E-Business Applications For Online Market And Customers – JB-Hi-Fi
Discuss about the E-Business Applications for Online Market and Customers.
JB-Hi-Fi was created in Australia in the year 1975 this was an electronic store. Initially when it was established there were just 50 employees who used to work on JB-Hi-Fi. Then the work force with corresponding clients was very less in number. The company afterwards slowly expanded its business and decentralized it in Europe. The company has spread the entire market to all over the world including Asia, UAE etc.
JB-Hi-Fi is dealt with online product in Australia and also it is regarded as a store, it involved in the bidding of different categories like electronics, automobiles, books, and furniture including real estate belongings. (Kirkman, 2001) As per the company massive variety of branded product in all type are available. To achieve all the quality available one has to visit the stock for availing some exclusive discount that are giving on special brands. (Etemad, 2001)
JB-Hi-Fi is a store that is solely depending on the online market and the customers are also love to access it by online. The JB-Hi-Fi can be called as advanced brand for finding a new era of shopping, carrying millions of inspiring products from the city to the doorstep in very convenient process. This is the innovative approach to find out the actual location, need to worry about what the time is or how busy the lifestyle is. It is the new way to efficient by new way of shopping without any hackle which is basically unspecified to preserve the assembly in effective way with maintaining some standard of quality. This is a store but not in the manner of conventional window way, and serving more or less all product by online media. If we search for any option of online store which offers any kind of product in Australia is actually this company. It is actually called as online shopping mall in simple way where we can find all products (Brynjolfsson, 2011)
This online store and company provides all electronics goods and fashion items which wide variety of perfumes, cosmetics and jewelry and also we can find watches. It also shops for perfumes and cosmetics, jewelry and watches. The company contracts with all items that deal with sports and games. This online store also deals with home and kitchen items with providing its beautification. Applications that are used in kitchen and that are connected with special goods that run in electricity and other properties are obtainable in this connected store; all kitchen applications are really available here in this purpose. Bedroom appliances also included in the list with also outdoor applications with some applications and that are also included which can be delivered directly to home.
The ease of use of the ecommerce site
The e-commerce site is valuable for the consolidated area where persons can login using their unique qualification, choose merchandise whichever they want. Thus, persons need not to go actually to any of the spending complex and adjacent stores. Once people chose any product from site they can make compensation through online portal. The e-voucher will be produced and people need not to worry about the delivery of the product.
As this are the online stores therefore no need to worry about the limitation of the customer visit. Using E-Commerce, association can increase their marketplace to the universal and worldwide markets with least money asset. A civilization can simply find more clients, best workers and suitable commercial connections through the earth. (R Cagliano, 2014)
E-Commerce like JB-Hi-Fi helps connotation to decrease the rate to generate procedure, allocate, recover and achieve the daily constructed statistics by digitizing the facts.
E-Commerce amplified the efficiency of JB-Hi-Fi. It supplies to pull different kind of source management. In supply management, the commercial procedure jumps when an appeal comes from a client and it customs just-in-time process in the industrial method.
JB-Hi-Fi is one of the major supply chain management organizations where people can always maintain the database of the stock and transact information into a statistical system. Currently the organization upholds this activity into a separate internal web application. Where the dedicated people entered the information into the system and they can manually generate different kind of report for solving the purpose. (Stock, 2001)
Sometimes most of the people of the organization maintain spreadsheet for maintaining the sales and purchase information and finally at the end of the month or year they tallied the information with the management of the company. (Kalakota, 2009)
Thus this process is typically cumbersome approach to solve the business goal and also the company is unable to handle huge number of customers at a time. To recover the problem the company has decided to take over an e-commerce application and spread their business across the world. (Michael Evans, 2016)
The most stimulating fragment of JB-Hi-Fi is not setting it up but to stable in the current market with compare to the other e-commerce organization. There are lots of methods the company can go for change in the field of marketing, from SEO, PPC, and unvarying videos that are available in YouTube.
Social Media: One of the best methods of the marketing plan is the promotional offer to the customer and exposes the company’s general information to the social media. The companies always try to advertise their new upcoming product and the advantage of that in real life into the social sites like Facebook, Twitter etc. (SHABBIR, 2010).
E-Business applications currently used
Email marketing: This type of marketing plan typically achieved using the different discount voucher and promo code offer for the customers. Applying these policies will definitely create a good base for the company and its online store.
Integrate Instagram: It is another way to publish the marketing plan for the company. To more explain about the plan the site guests are challenging different types of involvements that supply to their requirements and benefits. (LEE, 2002)
Create Content to Build Stickiness: Charming e-commerce organizes crowd-sourced be gratified for branding a site quiet sticky for probable purchasers. These things should be more attractive so that the customers are very attractive and build the interest about the product of the company.
