Leading And Managing People For Great Leadership Entails
Objectives and Application
Describe about the Leading and Managing People for Great Leadership Entails.
Great leadership entails some principals that cut across all leaders. Great leaders know the importance of values, morals, characteristics, and the way to empower those who they led (Day & Antonakis, 2012). In this essay, I will formulate a leadership model that will incorporate teamwork, ethics, and leadership management. Teamwork refers to the ability of a leader to help his employee work as one unit to achieve more than they can achieve on an individual level. Ethics in leadership helps the leaders and the employees to understand what is required of them by the company policy and other laws used to formulate the code of ethics. Management incorporates aspect of planning, organization, and coordination in the leadership model.
In such a time of change and innovation, my leadership model involves flexibility to allow me lead even during a crisis or messy times (Daft, 2012). The model strives to create an environment that is inviting, warm, and nurturing. In the book, Leading in a Culture of Change, Michael Fullen states that great leaders “foster leadership in others, thereby making them dispensable in the long run.” I want a leader producer or a leader of leaders.
In the management world, leaders are faced with many challenges. I concur with García-Morales, Jiménez-Barrionuevo & Gutiérrez-Gutiérrez (2012), that as a leader it is important to learn how to mobilize individuals so that they know how to tackle tough issues. Leadership is not all about creating solutions but helping others learn how to indentify issues and mobilize them to address such problems. As a leader, I need to discuss the convergence of skills and ideas that would be effective to the leadership model. One leader cannot be effective in management role alone, every team member need to converge their efforts to help in identifying problems and finding solutions (Von Krogh, Nonaka & Rechsteiner, 2012).
Another important aspect that is considered in my leadership model is ethics and moral purpose. As a leader in the education sector, I want my team to understand the importance of ethics and the necessity of following these regulations for positive results. A leadership mole cannot be complete without relevant codes of ethics that provide guidance on the application of the leadership model. I want my followers to understand these codes and follow them; failure to respect the ethics would lead to dare consequences.
Skills, Traits, and Core Values
My leadership model has the ability to understand and adapt to change. In any work environment, change is inevitable (Offermann, Kennedy & Wirtz, 2014, p.50). The current organizational culture tend to forget that even the lowest level of employees have desires, wants, needs. My leadership model will give all employee or followers to learn how to be effective leaders. My model aspires to create leaders within the organisation. Management of change helps the employees to adjust accordingly and incorporate the required changes in their schedules and responsibilities (Burke, 2013). The world is changing and so is many industries, therefore, as leaders embracing change is important for effective management. My leadership model embraces an afflictive approach in order to incorporate ethics and moral purpose. I like the idea of employee working together and being on the same change.
Relationships are another area that I want to develop in my leadership model, as I would want to constantly develop and work on this area. There are people who are negative and cynics in the work environment. It is important to move beyond such individuals and work to help them learn the importance of being positive even in uncertain situations.
According to Marion & Gonzales (2013), the skills, and traits identified to correlate with my leadership model are determination, self-confidence, intelligence, and sociability. The results from the Strength Deployment inventory and the Myers-Briggs Type inventory assessment are important to my leadership model because they provide insight into my leadership potential, behavioral tendencies and personality traits. The core values that would be incorporated in my leadership model are trust, enthusiasm, passion, integrity, temperament, innovation, and humility.
Perceptual ability, strong verbal ability, and reasoning make an individual a better leader (Parris & Peachey, 2013, p. 375). Based on this supposition, my outcomes on the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale third edition indicate that I have strong leadership potential. My verbal ability, which is a measure of vernal reasoning, measure of acquired information, and understanding of the verbal knowledge, is superior and above ninety-five percent of my peers. My verbal comprehension indices which is a measure of the verbal acquitted information, ability to comprehend and understand verbal presentation and verbal reasoning, exceeds ninety-six percent of my peers. In terms of reasoning and perceptual ability, mu perceptual organization range, which is a measure of spatial reasoning, fluid reasoning, visual motor integration, and attentiveness to details, exceeds that of seventy-three percent of my peers.
Beyond the intelligence examination, my academic history indicates my high achievements. My intelligence helps me approach crisis, conflicts, new tasks, and challenges with the ability to reason, perceive, and conceptualism. My verbal abilities help me express myself clearly in spoken and written words. A leader needs the ability to speak with conviction, select his or her words wisely, and work through situations with a clear reasoning mode that is critical to his or her efficacy.
Self-confidence refers to a person’s ability to be certain about his or her skills and competencies. Self-confidence includes aspect of self-assurance, self-esteem and the belief that a person can make a difference (Harris et al., 2013). Self-confidence is critical to any leadership style because it allow the leader to feel that their attempt to influence their followers is right and appropriate. Assurance and confidence are developed through time and experience. Because of my responsibilities and experience as an employee and student, I have begun to acknowledge my leadership potential.
