International Employment Relations
Importance of employee relations in the workplace
Discuss about the International Employment Relations.
Employee relationship is one of the used terms that has become highly utilized in the relatively present years for indicating a specific area of the subject matter. Prior to employee relationships, the most commonly used term was the industrial relationships, but with the gradual expansion of the business in the international context, the concept has achieved a different shape. Seifert (2015) has stated that employee relationships enable the managers of the global organizations to adopt a broader canvas as well as to include the non-union and union scenarios and relationships. Apart from that, it encompasses the non-dominant service sector that in several urbanized nations now employs more than 70% of the entire work force. Moreover, this change in the composition of the labor force likes as more women working and more part-time along with temporary and fixed-term contracts (Zukauskas & Vveinhardt, 2015).
If focus is shed on Australian and United States, it can be said that both these countries believe that it is highly significant that the employees share a healthy relationships with each other at the workplace. Therefore, it is required to find out why the employee relationships are significant in the workplace. It can be seen that there are numerous issues on which an individual cannot take a decision alone and thus needs guidance as well as advices. Apart from that, it can be stated that works become easy enough, if it is shared among all, as a healthy relationship with the fellow workers in the workplace tends to ease the work load and in turn increase the productivity. Shields et al., (2015) has stated that the organization becomes one of the favorite and happy places to work if the employees work together as a family. It can be seen that an individual tends to lose their focus as well as concentration if the mind is always clouded with all the necessary tensions and stress (Devonish, 2013).
Moreover, it can be stated that an individual feels motivated enough in the corporation of others whom the individual can trust and fall back on whenever required. Luo, Wieseke and Homburg (2012) have stated that a healthy relationship tends to reduce relationships the issue of absenteeism at the place of work. However, it is necessary to mention that it is wise enough to share a warm relationship with the fellow workers, as one need know when one need them (Morris, 2012).
Useful theories – systems theory, strategic choice theory and strategic management theory
Park (2015) has opined that there are several benefits of strong employment relationships and these have been mentioned here. It can be stated that strong employment relationships create a pleasant surroundings within the work atmosphere and this increases the employee motivation, which can be increased through enhanced employee morale. Creating the productive as well as pleasant work environment has a drastic effect on loyalty of the employees and this encourages a loyal workplace. It can be found out that when a working atmosphere is efficient enough as well as friendly; the extent of conflict within the workplace is condensed (Karami, Dolatabadi & Rajaeepour, 2013). It can often be observed that less conflict among the employee results in employees being able to concentrate on the works at hand and thus, they are more productive. Presslee, Vance and Webb (2013) in their research paper has explained that achieving enough strong relationship among the employees is helpful, as this provide the human resources of the organization with the proper image of success and ambition.
In order to explain the concept, focusing on the useful theories is highly significant and thus it has been explained here in details. At first, systems theory comes to the mind, as this is an alternative approach of understanding, managing as well as planning the organizations. From this theory, it can be found that this systems theory holds those specific works that are governed by a wide range of formal as well as informal rules and regulations that cover several things like recruitment and selection, holidays, performance, wages, office hours along with an innumerable of other details of the recruits of the association (Samnani & Singh, 2014). If the employees of a corporation are happy with all these above-mentioned components, they are expected to perform best in the organization. Sykes, Venkatesh and Johnson (2014) have stated that one of the significant aspects of this theory is that it conceives the industrial relation systems as self-adjusting towards equilibrium.
After discussing this theory, the next theory that automatically comes to the mind is the Strategic choice theory, as this theory picks up the concepts of system theory and advances this theory by accommodating several contemporary changes practiced in the industrial or employee relationships. Ji et al., (2012) have stated that contingency theory is an integral part of the system theory and this puts forth the premise that the ideal structure and form of any system depends on the dynamics of its internal sub-systems. Therefore, it can be stated that the organizational structure can have far reaching effects on the relationships of the company with their employees and this makes the contingency theory very much relevant to employee engagements (Kaufmann, 2013).
