Comparative Social Responsibility And Business Ethics Management: A Case Study Of New Belgium Brewing Company

Environmental issues and strategic approach towards sustainability for NBB

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Maintaining corporate social responsibility (CSR) in the proper way is the main concern for any business organization nowadays, where the management and the administration should be cautious about the healthy productivity and public welfare of the company (Lindgreen and Swaen, 2010). This report gives emphasis on a beverage company’s [New Belgium Brewing Company (NBB)] CSR, which is situated in the United States. The company produces beverage products, and the brand maintains appropriate fermentation procedure for their beer production. Here, the CSR has been described in the perspective of employee concerns, social concerns, environmental concerns of the company and the core belief of the company has been elaborated for their growing demand in the business market. The case study also depicts the future prospect of the company towards a sustainable development into the global market. The blending procedures and the equipment used by the company, which shows the methodical approach of the production and the external factors related to the business environment discuss the procedural approach needed for the company.

Environmental issues to be addressed

As conspicuous from the given case study, New Belgium Brewing Company intended in addressing some of the issues related to the environmental (Schneider and Schmidpeter, 2012). It indicates their utmost level of commitment in creating the eco-friendly business environment as a part of their corporate social responsibility. It has already been included in the New Belgium Brewing Company’s a set of philosophy as one of the core values. As being evident in the case study, there are three domains of the environment in which New Belgium Brewing Company took measures in showing commitment to addressing issues about the environment. They are:

  • Conservation of energy
  • Resorting to the act for keeping water resources clean
  • Reduction of waste products

New Belgium Brewing Company, as mentioned in its vision statement, has been committed to adopting strategic approaches in addressing the environmental issues (Attfield, 2014). Under the efficient leadership of Kim Jordan, the management of the company has taken several strategic approaches for dealing with the issues related to the environment. Since its inception, New Belgium Brewing Company has been showing commitment in the preservation of energy. For serving this noble purpose, the business enterprise resorted to the use of technologies. With the help of these technologies, New Belgium Brewing Company has been able to make efficient utilisation of smart grid. With the help of this smart grid, the organisations have been able to make the contribution in preserving power. It has been proved reliable in detecting the technical faults and enhancing the quality of the electrical power. In addition to that, New Belgium Brewing Company installed the photovoltaic system for making effective use of solar power. As averred by (Keller, 2010), use solar energy is preferred by most of the multi-national companies worldwide. New Belgium Brewing Company is no exception to it. It is preferred as it makes the effective contribution in preventing environmental problems from being caused to a great extent. Use of sun tubes can be held responsible for preserving the energy and it has been given preference by the New Belgium Brewing Company. The business organisation also used brew kettle as an important part of energy preservation strategy adopted by the business enterprise.

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Advantageous outcome of the Social responsibility taken by NBB

For preserving different sources of water, New Belgium Brewery Company resorted to different sorts of measures. As being conspicuous in the case study, the management of the organisations reported to the installation of the system. This system played the efficient role in arresting the flow of wastewater. Moreover, the serious thought was given by the management of the company in purifying contaminated water through extrication of the harmful element named methane from the sources of water (Thompson, 2010). A proper blending procedure has been followed over the year by the company, which has ensured the quality of the products. The New Belgium Brewing Company has been able in reinforcing the support for the cause of introducing rules and regulations pertaining to keeping the sources of water clean.

The New Belgium Brewing Company has been able to take active participation in the waste management. It has been done with the adoption and implementation of strategies pertaining to the process of transforming the waste into materials worth reusing (Rolston, 2012). The prominent business organisation New Belgium Brewing Company gave serious concern in accelerating the process of transformation by including some of the materials in it. They are boxes made of cardboard, staffs of the offices etc. Moreover, serious though are given by the management in encouraging the local peasants in accumulating and assembling cereals at the free of cost. The company has played a chief role on coaxing the members of the organisations in buying the products which are transformed. It also installed Process Water Treatment Plant  for managing the wastewater in an effective manner (Small, 2012).

The company also took participation for the causes of Business for Innovative Climate & Energy policy and Energy which is known as BICEP and Leadership in Energy and Environment Design for Existing Buildings which is known as LEED-EB. They are committed to the protection of environment and climate.

