Leadership Of Change For Typologies Of Leadership

Position based leadership

Describe about the Leadership of Change for Typologies of Leadership.

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1. The four typology explained in the book of Grint is very useful in defining leadership. Leadership can be defined as position based, person based, result based and process based leadership. Examples of the four typologies of leadership will be reflected in this part.

Position based leadership: According to me, this type of leadership is defined as the responsibility of a person who is present in a higher hierarchy in an organization. The leader will be engaged in some activities that portrays leadership in charge. This type of leadership is developed according to the dimension of position. I feel that this leadership is developed both formally and informally and in horizontally or vertically constituted way. It is characterized by centralization of power and resources. CEO of a company is considered as best example of position based leadership (Head & Alford, 2015). For instance, Marks Zuckerberg, CEO and founder of Facebook is recognizes as apposition based leader.

Person based leadership: This type of leadership describes the character of a person in the particular style. I think that person based leadership defines the nature of the person. The character and nature of a person have a significant impact on the style of leadership. I have seen that the great leaders across the world have their own charismatic style of leadership. For instance, Steve Jobs, CEO of Apple has his own leadership style that is not described by implementation of a single theory (Heikka et al., 2013).

Result based leadership: It focuses on the activities of a leader i.e. the capability of a leader in translating a vision into reality. According to me result based leaders are effective in terms of works and their functionality in managing a team. Many leaders are result oriented in their own field of operations. Herb Kelleher is recognized as one of the most famous result based leader. He has immense contribution in the development of Southwest Airlines in earning a high reputation in the market.

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Process based leadership: This form of leadership illustrates the relationship between the leader and the form of practice. The activities of the leader matters a lot in this case. A process-based leader is one who has his own influence in leading a team along with other individuals. It will help them in achieving goals. For instance, leaders of Boeing are recognized as process based leaders (Cardno & Youngs, 2013).

2. The concept of leadership is related with various dimensions. There are many theories and elements of leadership that explains different styles of leadership. I have seen instances of many leaders that have faced many difficulties in their field of work. It is the talent of the leader to tackle the situation in a tactful and smart way. Global organizations like Google, 3M, Microsoft, Coca Cola, Mc Donald’s, Southwest Airlines, etc. practice leadership in their organizations. There are many scopes of an organization if they have ample leaders in their organizations. Leaders are not only developed at senior levels but also developed in junior and mid-level management. In fact, successful organizations have leaders in different level of management. There are different types of leadership that are practiced among different renowned leaders of the world (Christensen et al., 2014). The most popular styles are transformational, democratic, autocratic, participative, laissez-faire, situational, servant, transactional leadership. The leaders of different multinational companies are found to practice their style of leadership in order to improve the performance of the team. People associated with an organization have their level of expectations. It is the responsibility of the organization to look after their employees. Employees are considered as assets to the company. Strategic management department of organizations are responsible for formulating various strategies regarding different issues of the enterprise.

Person based leadership

The quotation that is mentioned regarding leadership distinguishes different types of leadership is related to the ability to understand people about their queries and task delegations. It is argued that the leaders who speak more words are found to be more popular among its subordinates. On the contrary, the executives who speak less are not considered as good leader among the organization. The team members and the employees of the organization have the power to select their leader in their department (Stahl et al., 2013). There are different renowned leaders that are known for their convincing power that helps in breaking the resistance of the employees who are not supporting the change in the company.

The human nature sees negative in every outlook at first. Most of the human beings are worried about the ill effects of a situation. The leaders have the responsibility to remove the negativity among the minds of the employees. It requires extensive conversation between the team members and the supervisors. There will be confusion in the minds of the people regarding a single topic. Hence, problem will arise in these situations. Lack of cooperation with the executives and the other members will result too many problems. If the leader is not cooperative with the followers and subordinates, then the problem faced within the team will not be solved. Team members will not be able to ask their query about the problems faced by them (Kennedy et al., 2013). The leaders must talk to the subordinates and followers. More communication will help in solving more issues. The leadership issues are due to the snappy and short answers from the leaders. They think that this is a smart act. However, in the organizational level it is not at all a smart work.

3. Leadership has different elements such as mindset, knowledge, performance, service, growth and wisdom. Based on the elements of leadership, the definition of leadership cannot be defined using a single theory. The mindset of the leaders determines the way of responding and interpreting a situation. Performance is related to the activities of a leader. Knowledge is a vital aspect that helps a leader to grow his skills and team as a whole. Authority flows from a people who have knowledge. Personal development leads to growth of leadership. The vital approach of leadership is to grow the subordinates along with the leader (Jarvis et al., 2013).

4. It is seen that national culture or organizational culture has significant impact on the dynamics of leadership. Many points are illustrated through the cultural issues of leadership in New Zealand such as power, culture, resistance, unintended consequences, monocultures, etc. The descriptive case will be based on an actual situation based on an incident. The situation is faced by the managing director of HR Shop in the field of leadership. Samantha Gadd is the managing director of HR Shop who is facing the issue in the field of leadership. It is seen that the challenges of leadership are found in global companies that are scattered in many countries of the world (Khan et al., 2013). It is now considered as top of the challenges that global leaders are facing.

Result based leadership

Companies like Deloitte, PWC have conducted market research on many countries of the world regarding the leadership issues. The research report suggested that 90% of the business leaders have witnessed that their businesses and companies. The research of Deloitte reported that they have surveyed over 7000 business leaders and human resource managers across 130 countries of the world. Organizations of New Zealand have stated that leadership problems are the second biggest problem that is facing by them at organizational level. Samantha Gadd confesses that leadership issues are the daily issues in the organization. The shared value of leadership is the main problem the organization is facing in its strategic level (Nica, 2013).