Employee reward system
After this theory, it is required to shed light on strategic management theory and this theory promotes a proper and systematic approach to the strategy formulation that is deeply rooted in the mission, vision and the objectives of the corporation. This theory helps in understanding the importance of the employee relations in the organization, as the organizations thrive to gain high success through high employee performance (Abdullah et al., 2014). However, it is required to mention that there is a clear set of statutory national employment standards that are applicable to the employees at every level and these are followed in both Australia and the United States.
- Maximum working hours per week is 38 plus reasonable additional hours
- A proper right to ask question and have considered as well as flexible working arrangements
- Annual leave, which is generally of four weeks
- Long service leaves
- Public holidays (Asim, 2013)
- Notice of termination of the employment
- Redundancy payment
- Provision of a “Fair Work Information Statement”
- Unpaid parental leave that includes maternity, paternity as well as adoption leaves
It can be seen that there are several ways to provide the employees with both formal and informal rewards along with recognition system. Initially, it can be seen that whenever the university funds get expanded for reading the employees other than the salary system, fringe benefits tax (FBT) are required to be taken into consideration. It can be seen that the financial services can advise on the FBT implications of such these events. However, there are some important informal recognition systems for the employees in both Australia and the United States (Jehanzeb & Bashir, 2013).
- In both the countries, they post a thank you note on the team member’s office doors
- Directors prefer to call the employee to thank him or her for the job that is well done
- In many cases, the employees make a thank you card by hand
- The company arranges lunch outings for the whole group, but most of the times everyone in the organization pays their own way event
- They share verbal accolades and focus on forwarding voice mail massages that compliment the works of the team (Yun, 2012)
- The human resources and the senior managers recognize an individual’s accomplishments in front of the peers
- The human resources asks the managers to attend the meeting with the well-performed employees during which the managers can sincerely thank that individuals and their contributions to the organization (Yun, 2012)
All the companies try to build a good relationship with the employees, so that they feel comfortable enough with the organization and provide their best efforts that would contribute to the highest organizational growth. However, there are some formal awards as well and these are followed in both Australia and the United States.
- They devise a peer nomination scheme and there the high performed employees are encouraged enough to nominate their peers for recognition
- Make a calendar for displaying and posting named the celebration calendar to motivate and encourage the employees
- Name a continuing recognition award after an outstanding employees
- Arrange movie tickets
- Inscribe favorite books as gifts
- Purchase favorite flowers or plants to the employees with proper message
- Provide some gift vouchers that can be used at the local departmental stores and this motivates the employees to perform best in the organizations
- Sometimes, the company paid subscription to a professional magazine or the newsletter
- Moreover, arranging a paid leave is one of the formal rewards that tends to encourage the employees in both these nations
However, it can be stated that focus is always given on positive employee relations and it can be found that employee reward systems have been around the decades in different parts of the globe. It can be seen that employee reward systems are essential, as this is helpful in retaining the top employees. Besides reward system, training of the employees is another major important theme that would be discussed here from both the business and workers perspectives. Jehanzeb and Bashir (2013) have stated that skilling the employees are good for the business and this is good for the workforce. It can be said that training can enhance the business performance along with profit and morale of the staffs. These advantages to the business take into account the followings:
- Training the employees help the organization to select what new skills the workplace can significantly gain that meets the operation of the business both in the present and future time
- Training the employees can significantly result in better customer service, better work safety practices as well as productivity enhancements
- Through training, the management team of the company demonstrates that they value the employees enough to invest in them. This enhances the loyalty and staff retention in the company as well. In turn, employee retention saves the company’s sustainability.
Training the employees is good for the workers as well and these have mentioned here in details as well:
- Through training, the employees acquire new skills after training and this tends to contribute to the business and helps in building self-esteem
- Trough training, the employees are up-skilled to do new as well as different tasks that keeps them motivated and enough fresh
- Because the employees are being trained on time, they see that they value them enough to invest in them. Yun (2012) has said that a good company is seen as one that retains rather than churns
Informal recognition system
Asim (2013) has opined that training the employees at present is a vital piece that largely determines where the company would be successful in the long-run or not. It can be seen that the companies in the United States think training as an investment in the future for the business. If they are trained properly and perform in a way that grows the business, ultimately they would also be successful. In the United States, technical training is highly important that means to teach the employees with the new technological innovations for enhancing the employee performance. Quality training is the other major training type used largely in the United States and this refers to familiarizing employees with the means of preventing, detecting as well as eliminating all the non-quality items. On the other hand to The United States, in Australia, the companies focus on skills training, professional training along with the legal trainings (Sykes, Venkatesh & Johnson, 2014).
