self-esteem
There are diverse ways in which the leaders perform the setting of goals. The first way is that they assert a vision of what the best way is. The second way is that it important to provide solution to the problems. The comparative goal of leaders and followers in determining objectives differs from group to group. The confirmation of values is another most important task of an effective leader. It is also important to exercise political judgement in order to prevent secondary conflicts of purpose from overcrowding development toward most important goals (Oreg and Berson 2015).
Innovation as well as creativity is the two most important core values of leadership. The key to the future success of the company is innovation and the worldwide race for innovation is getting strong. An innovative leader requires a powerful imagination as well as excellent communication skill that will help to build confidence in the team. Leadership has a direct cause and effect relationship in the organization. The values, culture as well as employee motivation are mainly determined by the leadership model. The leadership theory has all the relevance that will build a good relationship in the organization. Leadership ensures the smooth running of the organization as well as the fact that the workers are remunerated financially. The leadership model that has been chosen mainly motivates and inspires the workers that help to maintain organizational relationship (Cameron et al. 2014).
The leadership model involves the fact that managers involve the followers in the planning process. The model mainly involves assisting managers in creating clear connecting between the objectives set in the performance planning procedure. Organizational relationship is a product of many factors that is mainly identified by the Satellite Model. This model mainly comprises of the organizational structure, knowledge, strategic positioning as well as human process. Relationship in the organization is defined as achieving or exceeding business as well as social objectives from the perspective of the judging party. Successful organization relationship depends on the proper behavior from managers as well as the workers who are associated with the organization. Managers and workers have less willingness to help the tremendously critical leaders. As a result, the leader requires to maintain a good relationship with the workers (Anwar and Hasnu 2013).
The leadership model that is practiced is seeking to achieve a better future that will help the followers to take a positive view of the future. The model is also seeking to achieve workable agreement. Conflicts are inevitable as well as healthy and it is required in the case of subjugated groups. It is important to deal with both external as well as internal conflict. In order to build a personal leadership, the leadership requires taking into account the requirement for reciprocally practical agreements. If the level of trust is high, divisiveness as well as divergence is easier to heal. It is necessary to inspire as well as create motivation out of thin air. To become more effective it is important to tap the motives that in turn will serve the objectives of communal action in pursuit of noteworthy shared goals (Westerlaken and Woods 2013).
Setting and Envisioning Goals
In recent scenario, the successful organization makes the use of transformational leadership that is completely different from the above-mentioned style of leadership model. Transformational leadership is mainly a style where the leaders work in order to subordinate the change. The leadership that is used is completely different as it creates high-performance workforce and has found various levels in the organization. This level includes teams, departments as well as division. Transformational leadership makes the use of thought management that will reveal a high level of job satisfaction (Avolio and Yammarino 2013).
Despite the fact that both the leaderships are effective to the organization, the leadership model that is used to develop the personal development is mainly a well-known approach. The vision for the present approach is critical, as the workers are more comfortable when they acknowledge the vision. In the present leadership, passion helps to sell the vision of the organization as well as its workers. However, the leadership that has been chosen includes external leaderships that approach regardless of the organizational culture. The leadership helps to recognize a culture that places strong consequence on collaboration as well as cooperation. On the other hand, the present leadership model indicates that their leaders are known for their individual charisma. This in turn, enables the workers to alter their roles as well as their performances (Beck and Cowan 2014).
From the personal point of view, it can be concluded that the leadership model that is used to develop the personal leadership style is more beneficial. The leadership model can be applied personally by focusing on the change of the present environment. I will be able to prioritize the work and methodically analyze the state of affairs before implementing a solution. I will be able to build organizational relationship by making the use of participating style. On the other hand, by making the use of delegating style I will be able to subordinate in order to take responsibility for the work in the organizational as well as to monitor the progress over time (Bartenschlag and Funk 2013).
It can be concluded that as per the requirements of an organization leadership changes and as a result, successful leaders are able to become supple. If the level of trust is high, divisiveness as well as divergence is easier to heal. It has also been concluded that in order to build a personal leadership, the leadership requires taking into account the requirement for reciprocally practical agreements.
Anwar, J. and Hasnu, S.A.F., 2013. Ideology, Purpose, Core Values and Leadership: How they influence the Vision of an Organization?. International Journal of Learning and Development, 3(3), pp.168-184.
Avolio, B.J. and Yammarino, F.J. eds., 2013. Transformational and charismatic leadership: The road ahead. Emerald Group Publishing.
Bartenschlag, A. and Funk, B., 2013. Enhancing leadership quality. Ohio: Battelle for kids.
Beck, D.E. and Cowan, C., 2014. Spiral dynamics: Mastering values, leadership and change. John Wiley & Sons.
Cameron, K.S., Quinn, R.E., DeGraff, J. and Thakor, A.V., 2014. Competing values leadership. Edward Elgar Publishing.
Giltinane, C.L., 2013. Leadership styles and theories. Nursing Standard,27(41), pp.35-39.
Goethals, G., Allison, S., Kramer, R. and Messick, D. eds., 2014.Conceptions of leadership: Enduring ideas and emerging insights. Springer.
McCleskey, J.A., 2014. Situational, transformational, and transactional leadership and leadership development. Journal of Business Studies Quarterly, 5(4), p.117.
Oreg, S. and Berson, Y., 2015. Personality and Charismatic Leadership in Context: The Moderating Role of Situational Stress. Personnel Psychology,68(1), pp.49-77.
Westerlaken, K.M. and Woods, P.R., 2013. The relationship between psychopathy and the Full Range Leadership Model. Personality and individual differences, 54(1), pp.41-46.