Urbanism, Culture And City – A Study Of London

Urban Architecture

Describe about the Urbanism, Culture and City?

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In this modern and competitive world, it is very much important for each and every Government to increase or enhance the overall productivity or efficiency of each city so to grow the entire economy in all categories possible such as employment rate, technology advancement, etc. Also, to attract both tourists and individual all around the globe, every city must be comprised of a different monument and incredible parks based on various historical or special events. Thus, the following study would provide detail information about urban architecture, urban space, and urban design by taking London city as a base and would also frame a summarized conclusion towards the end of the study. As we all know that London is considered as one of the most powerful and beautiful city of United Kingdom, the following study would present the total strength and weakness of the same and define the overall concept of urban design. Also, since there are different perspectives towards urban architecture, urban design, and space each of such perspective would be taken into account with the help of supportive evidence and accurate statements. Moreover, different other points would also be presented which have been acquired by me after going through several online and offline sites or source of information. Moreover, the ultimate aim of this study is to draw the attention of all the leaders and that of an individual in the city towards the importance, requirement and fundamental acceptability of urbanism and why the same should be given appropriate priority at regular intervals. Thus, the following study would include all the parameters relevant to discuss the entire concept of urbanism of United Kingdom with the help of London city.

To define the urban architecture of United Kingdom by taking London city as a base, it is very much necessary to understand the actual definition, importance, and requirement of the same(Ellin, 2016). The overall concept of urban architecture defines the pattern of structuring towns, cities and villages of United Kingdom and is responsible for their respective position in this world. With the help of urban architecture, the overall classification of characteristics present in each and every city such as urban places, buildings, etc. is done or performed. Also by reviewing the urban structure of both modern and ancient times, one would be able to locate both positive and negative changes on the same. Thus, the following sub-heads would define the overall position of urban architecture of United Kingdom by defining the different characteristics of London in a productive way:

Historical overview of London

Historical overview of London:

It is not to be mentioned that London is considered as one of the most powerful and advanced cities of United Kingdom and are way ahead in many cities around the globe. However, it is even more important to define the areas which are considered as relevant to this successful advancement of this town. Elaborating more about the same, before determining the matters important for development, it is very much necessary to understand the basic overview of the city (Ellin, 2016). This city is considered as the capital, England, and the United Kingdom from more than 2000 years before. Also, it is considered as one of the most important financial and cultural capitals around the globe because of its expansion towards civil war, aerial bombardment, etc. Talking about the current situation of the city, and then the same is considered as one of the primary financial districts and also symbolizes a minor portion of the entire metropolis present in Greater London. Thus, the name of London is derived from Londinium, which was established as a commercial center in the first century in Roman Britain. Moreover, this city was founded by Brutus of Troy in 1000-1100 B.C(Forest, 2016).

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To define the overall concept of urbanism, it is very much necessary to determine the Georgian ear of the city as the same is considered as the first step which states the overall characteristics of people, a language of a country. Elaborating more about the same, Queen Victoria was the last Hanoverian of United Kingdom, which gives birth to the historical era of Victorian(Gandhi, 2012). The overall concept of Georgian period is distributed into many categories such as arts, social or religious, empire, etc. which is presented below:

The reason for the high or powerful personality of London city in the field of arts is the contribution from well-known writers such as Mary Shelley, Henry Fielding and Jane Austen, etc. The overall presentations of these authors were characterized by Robert Adam, John Nash architecture and were related to Gothic Revival Style. The authors of United Kingdom were very much efficient and productive towards Romantic Poets, such as William Wordsworth, William Blake and John Keats. Thus, from above one can easily understand the strength of United Kingdom towards producing useful arts in almost all the categories(Gosling and Maitland, 2014).

Social and Religious Change:

This category also holds very much importance towards shaping the entire urbanism of the country as it presents the actual relationship between social or religious change and overall development of the country. Elaborating more about the same, with the introduction of the industrial revolution which gives birth to the procedure of rising class divisions there were massive changes in the overall structure of the United Kingdom social and religious departments. Also, the rural areas were very much affected because of agricultural revolution when it comes to small communities and flexibility of people. Since there are two sides of a coin, even though a majority of this changes contributes towards the development of the country but at the same time gives birth to many social ills and issues which were finally characterized by qualified writers such as Hannah More, Thomas Coram, etc.(Irazábal, 2012). Thus, the overall structure of Georgian architecture of United Kingdom depends very much on this category and still needs development in many cities of it primarily in London. 

