Leadership Diversity And Inclusion: An Analysis Of Cultural Diversity In Australia

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Diversity in culture is the degree of diversion of cultures of different types which is sometimes comes in opposing condition to the monoculture or global culture or any type of homogenization of the culture. The diversity in culture basically is a mixture of different types of cultures which makes it to have sufficient amount of respect between the cultures. Cultural diversity has faced major impacts from globalization which are both positive and negative (Ainscow, 2005). Globalization made the merging of the societies according to the market terms and conditions across the globe which makes the differences between the people, the societies and many more criteria.

The organizations and the business prevailing in the market also arrange and adapt themselves according to the need of the market where they use to share the factor of moral values for the proper interaction in the environment (Allen, 2006). This cultural diversity are seen in every places whether it is society or people or any organization, basically when focussing on the country like Australia, the globalization has an high impact over here by changing the scenario of the country in many aspects which will eventually sometimes leading to the loss of its identity (Bush, 2008).

As per the Caldwell Author, with the onset of globalization in Australia it has basically made the state with enormous amount of pressure which are also resulted in the development of the technology and information with also made the increment in the capital in the country with respect to the global market (Caldwell, 2008). Similarly Capper, Theoharis & Sebastian said that these all diversification made the relationship between the marketplace with the cities and the citizens quite good (Capper, Theoharis & Sebastian, 2006). As per Edmunds & Macmillan, along with this the diversification of culture has made the organizations to lead success in the growing market as the diversity specifically means the creation of inclusion where there is harmony in the working place by establishing the respect, values and opportunities for the people working within it (Edmunds & Macmillan, 2010).

Diversity in the working place of Australia is taking an important place as it is mostly aiming towards the empowerment of the people working in it which makes in enhancing the strengths of the organization (Capper & Young, 2014). The process of diversification makes the valuing and the understanding of the needs of every employee of the organization with also implements the rules and regulations in extracting the different specifications among the employees of the organization. As per research of Edmunds & Macmillan, Australia can be said to be as the multicultural country as this country is mostly having a good management for the conduction of the immigration programme from the time of Second World War (Edmunds & Macmillan, 2010). Therefore the incoming of the more and more amount of population inside Australia made a hub of cultures where various types of cultures mingled at the same time. This eventually made Australia a multicultural nation which somehow undergone for social fragmentation with the addition of globalization (Evans, 2014).

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Importance of Embracing Cultural Diversity in the Workplace

But as per Luke, Green & Kelly, this social fragmentation or the division somehow can be said to be have a bad impact on the residents of Australia, as in most of the times the 20% of the Australians experience the discrimination on the basis of race in the society where there is mingling of various types of cultures at the same time (Luke, Green & Kelly, 2010). The racial discrimination has made so much impact that the people get this type of discrimination in the workplace which made their exclusion from the workplace and in some cases they use to face the physical assault as well. Therefore the diversification in the culture somehow made a positive change along with the negative drive which can lead to the closing of the identity of Australia in many circumstances by losing its originality and by adapting to the cultural diversification (Gunter & Fitzgerald, 2007).

The Australian market is having an intermingling of the people of various culture and various regions of the different parts of the world. These intermingling somehow make the people and the culture to adapt the situation as per their requirement, same way the thing is happening in Australia. According to Lumby & Morrison, Australian market is an emerging market where there is every type of availability for the growth of any type of business or the organizations (Lumby & Morrison, 2010). Therefore the stakeholders or the creditors are basically focussing on the investment on the Australian market which will make them beneficial in getting the value. This situation makes the embracement of the cultural diversity (Fitzgerald, 2006).

Due to the embracement of the cultural diversity the Australian market gets involved in the adaptation of the ways for the development of the organizational environment both internal and external (Mayrowitz, 2008). This adaptation makes the organizations to improve their cultures for the achievement of goals. The employees are given required environment of inclusion due to the diversification which gave them value and respect in the organization that motivated their spirit for better performances in the organization (Fraser, 2010).

As per Lumby & Morrison, when the workforce of Australia is surveyed it mostly have the 28% of the population which were born outside the country, the next 20% population is having one of the parent of outside Australia and the rest 20% is the population of speaks other language at home other than the English language (Lumby & Morrison, 2010). This survey is an indication that the Australian population is somehow having the first generation or the second generation Australian in it, apart from that the rest of the population is the immigrants those are intended for any type of business or job in Australia or for higher studies in Australia (Freire, 1998). Therefore it is important for the work forces in the workplaces to get adapted to the cultural diversity (Morrison, Lumby & Sood, 2006).

