Organizational Change For Complexity Theories: Impact Of Open System And MARS Model

MARS Model for Organizational Behavior

Discuss about the Organizational Change for Complexity Theories.

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The organizational change and readiness are considered as the most rapid changes which are observed in any organization. In the past days, the closed system is mainly preferred for the research purpose and managing the organization, in which the chances of risk are very low. But, due to the introduction of the open system, the organizations started interaction on the external as well as on the internal level. The organizations also gets influenced by the natural disaster, social changes, political changes and the employee’s personal views. These changes work in the both positive as well as the negative direction and influence the system in both the manner. The essay defined below is mainly related to the impact of the open system on the organizational structure and readiness. Apart from this, various theories related to the organization are also being analyzed, which plays an important role in the organizational structure.

The major parts covered in the essay are the critical analysis of the impact of the open system on the organizational structure. The discussion on the basis of MARS model is also taken into consideration.  The different types of organizational behavior theory are also considered as the aspect for the basic discussion (Griffin, 2016).

Mars Model of organizational behavior is considered as the model in which the understanding, prediction and the modification of any team in an organization can be done in the best way. Nowadays, with the increase in the working pressure, the low motivation, conflicts on the workplace and the depreciation in the sales of the products are becoming very common. There are various organizations in Singapore which are facing the issues related to the organizational changes or the change in the behavior of the employees. To manage all the issues in the organization and to build the specific organizational behavior, it is essential to follow the MARS Model in an appropriate manner. The MARS acronym itself means the motivation, ability, perception and the situational factors. With the help of the MARS model, the individual behavior and the impact of external & internal factors are identified. For open system, the MARS model is helpful in providing the appropriate assistance and also provides the control management of the system (Azham, 2012).

Generally, the MARS model mainly depends upon various elements which are helpful in providing the suitable platform for the organizational behavior. Some of the common elements are the appropriate values, personality, perceptions, emotions & attitudes and the specific stress carried out in the organization. The impact of these individual aspects is counting on the definite level. Apart from this, there are various sub applications and also the theoretical framework which work for the appropriate process. The individual discussion of each aspect is shown below in the proper format so that the other aspects related to the MARS model may also get clarify easily.

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Critical Analysis

The motivational aspects are helpful in energizing and boosting the morale of the working employee in the organization. The voluntary behavior of the employee and the intensity of providing the output can easily be increased by following the MARS model in an appropriate manner (Glinow, 2012). There are three elements defined in the motivational theory which are identified as the direction, persistence and the intensity to complete the task in an appropriate manner. Apart from this, the ability is another element of the MARS, which helps in highlighting the major perspectives of the organizational change in the particular organization. The sub elements of the ability section are the aptitudes, learning capabilities and competencies. By this, the actual abilities and the working aspects related to the organization can be identified and the appropriate results can be obtained. All these traits are helpful in defining the working capacity of the employee, their work load handling capacity, generation of the creative ideas and many more aspects of the organization. Though, both the ability and the motivational aspects are helpful in changing the organizational behavior and aspects of the employee, but still one important element which is helpful in making the organizational change more successful is the role of the perception. With the help of the perception, the major issues related to the organizational changes can be solved and lots of chances for the improvement have also occurred in the organization. All these three elements create an impact on the situational factors which can be changed and managed with the help of the further solutions provided by the organizational behavior. The critical analysis for the organizational change is also shown below.

The introduction of the open system for the organizational structure affected the system, both in the positive and negative way. As the open system has its specific rules and regulations, so sometimes it suits the organization and sometimes it may not. According to Ludwig Van Bertanlanffy, the open system is considered as the process in which the business exchange the views & ideas and holds the risk from the outer environment. By doing this, the improvement aspects of the organization can easily increase on the large scale. But, as the introduction of the new change brings both the positive and the negative aspects, so the critical analysis is essential to be followed. But, before proceeding towards the positive and negative aspects, the MARS model and the components related to it needs to be analyzed.

