Marketing Plan For Ronald McDonald House Charities In Australia

Introduction of Nature of Service and Need for Marketing

Discuss about the Marketing Plan of Ronald McDonald House Charities.

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The aim of this report is to create a marketing plan for the non-profit organisation Ronald McDonald House Charities operating in Australia. This organisation has presence in my countries. It works for wellbeing of the children and for other social welfare (, 2016). This organisation wants to expand its area of activities in the underserved area of Australia. Marketing plan may help the organisation to create awareness among the target audience. Hence, the report presents an outline of the marketing plan that would be effective for Ronald McDonald House Charities. The marketing plan involves analysis of marketing channels, marketing tools and budget outline.

Ronald McDonald House Charities is a non-profit organisation, which provides support and service in order to improve health and wellbeing of children. This organisation provides a place to stay the families with hospitalised children. Marketing plan is required for this institution to create awareness among people to avail services (Terpstra, Foley & Sarathy, 2012). The organisation can make collaboration with key partners to facilitate the services. Along with these, marketing plan helps to segment market for different types of customers. Market segmentation is required to improve service quality (Lefebvre, 2013).

Ronald McDonald House Charities operates as a non-profit organisation in the field of health care, charity and social welfare. Government funds and grants are the main source of income of this organisation. This organisation provides welfare services to the people. In order to extend the area of service at the time of natural disaster, the organisation wants to organise a campaign. Demand for services of NGOs is increasing worldwide due to their diversified activities (Watkins, Swidler & Hannan, 2012). Macro economic variables such demand for services, government tax regulations, revenue from investment, and availability of donors affect the activities of the organisation.

Marketing goal of this organisation is to reach service to the underserved area of Australia. Natural disaster affects the family and especially children. The vision of Ronald McDonald House Charities is to provide service to the low-income family who cannot avail proper health care services in the large health care institutions (Rogers & Davidson, 2015). Target audiences of this organisation are consumers, donors and potential volunteers. It is required to reach information about programmes and services to the target consumers as without social awareness programme cannot be successful. Marketing is required to aware the consumers about the process of engaging with the organisation (Ayub et al., 2013). Marketing plan needs to reach the potential donors to make them aware about organisational goal, special events and fund raising programmes. Organising events requires volunteers, who help to organise the events on behalf of Ronald McDonald House Charities.

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Marketing Plan

Effective marketing channel for the organisation would be organisational website and social media. In the present marketing environment, easy way to reach people is through digital media (Powers, 2014). Social media such as Face book, blogs, Twitter are effective media to reach most of the people. Ronald McDonald House Charities can use the method of paid advertising through print or online banner ads. Google Ad Words can be a medium (Osterwalder et al., 2014). This organisation can communicate with the stakeholders and prospective customers through newsletter, e-newsletter and direct mail. This charity organisation can organisation a special event in a target location in order to create awareness about their upcoming services (Kowalkowski et al., 2012). Brochures can be used as marketing channels.

Google Ad Grants: This tool facilitates online advertisement for marketing. This tool displays the massage of the organisation while searching. Google provides US$10,000 to the organisation in Ad Words per month if the organisation meets the Google’s Grantspro criteria (Lusch & Vargo, 2014).

Google Apps: Google Apps provide this app to the NGOs to use these at free of cost in order to meet the requirements. An extensive technical support in the form of Gmail, Google drive with 30 GB storage in the cloud and Google calendars is very helpful to execute marketing plan for the organisation (Berthon et al., 2012). Ronald McDonald House Charities has various learned skill activities, which helps the young aspirants to educate community and increase the chances of employment.

Content marketing: The scope of content marketing for NGOs is growing presently. Though uploading a video, which contains massage for society is helpful marketing tool for Ronald McDonald House Charities. YouTube Non Profit Program is useful media to provide this facility. Many facilities can be got through this program such as  free technical support along with the presentation of customisable profile with the logo and brand of the organisation on the YouTube (Armstrong et al., 2012).

Customer Value chain analysis is required in marketing plan to identify potential stakeholders (Kim et al., 2012). The statement of customer value proposition presents the benefits that the consumers are likely to get from the service of Ronald McDonald House Charities. The organisation tries to provide a homely environment to the sick children admitted in hospitals.

Figure 1: Customer value proposition

(Source: Kim et al., 2012)

The value proposition of Ronald McDonald House Charities includes above-mentioned dimensions. The functional value is that the service offered by the organisation is easy to use. Hospital environment is painful for the children. Therefore, this organisation wants to provide a comfortable environment to the children so that they can get medical facilities easily. If the service of this organisation can satisfy a customer, this customer may become loyal to the organisation (Osterwalder et al., 2014). Customer loyalty helps to inform more consumers, who need this kind of service in the remote area. The customers, who came to the city for availing hospital service to cure their children, may need this kind of services provided by Ronald McDonald House Charities. Spread of information is helpful in marketing. Information from the mouth of a customer is more valuable in marketing compared to any other marketing tools (Kowalkowski et al., 2012). The service offered by Ronald McDonald House Charities has financial implications. It provides financial advantage to the people having need of services. The activity of this organisation has social value. 

Analysis of Macroeconomic Environment

In order to create customer value proposition, emphasizing some strategies are required. Firstly, emphasis needs to be given on the benefits availed by the customers. Secondly, emphasis needs to be given to the unique difference of the service compared to the competitors (Armstrong et al., 2012).

The budget time includes the allocated resource and required money to finance the expenditure. Budget time includes both cash inflow and outflow.

Activities of expenditure


Online advertisement


Recruitment of volunteers


Investment in training


Investment in brochures, logo and mailing




Total cost

= $33500

Table 1: Expenditure on marketing

(Source: created by author)

Fund raising


Government grant


Donation of other institutions


Total fund flow


Table 2: Cash inflow

(Sources: created by author)

Both the table shows fund inflow and fund outflow in marketing.

The marketing strategy for the charity organisation needs to be simple but attractive. It requires to state value proposition in a simplistic manner. There is significant number of not-for-profit organisations in Australia. Expansion of operation in this industry requires increase in activities. Effectiveness of marketing Plan depends upon skilled workers. The company needs to have a professional marketing planner and marketing manager. The marketing team needs to be technically efficient to implement the marketing plan. Technical skill is required to execute the online or App based marketing plan. Collaboration with more organisations both at national and international level would increase the scope of marketing.


The report presents a brief marketing plan for Ronald McDonald House Charities. This non-profit organisation has Nobel activity in different country in the field of health care and other social welfare. This organisation wants to reach services to the underprivileged family. This organisation provides room and other homely services to the family, who goes hospital for the treatment of their children. This service reduces the stress of the child and the family by providing a comfortable environment. Expansion of service area requires a marketing plan so that the organisation can reach most of the people in the territory. The report includes a plan to identify target audience, volunteers and the fundraisers. Marketing helps to strengthen the engage of the stakeholders more with the organisation. A budget has been provided to get an idea about the cash inflow and outflow in and out of the organisation.


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