The organizational culture is an issue that the leaders and the employees are facing in terms of shared leadership. The leadership dynamics of the senior management of the company is affected by the lack of communication. The managing director of the company itself finds problem in the leadership style practiced by other contemporary leaders that are present in the company. Organizational culture is a vital aspect that is practiced by every organization at the strategic level. It is the responsibility of every employee of the enterprise to have a clear understanding of the organizational culture. Culture is very important for understanding the nature of the business of the company. It will help in increased performance of the company. Due to lack of communication between the supervisors and team members, team performers are not able to gain a perfect understanding of the leadership style (Thorn, 2012). In many circumstances, the leaders have a lack of understanding of organizational culture.

Power has a vital role in defining leadership. Samantha in her own business used collaborative leadership style. According to her, she is up skilling her competencies of leadership. The workers of the company have a problem with their CEO due to lack of communication. Lack of interactions with the employees is the reason of failure in leadership. Samantha in this situation lacks the power of maintaining the employees of her organization (Henderson et al., 2015).

Employees do not adopt the changes that she wanted to bring in the company. Resistance has worked in the mind of the employees. They are familiar with the old process of their working style. Some of the employees are not confident enough to accept new changes in their working procedure. This situation is really a tough situation for the CEO of the company. It is also due to lack of power in controlling the employees. From this situation, it is evident that the other supervisors or the executives of the company are not competent enough to manage their respective teams in a proper way. If the management is proper, then there will not be any problem in leadership dynamics by the company (Lee et al., 2013).

Process based leadership

It leads to misunderstanding among the team players and the supervisors. The consequences of this incident are not good. The CEO of the company is not expecting these consequences. The ill consequences results in decreased and ill productivity. These consequences can be proved fatal if they continue for a longer span of time. Encouraging monoculture is another cross-cultural issue that the company is practicing. It is an ill practice of leadership. Monoculture is not an updated form of practice in organization. In this scenario, people of diverse cultural background will face problem in mixing with the people that belongs from New Zealand. This is the reason of emerging the leadership issues in the company HR Shop in New Zealand (Van Wart, 2013).

5. The leadership dynamics all over the world is a vital topic of discussion. It has various forms. Leaders and organizations in the competitive business world have utilized the skills and competencies of leadership in order to develop employees as well as profitability of the company. The above problem faced by the managing director of the company HR Shop is a problem related to collaborative leadership issues. However, if the scenario is viewed from the perspective of the MD of the company, then the initiative taken by her is not wrong (Hogg et al., 2012). Issues of leadership emerge due to change of thinking procedure of employees. It is seen that, the company has now solved the issue and is listed as one of the top 50 fastest growing companies of New Zealand. Deloitte publishes the research report. The list of problems can be in the field of knowledge sharing, strategic planning, emotional intelligence, listening and change management. These issues are linked with the power, culture, resistance, and monoculture. Many organizations are facing problems in their strategic level. It is not a common problem in the organizations of New Zealand. The situation is a temporary problem that can be solved by taking few steps related to the problem (Johnson, 2013).

The style of leadership that is previously followed in the organization is a type of autocratic leadership style. In modern business world, one type of leadership does not serve the purpose of the existing problems of the employees in organizations. Leadership experts argued that the forms of leadership styles in enterprises must change according to the nature of the employees and the business trends. Change is the thing that is only constant thing helping in business to sustain this competitive business world (Marshall, 2013). Leadership is also positively related to change management. In the above case of the company of New Zealand, change management is not implemented properly. It is due to the leadership issues of the managing director of HR Shop. Communication problem or gap in communication leads to misunderstanding of the message that is conveyed by the managing director to the other employees (Weisband, 2013). However, it can be critically argued that the organization does not have a collaborative organization culture. The executives and the senior management do not have a transparent and clear communication between the junior employees. It is not a sign of an effective leader.

Apart from practicing autocratic leadership, it is suggested that situational and participative leadership could help in solving the problems. Participative leadership style includes all the people in the decision making process of the company. For instance, the marketing department of a company must entertain the proposals regarding different aspects of marketing activities. It would yield to best result, as they are the persons that are engaged with the frontline activities. Engagement with the customers leads to know the needs and demands of the customer in the market. The strategies are made for the benefit of the customers. However, the junior managers are responsible for interaction with the end level consumers of the goods the company is selling (Schalock & Verdugo, 2012). The participative leadership along with situational leadership will be the best suited form of leadership style that is suited to the HR Shop for solving the issue of failed collaborative leadership. there are many companies around the world that have their particular form of leadership but they change with the change in the business needs, Apple, Google, 3M, etc. are the companies that are known for their effective leadership in their organizational level (Hopkins et al., 2014). Leadership is required to be formulated with other concepts of HR such as change management, employee relations, etc.

National culture/organizational culture impact on the dynamics of leadership

Change management among these HR practices is the popular practice that are argued by many leadership experts around the world. Various forms of leadership are aligned with the processes of change management. Many organizations including HR Shop of New Zealand are implementing different approaches of change management but they are not getting the desired result (Storey, 2016). There is a varied difference between the results expected and the actual results of change management. It is due to the lack of customization of the process. Theoretical frameworks in maximum cases do not yield fruitful results. The situation and the circumstances of every organization are different. Hence, the degree of implementation is also different. Organizations must change the forms of the approaches and steps of the theories of leadership and change management.


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