Leadership Qualities For Organizational Behavior In Air Force

Importance of organizational behavior

The work culture of every organization is different and has a unique way of working. An organization needs different traits in conjunction with different work culture for its proper functioning. List of features that are required for effective working and maintaining the growth of an organization are communication, motivational techniques, leadership, virtual elements, and some areas of emotional intelligence. These traits along with the culture of an organization can affect the organization in both ways either in positive or negative way (Linn, 2018). This report discusses about the leadership style and qualities used to maintain workplace conflicts and issues for proper functioning and maintenance of professional organizational behaviour as a role of Air force Superintendent. Also this report consists of leadership role’s significance for maintaining proper work culture with help of real-life situations and examples.

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Among all private and public organizations, a military job is the toughest one. In the Air Force, an effective leader can motivate, influence, and direct airmen in a way that helps them in understanding and achieving the mission of Air force. Two essential elements of leadership at Air force are the Airmen and the mission (M, 2019).

The Air Force works on the principles of strict rules and discipline and elements of organizational culture that shape the future of the Air Force such as development, maintenance, and transfer of values. Values which are crucial for the Air Force personnel include the authority, loyalty, discipline, cooperation, collaboration, and sense and dedication of sacrifice (Carter, Armenakis, Feild, & Mossholder, 2013).

Today Air Force is dealing with challenges of changes which are happening in the modern society, and it has been critical and must for all military organizations to adopt those changes for the continuous process of company. Army’s profession and environment allows its personnel to adopt those changes in the form of military or society transformation, but these changes should not affect the military’s or Air Force’s functional efficiency and also should not change socio-professional values of the military. However, the result of such changes in agreement to the civilian society leads to changes in military values too and creates hurdles for maintenance in professional ethics of the military (Shanks).

Air Force leaders and personnel should be flexible enough to adapt and manage the continuous changes in circumstances, brave enough to take challenges on risking their job and life, talented to handle difficult situations, and daring to make decisions and follow to those decisions. During the service of Air Force personnel, there come several positions and circumstances which test these principles of an effective leader. These principles resemble the Air Force core values (Kashyap, 2018).

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Leadership Style and Qualities for Effective Working

A role of Air Force Superintendent involves various responsibilities including achieving high-performance levels, resolving issues at the workplace, and ensuring the proper safety and health of Airman and other teammates. The military has a principle of “taking care of people under their supervision” which makes sure good health of Airmen. An organization’s most valuable and important resource is its employees; therefore, to the best ability of a leader, he should take care of their health and safety. More and more efforts made by a leader and time spent on the well-being of his teammates, result in enhancement of cohesion, morale, and effectiveness (Seppälä, Lipponen, Bardi, & Pirttilä?Backman, 2012). If airmen are made free from the stress of taking care of their family and him, this let them work to their highest potential. A leader can ensure airmen about their family’s well-being by providing emotional support they need and hence encourage them to achieve their highest potential which maximizes the value of the Air Force. A leader should be aware of their needs and have empathy towards them. Requirements of airmen include providing them with house, food, and pay and personal assistance for any personal issue from someone else. These issues of personnel must be resolved to ensure productive performance from them as if an employee have such worries in their mind; they will not be able to pay their complete attention on work and which causes mission suffering (Mupepi, Mupepi, Tenkasi, & Jewell, 2008). Moreover, if an employee is made to feel valued and taken care properly, they develop respect, loyalty, confidence for the organization and their leader. My leadership style is democratic and this helps me in ensuring the health and safety of my airmen because a leader who has a democratic leadership style believes in the participation of team members while making decisions for them. Before taking any final decision, a democratic leader seeks suggestions from his team members especially when decisions have direct influence on them. It builds trust between leader and team members and a leader has clear and proper information regarding their requirements and needs (Schmid, 2008). The inclusion of team members in decision making is the simplest way of making them valued and thus boost their morale. When their confidence level is high, they perform with their highest potential for the Air Force. A leader must be a follower at Air Force as airmen get inspired by their leaders by observing them. When a leader is clear about his job responsibilities, only then he can motivates his team members to have a clear vision about their responsibilities and accomplishment of the mission. Providing proper equipment and resources to the unit is also the duty of a leader to achieve the mission (Gordon, 2017).

Effective Leadership Role for Maintaining Proper Culture

Life of army personnel is very tough and stressful because risking one’s life and surviving even in the toughest situations requires extreme courage. Only a strong leader can motivate and inspire his unit members to face all problems and achieve their mission. Standards set by Air Force are very high and thus stimulating personnel up to those standards is very difficult for a leader (Rees, Althakhri, Mamman, Metcalfe, & Mimouni, 2012). It is the pivotal characteristic of a leader to inspire team members to achieve the mission of the organization. Induce airmen with self-esteem is the kind of motivation that lasts for longer. Recognition of efforts of Airmen and by appreciating those efforts publically can boost their self-esteem (Hartnell, Ou, & Kinicki, 2011). Air Force requires leaders who can manage three essential elements simultaneously: the mission, the people, and the environment (Nguyen, 2017).

The People: Personnel in the Air Force are from various states and cultures. A leader should understand these differences in cultural behaviors and respect individuals’ capability. Every organization has its set rules of functioning operations, and it is required from every employee to behave according to those rules and assigned duties to them (SEO, et al., 2012). Two elements defined for capabilities are experience and training. If personnel is lacking at something, then a leader should identify his area of lacking and provide required training, if needed, to him.

The Mission: Mission of Air Force includes multiple tasks, and it is required to complete all tasks for mission accomplishment. A leader should effectively divide the mission into goals for an individual (Iedunote, 13 Challenges and Opportunities of Organizational Behavior, 2018). However, higher authorities set operations at the Air Force, yet while assigning goals for individual, a leader should involve his team members. Personnel would make his whole efforts if he selected his goal. One important thing that a leader should consider while setting goals is that goals should be realistic because it leads to frustration in employees if unrealistic goals are set for them.

The Environment: Every situation and duty demands different leadership style and qualities because it is not necessary that a method worked in one condition will also fulfill other mission also. Airmen or units have to go on various objectives, and each mission has different environments (Iedunote, Organizational Behavior Explained: Definition, Importance, Nature, Model, 2018). Hence, a leader should flexible and has the capability of reacting according to the situation. Military job demands flexibility from leaders in their leadership style, and response according to requirements of mission, people, and environment. The leadership style that most suited in this situation is a situational leadership style. It allows a leader to understand the needs of situation and behave according to it. Air Force demands a situational leadership style from most of its leaders. A leader should utilize his strength in the right direction as every person cannot have all qualities. As my key strength lies in sports, I can use this quality in organizing and participating in sports activities for the unit.

Essential Characteristics of a Good Leader in the Air Force


This report has discussed about the role of a leader and his leadership qualities that help to set organizational behavior. This report provides elaboration of Leadership qualities in setting organizational culture in the Air Force. I am at the position of Air Force Superintendent and have various job responsibilities. I have to handle several people and circumstances. This report clearly mentions the vital liabilities of Air Force Superintendent and how his influencing leadership qualities help in setting behavior at work and thus improve the organization’s productivity. Role of the leader becomes more difficult in the military organization as it is tougher to keep personnel motivated in difficult situations of military life. Therefore, the role of a leader is crucial in motivating the unit and setting organizational behavior at Air Force.


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