With that in mind, I have struggled to have confidence especially at school and workplace. However, when I look back at my school life and work duties, I can confidentially say that I have made significant difference because I have inspired some of my colleagues and classmates. As a student leader, I questioned my influence and efforts, but later gained perspective on how to accomplish what I thought could help many people and to achieve a sense of self-assurance and success in my job.
According to Yukl (2012), determination refers to the desire to have a task done through persistence, initiative, drive, and dominance. A person who is focused and determined to complete or achieve some goals tend to be a good leader. Determination helps the leader to persevere in facing obstacles in their line of duty.
That said, I have always viewed myself as a worker be or someone who is always ready to dive into responsibilities and achieve them through consistency and work methodologies. I also believe that my academic history indicate that I am a high achiever hence I am determined to succeed in whatever I decide to do.
Integrity comprises qualities of loyalty, honesty, reliability, and trustworthiness. A man who has integrity follows a strong set of core values and principles, inspires confidence among those who follow him and take responsibility for his actions (Morrison, 2012). For a large part of life, I have been an employee, student, or both at the same time. At school and workplace, I have a strong sense of mission, core values, and purpose.
One of the most interesting leadership theories that I have learnt so far and best relate to my leadership model is path goal and situational theories. I find these theories complementary and I believe that many people are driven and motivated by goals in their professional and personal lives. Given my strength of being interested in people’s needs and want, and also being compassionate, my desire to assist others to achieve self-satisfaction and value their path goals to leadership.
In summary, path goal theory explains to leaders how they can assist their subordinates along their way of achieving and realizing their goals by choosing specific behaviors that are suited to meet their wants and needs (Lussier & Achua, 2015). A path goal manager assists employees to set and define goals, remove obstacles along the way, clarify their goal paths, and provide support along the path to goals fulfillment. Situational leadership focuses on the flexibility of the leader to assist the employees to find out their needs and adapt a leadership style that will help them achieve such needs. The theory reminds leaders to treat each of their followers differently based on the tasks and seek opportunities that subordinate their new traits and skills and become confident in their responsibilities.
I believe that as a successful leader I need to be high task and relationship orientated. I need to keep my eyes in the price and have a desire to help my followers achieve their wants, needs and have a feeling of belongingness.
My leadership journey has begun, and my potential have been accessed and discovered but not fully realized. As a student, I have learnt how be confident in my ability to be leader and has persuaded me to work on my weaknesses. I desire to cultivate skills, knowledge, and disposition to maintain and develop effective leadership skills. I seek to explore several leadership models, theories, and styles to analyze, and learn how to identify and address organizational issues and cultures. Moreover, I want to know how to improve my communication skills to be in a better position to solve problems, lead as an example and empower those around me. Shaped and based on education, experience, skills, personality, traits, my philosophy, and my constitution of leadership model will be representative and organisation of the confidence of the emotional spirit and learned mind.
Reference List
Burke, W.W., 2013. Organization change: Theory and practice. Sage Publications.
Daft, R., 2012. Organization theory and design. Nelson Education.
Day, D.V. and Antonakis, J., 2012. The nature of leadership. Sage.
García-Morales, V.J., Jiménez-Barrionuevo, M.M. and Gutiérrez-Gutiérrez, L., 2012. Transformational leadership influence on organizational performance through organizational learning and innovation. Journal of Business Research, 65(7), pp.1040-1050.
Harris, A., Day, C., Hopkins, D., Hadfield, M., Hargreaves, A. and Chapman, C., 2013. Effective leadership for school improvement. Routledge.
Lussier, R.N. and Achua, C.F., 2015. Leadership: Theory, application, & skill development. Nelson Education.
Marion, R. and Gonzales, L.D., 2013. Leadership in education: Organizational theory for the practitioner. Waveland Press.
Morrison, K., 2012. School leadership and complexity theory. Routledge.
Offermann, L.R., Kennedy, J.K. and Wirtz, P.W., 2014. Implicit leadership theories: Content, structure, and generalizability. The Leadership Quarterly,5(1), pp.43-58.
Parris, D.L. and Peachey, J.W., 2013. A systematic literature review of servant leadership theory in organizational contexts. Journal of business ethics, 113(3), pp.377-393.
Von Krogh, G., Nonaka, I. and Rechsteiner, L., 2012. Leadership in organizational knowledge creation: a review and framework. Journal of Management Studies, 49(1), pp.240-277.
Yukl, G., 2012. Effective leadership behavior: What we know and what questions need more attention. The Academy of Management Perspectives,26(4), pp.66-85.