Factors Affecting Consumer Behavior In Leisure Shopping: A Proposed Study
The study is a proposal for the intended research analysis concerning the subject of leisure shopping. The study is a proposal that contains the various aspects that will be utilized for the essential analysis of the subject matter. The principal focus of the study are the factors that affect leisure shopping among the consumers.
In the recent years it has been found that leisure shopping is gaining momentum among the consumers in the market. The factors that is causing the same however, remain largely open to speculations (Solomon et al., 2017). Hence, there is a significant need to find out the essential factors that is leading to the growth of leisure shopping. The research will be focused towards the systematic evaluation of the subject matter specifically keeping in focus the various shopping malls.
The aim of the research is to find the various factors that influence consumer behavior in case of leisure shopping. It is widely accepted that shopping is a major leisure time activity. The prospects of leisure shopping have been increasing greatly over the years and is expected to grow further in the future. The study further aims to find out the influences that affect the buying behaviors of people at shopping malls. Focus will be towards the evaluation of how people engage in balanced spending activities concerning leisure shopping. Moreover, the focus of the study will be towards understanding the exact influences of the various identified factors. The study aims to find the factors and the way they contribute to the buying decisions of the customers especially in malls.
- To find the factors that tend to affect consumer behavior concerning leisure shopping at malls
- To find the extent to which the various specific factors affect the consumer decisions
- The understand the present and the future prospects of leisure shopping at malls
The research will be done with the help of positivism philosophy, deductive approach and descriptive research design. The methodologies have been utilized towards the systematic and effective evaluation of the subject matter. The methodology has been planned in accordance with the best implications that can be derived through them. The systematic research evaluation will positively contribute towards bringing forward essential implications of the subject matter.
The research philosophy that would be used for the study is positivism. The philosophy of positivism focuses on the usage of observable aspects of knowledge. The measurement that is used is objective and direct. Considering the usage of positivism, the research will focus on the collection and subsequent interpretation of data (Sirakaya-Turk, Ekinci & Martin, 2015). The same has been used in the study as the significant factual influences on the buyers concerning their buying behaviors. This philosophy will help towards the presentation of factual and evidence based data that will contribute to the effectiveness of the study.
Research Objectives
Deductive research approach will be used in the study. In this approach the focus is towards testing the already established assumptions in regards to a given subject with findings that emerge from the research (Lewis, 2015). This has been used in the research as the assumptions in regards to the topic of the influences of consumer behavior need to be tested against the findings that are generated through data interpretation. The deductive approach will help in the systematic and effective evaluation of the subject. It is important to understand the major implications that can be derived through this approach.
Descriptive research design will be utilized for the study. The descriptive research design is focused towards determining, describing and identifying the solutions to the given problem of the study. Descriptive design will be utilized to effectively analyze the scenarios that are present in regards to the various shopping malls and the factors that influence buyers towards leisure shopping in the same context. Descriptive design will help in the better presentation of the research.
Shopping has been a significant leisure activity for quite some time. Shopping malls have facilitated this activity to a great extent. The products on offer are diverse and attractive for the customers and this adds to the leisure value to a great extent. However, there are many more factors or variable that can affect customer behavior concerning leisure shopping. According to Twigger (2016) leisure shopping among women is growing rapidly through the clothing and apparel store across the various shopping malls. There are also other motivations that affect the personal buying behaviors of people towards leisure shopping. As opined by Rabbiosi (2015) the fashion industry plays a great part towards increasing the prospects of leisure shopping. It is important to consider motives for leisure shopping and the features of the shop. The variables that are to be considered within the motives for shopping are atmosphere of the mall, viewing attractions and other factors. The shop feature aspects include variables such as layout, neatness, product variety. The important variables to consider here are how often people are motivated and what enjoyment they get from shopping at various places. Moving forward the other issues that need to be essentially considered are leisure shopping behaviors induced by travelling, appeal of the shopping malls, appeal of the themes of the malls, the closeness of the mall to the residences of customers and the overall expenditure that the consumers can afford for leisure shopping (Zaidan, 2016). Leisure shopping in the recent past has been equated with any other significant leisure motives. Shopping just for fun by the customer have been utilized as a major sales option by the various shops. Leisure shopping has also been utilized for strategically organize special sales across various shops.