For JB-Hi-Fi, one of the major experiments narrates to inventory. When the management contemplates over the procedure, and then understands that the company cannot have enough money to save the considerate the need of improvement in order to do the business that management wants. In the preliminary phases, it might be restored to set up an e-commerce website which sell, and have somebody else accomplish inventory, delivery, and returns.
Product sourcing is finding a basis of products to trade that the company do not manufacture themselves. This type of tracking should be there in the system. (BALLOU, 2003)
Inventory Management is core improvement and mandatory requirement of any type of E-Commerce industry (CHOPRA & MEINDL, 2012). The system should display and track the latest information regarding stock and price structure of the application. And it should be rendered into the website. The website also display different category of the same product but different pricing. (Khurana, 2006)
With this idea in mind, the investigation obtainable and required for founding the right plan for supply chains rendering to the invention section.
The manufacturers of JB-Hi-Fi typically do not need to worry with minor shops. Traders have an auctions power, and capitals, in place exactly for allocating the goods to e-commerce trades that will retain the goods.
For JB-Hi-Fi backup team has some special task to protect all data and information that are typically backed up by the process in typical oriented structure. (GODINHO FILHO & FERNANDES, 2004) The company has sole responsibility about data backup and its security and it should also be there to revoke all conditions and revert back all data after deletion after some unavoidable circumstances.
The main purpose of all the policy is find out the typical methods of backup steps and its policy of the company’s all data in soft copy as well in the hard way to keep it..
E-Commerce marketing strategies
Security and protection are practice properties, amenities, workforces and patients are important to the effective and efficient working of different types of practice. This Policy delivers an agenda which permits us to achieve resources in the most secure way (Wang, 2012).
Another security policy is the secure socket layer, it typically protects the website information from the hackers and robot control virus which usually spread over the network to steal the secure information website. This is harmful because, JB-Hi-Fi retains the customer information including the personal detail into the website. Also during login type, the company should be careful about the Captcha information which tracks the people is authenticated or not.
Below screen is the typical architecture of an E-Commerce website for build the coding structure and retrieve the information quiet easily and quickly (LAUDON & LAUDON, 2011).
This structure typically handles the internal architecture of the company. Payment processing is one of the major parts of E-Commerce website. To do this, the developer gets the information from the merchant website and gets some information using connection with bank. (Ambler, 2014)
The style sheet and bootstrap information is required for flexible usage of the application. From the above structure we can see that, from internet the users can access the website URL and get login into the website using the unique credential. Once login, the user redirects to the landing screen of the website. The IT team has implemented a dynamic page for displaying the product with all the information. Once selected by the user it has been done the product added to the cart. The cart is an area where the product typically added to cookie of the client site area. After that it reads all data from cookie and sends to the payment page for making payment through Credit Card, Debit Card etc.
Ambler, S. W., 2014. An Object-Oriented Architecture for Business-To-Consumer Electronic Commerce On The Internet. An Object-Oriented Architecture for Business-To-Consumer Electronic Commerce On The Internet.
BALLOU, R., 2003. Supply Chain Management, Prentice Hall. Supply Chain Management, Prentice Hall.
Brynjolfsson, E., 2011. Computing productivity: Firm-level evidence. Computing productivity: Firm-level evidence.
CHOPRA, S. & MEINDL, 2012. Supply Chain Management: Strategy, Planning and Operation. Supply Chain Management: Strategy, Planning and Operation.
Etemad, H., 2001. E-commerce: The emergence of a field and its knowledge network. E-commerce: The emergence of a field and its knowledge network.
GODINHO FILHO, M. & FERNANDES, 2004. Strategic Paradigms for Manufacturing Management. Strategic Paradigms for Manufacturing Management.
Kalakota, R., 2009. e-Business. e-Business.
Khurana, A., 2006. Supply Chain Strategy for E-commerce. Supply Chain Strategy for E-commerce.
Kirkman, G., 2001. The global information technology report 2001-2002. The global information technology report 2001-2002.
LAUDON, K. & LAUDON, J., 2011. Management Information System. Management Information System.
LEE, H. L., 2002. Aligning supply chain strategies with product uncertainties, California Management Review. Aligning supply chain strategies with product uncertainties, California Management Review.
Michael Evans, 2016. 12 E-Commerce Strategies To Grow Your Business This Year. 12 E-Commerce Strategies To Grow Your Business This Year.
R Cagliano, F. C., 2014. E-business strategy: how companies are shaping their supply chain through the internet. E-business strategy: how companies are shaping their supply chain through the internet.
SHABBIR, 2010. [Infographic] A Roadmap of 19 Ecommerce Marketing Strategies. [Infographic] A Roadmap of 19 Ecommerce Marketing Strategies.
Stock, J., 2001. Strategic logistics management. Strategic logistics management.
Wang, D., 2012. 13 Actionable Marketing Tactics to Drive Sales (And Apps to Execute Each of Them). 13 Actionable Marketing Tactics to Drive Sales (And Apps to Execute Each of Them).