The New Belgium Brewing Company has every reason for adopting the measures. The main reason is that showing the utmost level of commitment in ensuring the safety of the environment and creating the eco-friendly environment for facilitating the success of the business in terms of ethics in business  and corporate social responsibility (Holton et al.  2010). Fixing equipment like sun tubes, brew kettle, smart grid, the photovoltaic system was given preference by the company as these things are the important role player in the process of conserving the sources of energy. In accordance with the given case study, the installation of the system for arresting the flow of waste and contaminated water has been able to make approximately fifteen percentage contribution in fulfilling the needs for energy. This gave them a major boost in preserving water sources which in turn reduces the extent of  dependency of the brewery factories on the local municipality bodies. Use of solar energy has been proved useful in preserving the sources of energy. The company was focused on the use of recycled products for reducing the intensity of the pollution in the climate (Sims and Gegez, 2010). It also intended to facilitate the growth of the agriculture and industry simultaneously with the effective use of recycled products. It will help in reducing the discharge of the carbon elements for ensuring sustainable environmental growth (Zikmund et al. 2013).  Joining environmental organisations and being part of the environmental related projects are the manifestations of the willingness of the New Belgium Brewing Company in preserving the environment and managing climate change.

The social responsibility issues are embedded in the core beliefs of the company, though it is producing beverage products but it should follow the health safety and security measures for the welfare of the society (Okpara and Idowu, 2013). NBB has a good product preparation strategy, they do not compromise with the quality of the product, which has created a huge demand in the marketplace and across the country, and the growing demand for the product proves the brand value of the company. Without the social responsibility, this could not be achieved because the company is covering almost the entire class of the society through its product. The company is also encouraging the society through its various social activities, which includes lots of charitable works to the several sections of the society. They are associated with the philanthropic investments towards the other corporate houses and it is organising some events for the society. They are also invested a lot for their distributors for a better supply chain management. The philanthropy committee of the company decides the donation procedures and the committee consist the owners, area leaders and employees (Strobel et al. 2015). This company is socially aware and try to boost the capacity of the non-profitable organisations, which proves that they want to grow with the others (Aguinis and Glavas, 2012). A report has shown that they invested approx 7 million dollars for the charitable cause. NBB is also donating one percent from their total revenue for the global cause and this shows the company is concerned for not only of its own territory but also for the sectors of the world. It has been observed that the company is giving lots of emphasis towards social works. The Kim Jordan’s vision and mission are heading the company towards a better future, where the organisational growth and social welfare will work together. This company also provides an online portal where the non-profit organisations can appeal for some donations and the grant commission of NBB inspects the justification of the appeal and according to that, they allocate the donation for the organisation. The company through their charitable work gives lots of emphasis on the water conservation, development of the transportation, improvement of the agricultural sector and the also plays a big part in spreading the environmental awareness among the youth of the country. The company is a coming forward over the years as an event sponsor, where the statistics are showing that it is supporting many events for the social cause for supporting various environmental and social issues.

The study about the New Belgium Brewing proves the company is not only concentrated on its moneymaking policy but also donating lots of money towards the social cause, which is helpful for the society especially for the non-profitable organisation. The company is making a good profit from the market and their product demand is also growing day by day, but they are concerned about the society within which they are doing their business and for that reason, the company is helping the other corporate houses to grow like them. The environmental and social concern of the company is bringing the company into a good position day by day, although there is a strong market competition with the other beer companies, but the polite approach towards the customers beginning from the labelling strategy to final delivery and the social welfare have enlightened the business ethics of the company. The strong values within the management and the democratic approach for creating a fund for donation are showing that the New Belgium Brewing is doing their business with humanity (Borkowski and Ugras, 2010). The following points summarise the steps taken by the company for social welfare and which are heading the company towards an advantageous position with respect to others.

  • The company is donating into philanthropic work, which shows the humanity of the organisation and this also advantageous for the company according to its internal and external benefits (Barnea and Rubin, 2010).
  • Charitable works help to build the public relations, create a good reputation about the company. It also helps to make a profit with the help of good brand promotions and public sentiments help to build a good image for the company.
  • Charitable giving also improves the engagement among the employees and it helps to set a good morale for the company (Bénabou and Tirole, 2010). The employee engagement delivers a better teamwork and that can result up to a better productivity.
  • The corporate philanthropy is also helpful for the business growth of the company, which helps to create a community or a target audience for a particular product (Werther Jr and Chandler, 2010). In addition, the tax deduction could be possible for the company through the segmentation of revenues into different funds for donation.
  • It also ensures the publicity of the company into a vast sector.
  • By sponsoring an event, the company can perform a good brand promotion across a vast sector and the advertisement of the event is also helpful for spreading the awareness of the brand through social media, television and newspaper (Gainer, 2010). The objective of the business also gets highlighted through proper brand promotion.
  • Investing into non-profitable organisations also shows a good business ethics of the company, which should be recognised by the society and it can give the successful outcome.