The variables will be measured through specially designed surveys that will be provided to the customers to measure their influences on their buying behaviors. The variables will be tested in accordance with their potential towards influencing the customers. A questionnaire will be made that will be focused towards understanding the various reasons for which customers engage in leisure shopping. The survey will be distributed among a significant portion of customers. The variables that are the most significant will be found through effective analysis of the results that will be generated. Firstly, the significant variable to consider will be customer motivation. This will be found through finding the aspects that influence the customers the most. The second variable will be the attractiveness of the shops. This can be understood by finding the number of shops that attract most number of customers (Labbé et al., 2018). Moving forward the variable that will be considered is how often the consumers engage in leisure shopping. This will again be analyzed effectively through the survey questions. The customers will be questioned on the basis of how often they go for leisure shopping. Moving forward an important variable of community or personal motivation to go leisure shopping will be essentially discussed. The variables will be measured through questions that will be specifically focused towards generating better implications of the analysis.
The study will be incorporating probability sampling, meaning that the respondents will be selected randomly (Smith, 2015). The respondents will be the normal customers that visit the various places of shopping at any given time. The sampling will incorporate measures to gather information from a large number of respondents. This will provide much better data in regards to the research questions. Probability sampling can have its limitation but it will be used in order to gain responses through which the shopping oriented inclinations of the customers will be understood.
The sample size that will be selected is 100 respondents. The sample size will help in the determination of essential data that can contribute towards the better understanding of the subject matter. The number of respondents have been selected to contribute towards better evaluation of the research subject. The information gathered from the large number of respondents will help in the better representation of data that can be effectively analyzed. 100 respondents can contribute greatly to the authenticity of generated data.
The data collection method that will be used will be primary data. Primary data is collected from various respondents. The data collection method as mentioned previously will be sample questionnaires. The data collection method has been selected on the basis of feasibility of gaining essential information. Questionnaires will be distributed among the selected respondents and their responses will be gathered.
Data Collection
Primary data analysis technique will be utilized in the study. Primary data will be collected from a large number of respondents with the help of survey. The survey samples will then be analyzed for gathering significant implications. The data analysis technique that will be utilized will be analysis of generated responses from the survey. The respondents will be given option to mark the factors that influence them most from a number of available options. The data will be generated from the various options that will be the most selected by the respondents. They will be analyzed subsequently.
Ethical issues in researches can greatly affect the acceptability and authenticity of the researches. The major ethical issues can be manipulation of data, false sampling, and forceful gathering of data. The researchers will take measures to stop all forms of ethical issues that can affect the study. Effective steps will be taken to stop any form of data manipulation that can take place. The study will stay true to the ethical standards of academic research. No forms of force will be applied on the respondents for gathering their responses. The respondents will not be forced and only be used in accordance with their consent. The researchers will not be using any forms of misleading information in the study. A significant issue that can affect the data collection procedures is the identity disclosures of the respondents. The anonymity of all the respondents will be maintained while publishing the results. No confidential organizational information will be revealed through the publication of the data. Hence, apart from maintaining the authenticity of data the study will also focus towards maintaining the privacy of the respondents and organizations if any. No unfair means of gathering data will be utilized and the respondents will be made aware of the context of the survey gathering.
The anticipated findings of the proposed research will be the predominance of the role of advertising and promotion in influencing the leisure buying behaviors of the customers. The findings will be focused towards the newer factors that are increasingly affecting the consumer behaviors of the people. Significant findings can be gathered in relation to the operations of the shopping malls that are influenced by the leisure buying behaviors of the buyers. The major motivations that tend to affect the customers presently are the various trends that emerge from time to time.
In conclusion it can be said that the research proposal is focused towards the essential understanding of the subject of consumer behavior in leisure shopping and the factors that affect the same. The systematic nature of the proposed study will greatly help towards gathering implications that can contribute towards future researches.
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