Georgian era of London


It is not to be mentioned that the total period of Georgian era can also be considered as the expansion of British movement throughout the world. In this period, a lot of war has been taken place including “Seven Years War’ which is also known as “Indian and French War,” American Revolutionary War, etc. The ultimate result of the enhancement of empire was totally related to explorers and statesmanlike Captain Cook, Clive of India, etc.

Thus, summarizing the comprehensive study of Georgian era of United Kingdom, one can readily understand the strength and weakness of the country such as arts and social ills. However, the position of London city is still better than many other cities with the same status and populations. However, the overall boundary of urban architecture still needs to be improved, and appropriate Government should take the responsibility of the same(King, 2015).



To present the critical perspective on urbanism, it is very much necessary to understand the requirement, importance and fundamental acceptability of the same. Urbanism defines the needs of a country which would increase the overall efficiency and productivity of the same. Through urbanism, each and every Government would be able to structure the towns, villages and cities of the country in an appropriate way and would also be able to increase or enhance the overall economy status. To describe the urbanism in a single word then, the same can be considered as development or improvement. Relating the same with our subject matter, and then the overall position of United Kingdom as far as urban planning and needs of societies are considered is much better and way ahead of many other countries running with the same population and with the same use of ingredients or technology (Parham, 2011).Through critical aspect, one would be able to know both positive and negative impact of the same.Following is the list of points on which key aspects have been derived from significant sources:

List of characteristics procedure of Life of various city occupants

Overall information of physical requirements of different urban societies present in city or country as a whole

Planning for city development, improvement and up gradation

Street Trade in Victorian times of London was not formal:

The above statement is considered as one of the most critical perspectives of urbanism as there was much evidence which shows that the street trades in Victorian times were informal or were not appropriate and thus declining the overall development and economy of the country. Since use and introduction of technology in Victorian times were very less, it is somewhere quite evident that the overall condition of a street would not be appropriate. However, it is the responsibility of the Government to take the responsibility within the appropriate time and fulfills all the requirements to gain the satisfaction of individuals. Now elaborating about the capital city of United Kingdom which is London, the condition were no different when compares to that of other cities comprises in the same country(Rockcastle, 2015). The overall impact of the same reduces the level of productivity and efficiency of London town and thus diminishes the entire level of urban architecture. Moreover, in Victorian times, this country use to run with human bridges and related merchandise for many years or decades.


Relationship between Victorian and Dharavi Slums:

To provide complete information about Victorian and Dharavi Slums, it is very much necessary to understand the actual meaning and effect of the same. Slums are considered as larger urban areas with informal management consisting of substandard housing and squalor. Relating the same with the current subject matter, following is the list of Victorian Slums which were present in many cities of United Kingdom including its capital city (Rockcastle, 2015).

Slums in East London:

The East London of United Kingdom is also characterized by Darkest London because of the presence of endless slums in this area. Following is the list of slums which are present towards the areas of east London:


This area is considered as a hub and located towards the Victorian east end. Even though the area was well maintained up to 17th century but from the beginning of 18th century the city started considered as overcrowded and crime infected.


This area was introduced by St. Mary’s Spittel and was inhabited by famous Huguenot but in the later part of 19th century, the same started considered as crime infected because of the introduction of Manchester textile factories (Samalavicius, 2013).

Bethnal Green:

Formerly this place comprised of small-scale manufacturing industries and working class people, but in the later part of the 19th century, this place started overcrowded and often filled with slums.

Apart from above three areas, there are many other fields present in the east London, which is comprised of vast slums such as “The old Nichol”, “Slum exploration literature” and ‘Slumming”. Also, not only in East London but the presence of slums is also located in many other parts of London such as “St. Giles and Clerkenwell”, “ Jacob’s Island”  etc(Scully, 2010).

Thus, from above one can easily understand that there are a lot of areas which still requires a huge amount of attention and interest from the Government and appropriate authorities of United Kingdom. All the areas present above can be considered as the loopholes in the overall structure of urban architecture and urban design.