 The adaptation of diversity is mostly having some important factors or important reasons which can add to the growth of the organizations in every matter (Niesche & Keddie, 2011). As per Luke, Green & Kelly, mostly it aims towards the capturing of the talent regardless of the place; it may be from external environment or internal environment of the organization (Luke, Green & Kelly, 2010). Apart from that there will have the boosting of the innovations in the organization by the employees which will initiate many new ideas for the improvement of the business, and eventually this process will add to the enhancement of the productivity (Fullan, 2003). The more the increase in the number of expansion of the Australian market, more is the entry of human capital that will eventually lead to more cultural diversification (Edmunds & Macmillan, 2010).

Factors Contributing to the Growth of Diversification

Studies somehow says that if the number of immigrants were going on increasing in every increasing year with having the generations of Australian population whether it is first and second then there will have no diminishing of the culture. Apart from the diversification of the culture in Australia, there are many negative and positive impacts on the environment. When there is application of inclusion in the cultural environment of the organization then there will be somehow reduction of the cost of the staff turnover with likely to have the reduction of the overall legal compliances. This type of management of the organization leads to the creation of a well structure of an organization by limiting the risks of the cultural diversity (Luke, Green & Kelly, 2010). Mostly this type of inclusive character is being adapted by the organization basing upon the demands and the requirements or the trends of the market, by the adaptation of which there is always the way of negotiation of the issues that may arise from the mismanagement of the diversification by the organization (Kalervo, 2006). Also it is evident that the rise in the diversification makes the rising in the labour productivity of the organization by the increase in the equity of the organizational rules. These equity rules eventually made the rising of the sakes percentage of the organization as the rule of gender ethnicity is also taken into consideration (Edmunds & Macmillan, 2010). The diversification in the workplace majorly took into account the satisfaction of the employees in the organization according to their job role, job tenure and goal of the organization (Keeffe & Carrington, 2007). The changes in the environment of the organization gives motivation of the employees for the increment of their standard of working purely aiming towards the achievement of the goals of the organization as well as increase in the revenue of the country (Price, 2012).

The cultural diversification in the Australian organization as per the market norms and trends somehow took to the leadership in the businesses in Australia that is given birth by the inclusion in the organizations which basically meant for the globalization of the organization’s internal and external environment. As per Capper, Theoharis & Sebastian, there is a strong leadership in the business environment of Australia as in the example of the Australia Day and the Queen’s Birthday in Australia. Both the events are very much important for the Australian government for the sustenance of the business environment in Australia (Capper, Theoharis & Sebastian, 2006). Therefore in those events there occurred criticism due to the amount of recipients of the awards by the public. The more amount of awards that has been received in the event are the 32%women and the rest were also there, but all of them does not include any of the non-Europeans rather prior to that the awards mostly are given to the people comprising of the 800 people of Australian background with 25 people of non-European background that somehow can be said as only 3% of the total (Kruger, 2007). This shows that there is a leadership in the business environment with the resultant of the culture diversification which sometime mainly made the loss of identity of Australia (Clarke & Wildy, 2004).

Positive and Negative Impacts of Diversity in Australia

The matter here whose discussion is going through is to get clarification about the identity loss of Australia on going in the process of the diversification of culture and inclusion within the society and the organization that are running in Australia. According to Capper, Theoharis & Sebastian, by having the take up of the cultural diversification, Australian culture became a topic for debating and a topic for survey for various researchers to find out the issues behind these for which there is having the loss of the identity of Australia (Capper, Theoharis & Sebastian, 2006). This is because the diversity has put an inclusion which has made the enhancements in the potential of the organizations for the language and other barriers but in the same way it has increased the heights of risk of ambiguity. Along with that it has increased the value of conflicts with valid reasoning and also the differences in the decision making (Clarke & Wildy, 2006). Other than that the diversification also brings out the stereotypes rapport with the stifling of the exchange of the ideas and information. Again when there is diversification in the workforce or the employees of an organization then there will be cohesion in the official environment with having a poor amount of integration in the team, with decreased in the satisfaction and commitment towards the task and the completion of goal which eventually leads to the increase in turnover but at the end the dissatisfaction the employees of the organization (Luke, Green & Kelly, 2010). The potential of the workforce by the process of diversification also becomes with higher quality problem solving with many innovative and creative ideas (Cope & Kalantzis, 2002). These innovations lead to have many accesses with the diverse customers and the suppliers which aim towards the energising of the top global talent in the global market (Lumby & Morrison, 2010).