Kaufmann (2013) has said that team training is another important training that are provided to the students for enhancing their performance, so that they keep close track with all the workplace innovations. Based on the nature of the job, the employees are provided safety training like eye safety, first aid, food service safety, hearing safety, asbestos, hazmat safety, construction safety and some more. At the end, it can be stated that employment is contractual at its base and this applies to an employee functioning under a collective industrial agreement as much as for the staffs or the responsible senior manager.
Abdullah, N. H., Ping, L. L., Wahab, E., & Shamsuddin, A. (2014, September). Perception on training and employee innovativeness: An evidence from small firms. In Management of Innovation and Technology (ICMIT), 2014 IEEE International Conference on (pp. 76-80). IEEE.
Asim, M. (2013). Impact of Motivation on Employee Performance with effect of training: Specific to Education Sector of Pakistan. International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, 3(9), 1-9.
Devonish, D. (2013). Workplace bullying, employee performance and behaviors: The mediating role of psychological well-being. Employee Relations, 35(6), 630-647.
Jehanzeb, K., & Bashir, N. A. (2013). Training and development program and its benefits to employee and organization: A conceptual study. European Journal of Business and Management, 5(2).
Ji, L., Huang, J., Liu, Z., Zhu, H., & Cai, Z. (2012). The effects of employee training on the relationship between environmental attitude and firms’ performance in sustainable development. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 23(14), 2995-3008.
Karami, A., Dolatabadi, H. R., & Rajaeepour, S. (2013). Analyzing the effectiveness of reward management system on employee performance through the mediating role of employee motivation case study: Isfahan Regional Electric Company. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 3(9), 327.
Kaufmann, A. (2013). Analyzing the role of employee training tools in the journey towards more sustainable companies’ Sustainable and trainable!?.
Luo, X., Wieseke, J., & Homburg, C. (2012). Incentivizing CEOs to build customer-and employee-firm relations for higher customer satisfaction and firm value. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 40(6), 745-758.
Morris, T. (2012). Innovations in banking: business strategies and employee relations (Vol. 22). Routledge.
Park, R. (2015). Employee participation and outcomes: organizational strategy does matter. Employee Relations, 37(5), 604-622.
Presslee, A., Vance, T. W., & Webb, R. A. (2013). The effects of reward type on employee goal setting, goal commitment, and performance. The Accounting Review, 88(5), 1805-1831.
Samnani, A. K., & Singh, P. (2014). Performance-enhancing compensation practices and employee productivity: The role of workplace bullying. Human Resource Management Review, 24(1), 5-16.
Seifert, R. (2015). Big bangs and cold wars: The British industrial relations tradition after Donovan (1965-2015). Employee Relations, 37(6), 746-760.
Shields, J., Brown, M., Kaine, S., Dolle-Samuel, C., North-Samardzic, A., McLean, P., … & Plimmer, G. (2015). Managing Employee Performance & Reward: Concepts, Practices, Strategies. Cambridge University Press.
Sykes, T. A., Venkatesh, V., & Johnson, J. L. (2014). Enterprise System Implementation and Employee Job Performance: Understanding the Role of Advice Networks. Mis Quarterly, 38(1), 51-72.
Yun, S. (2012, May). Study on Systematic Employee Training Procedure Based on Needs Assessment. In Proceedings of the 2012 3rd International Conference on E-Business and E-Government-Volume 02 (pp. 1210-1213). IEEE Computer Society.
Zukauskas, P., & Vveinhardt, J. (2015). Diagnosis of mobbing as discrimination in employee relations. Engineering Economics, 64(4).