Bethnal Green

Source: https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=empire&biw=1366&bih=667&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwi_r5OXi6nLAhVRCY4KHcSqDSEQ_AUICCgD#tbm=isch&q=structure+of+urban+architecture+and+urban+design&imgrc=inN3oFGIV5r6wM%3A

Dharavi Slums:

These slums are present inside many states of West Bengal and are commonly found in the state of Maharashtra and the city of Mumbai.Dharavi is a locality present in Mumbai and was started in the year 1882. The main reason behind the development and up gradation of this slum is the expansion or expulsion of many factories and residents by colonial Government. The primary cause behind including this while framing the urban architecture of United Kingdom is the relation of import and export between Maharashtra and many other countries of the world. Thus, it is the responsibility of the respective Governments to take the significant responsibility and avoid the economy issues coming in the form of export from many other Indian countries or cities (Scully, 2010).

Social and Religious Change

Image of the city:

Image of the city plays a very vital role while review the urban architecture of any country including the United Kingdom to calculate the real position of the city comprises in a country.The above heading is a book which was written by Kevin Lynch in 1960’s. This book addresses all the requirements such as places, buildings, monuments and is considered to be very precise while structuring the overall concept of urban architecture. With the help of this book, it would become very easy for the Governments to structure the city planning as it provides all the details of the urban environment. One of the most important points which were stated by Kevin Lynch in this book is the continuous alteration in urbanism which would ultimately change the entire prospectus of a country, and that of every city comprises in it (Talen, 2012). Moreover, the author also presented four main concepts for urban planning such as:


Definite Sensory Cues

Picture has to be perceived

Manipulated by planners of city

Talking about the current condition of United Kingdom, even though the Government and respected authorizers have paid attention towards the points indicated in this book while structuring the city planning there are many loopholes which still lots of care and improvement. Overall the performance is satisfactory but not great considering the status of other countries in the world.


Organic Cities:

To relate the same to the subject matter, it is very much necessary to understand the importance, requirement and fundamental acceptability of the same. The above term came to light in the later part of the 19th century where the development of cities started recognizing as principal cities. The primary objective of principal cities is to draw the attention towards the social realities and include the same while structuring the overall format of urban and city planning. Thus, relating the same to our current subject matter, the overall performance and position of the same are efficient enough to call the cities as organic and with less social ills (Trudeau, 2013). The government of United Kingdom is productive sufficiently to deal with the list of social realities and ensure healthy environment around the country. However, various slums towards the eastern side of London still need improvement and attention.

City of Flows:

As stated in the name, since flows stand for movement of anything from one place to another, cities of flows symbolizes the movement of people from one location to another due to urbanism related reasons. The higher the scores of flows, the lower will be the urban architecture of the country. Describing the same with our subject matter, individuals living in London are moving out of the city very frequently and thus becoming a major concern for the respective Government. To increase or enhance the overall economy of the country, it is very much important or rather necessary for the Government to understand the problems of individuals and lower down the city flow rate as early as possible (Trudeau, 2013).


City of Flows


City of Appropriation:

This is just the opposite of city of flows as appropriation stands for the loyalty of individuals towards the city and continuous development of the city and that of a country in several departments. It is not to be mentioned that the results are just opposite to that of a town of flows and working on the same would gradually increase the overall position of the country in this department as well (Talen, 2012). However, there are still many areas where the location of this city is quite attractive such as technologies, educational institutes, employment rate, etc.

Interventions in London Urban Places:

To describe the relevant interventions, it is very much necessary to understand the importance, requirement and fundamental meaning of the same. Urban Interventions is considered as a title which is diverted to many art practices mainly related to social community, public places, and robust built. Relating the same with the subject matter, there were many urban interventions in London in the field of art practices, public areas, scientific materials, etc. Thus, through this category, London city contributes towards the level of Urbanism of United Kingdom in a positive way (Talen, 2012).

Buildings in London:

As stated above as well, since London is counted under one of those cities which is very much advance when it comes to technology and advancements, it is quite evident that the buildings of this town are very precise and well built. The majority of the buildings present in this city is in perfect shape and adds attractiveness towards the country in a positive way. Moreover, both commercial and personal buildings in this town are built after considering all the points relevant to structuring and with proper use of technology (Scully, 2010).

Buildings in London


Future of city:

After considering all the above points and the overall performance of the city towards several departments, it is quite obvious that these cities has all the aspects of viewing as a capital, United Kingdom and fulfill a majority of the requirements related to urban planning, city planning, urban design and urban architecture. However, it is the responsibility of the Government to pay an appropriate amount of attention towards all the loopholes present in different departments such as social ills, increasing slums of East London, an impact of social and religious realities, etc. Also, it is the responsibility of the financial and non-financial ministers of the country to consider the issues or problems of individuals and dissolve the reason behind their movement from London to any other place rapidly (Sease, 2014).Thus, the future of this city is looking quite promising if properly care or maintained in the upcoming years by the leaders of the country.