Those are also some important factors which determine the success of  NBB, and the article shows that the company is sponsoring as much as event possible for them. They are also getting awards for several philanthropic works, which is helpful for the future growth of the company.

This notion has become passe that just because the New Belgium Brewing Company markets alcohols along with tobaccos, it cannot be regarded as responsible business entities in terms of social norms (Zenk et al. 2014). The contribution of the business entity has been conspicuous from the case study when it comes to the matter of philanthropy and charity.  It has donated millions and millions of dollars to charity as well as for the welfare of the distressed people. Ever since it has been established, the New Belgium Brewing Company has not shown misery in showing their philanthropic attitude towards distressed people all around the globe. As per the referred case study, the amount of donation made by New Belgium Brewing Company exceeds seven million US dollar.The amount of donation is a scanty  part of the total sales which is an approximation of a percent (Wang and Qian, 2011). It has played the chief role in attracting a lot of people belonging to the local communities. Consequently, the brand value of the company increases amongst the minds of the local people.

The New Belgium Brewing Company laid the foundation of Philanthropy Committee for expanding their network of charitable and philanthropic activities. It has played a major contribution in involving local the people in the business process of the company. In addition to that, the New Belgium Brewing Company has made sincere efforts in facilitating the application for providing with an endowment. It is regarded as a business entity committed to preserving the balance of environmental factors (Carroll and Shabana, 2010). It also advocated the idea of facilitating the steady growth of the agricultural economy. In Colorado, where the company headquarters, it showed sincere support to many of the campaigns organised for the sake of protecting the balance of the environment. The company stretched out its hands in helping the people belonging to the local communities in every possible way. In this process, the company has involved almost all the stakeholders associated with the business. In this way, the organisation has been able to promote the concept of corporate social responsibility.

The New Belgium Brewing Company has increased its brand value by putting the focus on the organisation of different kinds of events (Horvat et al. 2014). It has been encouraging a number of non-profit organisations or NGOs so that they can make an effective contribution in minimising the level of risk factors of the environment. In this context, the name of the Tour De Fat can be mentioned. Through this, the New Belgium Brewing Company has helped many organisations which are non-profitable in nature in achieving their objectives in terms of environmental and social. The contribution of the New Belgium Brewing Company in developing the awareness regarding the creation of eco-friendly environment cannot be denied. It has been done successfully with the introduction of educational programs for youth of the society. It has also resorted to performing noble cause by helping homeless people through rehabilitation programs. Because of these philanthropic activities, the experts did not make any hesitation in including the company into the list of the best of fifteen little-sized business enterprises in accordance with the parameters set up by The Wall Street Journal. Apart from that, the New Belgium Brewing Company has received many of the awards for performing excellence when it comes to the matter of maintenance of ethics in a business environment (Du et al. 2010, p.12). Because of being able to resort to corporate social responsibility, the company has been able to create a brand image in the minds of its stakeholders internal and external alike.

Through the events like New Belgium Beer Dinners events, the company has been able to reach to people belonging to different strata of society. It has also played important role in addressing the issues related to the matter of abusive activities because of alcohol. For contributing to the social causes, the New Belgium Brewing Company has been praised by many of its customers. As a result of that, it has been able to increase the volume of sales (Karnani, 2010).

The New Belgium Brewing Company has also played important role in increasing the level of the employees’ satisfaction through the creation of an environment where business ethics speak the last word (Strobel et al. 2015). Birthday celebrations of all the members of the organizations are being conducted with great joy. Furthermore, the members of the are allowed to get free access in the workplace along with their siblings. They are also given important place in the matter of decision making adopted by the company.


Corporate social responsibility in the aspect of a beverage company, situated in the United States has been elaborated through a proper case study in this report. The report meets the points according to the business objectives taken by this company and the core beliefs, which ensures the better productivity and brand promotion of the company. NBB Company is following proper manufacturing technique for beer production and the business ethics is mainly the special concern of the company. The business focuses on the employees need, sustainable development and social responsibilities, which ensure the success of the organization. The report discusses in an argumentative way that how the working strategies have helped the organisation and what need to be focused more on a better future prospect. The company is simultaneously focusing on the environmental issues related to the product manufacturing. It discusses the environmental aspect that the company is trying to maintain through energy, water, and waste management. The company is also shaping the society towards a good future with the help of its philanthropic work.

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