Global Reasoning And Global Argument
Diagram of the argument
Discuss about the Global Reasoning and Global Argument.
The text deals with the global warming conference that came to be known as the 21st Conference of the Parties (“COP21”). The concerned parties belong to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change which is based in Bonn, Germany. The meeting of COP occurs annually to implement the decisions reached at in the Conference and to deal with the climatic issues (“UN Climate Change Conference Paris 2015”, 2016). The resolutions that the representatives of the different nations have taken in the Conference were mocked at. The chief reason behind such meetings is considered to benefit the political leaders from around the world. The concept of global warming has been exaggerated since the scientists have ensured that the threat to the earth with regards to global warming has minimized over the decade (as per the text). The frenzy of climatic change has been spread by the communists to wipe out capitalism.
The Paris conference for climate change was unsuccessful.
The developing nations are demanding for more money from the developed nations.
The developing nations think that they can control global warming.
The UN thinks that global warming is responsible for many things.
It is actually a ploy to impose taxation on common people.
The global warming is a deceit just like the Y2K bug.
Global warming has not posed a threat to the earth for the past 18 years.
The concept of climate change is just the conspiracy of the communists.
Only the politicians and not the scientists believe in global warming.
Proposals for countering climate change will cause economic collapse.
The very first line itself has brought home the line of attack regarding the global warming conference that took place in Paris. The developing nations, China and India, have claimed that they require adequate amount of money from the developed nations like US and UK to control the carbon footprint generated in their countries. It was claimed that China and India are the massive producers of carbon footprint whereas no mention is made of US which was a developed nation and also contributed generation of 40 percent of carbon emissions (“US and China to sign Paris climate deal in April”, 2016). Additionally, the developed nations were obliged to provide funds to the developing nations to help them adjust to the adverse effects of global warming (Gosden, 2015).
Strengths and Weaknesses of the arguments
The impacts of the global warming on weather, poverty level, drought and flood, violence, prostitution and alcoholism were dealt with. There is enough evidence which proves that global warming has lead to melting of glaciers and rise in ocean level (“Impacts of global warming and climate change”, 2016). As per the research paper by Hirabayashi et al. (2013), the warm climate leads to increase in floods “on a global scale”. The widespread drought can also occur as a result of either decrease in precipitation or increase in evaporation (Dai, 2013). Investigations also prove that climatic changes have led to natural disasters and which have caused the destruction of private possessions and livelihoods (Fay et al., 2015). The relationship between climate change and “intercommunal violence” is underway though there is an indication towards a limited connection.
It was also mentioned that the so called concern for global warming is actually a means of imposing taxation on common people. However, the claim was not substantiated through adequate proofs of such taxes. The writing also seemed to be obsessed with communism without actually proving his claims. The Y2K problem as propounded by Al Gore which states that in the year 2000, the computers will face a date issue which will affect all the computers was linked with the climate change (“Y2K and Al Gore”, 2016). However, this incident has been controversial as it attracted a lot of criticisms from leaders across the world. The connection between the two incidents is incorrect since the impact of the global warming can be felt all around the globe and can be addressed only with the help of all the nations unlike the computer glitch which can be re-engineered.
The threat to the eco system owing to the rising levels of greenhouse gases is now a well established fact (Grimm et al., 2013). On this way the investigations of several scientists of various nationalities were ignored but the issue was also subsequently connected with communism. The issue was connected with the concept of taxation which was believed to be the idea of communists (2.1). Through repeated criticism against communism, the preference was shown for a particular ideology but failed to prove his point. The opinion of the physicist Robert Laughlin in support of his argument was mentioned (“The American Scholar: What the Earth Knows – Robert B. Laughlin”, 2016). However, as mentioned in Premise 2, the opposite views of Laughlin have established that the impact of global warning can be reduced through prudent steps taken by every country. The Americans do not show any concern for the global warming. This fact was uttered in a way that shows concurrence with their view (as per the text). It is believed that the politicians are creating this fad and their view is unsupported by scientists. According to the text, the changes would cause a collapse in the world economy.
Analysis of the rhetoric
Figures were also mentioned who has not only spoken of the steps that should be taken to lower the impact of global warming, but she has also spoken of the destruction of capitalism (Figures, 2014). The disregard was shown for the argument presented by Figures saying that capitalism is the force that has actually helped in the alleviation of poverty though the regular perception says that capitalism is the reason behind poverty in the first place (Figures, 2014).
The above discussion is clearly indicating that the second and the third premises stated above are more linked with the argument made in the global warming conference than the first premise. The first premise is more linked with the reasons for which the global warming conference was unsuccessful. However, it cannot be said that the first premise is not linked with the argument. It has mentioned about the role played by the developing countries like, China and India, which was also mentioned in the conference. On the other side, in the second and third premises the main discussion is related to the issues of global warming. In these two premises the main focus has been made on the global warming and its reasons as well as effects, which were the main discussion in the global warming conference.
The language was used in such a way that brings out criticism of the global warming conference at Paris. In the very first line it is described the conference as having turned to “custard” which is an expression that is mostly used in New Zealand (as per the text). Light hearted, mocking tone has been used to prove the point that the concerns regarding global warming are baseless. The conclusion was reached at that the communists are spreading this information to wipe out capitalism from the world. The second paragraph talked in detail about the so called impacts of the global warning in different domains. The remarks are included along with each point to show contempt for the conference. The force of the comments is undeniable through his usage of strong sentences. In the course of the discussion, the data is collected from the satellite and also a scientist to prove that the global warming is an invention of the politicians. In an attempt to show disdain for the Australian government, Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull was targeted at by saying that he had “moral vanity” and then adds funnily that he also had “a warm overcoat” (as per the text). This is an excellent example of sarcasm since the Minister has attended a meeting for global warming whereas he was seen sporting a warm coat! New words like “greenies” and “greenmail” were made up to mock at the conventional phrase “go green” that is used to denote the slogan for conservationists. In the second half of the piece of writing, the tone undergoes a sudden transformation as figures and facts are quoted to show that the steps taken by the nations in the conference are actually misleading. The participant nations are called “eco freaks” and the preference for the ideology of capitalism has been shown as having helped in the elevation of the poor as opposed to communism though the public opinion has been otherwise. It is forcefully claimed that Australia should not support the nations in their campaign for a greener earth (as per the text). Instead the Prime Minister is suggested to return home to Australia and not waste any more money that is paid by the Australians. In short, the first and the last line of the piece is enough to show the overall tone of the writing.
The strong language was used to showcase the disapproval of the global warming issues that have caused serious concern among the nations. Various parts of the issues were put forward in the conference and then arguments are shown against those issues. The facts, however, are put forward which can be refuted in various ways. However, it is notable that the writing has been successful in putting the views across to the reader. In the first half of the text, the writing has been casual in the arguments presented and it reflected a jovial tone. As the writing proceeded, the tone also changed to a serious note and the facts and figures replaced the coined up terms. Finally, the text ended with a potent sentence saying that the Australia should not be a part of this world wide frenzy for global warming and climate change.
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