Critical perspective on urbanism

Areas require attention:

Since the ultimate aim of this study is to draw the attention of leaders running the country and that of other related professionals towards the importance of implementing nice city and urban planning, it would become even easier for them just to check the areas their country lacks and improve the same. Thus, following is the list of areas which needs to be improved for better tomorrow of United Kingdom:

Presence of social ills

Huge Presence of Slums towards East London

Lack of structure on the basis of “image of city”

Negative impact of other country such as India while exporting or importing goods

Decreasing the Level of City of flows with adverse impact towards city of appropriation

However, it is the responsibility of the Government to pay equivalent amount of attention towards other departments as well to secure the level of urban architecture of the country.

Areas require attention


After going through the entire information and detail about urban architecture, it is very much necessary to understand the importance, requirement and fundamental acceptability of urban space to define the overall concept of urbanism of United Kingdom. The overall concept of urban space is comprised of cultural and natural resources and is characterized by unfamiliar place or open parks (Sease, 2014). With the help of urban space, the overall level of green or eco-friendly environment of a country and that of city increases or enhances and make the environment healthy for the individuals. Following is list of urban space present in the city of London of United Kingdom:

Phoenix Garden

Covent Garden

Outdoor London

Theatre Land

Apart from other four, there is much another urban space present as well towards the central and eastern part of London. Thus, to remain secure from global warming, it is the responsibility of the Government to increase or enhance the numbers of urban space in the coming period as well (Samalavicius, 2013).The overall importance of urban space is never ending; it helps in maintaining the overall physical conditions of the individuals and enhances the overall economy of the country.

Urban Space


The last but not the least important element which needs to be considered to define the actual urban architecture of any country is urban design. This design provides all the information related to the structure of buildings, urban planning, and needs of individual along with an overall economy status of the country. The overall concept of urban design can also be considered as a procedure of structuring and finishing cities, villages, and towns. Thus, it is very much important or rather necessary for each and every Government to pay appropriate attention towards the factors of urban design and improve the overall condition of the country (Balshaw and Kennedy, 2010). One should not forget that the boundary of urban design works on a much bigger scale than that of other scales which works on individual building and places. Relating the same with our subject matter, Following is the list of iconic places which are present in the streets of London and contributes towards the attractiveness and specialty of United Kingdom:

British Museum

National Gallery

Tate Modern

National History Museum

Coca-Cola London Eye

Museum of Science

Museum of Victoria and Albert

London Tower

Royal Museum Greenwich

Madame Tussauds London

The above list clearly states that this city is very much efficient towards performing urban designing and has great places to build a good economical position in the world and attract tourist all around the globe.  However it is the responsibility of the Government to take the appropriate responsibility of all these places and provide adequate financial and non-financial resources to maintain the same in a productive way(Krier, 2010). Moreover, the main reason for considering urban design to structure the monuments mentioned above is because of the fact that urban design uses all those elements which are built by much environment profession such as urban planning, landscape architecture etc. Even though the performance of London city or the country as a whole is quite pleasing, still there are many areas which require proper attention and care from the leaders of the country.Thus, it is the responsibility of the Government to turn the urban design theory into practice and become efficient in the same. Through this way, the overall level of urban architecture would be increased or enhanced (Krier, 2010).

Urban Design

Source: https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=empire&biw=1366&bih=667&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwi_r5OXi6nLAhVRCY4KHcSqDSEQ_AUICCgD#tbm=isch&q=urban+design&imgrc=s5coTgHmhS8eEM%3A


To summarize the above study in a compact manner, one can say that the overall structure of London city is equivalent to 80 percent of urban architecture, urban space, and urban design as stated by many leaders in both ancient and modern period. There are many areas where this city remains on top for many years such as technology advancement, maintaining urban space, etc. whereas on the other side social ills and slums are increasing every day causing serious problems or injuries to many individuals. Moreover, it is the responsibility of the Government to solve both major and minor issues from the base and maintain a smooth flow of operation around the city or that of respective country (McQuire, 2012).



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Ellin, N. (2016). Postmodern urbanism. Cambridge, Mass.: Blackwell pg.121

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Gandhi, E. (2012). Urbanism. New Delhi: APH Pub. Corp pg 47.

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Krier, R. (2010). Urban space =. New York: Rizzoli International Publications pg.126

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