Positive aspects

The positive aspects of the open system for the organizational change create the positive impact too. The positive impact can be identified either by improving the organization or by managing the major aspects of the organization. There are various methods by which the positive impact of the organization can be discussed thoroughly. The organizational change can be managed by the business and the business is identified by the employees, suppliers, customers and many other aspects. For managing all these things, the interaction with the outer environment and appropriate interchange of the views is essential, which is all provided by the open space system. The open system also provides the small subsystems which are helpful in dividing the system into various categories which are specified as economic, personnel, legal and political. By taking help from these subsystems, the current business can grow in an appropriate direction. Apart from this, the open system brings the coordinated working approach in the organization by which the suitable output can be achieved as per the requirement. The most interactive and proactive structure is designed with the help of the open system and simultaneously, the feedback is also generated which is helpful in providing the suitable back up to the employees and the organization too (Youssef & Luthans, 2007). By this, the most appropriate designs and the structure are formed on the large scale and the platform for the interaction may also get improved. By following all these aspects, the most appropriate process of development can be built in the organization.

The negative aspects of using the open system in bringing the organization change management is that by this, the chances of risk can be increased on the wide level. As the open system adapts various types of different reviews and decisions from the external sources, so it becomes difficult for the organization to manage it and the chances of risk increases on the wide level. In the open system, the ways to achieve something are increasing with the rapid rate and due to this, the chances of issues are generating simultaneously. In comparison to the open system, the close system is equipped with only one method which reduces the chances of issues or risk. In the open system if the combination system is also followed, it will bring the negative impact of the system to the organization and the change cannot be managed in an appropriate manner. The open system also increases the chances of the complexity in the organization. It is not possible to manage the equilibrium and the maintenance among the aspects of adapting the open system (Amagoh, 2008). One of the negative aspects of the open System is the acceptance by the organization. Whether the organization wants to accept the changes which are being introduced in the organization or not, the employees and the workers doing a job in the organization cannot easily accept the changes which are occurring in the organization and hence, this will lead to the inappropriate results and the feedbacks (Rouse, 2016).

Negative aspects

The organizational theories also play a prominent role in the organizational behavior. There are various theories propounded for the organizational behavior which creates the positive and the negative impact on the complete system. The scientific leadership approach, the human relationship approach, decision making approach, Neo Human relationship approach and system approach are helpful in defining the major aspects related to the behavioral aspects of the organization (Smith, 2016). These theories possess there distinct approach to deal with the existing situation in the organization. Some theories have simpler approaches and define to bring the suitable modification and  other theories totally depend on the modern aspects of following the organizational behavior. The Neo Human relationship approach school, system approach and the decision approach mainly helps in making the decision in the organization in the most appropriate manner and also provide the facility as per the requirement of the system in a well defined and well structured manner. Apart from this, the human relationship theory shows an improvement in the processing of the system, but the level of approach is quite traditional comparatively. So, the selection may also be done as per the requirement of the process (Sinha, 2015).


By identifying the minor information about the organizational behavior and by doing the critical analysis, it is clearly shown that the all the elements defined in the MARS rules are helpful in defining the different phases related to the organizational behavior. As the organizations from Singapore are taken into consideration, so the behavior of the each and every organization are different in different contrast. It is recommended that the organization behavior and the elements related to it should be appropriately taken into consideration and to identify the appropriate impact, the suitable information is essential to be analyzed.


Amagoh, F. (2008). Perspectives on Organizational Change: Systems and Complexity Theories . The Innovation Journal: The Public Sector Innovation Journal, 13(3), 1-14. Retrieved from

Azham, R. (2012). Mars Model. Scribd. Retrieved from

Glinow, M. (2012, September 09). MARS Model of Individual Behavior and Performance. MARS Model of Individual Behavior and Performance. Retrieved from

Griffin, D. (2016). Open System Organizational Structure. Open System Organizational Structure. Retrieved from

Rouse, M. (2016). Organizational change management (OCM). Organizational change management (OCM). Retrieved from

Sinha, S. (2015). Organisational Behaviour Theories. Organisational Behaviour Theories. Retrieved from

Smith, W. (2016). Behavioral Organizational Theories. Behavioral Organizational Theories. Retrieved from

Youssef, C., & Luthans, F. (2007, October). Positive Organizational Behavior in the Workplace. Journal of Management, 33(5), 774-800. Retrieved from

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