Capper, Theoharis & Sebastian has mentioned regarding the management of the workforce in the organizations (Capper, Theoharis & Sebastian, 2006). They have paid the emphasis on the diversification in the workplace or the organization and impacts on the employees and the employers. They have said that if there will have the culturally diversified workforce in an organization, then there will have some negative impacts for the organization but in the same place Dimmock & Walker also mentioned that if that point is managed well then the organization will get many valuable and positive impacts from it (Dimmock & Walker, 2005). As this process of diversification usually intended to enhance the potential of the employee and the organization by increasing the growth in business through creativity, therefore the intensions of the author in this paper is the optimization of the most possible and positive outcomes of the workforce of an organization which is getting successful in achieving the goals though having different cultural backgrounds (Mathews, 2008). 

Luke, Green & Kelly in his paper said about the attitudes of the people who are being immigrated to Australia and are related to the cultural diversity (Luke, Green & Kelly, 2010). It paid emphasis on the amount of immigrations to Australia, and also said that Australia is among one of those countries which is having a high amount of immigration in between the western nations. For this reason, Andrew had conducted a survey in which he had gone through the period of the year 1999-2010 of Australia where he found out about 52% of people who came out for the support of the current level of immigration or the intake, with 43% of population that were there in the support of the reduction, and finally an amount of 5% of population which are having in support of the situation of uncertainty (Lumby & Morrison, 2010). Along with this these surveys also shown that there is having a very opposition for the establishment of the cultural diversity as it is affecting the demographics of Australia. The immigration makes the situation more complex in Australia by increasing the discrimination issue and decreasing the feeling and levels of safety of trusts within the folk of Australia. This survey no doubt gives some indication towards the loss of identity of the country by the diversification. Allen has stated about the studied the perspectives of the diversification that has been shifted to inclusion (Allen, 2006). They also stated that the inclusion is also a process of the advanced diversification in which there is the examination of the intersectionalities of the leadership with respect to the concept of the diversity and the inclusion. They also somehow mentioned in their study that the leaders who are intended to establish the cultures of inclusion in the organization, for them it’s a must to consider the value of the diversities in the talents, experiences and the identities of the organization which will lead towards the maintenance of chore in the organization. If there will not have the equity in the official environment then there will have the negative impacts of cultural diversity. Another paper by Ainscow says that the increase in the cultural diversity is an impact of globalization in the global market (Ainscow, 2005). They said that the cultural diversity is having some positive points of the mixing of the people of different cultures in one workplace which somehow also increases the integrity, but apart from that they said about the management of this diversification in a well arranged manner which will give more fruitful effects. Lumby & Morrison said about the effects of the multiculturalism on the society of Australia. In their analysis they have studied about the issues of multiculturalism in Australia which went on the themes of the identity of Australia and also by involving the attitudes of the people towards the multiculturalism and eventually gave the prediction of the future of Australia basing upon their study (Lumby & Morrison, 2010). They have done the studies because they have the concerns about all the current conditions of Australia which have the concern that the involvement of the cultural diversity leads the creation of gap between the ideologies along with the multiculturalism practices of Australia. Therefore what important are the challenges that eventually leads to the failure of the ways of dealings of the individuals with the different background and different limitations. As it is evident that the diversification of the workforce makes more innovative and creative ways for the development of the country in the global market under the influence of globalization, still it has the threatening for its culture regarding the safety of the people. The diversification of the culture is very complex having its benefits and many more processes of optimization but if in any case gets mismanaged then there will be very complexity to the Australian folk as it will definitely lose it identity (Rizvi, 1985). For a better management of the diversification, the utmost important process for an organization is the training, education and development. By acquiring these three processes in a correct manner, there will have a good environment in the organization that will change the ideology of the employees and their attributes and attitudes (Tomlinson, 2000). 


The matter of fact in this write up is the cultural diversification in Australia and its effect on the identity of Australia. A culturally diverse workforce in an organization makes the rise the productivity of the organization by implementing its innovative and creative ideas for any type of issue resolving and problem solving. Along with this it is also necessary to make sure about the management of the cultural diversities and its issues. Basically it is noticed that the cultural diversification makes the impact causing the high turnover, absenteeism and lawsuits. These three must be managed to get a good working environment in the organization that will not affect the workforce or the workplace. The workplace must have its intelligence in the cultural diversification that can be said to have some relevance with the level of leadership in the organization. This leadership can also be said to be the effect of the globalization and diversification which aims towards the expansion of the market irrespective of the culture behind and the risks behind. Their objective is the entry to the foreign markets with proper strategies that will act globally and which will be helpful in motivating the employees for the enhanced performances. But all these somehow give threat to the culture of Australia which is declining or losing its identity in the process of diversification. The racial discrimination, the loss of trust and safety, the gap in the ideologies and likewise many more issues are there which are being studied by the researchers and they have shown that the cultural diversification has led to the losing in the identity of Australian culture. These issues that are raised by the globalization or the diversification that must be needed to be taken care of for the betterment of the society along with the people for their better future.


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